Publications BV: Year 2011
Documents of the Department
- Articles in Journals
- Dissertations
- Diploma Theses (archive)
- Master Theses
- Student Theses (archive)
- Bibliography 2011 BibTeX ( Download )
Articles in Journals
- Avrutin, Viktor; Granados, Albert; Schanz, Michael: Sufficient conditions for a period increment big bang bifurcation in one-dimensional maps. In: Nonlinearity. Vol. 24(9), IOP Publishing, 2011.
- Avrutin, Viktor; Schanz, Michael; Schenke, Björn: Coexistence of the Bandcount-Adding and Bandcount-Increment Scenarios. In: Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. Vol. 2011(Article ID 681565), Online (Hindawi Publishing Corporation).
- Schenke, Björn; Avrutin, Viktor; Schanz, Michael: On a bifurcation structure mimicking period adding. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society A. Vol. 467(2129), London: The Royal Society, 2011.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp: Sensordatenfusion zur Minimierung von Inkonsistenz und Degradierung, Doctoral Thesis, 2011.
Diploma Theses (archive)
- Bui, Quang-Minh: Erarbeitung von steuerungstechnischen Grundlagen für das Zerspanen mif Roboterkinematiken, Diploma Thesis No. 44, 2011.
- Futter, Ben W.: Structural Properties of the Nested Period Incrementing Bifurcation Scenario, Diploma Thesis No. 3203, 2011.
- Gusinjac, Aida: Korrespondenzbasierte Distanzbestimmung von 3D Scanpunkten, Diploma Thesis No. 3109, 2011.
- Haag, Jochen: A hierarchical framework for classical and evolutionary robot control, Diploma Thesis No. 3189, 2011.
- Stürmer, Christian: Lokalisierung von Unterwasserrobotern mit Hilfe von elektrischen Feldern, Diploma Thesis No. 3192, 2011.
- Weber, Martin: Selbstorganisierte Strukturbildung in verteilten Robotersystemen, Diploma Thesis No. 3186, 2011.
- Weißer, Julian: Bestimmung dichter 3D-Daten mit Hilfe photogrammetrischer Methoden, Diploma Thesis No. 30, 2011.
Master Theses
- Ahmed, Zaheer: Optimization of Neural Network Simulator on GPGPU, Master Thesis No. 7, 2011.
- Ochoa, Jeimy Catherine Millán: Design and development of a localization system for a sensor network in collective symbiotic organisms, Master Thesis No. 3137, 2011.
- Wahaj Sethi, Muhammad: Hybrid Parallel Computing beyond MPI&OpenMp-Introducing PGAS&StarSs, Master Thesis No. 3215, 2011.
Student Theses (archive)
- Alschbach, Patrick: Autonomous docking of heterogenous robots, Student Thesis No. 2325, 2011.
- Leiß, Florian: Adaptive locomotion of snake-like robots, Student Thesis No. 2357, 2011.
- Skarman, Tobias: Untersuchung der kinect-kamera auf Eignung in SLAM und 3D-Modellerstellung, Student Thesis No. 2339, 2011.