- Nr. 0000: Gopalsamy, Mathankumar: A Novel Low-power Model for Accelerometry-based Real-time Respiration Monitoring System, Masterarbeit Nr. 2011.
- Nr. 0000: Nandyala, Rajesh Reddy: Development of a decision support system for dynamic evacuation route planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 2011.
- Nr. 0000: Fernández Noblejas, Alfonso: Optimization of Feature Retrieval using Group Technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 2012.
- Nr. 0000: Bannikov, Artem: Investigation of methods for reducing calibration effort in RSSI-based indoor locating systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0000: Chughtai, Muhammad Bilal: Concept and Implementation of Digital Beacons, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0000: Estel, Marcel: Taxonomy Extension through Synonym Discovery in Integrated Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0000: Franco Salazar, Carlos Alberto: Target Selection on Hand Held Tablets, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0000: Kayarat, Rekha: Advanced Multi-core Simulation of Real-Time Embedded Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0000: Khalid, Muhammad Saqib: Hybrid Application Layer and In-Network Content-Based Filtering in SDN, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0000: Kukhtichev, Sergey: Design and implementation of a Domain Specific Language for defining ECM workloads in elastic cloud environments using TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0000: Le, Huy Viet: Development and Evaluation of Automatic Video Recaps from Lifelog Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0000: Maaß, Steffen: Distributed Graph Processing and Partitioning for Spatiotemporal Queries in the Context of Camera Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0000: Al-Maamari, Tareq Ahmed Ali: Aspects of Event-Driven Cloud-Native Application Development, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Alt, Patrick: Regression Test Suite Selection and Minimization Based on Feature Modeling, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Avci, Emre: Investigating Objective and Subjective Effects of Aggregating Forecasts from Multiple Sources, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Becher, Michael: Feature Based Volumetric Terrain Generation, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Bruder, Valentin: Performance Quantification of Volume Visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Dumitrescu, Otilia-Camelia: Visual Debugging for Particle-based Simulations of Fluids, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Fasihi, Arash: Rule Based Inference and Action Selection Based on Monitoring Data in IoT, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Grüner, Matti: Example-based Parameter Retrieval for Procedural Materials through Abstraction of Visual Features, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Hegazy, Lobna: Evaluation and Analysis of Realizing Broker-based Content Routing Protocols in SDN, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Heinisch, Jonas: Energy Models for Wireless Communication on Mobile Devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Kalidoss, Archana: Intention-oriented Organizational Modeling - A Top-down Approach, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Kar, Debasis: Goal-driven Context-sensitive Production Processes: A Case Study using BPMN, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Keller, Fabian: Introducing Performance Awareness in an Integrated Specification Environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Keller, Robin: Predicting the GPU Execution Time of 3D Rendering Commands using Machine Learning Concepts, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Li, Lingwei: Improving Software Quality with Continuous Integration in an Agile Development Process, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Murali, Deepthi: Realistic gate model for efficient timing analysis of very deep submicron CMOS circuits, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Rudolph, Tobias: Improving Automatic Software Repair with Probabilistic Symbolic Execution, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Weißer, Constantin Michael: Serialization of Foreign Types with SKilL, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Sequeira, Nicci: User engagement for smarter buildings, Masterarbeit Nr. 2023.
- Nr. 0000: Phadnis, Prasad Ravindra: Consolidation of Process Models that Interact via Compensation Handlers, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0001: Eisfeld, Andrej: Entwurf und Analyse von Konzepten zur effizienten Datenübertragung von Grafikrendering-Befehlen auf eingebetteten Systemen, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2014.
- Nr. 0001: Narasimhan, Srihari: Performance Analysis of Network Processor Components, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2001.
- Nr. 0001: Mukunthan, Sujatha: Embedded Runtime Security, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2002.
- Nr. 0001: Chen, Xuan: Optimization of communication in a swarm of micro-robots, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2003.
- Nr. 0001: Mahadevan, Saravanan: Implementation of a Consistency Test for Free-Choice Sugnal Transition Graphs, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2004.
- Nr. 0001: Fuentes Caselles, Juan: Exploration of embodiment in real microrobotic swarm, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2005.
- Nr. 0001: Liu, Yunsun: Development of an Embedded Motor Comtroller Software for RoboCup, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2006.
- Nr. 0001: Urien, Ruth Sanz: Applications and improvements of a simulation of Bio-inspired self-assembly process, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2007.
- Nr. 0001: Sardina, Daniel García: Framework for Distributed Data Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2008.
- Nr. 0001: Byanjankar, Prabin: Analysis of Effects of MISRA-Compliance on the Efficiency of Code Generated for ASCET Models, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2009.
- Nr. 0001: Mugab, Sabah Mohammad: Multi-Tenancy Aware Full-Text Indexing Framework for an Enterprise Content Management Archive Service in the Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2010.
- Nr. 0001: Daoud, Marleine Mounir: Modeling Distributed Applications in a Smarter Home Infrastructure, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2011.
- Nr. 0001: Pradhan, Subhasis: Person recognition and automated following using a low cost EGB-D sensor, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2013.
- Nr. 0001: Lange, Christoph: Dynamic Scaling of Enterprise Cloud-Applications Based on Measured Performance Baselines, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2014.
- Nr. 0001: Ableitner, Tobias: Barrierefreies Smarthome, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2016.
- Nr. 0001: Abdelaal, Moataz: Multi-time scale dynamic graph visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2017.
- Nr. 0001: Angerbauer, Katrin: Exploring simplified subtitles to support spoken language understanding, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2018.
- Nr. 0001: Fierro, Rodrigo Ventura: Notification Mechanisms for Smart TVs, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2019.
- Nr. 0001: Nieuwenhuizen, Florian: Time-sensitive Deployment and Management for Cyber-Physical Systems using TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2020.
- Nr. 0001: Sadhu, Kaushik: The integration of electric vehicles in the smart grid, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2021.
- Nr. 0001: Mithawala, Himanshu Ujwal: A Comparative Evaluation and Implementation of Droplet Detection in Non-contact Liquid-handler for Nano to Microliter Volumes, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2022.
- Nr. 0001: Patel, Akshay: SCIP 2.0: horizontally extending the Smart Contract Invocation Protocol, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2023.
- Nr. 0001: Asjadulla, Mohammed: Deployment and empirical verification of real-time schedules, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2024.
- Nr. 0002: Straßer, Florian: Rechnerunterstützte Problemformulierung in der Entwurfsoptimierung: Ein internetgestützter Ansatz, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2014.
- Nr. 0002: Rivera, Ramon Huerta: Design Guidelines to Perform Concurrent Test on Multiple Cores of a System-on-a-Chip, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2001.
- Nr. 0002: Nerriec, Morgan: Development of a Web Portal based solution to control an embedded Linux appliance, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2002.
- Nr. 0002: Chen, Chi: Location-Based Data Aggregation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2003.
- Nr. 0002: Wu, Min: Development of a Tracking Algorithm of Automotive System for Traffic Security, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2004.
- Nr. 0002: Gunasekaran, Rajalingam: Simulation of Typical Corporate Networl Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2005.
- Nr. 0002: Prieto, Laura Fernández: Theoretical analysis of different algorithm for autonomous situation recognition using machine teaching technologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2007.
- Nr. 0002: Wang, Haowei: Distributed Architecture on Multi-Robot Organism Through Heterogeneous Tuple Space, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2008.
- Nr. 0002: Deng, Peng: Analysis of On-Chip Compression for Improving CMP System Performance, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2009.
- Nr. 0002: Rashid, Farhan: Efficient Calibration of Probabilities of RFID Devices used in Real-time Production Monitoring, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2010.
- Nr. 0002: Luo, Zhang: Photodiode Signal Processing Algorithms and Architectures for Feature Extraction with Gbit/s Sampling Rates, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2012.
- Nr. 0002: Sannikova, Anastasia: Embedding deterministic patterns in partial pseudo-exhaustive test, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2013.
- Nr. 0002: Moskalenko, Stanislav: Modeling of an automatic CAD-based feature recognition and retrieval system for group technology application, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2014.
- Nr. 0002: Chowdhury, Sujata Roy: Packet Scheduling Algorithms for a Software-Defined Manufacturing Environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2015.
- Nr. 0002: Abdo, Majd: High-performance complex event processing to detect anomalies in streaming RDF data, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2017.
- Nr. 0002: Angerstein, Tobias: Modularization of representative load tests for microservice applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2018.
- Nr. 0002: Hamidehkhan, Pedram: Analysis and evaluation of composition languages and orchestration engines for microservices, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2019.
- Nr. 0002: Kopf, Benjamin: Natürlichsprachliche Anfragen an OSCAR, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2020.
- Nr. 0002: Ponomarenko, Wladimir: Solving Differential Equations using Quantum Computing: A Survey, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2022.
- Nr. 0002: Schuhmacher, Axel: Deep Learning-Based Quantum Readout Error Mitigation, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2023.
- Nr. 0002: Moslavac, Denis: Developing an ontology on information governance using description logic, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2024.
- Nr. 0003: Maurer, Daniel: Depth-Driven Variational Methods for Stereo Reconstruction, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2014.
- Nr. 0003: Li, Changping: Notification Service based on the SOAP Technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2001.
- Nr. 0003: Kabir, Mashud: Region-Based Adaptation of Diffucaion Protocols in MANETs, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2003.
- Nr. 0003: Yang, Yingwei: Distribution of the Propagation System, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2004.
- Nr. 0003: Gattu, Suresh Kumar: Analysis, Design and Implementation of the Bus Functional Model for faster verification of Systems-on-Chip products, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2005.
- Nr. 0003: Khaligh, Rauf Salimi: Transcaction Simulation of ARM Based Platforms, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2006.
- Nr. 0003: Fernandez, Francisco Mendiola: Macroscopic Simulation of Bio-inspired Self-Assembly Process, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2007.
- Nr. 0003: Sanchez-Rico, Victor: Generic Framework for prototyping of high-speed Digital Signal Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2008.
- Nr. 0003: Kabir, Mir Md. Jahangir: Simulation and Visualization of Fluid Behavior in Bio-inspired Self-Assembly Processes, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2009.
- Nr. 0003: An, Lihua: Test Automation and Evaluation of Graphical User Interfaces in a Continuous Integration Environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2010.
- Nr. 0003: Wang, Kailai: Development of a graphical numerical accuracy debugger based on an FPGA computing system, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2012.
- Nr. 0003: Eissa, Karim: Modeling of a multi-core microblaze system at RTL and TLM abstraction levels in systemC, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2013.
- Nr. 0003: Hallwa, Ahmed: Cerebellar-based Learning Model for Humanoid Robot, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2014.
- Nr. 0003: Ahmad, Afzaal: Integration of IoT devices via a blockchain-based decentralized application, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2017.
- Nr. 0003: Bahnmüller, Carsten: Improving Google’s open-source machine learning system TensorFlow, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2018.
- Nr. 0003: Israt, Fahmida: Modeling and simulation of situations in mobile cyber-physical systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2019.
- Nr. 0003: Mikalkinas, Domas: Situationsabhängige Modellierung und Ausführung von Choreographien, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2020.
- Nr. 0003: Dinh, Tung: Energy consumption forecasting in energy management systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2021.
- Nr. 0003: Arfa, Eram: Study and implementation of LiDAR-based SLAM algorithm and map-based autonomous navigation for a telepresence robot to be used as a chaperon for smart laboratory requirements, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2022.
- Nr. 0003: Eraslan, Ibrahim: The Impact of AI on Job Insecurity Perceptions of Software Engineering Students, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2024.
- Nr. 0004: Nunez Mencias, Angel: Acessing CIM Models through Web Services, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2003.
- Nr. 0004: Maddineni, Sharat Babu: Concept and Implementation of a GUI-extension to select and parameterize handling and assembly systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2004.
- Nr. 0004: Warraich, Omer Amin: Mechanism of cooperation and functional self-organization in a swarm of micro-robots, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2005.
- Nr. 0004: Serra, Francesco Calvo: Text Mining for identification of semantically correlated information, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2006.
- Nr. 0004: Nagarathinam, Agalya: Development of a Software Framework for Jasmine Robots using ZigBee Communication Protocol, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2007.
- Nr. 0004: Boshmaf, Yazan: Development of an Advanced Configuration Algorithm for PCOM using Partial Application Configurations, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2008.
- Nr. 0004: Rodríguez, Antonio Patricio Bernal: 3D Detection of People, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2009.
- Nr. 0004: Marei, Ahmed Mohamed: Development of a Mass Memory Unit for a small University Satellite, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2010.
- Nr. 0004: Sarker, Konica: A Posteriori Rate Allocation for Digital Hologram based on the EBCOT encoder, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2012.
- Nr. 0004: Basak, Chiranjeeb: Design and Development of an FPGA based OFDMA Architecture for Powerline Communication, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2013.
- Nr. 0004: Hasan, Nouman Naim: Optimization of Microprocessor-based Systems for Smart MEMS, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2014.
- Nr. 0004: Dehghanipour, Marzieh: Design and implementation of TOSCA Service Templates for provisioning and executing bone simulation in cloud environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2015.
- Nr. 0004: Albrecht, Stephan: An extended analysis of difficulties and regularities in optical flow benchmarks, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2017.
- Nr. 0004: Akilli, Mustafa: Analysis of transformation capabilities between communication types of cloud application components, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2018.
- Nr. 0004: Vu, Ba-Anh: Visualisierung approximativer und unscharfer Sortierungen auf Basis von Randbedingungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2021.
- Nr. 0004: Kunze, Ulf: Partitioning training data for complex multi-class problems using constraint-based clustering, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2022.
- Nr. 0004: Gill, Fozan: Cellular Automata for Modelling Resource Allocation, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2023.
- Nr. 0004: Panigrahi, Gopal Chitrasen: Usage of external data exchanged in Intelligent transport systems to ensure road safety in an automated vehicle, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2024.
- Nr. 0005: Mehlbeer, Florentin: Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Applied to Temporal Planning of Concurrent Actions, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2014.
- Nr. 0005: Suwimonteerabuth, Dejvuth: Verifying Java Bytecode with the Moped Model Checker, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2004.
- Nr. 0005: Perez, David E. Gil: Analysis of tempo estimation algorithms and implementation of a perceived tempo estimator, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2005.
- Nr. 0005: Dwiputera, Aries Fajar: A light-weight Context System for Pervasive Computing Infrastructures, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2006.
- Nr. 0005: Sutantyo, Donny Kurnia: Investigation of the Impact of the Error Recovery Distribution on Power and Performance of Networks-on-Chip, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2009.
- Nr. 0005: Tantawy, Haitham Assem: Parallelization of JPEG-LS Encoder for Lossless Compression of Images in CUDA, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2010.
- Nr. 0005: Slieter, Daniel: Development and Evaluation of a Prototype Metrology System for Robust Driver Attention Monitoring within Automotive Environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2011.
- Nr. 0005: Najmabadi, Seyyed Mahdi: Fault tolerant routing algorithm for fully- and partially-defective NoC switches, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2012.
- Nr. 0005: Balakrishnan, Soumya: Development of a PCI-Express Interface on a FPGA for an Application with Low-Latency Random Accesses and High-Throughput, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2013.
- Nr. 0005: Shah, Dhaval A: A Dual Core Sytsem for IoT Sensor Nodes, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2014.
- Nr. 0005: Endres, Christian: A Pattern Language for Modeling the Provisioning of Applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2015.
- Nr. 0005: Bäumlisberger, Christian: Plattformunabhängige lokale SDN-Controller auf offener Weiterleitungshardware durch Anwendung von Containertechnologie, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2016.
- Nr. 0005: Al-Hashimi, Ali: Data Generator for BPMN 2.0 Models Designed for Performance Testing, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2017.
- Nr. 0005: Alaisami, Mirna: Cloud-native applications: authoring and evaluation of two deployment patterns, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2018.
- Nr. 0005: Kicherer, Alexander: Modellierung und Deployment von cyber-physischen Systemen basierend auf TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2019.
- Nr. 0005: Weitbrecht, Felix: On the number of Delaunay Triangles occurring in all contiguous subsequenes, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2020.
- Nr. 0005: Schütz, David: Textured surfels visualization of multi-frame point cloud data, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2021.
- Nr. 0005: Ghani, Talal Rahman: How Explainability Requirement for AI-based Enterprise application can be achieved: A case-study on AI-based module of an ERP system, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2023.
- Nr. 0005: Girish, Chandan: Evaluation and integration of DDS middleware for interconnection between Android Automotive and AUTOSAR, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2024.
- Nr. 0006: Mindermann, Kai: Erweiterung der automatischen statischen Codeanalyse um Social Coding, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2014.
