Jahrgang 2010- Becker, Susanne; Blessing, André; Dürr, Frank; Geiger, Lars; Großmann, Matthias; Gutscher, Andreas; Häussermann, Kai; Heesen, Jessica; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Lange, Ralph; Peter, Michael; Siemoneit, Oliver; Weinschrott, Harald; Zweigle, Oliver; Levi, Paul; Rothermel, Kurt: Reference Model for the Quality of Context Information, SFB 627 Bericht, 2010.
- Häussermann, Kai; Hubig, Christoph; Levi, Paul; Leymann, Frank; Simoneit, Oliver; Wieland, Matthias; Zweigle, Oliver: Understanding and designing situation-aware mobile and ubiquitous computing systems - an interdisciplinary analysis on the recognition of situation with uncertain data using situation templates.. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Mobile, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing, 2010.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Höferlin, Markus; Levi, Paul: 3D Object Localization via Stereo Vision using an Omnidirectional and a Perspective Camera. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Workshops and Tutorials, 2010.
- Möhrmann, Julia; Heidemann, Gunter; Siemoneit, Oliver; Hubig, Christoph; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Levi, Paul: Context Generation with Image Based Sensors: An Interdisciplinary Enquiry on Technical and Social Issues and their Implications for System Design. In: Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2010.
Jahrgang 2009- Benkmann, Ruben; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Zweigle, Oliver; Lafrenz, Reinhard; Levi, Paul: Resolving Inconsistencies Using Multi-Agent Sensor Systems. In: Noberto Pires, J. (Hrsg): Robotica. Vol. 03/09(76), Coimbra: Engebook, 2009.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Gerhardt, Andreas; Schieberle, Christian; Wiselka, Matthias; Häussermann, Kai; Zweigle, Oliver; Levi, Paul: Reliable Situation Recognition based on Noise Levels. In: Duncan, K. (Hrsg); Brebbia, C. A. (Hrsg): Proceedings of the First International Conference on Disaster Management and Human Health Risk, New Forest, September 23-25, 2009.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp: Metriken für Qualitätskennzahlen zur Degradierung von skalaren Sensordaten, SFB 627 Bericht, 2009.
- Wieland, Matthias; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Levi, Paul; Leymann, Frank; Nicklas, Daniela: Towards Integration of Uncertain Sensor Data into Context-aware Workflows. In: GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) (Hrsg): Tagungsband INFORMATIK 2009 – Im Focus das Leben, 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI).
- Zweigle, Oliver; Häussermann, Kai; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Levi, Paul: Supervised learning algorithm for automatic adaption of situation templates using uncertain data. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human, 2009.
- Zweigle, Oliver; Häussermann, Kai; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Levi, Paul: Extended TA Algorithm for adapting a Situation Ontology. In: Proceedings of the FIRA RoboWorld Congress 2009, Progress in Robotics.
Jahrgang 2008- Benkmann, Ruben; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Zweigle, Oliver; Lafrenz, Reinhard; Levi, Paul: Resolving Inconsistencies using Multi-agent Sensor Systems. In: Seabra Lopez, Luis (Hrsg); Silva, Filipe (Hrsg); Santos, Vitor (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competition: Robotica 08; Aveiro, Portugal, April 2nd, 2008.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Benkmann, Ruben; Zweigle, Oliver; Lafrenz, Reinhard; Levi, Paul: Resolving Inconsistencies in Shared Context Models using Multiagent Systems. In: Dillmann, Rüdiger (Hrsg); Burgard, Wolfram (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems: IAS-10; Baden Baden, Germany, July 23-25, 2008.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp: Modellierung der Degradierung von skalaren Sensordaten in ContextServer und SensorContextServer, Externe SFB 627 Bericht, , 2008.
Jahrgang 2006- Dudkowski, Dominique; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Nicklas, Daniela; Schwarz, Thomas; Siemoneit, Oliver; Volz, Steffen; Wiegerling, Klaus; Zweigle, Oliver: Konsistenz in Nexus, SFB 627 Bericht, 2006.
- Zweigle, Oliver; Lafrenz, Reinhard; Buchheim, Thorsten; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Rajaie, Hamid; Schreiber, Frank; Levi, Paul: Cooperative Agent Behavior Based on Special Interaction Nets. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems 2006, IAS-9, Tokio.
Jahrgang 2005- Buchheim, T.; Käppeler, U.; Lafrenz, R.; Oubbati, M.; Rajaie, H.; Schanz, M.; Schreiber, F.; Zweigle, O.; Levi, P.: Team Description Paper 2005 CoPS Stuttgart. In: RoboCup 2005.