- Nr. 0006: Rahman, Kazi Atiqur: Strategies for Range Queries in Mobile Ad hoc Networks Based on a Geometric Location Model, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2004.
- Nr. 0006: Guo, Xiao Lei: Development of a Generic Gateway for an Event controlled Communication based on a reconfigurable FPGA Architecture with a Soft-core Microcontroller, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2005.
- Nr. 0006: Alcalde Garcia, Daniel: Implementation of a communication layer using SLP and SCTP for Addressing High Availability service in a redundant network, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2006.
- Nr. 0006: Awan, Muhammad: Transaction Level Power and Timing Exploration of Bus Architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2007.
- Nr. 0006: Lancho, Antonio Fernández: LEON-based Multiprocessor System on FPGA netweork, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2008.
- Nr. 0006: Sujanthan, Vithiya: Calculation of Event Correlation Quality, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2010.
- Nr. 0006: Wei, Junxiang: Geocast Routing Protocols Supporting Hybrid Geographic Addressing in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2011.
- Nr. 0006: Zixuan, Cheng: Transaction-Level Instruction Set Simulator of megaAVR Micro-controller, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2012.
- Nr. 0006: Marcusiu, Valentin: Generating and Capturing of Continuous Data on Environmental Phenomena in Public Sensing Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2013.
- Nr. 0006: Parameshwaran, Pradeep: Analysis and design of document centric workflows for automating tasks in a multi-tenant cloud archive solution, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2014.
- Nr. 0006: Ernst, Johannes: Umsetzung eines Systems zur regelbasierten Analyse von Gesundheitsdaten, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2015.
- Nr. 0006: Assenov, Ivan: Erweiterung und Evaluation einer lupenbasierten Technik zur Exploration von Textsammlungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2017.
- Nr. 0006: Jain, Suneet: How to ensure safety and security during condition monitoring and predictive maintenance : a case study, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2018.
- Nr. 0006: Kraus, Wolfgang: Developing a general concept for handling the foreseeable misuse scenarios of automated driving functions, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2019.
- Nr. 0006: Sabbatino, Valentino: Emotion Analysis for Nonsense Words, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2022.
- Nr. 0006: Ma, Yingpeng: Analysing human vs. neural attention in VQA, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2024.
- Nr. 0007: Yasemin, Benli-Karabulut: Cloud-Dienste für Unternehmens-Datenbank, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2014.
- Nr. 0007: Karim, Muhammad Ali Mehdi: Emulation of an algorithm for Data Replication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2004.
- Nr. 0007: Pichika, Naga Trinadh Kiran: Zentrales Konfigurations-Management in geclusterten Systemen, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2005.
- Nr. 0007: Prohic, Natasa: Theory of Situation Recognition in RoboCup Based on Situation Libraries, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2006.
- Nr. 0007: Minguez Cortes, Jorge: An ontology-based value added service for the Nexus architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2007.
- Nr. 0007: Qu, Yijun: Design and Analysis of a Network-on-Chip Infrastructure, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2008.
- Nr. 0007: Böhringer, Bastian: Modelling of Customer-Support and -Feedback processes at IBM Böblingen Development Laboratory, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2009.
- Nr. 0007: Ahmed, Zaheer: Optimization of Neural Network Simulator on GPGPU, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2011.
- Nr. 0007: Singh, Saurabh: Selection, implementation and evaluation of a real-time, high level programmable image processing system and a content enhancement algorithm for side view mirror displays, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2012.
- Nr. 0007: El-Shamouty, Mohamed: Efficient Content-based Routing using OpenFlow, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2014.
- Nr. 0007: Betz, Benjamin: Speicherung von irregulären Voxeldatensätzen und Nutzung dieser für die Rekonstruktion von Computertomographie-Daten, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2016.
- Nr. 0007: Aydin, Onur: Content arrangement on large high-resolution displays: a PDF-reader, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2017.
- Nr. 0007: Landwehr, Matthias: ML-based adaptive encoding for high-resolution interactive remote visualisation, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2018.
- Nr. 0007: Mayer, Marcel: Entwicklung einer datenschutzfreundlichen Ausführungsumgebung für Smart-Home-Dienste, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2019.
- Nr. 0007: Hossain, Amimul: Service-oriented design of energy management systems for microgrids, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2020.
- Nr. 0007: Balasubramanian Nagarajan, Srivatsen: Investigation of quality and process data from manufacturing facilities using machine learning methods, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2021.
- Nr. 0007: Akouta, Maria: Applicability of low-code development platforms in large industries, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2022.
- Nr. 0007: Schrader, Timo Pierre: Efficient application of accelerator cards for the coupling library preCICE, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2023.
- Nr. 0007: Mukadam, Badruddin Imtiyaz: Exploring a Hybrid of Machine Learning and HTN Planning for Occupant Activity Recognition, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2024.
- Nr. 0008: Tilk, Maren: Sat-basierte Überprüfung der Fehlersicherheit von Schaltungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2015.
- Nr. 0008: Canadas, Maria Belen: Cooperative EKF localization, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2004.
- Nr. 0008: Fernandez Pradier, Mauricio Julio: Collective classification in a swarm of microrobots, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2005.
- Nr. 0008: Attarzadeh, Afshin: Development of Advanced Power Management for Autonomous Micro-robots, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2006.
- Nr. 0008: Fan, Shiqing: Anhanced Debussing of MPI-Parallel Applications and the Open MPI implementantion using Valgrid/Memchecker, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2007.
- Nr. 0008: Bosch, Harald: Interaktive graphbasierte Filterung von Ergebnismengen, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2008.
- Nr. 0008: Wafai, Mhd. Amer: Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplications on Graphic Processors, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2009.
- Nr. 0008: Schlaudraff, Johannes: Konzeption und Implementierung einer integrierten Datenschicht für Produktionsprozessdaten, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2011.
- Nr. 0008: Shrivastav, Varun Sanjay: Secure Position Sharing for Consecutive Position Updates, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2012.
- Nr. 0008: Franco da Silva, Ana Cristina: Situation Recognition Based on Complex Event Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2015.
- Nr. 0008: Bäßler, Dominik: Migration des Datenmanagements einer datenintensiven Anwendung in ein Big-Data Framework, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2017.
- Nr. 0008: Ravi Sulochana, Ruthra Kumar: Halo Detection to Improve the Reaction Time of Automatic Headlamp Steering System, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2018.
- Nr. 0008: Nataraj, Geethanjali: Integration of heterogeneous data in the data vault model, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2019.
- Nr. 0008: Kumar, Abhishek: An Analytics Framework for the IoT Platform MBP, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2020.
- Nr. 0008: Hoshaber, Yakup: Implementation and Evaluation of Unfolding Methods to Mitigate Readout Error of Quantum Devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2021.
- Nr. 0008: Kale, Shrilesh: Derivation and Verification of Parameters for Operational Design Domains of Automated Driving Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2022.
- Nr. 0008: Stiliadou, Lavinia: Selektion von hybriden Runtimes für die Ausführung variationeller Quantenalgorithmen, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2023.
- Nr. 0008: Getz, Jakob: Wasm-R3 : creating executable benchmarks of WebAssembly binaries via record-reduce-replay, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2024.
- Nr. 0009: Wolter, Norman: Konzept und Implementierung für Choreographiecontainer, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2015.
- Nr. 0009: Fu, Zheng: Swarm-based computation and spatial decision making, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2005.
- Nr. 0009: Zetterström, Glenn: Collaborative actuation in micro-robotic swarm based on collective decision making and surface-color identification, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2006.
- Nr. 0009: Matilla, Angel: Pose Estimation using Geometric Hashing, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2007.
- Nr. 0009: Niedermann, Florian: Development of a method for the integrated handling of process variables and operational data sources, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2008.
- Nr. 0009: Blazquez Jimenez, Francisco: Intelligent Model Caching for Data Mining, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2009.
- Nr. 0009: Batzolis, Nikolaos: Design of a Fault Tolerant End-to-End Flow Control Protocol for Networks on Chip, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2011.
- Nr. 0009: Balogh, Alexander: Addressing TCAM limitations in an SDN-based pub/sub system, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2017.
- Nr. 0009: Balakrishnan, Govind: Development of a virtual test bench in a Co-Simulation environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2018.
- Nr. 0009: Pawlowicz, Daniel: Konzeption und Realisierung einer Cloud-Manufacturing-Orchestrations- und Planungsplattform, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2019.
- Nr. 0009: Malya, Prasad P: Economic Feasibility Analysis of Vehicle-to-Grid Service from an EV Owner's Perspective in the German Electricity Market, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2020.
- Nr. 0009: Wundrack, Philipp: Quantenunterstütztes Clustering mit hybriden neuronalen Netzen, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2021.
- Nr. 0009: Piontek, Tobias: CO2 aware job scheduling for data centers, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2022.
- Nr. 0009: Ip, Shue Kwan: Risk-aware HTN Planning for Poker Players, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2023.
- Nr. 0009: Palaniappan, Saranyan: Easy to use methods for securing the channel between mobile apps and connected consumer devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2024.
- Nr. 0010: Metz, Balduin: Refinement and Extension of the Cloud Decision Support Framework for Application Migration to the Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2015.
- Nr. 0010: Li, Xu: Business Process Integration, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2004.
- Nr. 0010: Mangasandra, Sreenivas: Evaluation and Assessment of Performance Constraints of Workflow Systems imposed by varying underlying Infrastructures, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2005.
- Nr. 0010: Pareja Veredas, Ramiro: Development of a accelerometer system for RoboCup, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2006.
- Nr. 0010: Vita Gimenez, Luis Ignacio: Multiagent System for Collaborative Filtering and Content Based Recommendations, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2007.
- Nr. 0010: Garzon Lorenzo, Antonio: Bandwidth extension of throat microphone signals with feature mapping techniques, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2008.
- Nr. 0010: Anto Joys, Yesuadimai Michael: Effcient Context Modelling and Segmentation for Parallel Lossless Image Compression, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2011.
- Nr. 0010: Fürst, Stefan: Konzept und Implementierung eines Situation Handlers, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2015.
- Nr. 0010: Ding, Hao: Persistence and Discovery of Reusable Cloud Application Topologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2016.
- Nr. 0010: Banna, S.M. Hasanul: User-defined transfer functions to improve pointing performance in graphical user interfaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2017.
- Nr. 0010: Balzer, Lukas: Human Factor Analyse eines zukünftigen Systems zum automatisierten Fahren mittels STPA und Evaluation des Mehrwerts ggü. traditionellen Verfahren, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2018.
- Nr. 0010: Sahin, Müslüm: GitOps basiertes Continuous Delivery für Serverless Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2019.
- Nr. 0010: Bühler, Fabian: MUSE4Anything, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2021.
- Nr. 0010: Li, Yunxuan: Preserving privacy in software defined car environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2022.
- Nr. 0010: Palyam Satish, Adarsh: Co-Simulation Conceptualization of Event and Intermediate Update Mode in Functional Mock-up Interface 3.0, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2024.
- Nr. 0011: Ruf, Boitumelo: Ein echtzeitnaher Ansatz für Structure-from-Motion, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2015.
- Nr. 0011: Madasu, Venkata Subba Rao: Intelligent Decoding of a Location Reference in Digital Road Maps, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2005.
- Nr. 0011: Caballero Grolimund, Carlos Javier: Development of a compass system for RoboCup, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2006.
- Nr. 0011: Burla, Avinash: 3D Ball Detection in RoboCup, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2007.
- Nr. 0011: Pulido de los Reyes, Ruben: Dynamic Hierarchical Clustering to Enhance OLAP Analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2008.
- Nr. 0011: Altaweel, Ala': Providing basic security mechanisms in a Publish/Subscribe system, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2009.
- Nr. 0011: Abdelfattah, Mohamed: Evaluation of advanced techniques for structural FPGA self-test, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2011.
- Nr. 0011: Herb, Stephan: Development of a FEM Code for Fluid-Structure Coupling, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2015.
- Nr. 0011: Bauerfeld, Andreas: Heterogene kamerabasierte Personenidentifikation, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2017.
- Nr. 0011: Banerjee, Sayan: Concepts and tools for measuring the complexity of service choreography models, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2018.
- Nr. 0011: Joseph, Abin: Feature Engineering for Road Condition Service, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2019.
- Nr. 0011: Munawar, Javadan: Travel service composition under temporal contraints, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2020.
- Nr. 0011: Belsare, Kaiwalya Kalyan: Off-road Vehicle Control Unit with Robot Operating System, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2021.
- Nr. 0011: Bappanadu, Suraj Rao: Modeling and timing analysis of micro-ROS application on an off-road vehicle control unit, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2022.
- Nr. 0011: Klimashevska, Olga: Object Detection based on Augmented Point Clouds, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2023.
- Nr. 0011: Wang, Weitian: Stationary vehicle classification based on scene understanding, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2024.
- Nr. 0012: Dharanikota, Sai Srinivas: Management of Virtual Machines in Grid Computing, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2005.
- Nr. 0012: Bruni, Thomas: A Formalized Approach to Transaction Level Modeling, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2007.
- Nr. 0012: Ortiz, Maria Mera: Correlation Measures for Text Analysis Results, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2008.
- Nr. 0012: Gröger, Christoph: Konzeption und prototypische Umsetzung einer Referenzarchitektur für Manufacturing Analytics, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2011.
- Nr. 0012: Hirschmann, Steffen: Lastbalancierungsverfahren für dynamische und heterogene Linked-Cell Molekülsimulation, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2015.
- Nr. 0012: Eisele, Marcus: Vergleich und Bewertung von Methoden und Tools für den Entwurf und die Realisierung von REST APIs, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2016.
- Nr. 0012: Berian, Gratian: Progressive sparse coding for in situ volume visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2017.
- Nr. 0012: Bansal, Bharat: Divide-and-conquer scheduling for time-sensitive networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2018.
- Nr. 0012: Preikschat, Andreas Dominik: Experimentelle Untersuchung des Placeboeffekts beim Verstehen von Quellcode, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2020.
- Nr. 0012: Escobar Gava, Tatiane: A gamification-based approach for learning IoT, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2021.
- Nr. 0012: Palaniswamy, Janaranjani: Occlusion handling in behavior planning using imitation learning for autonomous driving, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2022.
- Nr. 0012: Belz, Felix: Entwicklung eines Modellierungswerkzeuges für Quanten-Workflows, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2023.
- Nr. 0012: Verma, Pankhuri: Investigation on precise measurement of CO2 emissions from AI applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2024.
- Nr. 0013: Vincke, Jonah: From Speech Recognition to Instruction Learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2015.
- Nr. 0013: Kottam, Kashi Vishwanath Reddy: Logging Strategies in Clustered J2EE Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2005.
- Nr. 0013: Karagkiozoglou, Konstantinos: Dynamic Evaluation and Storage of Chip Measured Data for Online Yield Analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2006.
- Nr. 0013: Parajuli, Sambhavi: Partial Scan Design for Generation of Minimal Size, Balanced ATPG Models, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2007.
- Nr. 0013: Baroud, Yousef: A Hardware Architecture for Numerical Instability Detection Based on Discrete Stochastic Arithmetic, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2011.
- Nr. 0013: Bettadapura Raghavendra, Shreyas: Relevance of the two adjusting screws in data analytics: data quality and optimization of algorithms, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2017.
- Nr. 0013: Barth, Florian: Multi-criteria bicycle routing, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2018.
- Nr. 0013: Jakupov, Daniyar: Development of a web-based application for automated energy management system, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2019.
- Nr. 0013: Karbasiyan Varnamkhasti, Hamzeh: Realization of Artificial Intelligence Planning for the Ubiquitous Computing Environment of Manufacturing Intralogistics, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2020.
- Nr. 0013: Winterstetter, Matthias: Ansatz und Umsetzung zur Flexiblen Integration von Software in die Smart Home/Office Labor Umgebung mit Homey, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2021.
- Nr. 0013: Dabbert, Patrick: Conceptualizing and implementing a transactional model for cross-chain smart contract invocations, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2022.
- Nr. 0013: -; Shaurya: Advanced solutions for sensor fusion testing in ADAS focusing on real world radar stimulation, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2023.
- Nr. 0013: Werner, Peter: Federated reinforcement learning for the edge, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2024.
- Nr. 0014: Scheufele, Klaudius: Robust Quasi-Newton Methods for Partitioned Fluid-Structure Simulations, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2015.
- Nr. 0014: Xu, Xuefang: Different Approaches to Self-Healing System, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2005.
- Nr. 0014: Mascaraenhas, Rio: Fault Simulation of Cell-Based Designs using a FPGA-Based Emulation Machine, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2006.
- Nr. 0014: Fetzer, Matthias: Local Data Plane Event Handling in Software-defined Networking, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2016.
- Nr. 0014: Blehm, Alexander: Einsatz von semantischen Verfahren zur Unterstützung der SOA Governance, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2017.
- Nr. 0014: Gupta, Prashant: A framework for learning activities of office occupants, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2019.
- Nr. 0014: Bose, Aparna: Property-based testing: evaluating its applicability and effectiveness for AUTOSAR basic software, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2020.
- Nr. 0014: Thulasi Raman, Muralikrishna: Algorithmic Planning, Simulation and Validation of Smart, Shared Parking Services using a Last Mile Hardware, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2021.
- Nr. 0014: Krishna Shobha, Priyadarshini: Analysis of the scalability of siamese neural network for performing quality inspection of the welding nuts, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2022.
- Nr. 0014: Müller, Christian: Automated data validation in model-driven IoT applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2023.
- Nr. 0014: Zhou, Jingyue: Design and implementation of TOSCA compliant Information Governance services, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2024.
- Nr. 0015: Fuchs, Steffen: Inferring Object Hypotheses Based on Feature Motion from Dierent Sources, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2015.
- Nr. 0015: Tamimi, Hiba: Investigating an Online Testing Technique for Dynamic Memories, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2005.
- Nr. 0015: Prieto Martinez, Victor: Development of cooperative behavioral patterns for swarm robotic scenarios, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2006.
- Nr. 0015: Kosch, Thomas: Real-Time Brain Mapping for Treating Substance Abuse using Neurofeedback, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2015.
- Nr. 0015: Gänßlen, Florian: Notification Strategies in Smart Environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2016.
- Nr. 0015: Boldt, Robin: Vibrotactile motorcycle navigation, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2017.
- Nr. 0015: Beedanal, Praveenkumar: CO2 emissions related to electricity, an architecture implemented in Python, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2018.
- Nr. 0015: Schramm, Michael: Approximating distributed graph algorithms, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2019.
- Nr. 0015: Coskuner, Mirac: Design and Analysis of Hybrid Cloud Concepts for OpenClams, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2020.
- Nr. 0015: Kiefer, Leon: Concept and implementation of a TOSCA orchestration engine for edge and IoT infrastructures, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2021.
- Nr. 0015: Schmidt, Moritz: Implementierung und Analyse von Gradientenberechnungen in Quantenalgorithmen, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2022.
- Nr. 0015: Haug, Lucas: Roaming with deterministic real-time guarantees in wireless Time-Sensitive Networking, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2023.
- Nr. 0015: Hoxha, Erisa: Energy and CO2 footprint of cloud/backend processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2024.
- Nr. 0016: Zhang, Zao: Increasing the Simulation Speed of a Virtual Prototype of an SDR Baseband Platform by Parallelization, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2005.
- Nr. 0016: Adeyemo, Peter: Web-based Application Deployment Specification Management, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2006.
- Nr. 0016: Goroll, Oliver: Multi-View Stereo with Inverse Depth Parameterization, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2016.
- Nr. 0016: Bondar, Bogdan: Integrating augmented reality data into a mobile simulation framework, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2017.
- Nr. 0016: Blohm, Matthias: Machine question answering with attention-based convolutional neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2018.
- Nr. 0016: Weder, Benjamin: Topologie-basierte und verteilte Provisionierung von IoT Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2019.
- Nr. 0016: Baloch, Sajid: Temporal reasoning for web services composition for personal assistants, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2020.
- Nr. 0016: Ivanova, Desislava: Dynamic personalized home automation rules based on multi-user feedback, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2021.
- Nr. 0016: Huber, Dominik: Neural models for automatic program repair vs. human developers, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2022.
- Nr. 0016: Saurabh, Saket: Reflective Learning with Prompts, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2023.
- Nr. 0016: Huszar, Pascal: Multilingual prompt engineering via large language models : an approach to sentiment analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2024.
- Nr. 0017: Nigorra Pascual, Pablo: Analysis and Implementation of a Ray Tracer Optimized for the Cell Processor, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2005.
- Nr. 0017: Venkatachalam, Anand: An Automated Test Framework for the Component-Based Control Software of a System-On-Chip Tester, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2006.
- Nr. 0017: Grau, Yves: Protecting Private Information in Event Processing Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2016.
- Nr. 0017: Brösamle, Oliver: Manipulation der Typisierung serialisierter SKilL-Graphen, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2018.
- Nr. 0017: Bilgery, Dominik: An industrial case study of Palladio: Evaluating the scalability, elasticity and cost-efficiency of a cloud-based architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2019.
- Nr. 0017: Kannan, Divya: Time-of-Use tariff and valley-filling based scheduling algorithm for electric vehicle charging, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2021.
- Nr. 0017: Ragavendran, Koushik: NullnessGraphSeq: Learning-based Java nullness inference, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2022.
- Nr. 0017: Hartmann, Julien: Mehrdimensionale, automatisierte Ermittlung von Antriebsstrang Software-Varianten für Release-Konformität, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2023.
- Nr. 0017: Philippsohn, Robert: Identification of design patterns in AI Planning software, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2024.
- Nr. 0018: Dolado, Manuel Palao: Role of Data Mining in IBM's Basel II Risk Solution, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2005.
- Nr. 0018: Soundarrajan, Vaitheeswaran: Conception and Implementation of a Generic Test Model for Testing Link Training Mechanism of Serial Communication Protocols, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2006.
- Nr. 0018: Campos, Marco Loureiro: Variationsansatz zur gemeinsamen Bestimmung von Tiefe, Albedo, Beleuchtung und der Kameraantwortfunktion, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2017.
- Nr. 0018: Cetinkaya, Emine: Visuelle Unterstützung zur Analyse von Repertory Grids, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2018.
- Nr. 0018: Panday, Narottam: Disambiguation on Write, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2019.
- Nr. 0018: Göggel, Jonathan: Reinforcement Learning zur optimalen Konfiguration von Datenstrom-Anwendungen mit selektiver Verarbeitung, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2020.
- Nr. 0018: Kanjur, Vishnudatha: Question answering on knowledge bases : A comparative study, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2021.
- Nr. 0018: Galuschka, Marcel: Exploration Support for Performance Maps, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2023.
- Nr. 0018: Kruse, David: Barrier resilience problems, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2024.
- Nr. 0019: Roth, Jonathan: Reduktion des Speicherverbrauchs generierter SKilL-Zustände, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2015.
- Nr. 0019: Ruiz, Manuel Sampedro: Evaluation and Implementation of Registration Methods for Digital Mammography, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2006.
- Nr. 0019: Márquez, María Guinea: First Sight Visual Interest Detection on BCI captured Signals during Museum Visit, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2015.
- Nr. 0019: Harrer, Matthias: Prototypenentwicklung mit Bauhaus und SKilL, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2016.
- Nr. 0019: Chellathurai Saroja, Shalini: Measurement of the quality of structured and unstructured data accumulating in the product life cycle in a data quality dashboard, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2017.
- Nr. 0019: Chande, Sagar: Testing in mobile cyber-physical systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2018.
- Nr. 0019: Koleci, Anisa: Privacy-aware Machine Learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2020.
- Nr. 0019: Hurler, Marcel: Learning free-surface flow with physics-informed neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2021.
- Nr. 0019: Li, Kuang-Yu: Generation of BPMN 2.0 plans to deploy applications in OpenTOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2022.
- Nr. 0019: Nie, Shangrui: Video Based Crossmodal Representation Learner for Emotion Recognition, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2023.
- Nr. 0019: Ülger, Victor: Analyzing the effect of entanglement of training samples on the loss landscape of quantum neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2024.
- Nr. 0020: Bach, Ha Duy: Optimal routing for networked control systems using OpenFlow, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2015.
- Nr. 0020: Choudhury, Pushpam: Crawling hardware for OpenTOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2017.
- Nr. 0020: Chaudhry, Muhammad Bilal: Enhancing data flow models with computing requirements for IoT environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2018.
- Nr. 0020: Bechtold, Marvin: Bringing the concepts of virtualization to gate-based quantum computing, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2021.
- Nr. 0020: He, Jiayu: Software engineering for quantum-based systems: a survey, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2022.
- Nr. 0020: Labes, Leon: Analysis and evaluation of data preprocessing methods for clustering analyses, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2024.
- Nr. 0021: Waldvogel, Claudio: Specification and Runtime Extraction of Enterprise Application Architectures for Expert-Guided Performance Problem Diagnosis, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2015.
- Nr. 0021: Abdelhady, Essam: Proxemic Interactions for Interactive Exhibitions, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2015.
- Nr. 0021: Damala, Krishna: Visual Exploration of Workload Performance Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2017.
- Nr. 0021: Chien-Hua, Hung: Speculative reordering for a latency-optimized privacy protection in complex event processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2018.
- Nr. 0021: Hubert, Johannes: Implementation of an automatic extract method refactoring, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2019.
- Nr. 0021: Glaub, Simon: Modeling interferences of CEP operators on limited resources, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2021.
- Nr. 0021: Schäfer, Melanie: Factors that enhance female participation in german computer science curricula: An exploration, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2022.
- Nr. 0021: Bektas, Sabri: Application integration and team collaboration for process optimization in intralogistics, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2023.
- Nr. 0021: Gerhards, Jan Patrick: Cooperative radio navigation on the Moon, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2024.
- Nr. 0022: Wenz, Kevin: Entwicklung eines Systems zur kontinuierlichen Integration für autonome Roboter, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2015.
- Nr. 0022: Demir, Yasin: Visualisierungsoptimierung von Repository Data Mining in Eclipse, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2015.
- Nr. 0022: Hofmann, Michael: Advanced Variational Methods for Dense Monocular SLAM, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2016.
- Nr. 0022: Dash, Anshuman: Dynamic cloud provisioning based on TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2017.
- Nr. 0022: Choudhary, Bhupendra: Comparing service orientation and object orientation: a case study on structural benefits and maintainability, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2018.
- Nr. 0022: Huss, Rainer: Success factors for the management of digital transformation initiatives – an action research, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2021.
- Nr. 0022: Haller, Tobias: Design, implementation and evaluation of an application for guiding architectural refactoring to microservices, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2022.
- Nr. 0022: Chandrashekaraiah, Hithesh Chandra: Software in the Loop simulation environment for eBike ABS, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2023.
- Nr. 0022: Cho, YeonJoo: A 3D-aware conditional diffusion model for gaze redirection, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2024.
- Nr. 0023: Elazhary, Omar: Validation and Optimization of a Rule-Based Feature Recognition Method for CAD Design Retrieval, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2015.
- Nr. 0023: Düllmann, Thomas F.: Performance anomaly detection in microservice architectures under continuous change, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2017.
- Nr. 0023: Daiß, Gregor: Octo-Tiger: Binary star systems with HPX on Nvidia P100, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2018.
- Nr. 0023: Ghouri, M Fahad: Learning to Profile: Finding Optimization Opportunities through Machine Learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2020.
- Nr. 0023: Altmann, Marius: Enabling System Management Aspects in MICO, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2021.
- Nr. 0023: Munoz Baron, Marvin: Validating the threats to validity in program comprehension experiments, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2022.
- Nr. 0023: Khan, Faisal: Optimized deployment of multi-cloud applications via HTN planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2023.
- Nr. 0023: Thewes, Jan-Philipp: Multimodal LLM for Theory of Mind modeling in collaborative tasks, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2024.
- Nr. 0024: Gralka, Patrick: Reconstruction of thermodynamically consistent Particle Data from a reduced Representation using Pair-Correlation Functions, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2015.
- Nr. 0024: Erban, Rainer: Entwicklung einer Softwarearchitektur für das LKW-Platooning anhand von ausgewählten Use Cases, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2017.
- Nr. 0024: Karadeniz, Mustafa: Design and implementation of a QoS-aware communication protocol for named data networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2019.
- Nr. 0024: Zelenik, Thommy: Development of Quality Measures for Distributed Systems derived by Distributed Tracing, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2020.
- Nr. 0024: Ju, Huang Hua: Detecting inauthentic accounts on Twitter: A natural language approach applied on Blacklist, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2021.
- Nr. 0024: Reichel, Maximilian: Metamorphic testing of version control systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2022.
- Nr. 0024: Erdemann, Michael: Recreating False-Belief Tests as Visual Question Answering Tasks, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2023.
- Nr. 0024: Hildebrand, Moritz: Investigating gate teleportation using non-maximally entangled states for gate cutting, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2024.
- Nr. 0025: Hung, Ngo Phu: Tool for Non-Experts in the Context of Personal Health and Fitness, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2015.
- Nr. 0025: Falazi, Ghareeb: A concept for describing concrete solutions to support their automated selection from patterns, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2017.
- Nr. 0025: Das, Somesh: Modeling recommendations for pattern-based mashup plans, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2018.
- Nr. 0025: Elmougi, Mohamed: CO2 signal prediction for energy demand-side management: a service-oriented architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2019.
- Nr. 0025: Ramachandran Selvaraj, Sri Vishnu: Feasibility analysis of using Model Predictive Control in Demand-Side Management of residential building, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2020.
- Nr. 0025: Zeiske, Erik: Investigation of the energy consumption of different GPUs with respect to the used software stack, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2022.
- Nr. 0025: Fill, Kerstin: Modellierung von Daten-Pipelines in Lakehouses, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2023.
- Nr. 0025: Bien, Tanja: Data Attribution for Diffusion Models, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2024.
- Nr. 0026: Knittel, Johannes: Nutzung von Untertitel zur automatisierten Inhaltsgenerierung für Second-Screen Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2015.
- Nr. 0026: Fatehi Ebrahimzadeh, Hamed: Visual prediction of quantitative information using social media data, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2017.
- Nr. 0026: Del Gaudio, Daniel: Execution of data flow models in distributed IoT environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2018.
- Nr. 0026: Drodofsky, Jens: Glattheitsschätzung mittels Fouriertransformationen und hierarchischen Zerlegungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2020.
- Nr. 0026: Ramesh, Gururaja: Part Detection in Sheet Metal Sorting using Deep Learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2021.
- Nr. 0026: Obst, Julian: Parameter initialization for warm-starting QAOA, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2022.
- Nr. 0026: Maisch, Alexander: Towards automatically generating context-specific ML pipelines : a case study at adesso SE, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2023.
- Nr. 0026: Ramasamy Sundararaj, Jayakumar: Evaluation of different image representations for reinforcement learning agents, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2024.
- Nr. 0027: Rau, Dominique: Untersuchung von benutzeroberflächen für unterstützte Texteingabe im Kontext sozialer Kommunikation, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2015.
- Nr. 0027: Képes, Kálmán: Erkennung und dynamische Ersetzung von Fragmenten in Workflow-Modellen, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2016.
- Nr. 0027: Freundorfer, Tobias: Konzept und Implementierung eines Systems zur ereignisinduzierten Informationsbereitstellung im Reinraum, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2017.
- Nr. 0027: Ebinger, Felix: Personenbezogene Daten im Data Lake, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2018.
- Nr. 0027: Ismaiel, Muhammad: Enabling multi-tenant scalable IoT platforms, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2020.
- Nr. 0027: Reiß, Philipp: Ein formaler Ansatz für die Berechnung von Speicherzugriffszeiten in Echtzeit Mehrkernsystemen mit geteilten Ressourcen, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2021.
- Nr. 0027: Schiffmann, Tobias: Processor frequency sweet spot prediction based on dynamic code analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2022.
- Nr. 0027: Fedusov, Serhii: Automated API Documentation Generation and Identification of Outdated Versions from Code, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2024.
- Nr. 0028: Schnelle, Niklas: Unified Routing and Map Rendering, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2015.
- Nr. 0028: Reinhardt, Thomas: Visualisierung kontinuierlich veränderlicher Graphen, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2015.
- Nr. 0028: Korb, Tobias: Entwicklung eines Frameworks zur Erstellung von AR Anwendungen für Industrie 4.0, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2016.
- Nr. 0028: Gairing, Patrick: Taxonomy of first and second order regularizers for variational motion estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2017.
- Nr. 0028: Fedorov, Denis: Update management for wireless sensor nodes, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2018.
- Nr. 0028: Ledic, Josip: Placement of application components in industrial environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2019.
- Nr. 0028: Berner, Lukas: Generierung und Abdeckung repräsentativer Pfadmengen in Straßennetzwerken, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2022.
- Nr. 0028: Hofer, Jonas: Prüfung des Lizenzmodells Pay Per Use von SaaS Produkten auf derzeitige Anforderungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2023.