- Grossmann, Matthias; Bauer, Martin; Hönle, Nicola; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Nicklas, Daniela; Schwarz, Thomas: Efficiently Managing Context Information for Large-scale Scenarios. In: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications: PerCom2005; Kauai Island, Hawaii, March 8-12, 2005.
- Hönle, Nicola; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Nicklas, Daniela; Schwarz, Thomas: Benefits Of Integrating Meta Data Into A Context Model. In: Proceedings of 2nd IEEE PerCom Workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning (CoMoRea) (at 3rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (PerCom'05)); Hawaii, March 12, 2005.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Drosdol, Tobias; Schwarz, Thomas; Scharf, Michael: SensorContextServer und SensorClient in der Nexus-Plattform, SFB 627 Bericht, 2005.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Dudkowski, Dominique; Kindermann, Georg; Klinec, Darko: Modellierung von Sensoren und Sensordaten in der Nexus-Plattform, SFB 627 Bericht, 2005.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Kindermann, Georg; Nicklas, Daniela; Hönle, Nicola; Dudkowski, Dominique: Shared Dynamic Context Models: Benefits for Advanced Sensor Data Fusion for Autonomous Robots. In: Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2005; Innsbruck, Austria, February, 14-16, 2005.
- Kornienko, S.; Kornienko, O.; Levi, P.: Collective AI: Context-Awareness via Communication. In: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2005.
- Oubbati, M.; Schanz, M.; Buchheim, Th.; Levi, P.: Velocity Control of Omnidirectional RoboCup Player with Recurrent Neural Networks. In: Proceedings of the RoboCup Symposium, 2005.
- Oubbati, Mohamed; Levi, Paul; Schanz, Michael: A Fixed-Weight RNN Dynamic Controller for Multiple Mobile Robots. In: Proceedings of the 24th IASTED International Conference on MODELLING, IDENTIFICATION, AND CONTROL: MIC 2005; Innsbruck, Austria, February 16-18, 2005.
- Oubbati, Mohamed; Levi, Paul; Schanz, Michael: Meta-learning for Adaptive Identification of Non-linear Dynamical Systems.. In: Proceedings of the Joint 20th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control & 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (2005 ISIC-MED).
- Oubbati, Mohamed; Michael, Schanz; Levi, Paul: Kinematic and dynamic adaptive control of a nonholonomic mobile robot using a RNN. In: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robtics and Automation (CIRA05), 2005.
- Schanz, M.; Starke, J.; Lafrenz, R.; Zweigle, O.; Oubbati, M.; Rajaie, H.; Schreiber, F.; Buchheim, T.; Käppeler, U.; Levi, P.: Dynamic Task Assignment in a Team of Agents. In: Levi, P. (Hrsg); Schanz M. (Hrsg); et. al (Hrsg): Autonome Mobile Systeme 2005 (AMS).
Jahrgang 2004- Buchheim, T.; Kindermann, G.; Lafrenz, R.; Rajaie, H.; Schanz, M.; Schreiber, F.; Zweigle, O.; Levi, P.: Team Description Paper 2004 CoPS Stuttgart. In: RoboCup-Symposium 2004.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Smuda von Trzebiatowski, Michael; Gern, Axel; Franke, Uwe; Levi, Paul: Detecting Reflection Posts - Lane Recognition on Country Roads. In: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Intelligent Vehiclees Symposium.
- Kornienko, S.; Kornienko, O.; Levi, P.: About nature of emergent behavior in micro-systems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2004).
- Oubbati, M.; Levi, P.; Schanz, M.: Recurrent Neural Network for wheeled mobile Robot Control. In: 4th WSEAS International on Robotics, Distance Learning and Intelligent Communication Sytems: Izmir-Turkey; September 2004. Vol. 3(6).
Jahrgang 2003- Buchheim, Thorsten; Kindermann, Georg; Lafrenz, Reinhard; Levi, Paul: A Dynamic Environment Modelling Framework for Selective Attention. In: Visser, Ubbo (Hrsg); Doherty, Patrick (Hrsg); Lakenmeyer, Gerhard (Hrsg); Veloso Manuela ;(editors) (Hrsg): Proceedings of the IJCAI-03 Workshop on Issues in Designing Physical Agents for Dynamic Real-Time Environments: World Modeling, Plannig, Learing, and Communicating, 2003.