- Nr. 0028: Petrova, Ekaterina: Time Series Data Analysis for Error prediction of residential heating systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2024.
- Nr. 0029: Zhu, Yunfang: Development of a Tool Chain for Analyzing Work Flow Based Data Systems anbd Deriving Predictive Process Indicators, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2015.
- Nr. 0029: Krauss, David: Generierung und Optimierung von Testzeitplänen im Rahmen des SOA Change Managements, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2016.
- Nr. 0029: Geringer, Sergej: Spatial CPU-GPU data structures for interactive rendering of large particle data, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2017.
- Nr. 0029: Firmansyah, Mochamad Dandy: An energy-aware mobile gateway for Bluetooth low energy-powered Internet of Things devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2018.
- Nr. 0029: Hamzeh, Rawad: Decision support for migrating application's functionality to FaaS, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2019.
- Nr. 0029: Dang, Phi: Live-modeling: enabling deployments at modeling time in OpenTOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2020.
- Nr. 0029: Bhingaradiya, Shyamkumar Dhirajlal: Conception, design and development of an efficient End-to-End test automation of an automotive Measurement, Calibration and Diagnostics (MCD) system, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2021.
- Nr. 0029: Herkommer, Jan: Anonymisierung von Daten: von der Literatur zum Automobilbereich, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2023.
- Nr. 0029: Imhoff, Nils: Optimization of intra-node communication in HPC systems: development and implementation of a zero-copy API, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2024.
- Nr. 0030: Borja, Manuel: Automatic software repair of C programs with genetic programming and fix patterns, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2015.
- Nr. 0030: Kuhn, Tobias: Untersuchung von bekannten Gamificationsansätzen auf ihre Anwendbarkeit auf das Werkzeug der statischen Codeanalyse FindBugs, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2016.
- Nr. 0030: Ghebremicael, Eyob Semere: Transformation of REST API to GraphQL for OpenTOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2017.
- Nr. 0030: Flaig, Albert: Window drop load shedding in complex event processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2018.
- Nr. 0030: Hagg, Daniel: Serverless Applikationen in Multi-Cloud-Umgebungen : Architektur und Design Eventbasierter Kommunikation, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2019.
- Nr. 0030: Diez, Felix: Framework for orchestrating application deployments using multiple deployment technologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2020.
- Nr. 0030: Otlinghaus, Fritz: Coupling of macro and micro scale in a continuum-biomechanical model of the human liver using preCICE, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2022.
- Nr. 0030: Khosla, Karaj: Preference Learning Based Black Box Optimization in Audio Application, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2024.
- Nr. 0031: Fischer, Markus: Model-driven code generation for REST APIs, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2015.
- Nr. 0031: Lehrer, Sabrina: Leseplaner - Bewältigen des Lesevolumens mithilfe von proaktiven Leseempfehlungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2016.
- Nr. 0031: Giebler, Corinna: LAKE - eine flexible Datenstromverarbeitungsarchitektur, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2017.
- Nr. 0031: Fontanarosa, Roberto: Visuelle interaktive Exploration relationaler Daten mit geographischem Bezug, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2018.
- Nr. 0031: Maseluk, Dennis: Implementierung eines automatischen Refactorings zur Reduzierung von dupliziertem Quellcode, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2019.
- Nr. 0031: Beisel, Martin: Mustererstellung für Quantenalgorithmen in einem Musterrepository, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2020.
- Nr. 0031: Obralija, Admir: Framework zur Entscheidungsfusion für die Kombination von Fehlerdiagnosemethoden, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2021.
- Nr. 0031: Tripathy, Bikash: Performance Analysis of Object Detection Models in Context of Mobile Applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2022.
- Nr. 0031: Hauser, Marius: Machine Learning frameworks in open-source software: an exploratory study on code and project smells, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2023.
- Nr. 0031: Schneider, Tim: Evaluation von Datenarchitekturen für die Connected-Cars-Domäne, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2024.
- Nr. 0032: Frieß, Florian: Mapping molecular surfaces of arbitrary genus to a sphere, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2015.
- Nr. 0032: Giesel, Benedikt: Smarter Cars - Situationserkennung im Fahrzeug basierend auf Complex Event Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2017.
- Nr. 0032: Sultana, Shaista: Real-time analytics and monitoring of ML-applications using visual analytics, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2018.
- Nr. 0032: Schütterle, Markus: Extraktion und Mapping der in Chef Kochbüchern beschriebenen Deployment Architekturen auf ein generisches Architekturmodell, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2019.
- Nr. 0032: Kelapure, Sarthak: Design of a software architecture for supervisor system in a satellite, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2020.
- Nr. 0032: Matejetz, Simon: Extending modeling concepts of OpenClams to support performance analysis with layered queuing, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2021.
- Nr. 0032: Yüksel, Tolunay: Standards-based Modeling and Generation of Platform-specific Function-as-a-Service Deployment Packages, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2022.
- Nr. 0032: Hilbig, Aaron: Analysing timing behavior of component-based software systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2023.
- Nr. 0032: Parajuli, Bishwash Krishna: Evaluating the PlanX Toolbox: Insights on Best Practices, Usability, and Enhancement Opportunities, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2024.
- Nr. 0033: Hussain, Muzahid: Conditional random fields based knowledge retrieval in mobile environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2015.
- Nr. 0033: Mohamed, Sherif Yassin Mostafa: Evaluation of Alternative Distributions of a Choreography-based Smart City Transportation Application among Cloud Offerings, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2016.
- Nr. 0033: Gore, Mihir: Automated proxy injection for redistributed applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2017.
- Nr. 0033: Beck, Sebastian: Nutzung von Provenance zur Optimierung von mit YesWorkflow annotierten Skripten, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2018.
- Nr. 0033: Zeller, Marcel: Automated detection and extraction of deployment components of Docker services, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2019.
- Nr. 0033: Mehl, Lukas Francesco: Anisotropic selection schemes for order-adaptive variational optical flow methods, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2020.
- Nr. 0033: Krimstein, Viktor: Generation of reinforcement learning environments from machine-tool descriptions, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2021.
- Nr. 0033: Voggesberger, Julius: AutoML für Ensembles: Erhöhung der Klassifikationsperformanz durch Optimierung der Modelldiversität und der Entscheidungsfusion, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2022.
- Nr. 0033: Bajaj, Piyush Krishan: DyPyBench: A Benchmark of Executable Python Software, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2023.
- Nr. 0033: Durner, Robin: Stochastic strategies for public transport journeys based on realtime delay predictions, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2024.
- Nr. 0034: Kleiner, Marius: Developing and evaluating input methods for uncertain data, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2015.
- Nr. 0034: Göttlich, Philipp: Sensorbasierte Kompensierung von Eingabelatenzen auf Touchscreens, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2017.
- Nr. 0034: Gabriel, Osaro: Visual exploration of topics in multimedia news corpora, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2018.
- Nr. 0034: Kattige, Ajay: Strategic Portfolio Analysis on the fly – A metric based digital transformation of a foundational decision support framework, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2019.
- Nr. 0034: Jozin, Ruzica: Crunch time in software development: a theory, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2020.
- Nr. 0034: Haug, Markus: Data integration and analysis approaches in the context of automotive events: a case study with active driver assistance systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2021.
- Nr. 0034: Burk, Felix: A dynamic analysis-based linter for Python, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2023.
- Nr. 0034: Baricova, Katarina: User-centric approach of visual cues to enhance VR orientation for people with visual impairments, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2024.
- Nr. 0035: Mishra, Abhilash: Persistence, discovery, and generation of viable cloud application topologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2015.
- Nr. 0035: Przytarski, Dennis: SKilLed Bauhaus, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2016.
- Nr. 0035: Gräber, Manuel: Supporting consumptions in parallel complex event processing operators on multicore architectures, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2017.
- Nr. 0035: Gajek, Fabian: API diversity for microservices in the domain of connected vehicles, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2018.
- Nr. 0035: Hill, Stefan: Scalable IoT platforms, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2019.
- Nr. 0035: Hermann, Matthias: Graph sparsification techniques for triangle counting, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2020.
- Nr. 0035: Epple, Lukas: Computing shortest path distances based on cluster-pairs, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2021.
- Nr. 0035: Künzel, Sebastian: Design and implementation of a GPU-based simulation- and analysis-environment for dynamical systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2022.
- Nr. 0035: Knappich, Valentin: Tests4J benchmark: execution-based evaluation of context-aware language models for test case generation, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2023.
- Nr. 0035: Awad-Mohammed, Miriam: Eyetracking für das Zusammenspiel von Text und Visualisierung, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2024.
- Nr. 0036: Brunn, Malte: Coupling of Particle Simulation and Lattice Boltzmann Background Flow on Adaptive Grids, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2017.
- Nr. 0036: Naumann, Oliver: Automatische Startnummernerkennung für Automobilrennen, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2015.
- Nr. 0036: Graser, Leon: Design and implementation of an evaluation testbed for fog computing infrastructure and applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2017.
- Nr. 0036: Gregorian, Christopher: Secure Generic Data Synchronisation and Sharing, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2018.
- Nr. 0036: Golda, Robert: Integration von Datenqualitätsmethoden in das Datenflusswerkzeug FlexMash, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2019.
- Nr. 0036: Sadhasivan, Hema: Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning for Decision Support on Fault Correction in Manufacturing, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2020.
- Nr. 0036: Bhattacharjee, Soumyadeep: Deep learning for voice cloning, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2021.
- Nr. 0036: Holtwerth, Nico: Dynamic vertex colored conflict graphs for time-sensitive networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2022.
- Nr. 0036: Walter, Peter: Filter dictionaries for optical flow prediction with RAFT, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2023.
- Nr. 0036: Weiler, Simon: Human-AI collaboration for immersive analysis of spatiotemporal ensemble data, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2024.
- Nr. 0037: Pauls, Jan-Hendrik: State machine replication for highly available service networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2015.
- Nr. 0037: Grunert, Jonas: Concurrent query analytics on distributed graph systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2017.
- Nr. 0037: Großmann, Steven: Dynamic consistency checking of cloud computing patterns, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2018.
- Nr. 0037: Link, Marco: Automatische Ressourcenselektion in Datenanalysepipelines, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2019.
- Nr. 0037: Frank, Alex: Nutzung von Provenance-Daten zur Analyse personenbezogener Daten gemäß DSGVO-Richtlinien, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2020.
- Nr. 0037: Kannan, Gokul: Road user detection on radar data cubes with deep learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2021.
- Nr. 0037: Balihalli, Tushar Rajendra: Data-driven partitioning of training data for complex multiclass problems, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2022.
- Nr. 0037: Gebhardt, Patrick: Evaluating different combinations of haptic feedback devices in Virtual Reality, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2023.
- Nr. 0037: Hanafy, Mohammad: Ghost Objects Detection Using Machine Learning for Autonomous Vehicles, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2024.
- Nr. 0038: Rajamani, Jayaprashanthini: Filter (Dials | ...), Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2015.
- Nr. 0038: Tangermann, Jonas: Incremental Weak Fréchet Map-Matching, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2016.
- Nr. 0038: Gutermann, Jochen: Dekomposition und Komposition von Microservices, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2017.
- Nr. 0038: Hanke, Carlos: Charakterisierung strukturell einfacher Quantorenalternierungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2018.
- Nr. 0038: Wagner, Matthias: Why-Not Provenance für geschachtelte Daten in Spark, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2019.
- Nr. 0038: Parga Cacheiro, Dominic: Learning metrics for balancing load in street-networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2020.
- Nr. 0038: Reich, Kevin: Optimizing neural fake speech detection using post hoc analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2021.
- Nr. 0038: Keskin, Bedirhan: A simulator for connected car scenarios, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2022.
- Nr. 0038: Franquinet, Julian: Performance portability analysis of SYCL with a classical CG on CPU, GPU, and FPGA, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2023.
- Nr. 0038: Braun, Tim: Ensemble approaches for Link Prediction, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2024.
- Nr. 0039: Ramaj, Alketa: Extending an open source enterprise service bus for PostgreSQL statement transformation to enable cloud data access, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2015.
- Nr. 0039: Hager, Janik: An analysis of difficulties and regularities in optical flow benchmarks, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2017.
- Nr. 0039: Hanna, Simon: Design und Implementierung eines Linkers für SKilL/Bauhaus, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2018.
- Nr. 0039: Schweizer, Markus: Speichern und Visualisieren von Struktureller Provenance, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2019.
- Nr. 0039: Mathony, Tobias: Deployment-technology-agnostic management of running applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2020.
- Nr. 0039: Schneefuss, Patrick: Desychronization algorithms for fast ILP solutions of TDMA schedules in IEEE Time-Sensitive Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2021.
- Nr. 0039: Specht, Magnus Matthäus: Ideas and committing to ideas in software engineering : an industrial case study, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2022.
- Nr. 0039: Jadhav, Vishwas Avinash: Evaluation and implementation of zero-touch onboarding solutions for IIoT, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2023.
- Nr. 0039: Yildirim, Fatih: Objective Evaluation of Voice Assistant Systems in Vehicles: Developing of a Benchmarking Test-Tool, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2024.
- Nr. 0040: Raskin, Vadim: Automatic interpretation of a declarative cloud service description, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2015.
- Nr. 0040: Root, Dennis: Exploration of Smartphone-based Ad-hoc Interaction Methods with Smart Devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2016.
- Nr. 0040: Haider, Muhammad Ali: Securing cloud service archives for function and data shipping in industrial environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2017.
- Nr. 0040: Harzenetter, Lukas: Versioning of applications modeled in TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2018.
- Nr. 0040: Bitz, Roman: Framework für einen zusammengesetzten Datenspeicher, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2019.
- Nr. 0040: Erol, Cihan: Visual Analysis of Experimental Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media Ensemble Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2020.
- Nr. 0040: Wersching, Adrian: Pattern detection in declarative deployment models, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2021.
- Nr. 0040: Schindler, Dominik: Der Einfluss motivationaler Faktoren auf die Messung von Codeverstehen, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2022.
- Nr. 0040: Ruhdorfer, Constantin: Into the Minds of the Chefs: Using Theory of Mind for Robust Collaboration with Humans in Overcooked, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2023.
- Nr. 0040: Sakpal, Suraj: Application of fuzz testing for testing highly configurable systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2024.
- Nr. 0041: Schatz, Karsten: Identifikation und Visualisierung von Halos in kosmologischen Simulationen, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2015.
- Nr. 0041: Auda, Jonas: Investigation of Delay Opportunities of Mobile Notifications, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2016.
- Nr. 0041: Haider, Md. Rezzakul: Deployment of TOSCA cloud services archives using Kubernetes, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2017.
- Nr. 0041: Heinemann, Moritz: ML-based visual analysis of droplet behaviour in multiphase flow simulations, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2018.
- Nr. 0041: Schlinger, Steffen Matthias: Benutzung von Laufzeitdaten für die Wartbarkeitsanalyse von Service- und Microservice-basierten Systemen, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2019.
- Nr. 0041: Linn, Tobias: Design of a Rule-based Formalism to Predict VM Placements in Cloud Infrastructures, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2020.
- Nr. 0041: Donsuypae, Nakharin: Decentralized cross-organizational application deployment using multiple different deployment automation technologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2021.
- Nr. 0041: Bhattacharya, Pratyusha: Concept Drift Detection and adaptation for machine learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2022.
- Nr. 0041: Dietrich, Yannik Florian: Monitoring Non-Functional Requirements in Machine Learning Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2023.
- Nr. 0041: Gupta, Shubham: Enhancing Safety in Autonomous Vehicles: Realtime Dual Image Cropping Algorithm for Redundant Lane Detection, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2024.
- Nr. 0042: Schnabel, Niklas: Entwurf und Realisierung einer App zur Verwaltung von Taxonomien, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2015.
- Nr. 0042: Azad, Tayyaba: Decision support for middleware performance benchmarking, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2016.
- Nr. 0042: Hesse, Sebastian: Mandantenfähige Cloud Architektur für die Synchronisation von Projektmanagement Softwareanwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2017.
- Nr. 0042: Jäger, Roland: Typesafe parallel serialization in SKilL/Rust, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2018.
- Nr. 0042: Diehm, Alexander: Lokales Alerting in Monitoringsystemen, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2019.
- Nr. 0042: Merz, Lasse: Experimental investigation of the consequences of expected source code understandability, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2020.
- Nr. 0042: Grotepass, Florian Frank: Analyzing the quality of RESTful APIs in a migration context: a case study in the e-commerce domain, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2021.
- Nr. 0042: Steinacker, Daniel: Entwurf und Evaluierung von netzwerkbasierten Bloom-Filtern für Anwendungen zur Kontaktverfolgung, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2022.
- Nr. 0042: Nieß, Adriaan: Algorithms for calculating robust schedules for time sensitive networking (TSN), Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2023.
- Nr. 0042: Merkel, Manuel: Shaping the future : the transformative potential of AI in computer science VET programs, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2024.
- Nr. 0043: Scholz, Martin: Exploring maps using Leap Motion, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2015.
- Nr. 0043: Bagg, Tobias: Resultatsclustering und einfache POI Exploration für OSCAR, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2016.
- Nr. 0043: Hoppe, Matthias: Adjusting virtual worlds to real world feedback limitations while using quadcopters, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2017.
- Nr. 0043: Joseph Victor Raj, Jane Shirley: Design and implementation of highly-efficient data structures for parallel complex event processing framework on multicore shared memory architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2018.
- Nr. 0043: Basaula, Aanal Raj: Software test automation for IoT applications : design and implementation of a test framework for the digital concepts gateway, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2019.
- Nr. 0043: Schuff, Hendrik: Explainable question answering beyond F1: metrics, models and human evaluation, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2020.
- Nr. 0043: Wang, Xusong: Collection telemetry data for a static code analysis tool in a data protection compliant way, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2021.
- Nr. 0043: Pastuchov, Swjatoslaw: Exploring the challenges of engineering AI planning-based applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2023.
- Nr. 0043: Kamthe, Sheetal: Design and evaluation of an enhanced Large Language Models (LLM)-powered scientific paper discovery application, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2024.
- Nr. 0044: Strobel, Patrick H.: Automatische Zusammenfassung von Quellcode-Kommentaren, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2015.
- Nr. 0044: Dreiucker, Mark: Integrierte Rückverfolgbarkeit von Anforderungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2016.
- Nr. 0044: Ivanov, Nikolay: Visual analytics of city dynamics using social media data, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2017.
- Nr. 0044: Karim, Ahmad: IoT based monitoring and control for energy management system, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2018.
- Nr. 0044: Eichler, Rebecca Kay: Metadata management in the data lake architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2019.
- Nr. 0044: Shao, Gang: About the design changes required for enabling ECM systems to exploit cloud technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2020.
- Nr. 0044: Hsu, Ya-Jen: Learning to Identify Equivalent Code, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2021.
- Nr. 0044: Lindenmaier, Gabriel: The Impact Of Tokenization On RNN And Transformer Language Models And Their Hybrid Architectures, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2022.
- Nr. 0044: Wójcik, Pawel: Towards empirical evidence for the impact of microservice API patterns on software quality: a controlled experiment, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2023.
- Nr. 0044: Neubauer, Felix: Data model creation with MetaConfigurator, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2024.
- Nr. 0045: Wahab, Abdul: BPMN 2.0 Relevant Process Fragments (RPF) repository, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2015.
- Nr. 0045: Heinkel, Manuel: Dynamic APIs in a Connected Car Environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2016.
- Nr. 0045: Jadhav, Priyanka: Workload based provenance capture reduction, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2017.
- Nr. 0045: Keppler, Nicole: Zugriffskontrollmodel für Data Lakes, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2018.
- Nr. 0045: Graef, Sebstian: Designing and implementing usable, interoperable, and reusable services of AI planning capabilities, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2020.
- Nr. 0045: Saha, Shaiori: Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning with Semantic Web Technologies for Decision Support in Manufacturing, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2021.
- Nr. 0045: Dörr, Nina Pascale: Influence of distractors on visual attention techniques, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2022.
- Nr. 0045: Heindl, Amelie: Verbotsmuster für Logik mit zwei Variablen über endlichen und unendlichen Wörtern, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2023.
- Nr. 0045: Arora, Vidushi: Exploring real-world challenges in MLOps implementation: a case study approach to design effective data pipelines, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2024.
- Nr. 0046: Zhao, Han: Development and analysis of a window manager concept for consolidated 3D rendering on an embedded platform, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2015.
- Nr. 0046: Käfer, Verena: A Study of the Transferability of Tutorial Concepts of Games to Application Software, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2016.
- Nr. 0046: Jiang, Lan: Interaktive, visuelle Fehleranalyse für die Chip- und Schaltkreisüberprüfung, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2017.
- Nr. 0046: Khinchi, Vikas: Evaluating various transaction processing characteristics of permissioned blockchain networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2018.
- Nr. 0046: Weigold, Manuela: Nutzung von Standards und Technologien des Semantischen Webs zur Repräsentation von Mustersprachen, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2019.
- Nr. 0046: Gürtler, Matthias: Factors leading to retention and organizational turnover in software engineering : a conceptual model, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2020.
- Nr. 0046: Yadav, Priyashi: Secure User Concept for Mercedes-Benz AG / VANs IoT Platform, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2021.
- Nr. 0046: Georg, Daniel: Applications of the quantum-classic split pattern in quantum computing, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2022.
- Nr. 0046: Halacheva, Anna-Maria: Beyond Linear Attention: Leveraging Möbius Transformation for Improved Attention in Transformer Models, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2024.
- Nr. 0047: Ziegenhagel, Albert: A Form-Compiler for the Partition of Unity Code PaUnT, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2015.
- Nr. 0047: Khoshdani, Pedram: From Lab to the Wild - Conducting Psychological Experiments in the Large, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2016.
- Nr. 0047: Kaul, Arthur: Konzeptioneller Entwurf und Implementierung einer Methode zur automatisierten Verfeinerung von Topologien, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2017.
- Nr. 0047: Knabben, Moritz: Interaktive visuelle Analyse historischer Zeitungsnachrichten, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2018.
- Nr. 0047: Kapitza, Stefania: Cloud Manufacturing : eine systematische Mapping-Studie, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2019.
- Nr. 0047: Lux, Patrick: Investigating the relationship between conscientiousness and the performance in solving coding challenges, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2020.
- Nr. 0047: Fuchs, Philipp: Entwurf einer Systemlandschaft für das Datenmanagement im Data-Mesh-Ansatz, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2023.
- Nr. 0047: Franck, Jan: Dynamic Service Configuration in SOME/IP Middleware: Identification and Evaluation, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2024.
- Nr. 0048: Fleischer, Lukas: Minimierung und effiziente Algorithmen für erkennende Homomorphismen über omega-regulären Sprachen, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2015.
- Nr. 0048: Kumar, Deepak: Vulnerability of Semantic Location Protection Schemes under long-term Location Exposure, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2016.
- Nr. 0048: Keck, Philipp: Analysing and improving the crypto ecosystem of Rust, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2017.
- Nr. 0048: Kraus, Philipp: Architectural analysis of blockchain-based decentralized energy management systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2018.
- Nr. 0048: Esin, Ridvan: Konzept und Implementierung einer Patternlandkarte zur Navigation durch Patternsprachen, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2019.
- Nr. 0048: Harner, Sebastian: Automated Test Generation for Asynchronous, Higher-Order Javascript Functions, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2020.
- Nr. 0048: Stober, Florian: The power word problem in graph groups, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2021.
- Nr. 0048: Schreiner, Christian: The Design and Implementation of a Decentralized Smart Contract Descriptor Repository, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2022.
- Nr. 0048: Knodel, Marvin Christian: Migration monolithischer Anwendungen in Microservices-basierte Architekturen : Fallstudie einer Service/Sales-Applikation, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2023.
- Nr. 0048: Lauer, Mike: Deception on Client Endpoints: Analysis and Implementation of Deception Mechanisms for Reconnaissance Detection on Enterprise Clients, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2024.
- Nr. 0049: Li, Chen: Distributed Data Analytics Using Graph Processing Frameworks, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2015.
- Nr. 0049: Mihalcut, Valentin: Adaptive Approximate Computing for Image Filtering using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2016.
- Nr. 0049: Khan, Muhammad Arsalan: Designing a context-aware discovery service for IoT devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2017.
- Nr. 0049: Krieger, Christoph: Semantic querying of distributed pattern and solution repositories, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2018.
- Nr. 0049: Matheis, Gerd: Automatisierte Archivierung und Wiederinbetriebnahme cloud-basierter Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2019.
- Nr. 0049: Braun, Hendrik: Modellschätzung und Regelung flexibler Lasten, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2020.
- Nr. 0049: Ulusal, Seda: Monitoring und Optimierung von SQL Streaming in der Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2021.
- Nr. 0049: Balbach, Daniel: A framework for optimizing spark configurations, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2022.
- Nr. 0049: Tong, Yuye: An architecture for seamless communication between wearables and connected vehicles, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2023.
- Nr. 0049: Ye, Yun: SwinDiffuser: Accelerating Diffusion Models through Parallel Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2024.
- Nr. 0050: Mahmood, Arslan: Cost and effort estimation technique for business process modeling, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2015.
- Nr. 0050: Cheng, Hanwen: Supporting organizational goals with mobile apps, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2016.
- Nr. 0050: Kleine, Christoph: Backward and Forward Compatibility for TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.0: Concept and Modelling Tooling Support, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2017.
- Nr. 0050: Kuznecov, Paul: A visual analytics approach for explainability of deep neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2018.
- Nr. 0050: Omar, Emad: Data center simulator for sustainable data centers, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2019.
- Nr. 0050: Wangler, Thomas: Development of a vendor independent quantum computing transpiler, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2020.
- Nr. 0050: Bühler, Felix: Performance measurements for personalizable route planning for uncorrelated edge costs, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2021.
- Nr. 0050: Kleinhans, Niklas: Simulation of muscle movements with GNNs, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2022.
- Nr. 0050: Zhao, Jiaqi: Learning the loss in optical flow estimation based on the end-point-error, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2023.
- Nr. 0050: El-Sharbatly, Nadin: Algorithms for Constrained Reinforcement Learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2024.
- Nr. 0051: Foril, Alexander: Synthetic data generation for big data, Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2016.
- Nr. 0051: Lehmann, Simon: Policy4TDLIoT - Policys für die Topic Description Language, Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2018.
- Nr. 0051: Stadelmaier, Niko: Using software-performance-antipatterns and profiling traces to perform code-refactorings, Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2020.
- Nr. 0051: Weitbrecht, Michel: ILP-based schedule planning for dynamic IEEE time-sensitive networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2022.
- Nr. 0051: Lekar, Dominik: Einfluss von Bildausschnittgröße und Hyperparametern auf Computer Vision Modelle, Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2023.
- Nr. 0051: Egger, Simon: Adaptive robust scheduling in wireless Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN), Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2024.
- Nr. 0052: Kuhn, Julian: Kooperative Vorhersage der minimalen Anwendungsausführungszeit, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2016.
- Nr. 0052: Kuang, Fangjun: PatchMatch algorithms for motion estimation and stereo reconstruction, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2017.
- Nr. 0052: Sowoidnich, Yannic: Concept for executing management operations on components of application instances, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2019.
- Nr. 0052: Graf, Marcel: Automatisierte Aggregation von Musterimplementierungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2020.
- Nr. 0052: Scheerer, Felix: Interaktion mit der MBP IoT-Plattform mittels der Microsoft HoloLens, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2021.
- Nr. 0052: Schürmann, Leon: Design and evaluation of system concepts and protocols for lossless hardware-assisted streaming of real-time measurement data over IP networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2022.
- Nr. 0052: Waghmare, Sharvari: Handwritten vs. Typed Annotations, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2023.
- Nr. 0052: Youssef, Johnny: Python's dominance in machine learning : unraveling its emergence and exploring the trade-offs of faster alternatives, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2024.
- Nr. 0053: Lingamaneni, Ragavendra: Exploration of programming by demonstration approaches for smart environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2016.
- Nr. 0053: Kutzleb, André: Visual analytics of big data from distributed systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2017.
- Nr. 0053: Link, Vincent: Konzeption und Realisierung einer Cloud-Plattform zur Konfiguration und dem Deployment von Services, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2018.
- Nr. 0053: Tilli, Pascal: Generation-based continual learning approach for visual question answering, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2020.
- Nr. 0053: Hagemann, Pascal: Evaluating dynamic load balancing of ECM workload pattern employed in cloud environments managed by a Kubernetes/Docker eco-system, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2021.
- Nr. 0053: Sangolli, Suhas Devendrakeerti: Deep learning in stream entity resolution, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2022.
- Nr. 0053: Weilinger, Matthias: Implementing variational quantum algorithms as compositions of reusable microservice-based plugins, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2023.
- Nr. 0053: Telsang, Poornima: Classification of status of applicants based on other available datasets and parameters, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2024.
- Nr. 0054: Lukenich, Denis: OSM-Navigationssystem für Android Watch, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2016.
- Nr. 0054: Lanksweirt, Adrian Rudi: Gestaltung von grafischen Bedienelementen für neue Dimensionen der Touch-Eingabe, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2017.
- Nr. 0054: Loutfi, Kinda: Evaluation of prediction mechanisms of parameters for data mining algorithms, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2018.
- Nr. 0054: Radic, Marco: Quantum-enhanced machine learning in the NISQ era, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2019.
- Nr. 0054: Muschick, Peter: Learn2Sign: sign language recognition and translation using human keypoint estimation and transformer model, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2020.
- Nr. 0054: Großkopf, Timo: Load shedding in complex event processing with probabilistic features, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2021.
- Nr. 0054: Lakshmana Murthy, Swetha: Towards production-ready end-to-end federated learning for automotive applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2022.
- Nr. 0054: Armbruster, Benedikt: Refinement of Partitioning for Multi-class Problems with Heterogeneous Groups, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2023.
- Nr. 0054: Patil, Devaji: Semi-automated evaluation of masters application data, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2024.
- Nr. 0055: Lu, Qing: Data parallelization in complex event processing without a dedicated splitter, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2016.
- Nr. 0055: Lika, Edyta: Design of an API Management Concept in Conjunction with a Shared Service Model for Specific Non-functional Requirements in the Context of Financial Services, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2017.
- Nr. 0055: Luo, Zheren: Master Annotator: enhancing distant supervision through visual interfaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2018.
- Nr. 0055: Bulut, Velihan: Herausforderungen in der Releaseplanung im Umfeld Automotive, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2019.
- Nr. 0055: Degutis, Daniel Ryan: Modeling and transformation of serverless workflows, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2020.
- Nr. 0055: Imeri, Amil: Prediction of failures of IoT devices by using machine learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2021.
- Nr. 0055: Siddappa, Prathima: Towards addressing MLOps pipeline challenges : practical guidelines based on a multivocal literature review, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2022.
- Nr. 0055: Schnell, Miriam: Constrained Optimisation of Time Curves, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2023.
- Nr. 0055: Rameshan, Sreelakshmi: Analyzing frameworks and strategies for converting neural networks for neuromorphic processors, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2024.
- Nr. 0056: Maher, Karim: Building a bluetooth automatic obstacle-avoidance robotic based in an agile development process, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2016.
- Nr. 0056: López, José Fernando Marín: Image-based estimation of the object kinematics for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2017.
- Nr. 0056: Maaß, Marius: In-network complex event processing using advanced data-plane programming, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2018.
- Nr. 0056: Singer, Ken: Entwicklung einer generischen Architektur für Quanten-Services in der Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2019.
- Nr. 0056: Ashok, Sandesh Kenjana: Development of a Web-based application for analysis and visualization of CO2 emissions of european power systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2020.
- Nr. 0056: Zorn, Christoph: Interactive elicitation of resilience scenarios in microservice architectures, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2021.
- Nr. 0056: Michelbach, Katrin: Empirically Driven Taxonomy of Project Failures in the Context of an Agile Web Application Development Project within a Conventional Software Development Organization, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2022.
- Nr. 0056: Riegel, Benedikt: Quantum Reinforcement Learning using Entangled States, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2023.
- Nr. 0056: Ahmed, Mohamed: Leveraging large language models for latent intention recognition and next action prediction, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2024.
- Nr. 0057: Maier, Sven: Variational perspective shape from shading with minimal surface regularisation, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2016.
- Nr. 0057: Mahrous, Khaled: A framework for service-based data processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2017.
- Nr. 0057: Mahmoodi, Saeed: A canonical language for complex event processing systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2018.
- Nr. 0057: Kaplan, Ayhan: Framework for migrating deployed serverless applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2019.
- Nr. 0057: Raghavan, Priyanga: Learning planning domains for office buildings using IoT data, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2020.
- Nr. 0057: Trybek, Christoph: Investigating the Orchestration of Containerized Enterprise Content Management Workloads in Cloud Environments Using Open Source Cloud Technology Based on Kubernetes and Docker, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2021.
- Nr. 0057: Prakash, Neha: Matrix-based Route Planning for Battery Electric Vehicles, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2022.
- Nr. 0057: Sinha, Vishesh: Leveraging LLMs for HTN domain model generation via prompt engineering, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2024.
- Nr. 0058: Maurer, Steffen: Augmenting movement with navigational aids from a projector drone, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2016.
- Nr. 0058: Mari, Hariharan: Simulation models for the performance analysis of bluetooth low energy in multi-device environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2017.
- Nr. 0058: Marbach, Eduard: Konzeption und Realisierung einer dynamischen Service Plattform zur Verbindung von internen und externen Komponenten, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2018.
- Nr. 0058: Salm, Marie Olivia: Die Rolle von Verschränkung im Quantencomputing : Speedup und Konsensusprotokolle, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2019.
- Nr. 0058: Sen, Latife: Psychometric Evaluation of IBM Watson Personality Insights and LIWC for assessing Software Developer Personalities, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2020.
- Nr. 0058: Heldwein, Elena: Automated compliance management of heterogeneous application infrastructures at runtime, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2021.
- Nr. 0058: Widmayer, Moritz: Parallel machine learning of fluid-structure interaction, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2022.
- Nr. 0058: Pankratz, Timm: Entwurf eines Systems zur Identifikation von Einstiegspatterns für die Umsetzung von Quantenalgorithmen, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2023.
- Nr. 0058: Kavian, Mohammadali: Automated cloud reconfiguration with HTN planning: engineering a domain model and performance insights, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2024.
- Nr. 0059: Mayer, Karsten: Erklärung fehlender Ergebnisse bei der Verarbeitung hierarchischer Daten in Spark, Masterarbeit Nr. 59, 2016.
- Nr. 0059: Mittal, Niharika: Optimized Resource Matching for uploading bits in a PaaS Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 59, 2017.
- Nr. 0059: Melcher, Jan: Design and implementation of a container-based architecture for real-time control applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 59, 2018.
- Nr. 0059: Rapp, Jan: Route planning based on destination signs in OpenStreetMap, Masterarbeit Nr. 59, 2019.
- Nr. 0059: Teis, Lisa-Marie: Java Interface for Secure Crypto Config, Masterarbeit Nr. 59, 2020.
- Nr. 0059: Ehret, Tim-Julian: Automatisierte Generierung von Quantum Workflows, Masterarbeit Nr. 59, 2021.
- Nr. 0059: Thomas, Sharon Anna: Artificial Intelligence Based Landing Site Detection for Hovering Spacecraft, Masterarbeit Nr. 59, 2022.
- Nr. 0059: Weik, Fabian: Investigation of multistability-affected period-incrementing and period-adding structures in a model of a power converter with symmetry, Masterarbeit Nr. 59, 2023.
- Nr. 0059: Hutter, Franziska: Transformation of MechatronicUML Models to Matlab with Simulink and Stateflow for Simulating Autonomous Driving Functions, Masterarbeit Nr. 59, 2024.
- Nr. 0060: Mohammed, Mohammed Qaid Abdul-Razzaq: Design and implementation of an occupancy monitoring method for indoor public sensing applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2016.
- Nr. 0060: Müller, Manuel: Design, Implementierung und Evaluation einer Anwendungssoftware für einen intelligenten Wandkalender, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2017.
- Nr. 0060: Messner, Johannes: Interaktive Kennzeichnung großer multimedialer Nachrichten-Korpora, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2018.
- Nr. 0060: Geppert, Heiko: Massive hypergraph partitioning, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2019.
- Nr. 0060: Kaiser, Armin: Immersive Kartendarstellungen für AR-Brillen, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2020.
- Nr. 0060: Basaric, Stefan: Ereignisbasierte Architektur für Quantenanwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2021.
- Nr. 0060: Ott, Stefan: Long-tailed visual object detection using grouped staged training, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2022.
- Nr. 0060: Chalapco, Andrei: Distributed task-based conjugated gradients: a comparison between HPX and MPI + X, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2024.
- Nr. 0061: Mohrmann, Jochen: Active exploration and identification of kinematic devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2016.
- Nr. 0061: Müller, Tamara: A platform for collaborative quality assurance of bibliographical references and notes, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2017.
- Nr. 0061: Meyer, Philipp: Ein systematischer Vergleich zwischen modellbasierten und profiling-basierten Performance-Analyseverfahren, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2018.
- Nr. 0061: Tobien, Patrick: Multi-frame approaches for learning optical flow predictions, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2020.
- Nr. 0061: Schnick, Christopher: Transformed sparse grids for high-dimensional models, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2021.
- Nr. 0061: Lis, Alexander: Attacking a defended optical flow network, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2022.
- Nr. 0061: Hohmann, Christof: Risk-aware hierarchical planning for smart non-residential buildings, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2023.
- Nr. 0061: Göhring, Marius: Investigation of the complexity and energy-efficiency using pruning and neural architecture search in DNNs, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2024.
- Nr. 0062: Niethammer, Philipp: Syntax-directed Incremental Verification of Java Modeling Language Contracts, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2016.
- Nr. 0062: Nazir, Iqbal: Visual correlation analytics of event-based error reports for advanced manufacturing, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2017.
- Nr. 0062: Michel, David: Conception of a blockchain client for secure transmission of production data, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2018.
- Nr. 0062: Gadirov, Hamid: Autoencoder-based feature extraction for ensemble visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2020.
- Nr. 0062: Roggenbuck, Kay: Simulation and analysis of complex dynamics in a low-dimensional model of a vibration-machine, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2021.
- Nr. 0062: Walter, Tobias: Evaluation and application of estimated gaze depth in Virtual Reality, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2022.
- Nr. 0062: Bhawsinka, Nistha: Change tracking and observability for complex software development, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2023.
- Nr. 0062: Arnold, Daniel: Software Integration Testing for Autonomous Driving: Requirement Analysis, Challenges and Approaches, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2024.
- Nr. 0063: Noller, Yannic: Model counting of string constraints for probabilistic symbolic execution, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2016.
- Nr. 0063: Neugebauer, Nikolai: Dynamische Teilausführung von Mashup Plans zur Modellierungszeit, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2017.
- Nr. 0063: Mirazimi, Saeede Sadat: Automated Deployment of Applications in Infrastructure and Platform Service Model of Cloud Computing, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2018.
- Nr. 0063: Alnazer, Ebaa: HTN Planning with Utilities, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2019.
- Nr. 0063: Benz, Jakob: Privacy for the MBP IoT platform, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2020.
- Nr. 0063: Pesl, Robin Dominic: Concepts for advanced integration of SuperTuxKart into connected cars, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2021.
- Nr. 0063: Schäfer, Noel Philipp: Visual Analytics für Visual-Reasoning-Aufgaben, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2022.
- Nr. 0063: Salaheddine, Ali: Context-aware machine-learning-based error detection, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2023.
- Nr. 0063: Yang, Haoran: Task-Specific Instruction Tuning for Precise Generation of Driven Software Requirements with Large Language Models, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2024.
- Nr. 0064: Noori, Hoda: Adding value to object storage: integrating analytics with cloud storage back ends, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2016.
- Nr. 0064: Nüssle, Steffen: Berechnung des Szenenflusses mit Variationsansätzen, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2017.
- Nr. 0064: Muazzen, Osama: Framework for automatic selection of analytic platforms for data mining tasks, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2018.
- Nr. 0064: Revanna, Sweekar: A Systematic Approach to extend the common Software Testing Types with modules specific to the field of Machine Learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2019.
- Nr. 0064: Baireuther, Jonas: Visualisierung von Ontologien für MUSE4Anything, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2021.
- Nr. 0064: Pathmanathan, Nelusa: Space-time gaze visualization in AR, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2022.
- Nr. 0064: Kollmeier, Magnus: Advanced Scheduling Heuristics for Time-triggered Realtime Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2023.
- Nr. 0064: Gröninger, Lars: Reasoning about Code Changes via Pairwise Learning-Guided Execution, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2024.
- Nr. 0065: Nusser, André: The simultaneous maze solving problems, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2016.
- Nr. 0065: Ogando, Sophie: Exploring User-Centered Attack Scenarios in the Wild, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2017.
- Nr. 0065: Nguyen, Quang Tuan Anh: Performance Simulation of Scheduling Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Automotive Software Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2018.
- Nr. 0065: Heck, Tobias: Entwicklung eines Konzeptes zur Implementierung von Regelalgorithmen im Rahmen einer STPA und dessen Umsetzung in XSTAMPP 4.0, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2019.
- Nr. 0065: Makolli, Sokol: Integration of CH/HL-based route planning in OSCAR, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2020.
- Nr. 0065: Le, An T.: Learning task-parameterized Riemannian motion policies, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2021.
- Nr. 0065: Öney, Seyda Zarife: Virtual and real-world AOI in AR, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2022.
- Nr. 0065: Schuiki, Laura: Erweiterung des Data-Mesh-Konzepts um Datenschutzaspekte, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2023.
- Nr. 0065: Vashisth, Dhananjay: Industry practices and challenges of using AI planning: an interview-based study, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2024.
- Nr. 0066: Olp, Dominik: Exploring cloud-based sharing of community recipes for smart environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2016.
- Nr. 0066: Pfeiffer, Thomas: Realisierung eines verteilten IT-Systems auf Basis von OPC UA, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2017.
- Nr. 0066: Paule, Christina: Securing DevOps : detection of vulnerabilities in CD pipelines, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2018.
- Nr. 0066: Berhe, Senait: Eine Analyse der Benutzererfahrung in der Interaktion mit einem Kino Chatbot, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2019.
- Nr. 0066: Owens, Niklas: Anwendung der Well-Separated Pair Decomposition auf Sichtbarkeitsgraphen, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2020.
- Nr. 0066: Scheurenbrand, Patrick: Immersive Miniaturkarten auf der HoloLens 2, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2021.
- Nr. 0066: Kaminski, Lukas: Online study on reading behavior of texts with integrated word-sized visualizations, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2022.
- Nr. 0066: Ahmed, Aimn: Das Treffpunktproblem in Straßengraphen, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2023.
- Nr. 0066: Yang, Rui: The Yokai challenge: a new frontier for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and Machine Theory of Mind, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2024.
- Nr. 0067: Pincay Nieves, Jhonny Vladimir: Knowledge capturing and usage of evolving cloud application topologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2016.
- Nr. 0067: Qureshi, Kashif Wajid: A Scalable FFT Processor Architecture Based on Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2017.
- Nr. 0067: Pfister, Daniel: Skilled LLVM, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2018.
- Nr. 0067: Bühler, Andreas: Das Ordnungsproblem für Automatengruppen und verwandte Fragestellungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2019.
- Nr. 0067: Salian, Shashank: Deep visualization for MR-based biological age estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2020.
- Nr. 0067: Kutger, Isabella: Konzept und Umsetzung eines Data Lakes für Connected-Car-Umgebungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2021.
- Nr. 0067: Zilch, Markus: Evaluation of explainability in autoscaling frameworks, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2022.
- Nr. 0067: Wimpff, Jochen: Webbasierte Exploration virtueller Welten aus OSM-Daten, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2023.
- Nr. 0067: Sander, Jurek: Das Treffpunktsystem im öffentlichen Personenverkehr, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2024.
- Nr. 0068: Rahman, Muhammad Arifur: Conception and implementation of a secure engineering and key exchange mechanism for the open source PLC Beremiz using a test driven approach, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2016.
- Nr. 0068: Ramakrishnan, Ganesh Ayalur: Leveraging continuous integration in space avionics - a design using declarative build automation paradigm, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2017.
- Nr. 0068: Prager, Florian: Immersive Spatio-Temporale Suche und Exploration zur Entscheidungsunterstützung, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2018.
- Nr. 0068: Holzmüller, David: Convergence Analysis of Neural Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2019.
- Nr. 0068: Sanchez, Carlos Moreno: Visual Correlation of Network Flows and Host-Based Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2020.
- Nr. 0068: Gönner, Katharina: Modellierung von Data Loops in Connected-Car-Umgebungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2021.
- Nr. 0068: Kißling, Justin: Queries4TOSCA: concept and development of a query language for TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2022.
- Nr. 0068: Krenz, Dominik: Das Rastplatzproblem, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2023.
- Nr. 0068: Gupta, Akshat: KGGLDM: Knowledge Graph Guided Diffusion Models for advanced learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2024.
- Nr. 0069: Reddy, Marthala Vishnu Vardhan: Design and Implementation of Privacy-aware Cloud-based Search Algorithms for Tracking Mobile Devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2016.
- Nr. 0069: Rau, Benjamin: Ein volumetrischer Imposter zur Level-of-Detail-Darstellung von Partikeldatensätzen, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2017.
- Nr. 0069: Quack, Daniel: Data Race Analyse in SKilL/Bauhaus, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2018.
- Nr. 0069: Sprott, Sascha: Situation Prediction for Situation-Aware Workflows on Customer Order Settlements, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2019.
- Nr. 0069: Schierle, Christian: Visual MIDI Data Comparison, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2020.
- Nr. 0069: Kenzler, Martin: Verteilte Datenpipelines in Software-Defined-Car-Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2021.
- Nr. 0069: Gaißert, Marcial: Iterierte Substitutionen bei regulären Baumsprachen, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2022.
- Nr. 0069: Wenzel, Nathanael: MetaEdge : an interoperable framework for the integration of edge computing platforms, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2023.
- Nr. 0069: Helmann, Maksim: GPPPy: leveraging HPX and BLAS to accelerate Gaussian processes in Python, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2024.
- Nr. 0070: Reh, C. Fabian: Interaktive, visuelle Auswertung von Daten tragbarer Sensoren zur Sturzdetektion und -Prophylaxe bei älteren Personen, Masterarbeit Nr. 70, 2016.
- Nr. 0070: Razmyslov, Andreas: Continuous Integration von AUTOSAR-Software, Masterarbeit Nr. 70, 2017.
- Nr. 0070: Röhrdanz, Oliver: Ausarbeitung einer ressourceneffizienten Speicherverwaltung für einen Car2X Stack nachWave Standard, Masterarbeit Nr. 70, 2018.
- Nr. 0070: Ramzy, Nour: Ontology-based Product Catalog Exploration, Masterarbeit Nr. 70, 2019.
- Nr. 0070: Dzamashvili, Anastasia: Analyzing Music Instrument Playing History via an Interactive Visual Diary, Masterarbeit Nr. 70, 2020.
- Nr. 0070: Baur, Lukas: Over-the-web retrieval and visualization of massive trajectory sets, Masterarbeit Nr. 70, 2021.
- Nr. 0070: Kschidock, Helena: Development of an Euler-Lagrangian framework for point-particle tracking to enable efficient multiscale simulations of complex flows, Masterarbeit Nr. 70, 2023.
- Nr. 0070: Mammen, Manasa Mariam: Evaluation of AI methods for scenario variation to support the validation of highly automated driving functions using real measurement data, Masterarbeit Nr. 70, 2024.
- Nr. 0071: Rupp, Tobias: Contraction Hierarchies für kontinuierliche Graphsimplifizierung mit Qualitätsgarantien, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2016.
- Nr. 0071: Reinhardt, Jan: Tauglichkeit von Augmented-Reality-Brillen für die visuelle Analyse in Produktion und Fertigung, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2017.
- Nr. 0071: Nüßle, Jochen: Architekturentwurf zur Mehrklassen-Fahrzeugerkennung mit kleinen, vollständigen Faltungsnetzen, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2019.
- Nr. 0071: Pauly, Vincenz: Situationserkennung mithilfe von Smart Contracts, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2020.
- Nr. 0071: Maalouly, Jad: Deep learning for scatterplot similarity, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2021.
- Nr. 0071: Koch, Daniel: Migrating monolithic architectures to microservices: a study on software quality attributes, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2022.
- Nr. 0071: Kannan, Vinoth: Visualizing the interactions and relationships from sales data and data-driven automatic product bundling to increase cross-selling, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2023.
- Nr. 0071: Amin, Usman Ghani: Quantum Computing for Smart Energy Optimizations, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2024.
- Nr. 0072: Rzayev, Rufat: A tool for episodic memory reflection based on implicit diary entries, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2016.
- Nr. 0072: Reutter, Robin: Correlating facial expressions and contextual data for mood prediction using mobile devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2017.
- Nr. 0072: Rohloff, Tom: Flow control for event-based cyber-physical systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2018.
- Nr. 0072: Tso, Leslie: Visual tracking and analysis of web content dissemination, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2019.
- Nr. 0072: Elzayat, Kareem: Incremental Schema-agnostic Blocking for Entity Resolution of Web Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2020.
- Nr. 0072: Rau, Simeon: Visualization for human-AI collaborative music composition, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2021.
- Nr. 0072: Jahagirdar, Aniruddha Prashant: Analysis and development of a digital picking system using IoT and Logistic 4.0, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2022.
- Nr. 0072: Farley, Andreas: LiftVR : VR-based motion guidance system teaching back-friendly lifting, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2023.
- Nr. 0072: Xu, Leqi: Mixed resolution schemes for efficient and effective knowledge graph embeddings, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2024.
- Nr. 0073: Saleem, Muhammad Usman: Cost optimization for data placement strategies in an analytical cloud service, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2016.
- Nr. 0073: Roth, Stephan: Investigation of volume rendering performance through active learning and visual analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2017.
- Nr. 0073: Rühle, Simon: Strategien zur adaptiven Gewichtung von Daten- und Glattheitstermen in Variationsansätzen zur Bewegungsschätzung, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2018.
- Nr. 0073: Bauer, Matthias: Curvature-minimizing interface reconstruction, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2019.
- Nr. 0073: Vetter, Jan: Analyzing the Effects of Elastic Weight Consolidation on Continual Learning in the Domain of Visual Question Answering, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2020.
- Nr. 0073: Spalink, Joachim: Continuous Software Testing for IoT Environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2021.
- Nr. 0073: Renz, Tobias: Entwicklung einer Management-API zur Automatisierung des Deployments und Managements von Software in Fahrzeugen, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2022.
- Nr. 0073: Ravi, Niranjan: Point cloud and particle data compression techniques, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2023.
- Nr. 0073: Senger, Tobias: Enhancing automotive safety through an ADAS violation dashboard, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2024.
- Nr. 0074: Sanwald, Tim: Automatic splitting in data-parallel complex event processing systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2016.
- Nr. 0074: Singh, Subarna: Routing algorithms for time sensitive networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2017.
- Nr. 0074: Sakkal, Fadi: Combining application layer and network layer filtering in Pub/Sub systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2018.
- Nr. 0074: Aukschlat, Mark: Design und Vergleich von in Benachrichtigungen integrierten Visualisierungen für Smartwatches, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2019.
- Nr. 0074: Hashad, Nabila: Context-Based Load Shedding in Complex Event Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2020.
- Nr. 0074: Schmidt, Simone: Concepts towards an automated data pre-processing and preparation within data lakes, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2021.
- Nr. 0074: Wagner, Dominik: Entwicklung eines Mulitagentensystems für das dezentrale Deployment von Softwarekomponenten, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2022.
- Nr. 0074: Abajirov, Daniel: Exploring the adoption of Java version features and their relationship to software quality on GitHub, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2023.
- Nr. 0074: Hauser, Simon: Implementation of parallel support in OpenDiHu nested solvers using the preCICE adapter, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2024.
- Nr. 0075: Sarmah, Himanshu: Workload-enabled content-based routing in software-defined networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2016.
- Nr. 0075: Szilagyi, Alexander: Analysis and representation of dataflows and performance influences in NoSQL systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2017.
- Nr. 0075: Sardar, Muhammad Usman: In-memory check pointing in speculative parallel complex event processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2018.
- Nr. 0075: Heyen, Frank: Visual Parameter Space Analysis for Classification Models, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2019.
- Nr. 0075: Lässig, Nico: Entwicklung von fairen und personalisierten Machine Learning Modellen, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2020.
- Nr. 0075: El Naofal, Mohammad: New evaluation method for reference architectures utilized to design a software reference architecture for liquid handling devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2021.
- Nr. 0075: Hepp, Johannes: Entwicklung eines Decision Support Systems für die Verarbeitung von sicherheitskritischen Daten durch Cloud-Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2022.
- Nr. 0075: Garg, Rachit: Definition and evaluation of an onboard vehicle API concept, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2023.
- Nr. 0075: Kostron, Paula: Design of a Simulation-based Game for Students to Operate a Positive Energy District, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2024.
- Nr. 0076: Scherer, Anton: Description languages for REST APIs - state of the art, comparison, and transformation, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2016.
- Nr. 0076: Trefft, Rene: Gestensteuerung von Visualisierungen im Museumskontext, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2017.
- Nr. 0076: Scheller, Stefan: Analysis of spatiotemporal ensemble data using machine learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2018.
- Nr. 0076: Muck, Michael: User-Defined Visual Shaping of Document Collections, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2019.
- Nr. 0076: Gu, Qiwen: A Meta-Approach to Guide Architectural Refactoring from Monolithic Applications to Microservices, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2020.
- Nr. 0076: Gutierrez, Timo Manuel: Handling interferences on a multi-operator CEP node with load shedding, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2021.
- Nr. 0076: Altaweel, Mohamad: QuCSplit: a decision support system for quantum-classical splitting, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2022.
- Nr. 0076: Shahid, Muhammad Zamik: Integrating electric vehicles with smart buildings using temporal planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2023.
- Nr. 0076: Sayyed, Mohammed Faiz: Service-oriented services for plan execution and monitoring in AI planning systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2024.
- Nr. 0077: Scheurich, Jonas: Repräsentation und Vergleich des Kontrollflusses von BPEL Prozessmodellen mit temporalen Aktivitätszustandsnetzwerken, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2016.
- Nr. 0077: Ünal, Murat: Design of autonomous algorithms for location privacy, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2017.
- Nr. 0077: Schmid, Marc Alexander: Provisionierung und Management von heterogenen IoT-Geräten mit TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2018.
- Nr. 0077: Kelly, Kevin: A morphological visualization analysis of porous structures in phase inversion processes, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2019.
- Nr. 0077: Lendl, Anne: Erfassen und Aufbereiten von Simulationsmetadaten zur Veröffentlichung, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2020.
- Nr. 0077: Kong, Delong: Visual analysis of experimental micro-CT data of evaporation in porous media, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2021.
- Nr. 0077: Furhmann, Jan: Strukturelle Adaption von Deployment-Modellen basierend auf Patterns, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2022.
- Nr. 0077: Patil, Vinayak Vishwas: Human context-awareness and its application in a service-oriented robotic system, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2023.
- Nr. 0077: Pan, Xinyi: eSPARQL: design and implementation of a query language for epistemic queries on knowledge graphs, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2024.
- Nr. 0078: Schinkel, Florian: Simulation and rendering of light field data in the Mitsuba renderer, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2016.
- Nr. 0078: Vasanthkumar Kukillaya, Shruthi: Choreography-based Consolidation of Interacting BPEL Processes having Loops, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2017.
- Nr. 0078: Schmidt, Maximilian: Neural-based methods for user simulation in dialog systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2018.
- Nr. 0078: Tinsel, Erik-Felix: Untersuchung von Automatisierungsstufen beim dynamisierten Überlagern physischer und digitaler Entitäten, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2019.
- Nr. 0078: Wolff, Malte: Analyse und Implementierung unterschiedlicher rekurrenter neuronaler Netze für multimodale Emotionserkennung, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2020.
- Nr. 0078: Bader, Hanna: Formalisierung und Erkennung von Infrastructure-as-Code Patterns und Anti-Patterns zur Designzeit, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2021.
- Nr. 0078: Zahrabi, Javad: Evaluation and Case Study of the GitOps Principle, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2022.
- Nr. 0078: Li, Zhixian: Enabling Integration between MUSE4Anything and OWL-Based Ontology Tools, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2023.
- Nr. 0078: Augustat, David: Design and implementation of a DDoS defense mechanism based on network QoS models, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2024.
- Nr. 0079: Schnaible, Sven: Modelle und Programmierparadigmen für Geschäftslogik, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2016.
- Nr. 0079: Wyrich, Marvin: Individual characteristics of successful coding challengers, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2017.
- Nr. 0079: Jahedi, Azin: Improved descriptor Learning for correspondence problems, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2018.
- Nr. 0079: Metin, Caglar Mehmet: Evaluation of 2D combination of eye-tracking metrics for task distinction, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2019.
- Nr. 0079: Geyer, Simon: Automatische Modellextraktion von Serverless-Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2020.
- Nr. 0079: Fouskas, Alexandros: Multi-deployment-technology instance model retrieval and instance management, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2021.
- Nr. 0079: Chow, Yiu Wai: Bimodal taint analysis for detecting unusual parameter-sink flows, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2022.
- Nr. 0079: Müller, Björn: Advanced Analytics for Improving the Quality of Sensors, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2023.
- Nr. 0079: Jansen, Tobias: SSI credential synchronization in SDV and verification via VSS trigger, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2024.
- Nr. 0080: Schulz, Rocco: Creation of a quality concept for situations within SitOPT, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2016.
- Nr. 0080: Yussupov, Vladimir: Concepts for handling heterogeneous data transformation logic and their integration with TraDE middleware, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2017.
- Nr. 0080: Tremel, Tina: Visuelle Analyse von Netzwerkverkehr in Unternehmensnetzen, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2018.
- Nr. 0080: Jarosch, Rafael: Visuelle Analyse multidimensionaler Daten und Attribute per Ordnungsstatistik, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2019.
- Nr. 0080: Boceck, Tobias: A software architecture for graph-based metadata management for CAE data, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2020.
- Nr. 0080: Banerjee, Avik: Detecting ambiguity in conversational systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2021.
- Nr. 0080: Liu, Yuxin: Data Preprocessing for Application Scenarios of Digital Twins of Connected Vehicles, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2023.
- Nr. 0080: Kenworthy, Samuel David: Evaluating the maintainability of variability concepts in cloud deployment technologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2024.
- Nr. 0081: Siddiqui, Hafiz Ammar: Code execution reports: visually augmented summaries of executed source code fragments, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2016.
- Nr. 0081: Haag, Christoph: Landmarkenbasierte Zerlegung von Routen, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2017.
- Nr. 0081: Ott, Etienne: Mesh-based boundary handling using pressure forces : a new method for rigid body SPH boundary objects, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2018.
- Nr. 0081: Bräuninger, Maximilian: Characteristics of Neighbourhood Vector Spaces for Abstract and Concrete Words, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2019.
- Nr. 0081: Shahparvari, Sanaz: Automating Machine Learning Pipeline for Time Series Prediction: A New Framework based on Recurrent Neural Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2020.
- Nr. 0081: Gupta, Gunjan: Learning an arbitration agent through user interaction for shared control, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2021.
- Nr. 0081: Kovacic, Marko: Deployment und Ausführung verteilter Datenpipelines in Software-Defined-Car-Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2022.
- Nr. 0081: Wemmer, Eileen: Progressions of emotion annotations in conversations and dreams for emotion analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2023.
- Nr. 0081: Freiberger, Tamás Dávid: A gamified neural network learning application for PhD students, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2024.
- Nr. 0082: Song, Mozi: Recognition of resource patterns in human-centric processes : a case study, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2016.
- Nr. 0082: Haas, Stephan: Autonome Lokalisation auf unscharfen Schätzungen mit geometrischem Map-Matching, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2017.
- Nr. 0082: Franke, Max: Visualization and analysis of text documents with geographic references, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2018.
- Nr. 0082: Wunschik, Marc-Sven: The Influence of Load Shedding on the Stream Quality in CEP Applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2019.
- Nr. 0082: Truong, Kim Trong: Extending the Palladio Meta-Model to Support Memory Hierarchy, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2020.
- Nr. 0082: Chen, Kai: Ein Ansatz für IoT-Sicherheitstests basierend auf dem MQTT-Protokoll, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2021.
- Nr. 0082: Kaklotar, Anita: Scalable sub-graph centric distributed influence maximization, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2022.
- Nr. 0082: Manea, Radu: Transferability to spectrogram-based anomaly detection: enhancing audio anomaly detection through vision derived methods, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2024.
- Nr. 0083: Steffl, Michael: Caching concept for mobile engineering apps, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2016.
- Nr. 0083: Müller, Michael: Design and Evaluation of Availability Models for the RabbitMQ Messaging Middleware, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2017.
- Nr. 0083: Fauser, Elias: Generating field data with GANs for evaluations of visualization performance, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2018.
- Nr. 0083: Tschechlov, Dennis: Analysis and Transfer of AutoML Concepts for Clustering Algorithms, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2019.
- Nr. 0083: Krauthausen, Fabian Raphael: Robotic surgery training in AR : multimodal record and replay, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2021.
- Nr. 0083: Koole, Niels Floyd: Efficient validation of time series data using reasoning, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2022.
- Nr. 0083: Herrmann, Jona: Entwurf und Implementierung eines Stream-basierten, dynamischen und fairen Scheduling-Verfahrens für WiFi-Netzwerkverkehr, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2023.
- Nr. 0083: Sai Sanjay Kamesh, Nistala: Evaluating the Performance of the SH Planning System Against Benchmark Planning Problems, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2024.
- Nr. 0084: Steinhart, David: Interpolation and compact representation of house numbers in the route planning context, Masterarbeit Nr. 84, 2016.
- Nr. 0084: Schreiber, Constantin: Orthogonale Dünngitter-Teilraumzerlegungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 84, 2018.
- Nr. 0084: Schnack, Stefan: Analysis of Parallel Processing Processes by Task Graph Reduction, Masterarbeit Nr. 84, 2019.
- Nr. 0084: Serai, Dhiren Devinder: Quantization of automatic speech recognition networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 84, 2020.
- Nr. 0084: Alt, Marco: Occlusion-Aware Variational Optical Flow Refinement, Masterarbeit Nr. 84, 2021.
- Nr. 0084: Zhou, Zhenliang: Evaluation of transfer learning methods in text-to-speech, Masterarbeit Nr. 84, 2023.
- Nr. 0084: Alsaeed, Ammar: Energy consumption analysis of HTN planners and their operational phases, Masterarbeit Nr. 84, 2024.
- Nr. 0085: Straub, Alexander: Visualization of interface instabilities in two-phase flow, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2016.
- Nr. 0085: Naumov, Andriy: Verteilte Situationserkennung, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2017.
- Nr. 0085: Prabha Sekar, Suriya: Automatic indoor modelling using crowd-sensed point clouds, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2018.
- Nr. 0085: Tiedtke, Marvin: Blockchained Spreadsheets, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2019.
- Nr. 0085: Waheed, Fatima: Analysis and Deployment of Dialog Systems for Business Applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2020.
- Nr. 0085: Debnath, Munmun: Reproducing, extending and updating dimensionalty reductions, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2021.
- Nr. 0085: Kurz, Benjamin: Analyse gemischter Genauigkeit und der Nutzung von spezialisierten GPU-Matrixeinheiten anhand der PLSSVM Anwendung, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2022.
- Nr. 0085: Repanovici, Roland-Cristian: Concepts for Virtual Knowledge Graphs on Lakehouses, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2023.
- Nr. 0086: Strljic, Matthias: Definition eines Datenhaltungskonzepts für Industrie 4.0 Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2016.
- Nr. 0086: Oppold, Sarah: Datenherkunft für Dublettenerkennung, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2017.
- Nr. 0086: Sharma, Shashank: Design and development of software agents for location privacy-risk estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2018.
- Nr. 0086: Tepic, Milan: Host-based Intrusion Detection to enhance Cybersecurity of Real-time Automotive Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2019.
- Nr. 0086: Breyer, Marcel: Distributed k-nearest neighbors using Locality Sensitive Hashing and SYCL, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2020.
- Nr. 0086: Amann, Marco: Visualization of differences in perception caused by vision deficiency, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2021.
- Nr. 0086: Mehler, Benedikt: Robust distributed pervasive simulations in the presence of delays, jitter and losses, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2022.
- Nr. 0086: Schmid, Lasse: Incentives and Management of a Decentralised Platform for Ride-Pooling, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2023.
- Nr. 0087: Walter, Jaasiel: Testabdeckungsmaße für den Integrationstest von E/E-Systemen im Fahrzeug, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2016.
- Nr. 0087: Salsa, Diana: Ein sicherer Object Store für Android, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2017.
- Nr. 0087: Shivhare, Neha: Automated Continuous Deployment of Head Unit Software and User Interface Software on an Electronic Control Unit, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2018.
- Nr. 0087: Popp, Matthias: Comprehensive Support of the Lifecycle of Machine Learning Models in Model Management Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2019.
- Nr. 0087: Van Craen, Alexander: PISM Performance Profiling - Analyse einer Eisschild Simulation, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2020.
- Nr. 0087: Kumar, Vijay: Unsupervised approach to estimate the optical flow using RAFT's architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2021.
- Nr. 0087: Rapp, Jannis: Einbindung von Domänenexperten in die interaktive Verfeinerung von Clustering-Resultaten, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2022.
- Nr. 0087: Hüppelshäuser, Hans: GETACAR : a privacy-preserving platform for ride-pooling, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2023.
- Nr. 0088: Walter, Johannes: Design and implementation of a fault simulation layer for the combination technique on HPC systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 88, 2016.
- Nr. 0088: Sánchez, Marta Martín: Modeling context-aware systems using TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 88, 2017.
- Nr. 0088: Siraj, Sameer: Data Presentation and Reactive GUI for a Big-Data Information Retrieval Solution, Masterarbeit Nr. 88, 2018.
- Nr. 0088: Wohlfarth, Marvin: Ein Sicherheitskonzept für IoT-Plattformen, Masterarbeit Nr. 88, 2019.
- Nr. 0088: Weiß, Tobias: Entwicklung und Implementierung eines selbstlernenden Dimensionierungstools zum Abbilden und zur konstruktiven Auslegung eines Bahnkörpers von Eisenbahnstrecken im (E)DCC-Modellansatz, Masterarbeit Nr. 88, 2020.
- Nr. 0088: Mukherjee, Adrika: Integrating common sense knowledge in visual question answering systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 88, 2021.
- Nr. 0088: Sonparote, Deepanshu: Explainablity in Automated Machine Learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 88, 2023.
- Nr. 0089: Wiriyarattanakul, Thatchanok: Combination usage of process mining and adaptive case management, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2016.
- Nr. 0089: Sarangi, Sunayana: Optimizing the efficiency of data-intensive Data Mashups using Map-Reduce, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2017.
- Nr. 0089: Strauß, Jan: Design and implementation of patterns for distributing virtual network functions, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2018.
- Nr. 0089: Chen, Xu: Multilingual Analysis of Food Words, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2019.
- Nr. 0089: Hou, Yanbo: GPU Acceleration of Multi-frame Super-resolution Algorithm, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2020.
- Nr. 0089: Ghit, Raoul: Monitoring serverless applications : an SLO-based approach, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2021.
- Nr. 0089: Hsu, Hui-Ni: Paper-based Tangible User Interface as interaction in mixed reality, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2022.
- Nr. 0089: Singer, Patrick: Enhancing privacy in car data : anonymization techniques and metrics evaluation, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2023.
- Nr. 0090: Wolf, Johannes: Investigating the characteristics of unistroke gestures using a mobile game, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2016.
- Nr. 0090: Schmid, Stefan: Ein flexibles Datenmodell für prozessorientierte Geschäftsanwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2017.
- Nr. 0090: Stutz, Benjamin: Lösungen für elastische Complex-Event-Processing-Systeme, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2018.
- Nr. 0090: Stutz, Sebastian: Fehlereinflussanalyse der Radar Perception-Komponente und beispielhafte Anwendung in Anforderungsmanagement und Safety-Analyse, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2019.
- Nr. 0090: Berberich, Jan: Deep Learning Based Light-Field Image Super-Resolution, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2020.
- Nr. 0090: Vijayaruban, Mezak: Erklärbarkeit von Data Set Shifts in Zeitreihendaten von Feinstaubmessungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2021.
- Nr. 0090: Keck, Michael: Distributed Bundle Adjustment, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2022.
- Nr. 0090: Shao, Qixiang: A Hardware Prototype Based on Raspberry Pis for Evaluating a Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Ride-pooling Platform, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2023.
- Nr. 0091: Xu, Ling: A study on the relationship between FindBugs warnings, metrics and expert judgments, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2016.
- Nr. 0091: Srinivasan, Deepak: Ensuring data plane consistency in SDN-based publish/subscribe systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2017.
- Nr. 0091: Sudendorf, Julian: Concept for security-aware modeling and deployment of NFV topologies using TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2018.
- Nr. 0091: Iazzolino, Aretina: Herausforderungen in der Releaseplanung im Umfeld Automotive, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2019.
- Nr. 0091: Mohamed, Hassan: Enabling Intra- and Inter-layer Processing in Multi-core Deep Learning Accelerators, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2020.
- Nr. 0091: Laidig, Robin: Design, Implementierung und Analyse eines flexiblen Dienstgütemodells für zeitsensitive Kommunikationsdienste, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2021.
- Nr. 0091: Bihlmaier, Simon Tobias: Optical flow estimation with separable cost volume, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2022.
- Nr. 0091: Mirza, Usman Sikander: Evaluating the effectiveness of a hybrid approach for DSM in unreliable power grids : temporal planning meets LSTM, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2023.
- Nr. 0092: Zimmermann, Michael: Konzept und Implementierung einer Komponente zur Kommunikation TOSCA-basierter Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2016.
- Nr. 0092: Tkachev, Gleb: Investigation and prediction of distributed volume rendering performance, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2017.
- Nr. 0092: Sudra, Constanze: Prädiktive Modelle in YesWorkflow, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2018.
- Nr. 0092: Bairy, Akhila Manoor Lakshminarayana: Automated Trace Analysis of Test Traces, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2019.
- Nr. 0092: Nguyen, Son Tung: Representation learning of scene images for task and motion planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2020.
- Nr. 0092: Wonner, Steffen: Efficient and complete conflict graph generation schemes for railroad scheduling, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2021.
- Nr. 0092: Balasubramanian, Sathish Aanand: Visual analysis of a machine learning approach applied to turbulence data, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2022.
- Nr. 0092: Hirzel, Tobias: A proof of concept for risk-aware plan-based HTN planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2023.
- Nr. 0093: Zinkler, Stephan: In-network packet priority adaptation for networked control systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2016.
- Nr. 0093: Triebl, Andreas: Variational perspective photometric stereo, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2017.
- Nr. 0093: Tarikere Phaniraja Setty, Raghuraj: Code generation from on-board software models conforming to the On-board Software Reference Architecture (OSRA) using DLR software technologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2018.
- Nr. 0093: Antunovic, Ivan: Simulation, Modeling and Verification Environment for Multi-core Software Architectures for Automotive Embedded Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2019.
- Nr. 0093: Koch, Maurice: A FPGA-Based Recurrent Neural Network for Video Super-Resolution, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2020.
- Nr. 0093: Vu, Henry Khang: Concepts for efficient query processing in hyperledger fabric using an eHealth use case as an example, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2021.
- Nr. 0093: Zeyfang, Adrian: Comparative visualization across physical and parameter space, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2022.
- Nr. 0093: Niebling, Florian: Entwicklung einer Methode zur datengetriebenen Vorhersage der Ausgaben einer Kaltmassivumformsimulation, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2023.
- Nr. 0094: Truong, Duc; Toan: A framework for light field analysis and benchmarking, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2016.
- Nr. 0094: Ullah, Kazi Riaz: Online visualization of German power plants and their production, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2017.
- Nr. 0094: Ul Haq, Hafiz Irfan: Configuration Management Platform for the Automation of the Bosch IoT Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2018.
- Nr. 0094: Franczak, Patrick: Design and proto-typical implementation of an analysis tool interface for a task-based PGAS runtime, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2019.
- Nr. 0094: Tuma, Gabriel: System zur Kompression und Verwaltung für die Archivierung von Computertomographie-Datensätzen, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2020.
- Nr. 0094: Schneider, Steffen: Can proposed service interface metrics effectively evaluate the quality of RESTful APIs? : a repository mining study on API evolution, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2021.
- Nr. 0094: Steinert, Michael: Design and implementation of software tests for the ISS-experiment FARGO based on STPA-BDD, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2022.
- Nr. 0094: Schulz, Britta: Exploring the extension of AR-visualization and interaction for large physical spaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2023.
- Nr. 0095: Das, Rupak: Development of Differ and Merge Features for Models in the AMALTHEA Tool Platform, Masterarbeit Nr. 95, 2016.
- Nr. 0095: Vinayak, Rupinder: Quality assessment framework for business processes as a service in a heterogeneous cloud environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 95, 2017.
- Nr. 0095: Väth, Dirk: Deep reinforcement learning in dialog systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 95, 2018.
- Nr. 0095: Hägele, David: Visualizing Optimization Trajectories, Masterarbeit Nr. 95, 2019.
- Nr. 0095: Beck, Samuel: Evaluating human-computer interfaces for specification and comprehension of transient behavior in microservice-based software systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 95, 2020.
- Nr. 0095: Weise, Paul: Frictions in software development : an interpretive phenomenological analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 95, 2021.
- Nr. 0095: Zimmermann, Eva: System-Theoretic Process Analysis for AI-Based Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 95, 2022.
- Nr. 0095: Zhu, Xinxin: Live adaptation of privacy-enhancing technologies in connected vehicles' data pipelines, Masterarbeit Nr. 95, 2023.
- Nr. 0096: Vogel, Sebastian: Automated root cause isolation in performance regression testing, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2017.
- Nr. 0096: Vietz, Daniel: Komposition von Microservices mit TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2018.
- Nr. 0096: Achberger, Alexander: Entwicklung eines interaktiven Visual Analytics Tools zur Analyse von Fahrtvideos, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2019.
- Nr. 0096: Hagenmayer, Simon: Hierarchical adversarial imitation learning from motion capture data, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2020.
- Nr. 0096: Pfaff, Timo: Haben Design-Regeln Einfluss auf die Verständlichkeit von RESTful APIs? Ein kontrolliertes Experiment, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2021.
- Nr. 0096: Zahariev, Denis: Supporting and verifying transient behavior specifications in chaos engineering, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2022.
- Nr. 0096: Burkhardt, Jannik: Automatisierte Generierung von Trainingsdatenfür die Informationsextraktion aus deutschenGeschäftsdokumenten auf Basis von Sprachmodellen, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2023.
- Nr. 0096: Richter, Marcel: Machine-learning based Mobility Prediction for Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2023.
- Nr. 0097: Volga, Yuliya: ACP Dashboard: an interactive visualization tool for selecting analytics configurations in an industrial setting, Masterarbeit Nr. 97, 2017.
- Nr. 0097: Völker, Christopher: Suitability of serverless computing approaches, Masterarbeit Nr. 97, 2018.
- Nr. 0097: Agarwal, Naveet: Development of Independent Interface for Intelligent Interior using in-vehicle Object Detection, Masterarbeit Nr. 97, 2019.
- Nr. 0097: Seitz, Johannes: Learning deep collaborative policies from human-human interaction, Masterarbeit Nr. 97, 2020.
- Nr. 0097: Seifermann, Valentin: How to strangle systematically : an approach and case study for the continuous evolution of monoliths to microservices, Masterarbeit Nr. 97, 2021.
- Nr. 0097: Pilz, Daniel: Automated quality enhancer for fast neural networks on mobile devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 97, 2022.
- Nr. 0097: Xu, Zhenhao: Contrastive representation learning for eye contact detection, Masterarbeit Nr. 97, 2023.
- Nr. 0098: Vollmer, Peter: Performanzanalyse und Optimierung einer verteilten Multi-Physik Simulationssoftware, Masterarbeit Nr. 98, 2017.
- Nr. 0098: Weise, Marc: Generic templates for monitoring agents, Masterarbeit Nr. 98, 2018.
- Nr. 0098: Weinstein, Steffen Heiko: Minderung von Photonen-Rauschen mittels neuronaler Netze in Röntgenbildern, Masterarbeit Nr. 98, 2019.
- Nr. 0098: Schiele, Nathan: Evaluating the Bipartite Graph Layout for Network Visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 98, 2020.
- Nr. 0098: Tepeli, Mehmet Ali: Moodle as Adaptive Learning Platform—Existing Solutions and Open Challenges, Masterarbeit Nr. 98, 2021.
- Nr. 0098: Schubert, Tim: Context-aware data validation for machine learning pipelines, Masterarbeit Nr. 98, 2022.
- Nr. 0098: Biester, Fabian: Automatisierte Ontologie-Generierung für maschinelles Lernen zur Fehlererkennung in IoT-Daten, Masterarbeit Nr. 98, 2023.
- Nr. 0099: Wickenhäuser, Patrick: Advanced Error Model for Target Based Registration of 3D Point Clouds, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2017.
- Nr. 0099: Wiedenhöfer, Manuel: Cloud Service Monitoring mit TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2018.
- Nr. 0099: Abdelmalek, Michael: CNN-Based Volume Segmentation for Industrial Computed Tomography, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2019.
- Nr. 0099: Hengel, Katharina: Long-term motion prediction in traffic, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2020.
- Nr. 0099: Sharma, Raman: Evaluating adjacency matrix for network visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2021.
- Nr. 0099: Wang, Xiaomin: Orchestrating data governance workloads as stateful services in cloud environments using Kubernetes Operator Framework, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2022.
- Nr. 0099: Hedge, Rohit G.: An Exploration of Challenges in Engineering AI Planning Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2023.
- Nr. 0100: Zhang, Qi: Location-history partitioning algorithms for privacy in non-trusted geo-social networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 100, 2017.
- Nr. 0100: Eissa, Sherif Salah Eldeen Badawy: Investigation and Implementation of Sparsity for a CNN Accelerator on FPGA using HLS, Masterarbeit Nr. 100, 2019.
- Nr. 0100: Bauer, Ruben: Region proposal network for simple objects in grasping experiments, Masterarbeit Nr. 100, 2020.
- Nr. 0100: Wennrich, Kevin: Developing a multimodal feedback motion guidance system in VR for people with motion disabilities, Masterarbeit Nr. 100, 2021.
- Nr. 0100: Tiessen, Alexander: Relevanzbestimmung konkreter Software-Anforderungen aus Beschreibungstexten durch Klassifikationen, Masterarbeit Nr. 100, 2022.
- Nr. 0100: Larche, Dominik: Sichtbarkeit in triangulierten planaren Unterteilungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 100, 2023.
- Nr. 0101: Nemet, Markus: Aktualisierung und Änderungsweitergabe in Workflow-Choreographien, Masterarbeit Nr. 101, 2017.
- Nr. 0101: Ziegler, Julian: A security concept for distributed data processing systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 101, 2017.
- Nr. 0101: Zahn, Sebastian: Interactive ray tracing of solvent excluded surfaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 101, 2018.
- Nr. 0101: Liu, Huixin: Determining the center of rotation for computed tomography data using neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 101, 2019.
- Nr. 0101: Schneider, Jan: Automatisches Auffinden von loT-Geräten in der loT-Plattform MBP, Masterarbeit Nr. 101, 2021.
- Nr. 0101: Söhnel, Steven: Clarifying Questions for Open-Domain Dialogue Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 101, 2022.
- Nr. 0101: Piller, Lukas: Computation of 3D audio using ambisonics for an immersive audio-visual 3D experience, Masterarbeit Nr. 101, 2023.
- Nr. 0102: Zwietasch, Tim: Online failure prediction for microservice architectures, Masterarbeit Nr. 102, 2017.
- Nr. 0102: Zendler, Ulrich: How word-embedding methods improve information extraction and can be used for multilingual approaches, Masterarbeit Nr. 102, 2018.
- Nr. 0102: Shanbhag, Shweta Ramchandra: A Deep Learning Based 3D Super Resolution Method for 3D Volume Data in Computed Tomography, Masterarbeit Nr. 102, 2019.
- Nr. 0102: Vayala, Likith Rana: Probabilistic Belief Estimation for Generation of Shared Control Policies, Masterarbeit Nr. 102, 2021.
- Nr. 0102: Sihag, Nidhi: Generating TEI-based XML for literary texts, Masterarbeit Nr. 102, 2022.
- Nr. 0102: König, Valentin Simon Nepomuk: Ordering Transactions on Distributed Persistent Objects, Masterarbeit Nr. 102, 2023.
- Nr. 0103: Nijagunaiah, Shanmukha: Design and Development of Compression Algorithms for Scientific Simulation Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 103, 2017.
- Nr. 0103: Zugor, Ediba: Inpainting methods for optical flow, Masterarbeit Nr. 103, 2018.
- Nr. 0103: Shivaram Punja, Trapthi: Deep Learning Based Cascaded Networks For Segmentation Of CT Volume With Metal Artifacts, Masterarbeit Nr. 103, 2019.
- Nr. 0103: Leusmann, Jan: A literature review on distant object selection methods, Masterarbeit Nr. 103, 2021.
- Nr. 0103: Breul, Gerhard Christian: How well do language models understand grammar? A case study on Japanese, Masterarbeit Nr. 103, 2022.
- Nr. 0103: Kittelberger, Jonas: Efficient federated learning for gaze estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 103, 2023.
- Nr. 0104: Tungal, Harsimran Singh: Self-Adaptive Hardware Architecture For Real Time Online Data Stream Compression, Masterarbeit Nr. 104, 2017.
- Nr. 0104: Gong, Zhaowen: A Deep Learning Based Registration Method for 3D CT Volume, Masterarbeit Nr. 104, 2019.
- Nr. 0104: Steuelein, Benedict: An investigation into the simulation of capacitive fiducial markers using deep learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 104, 2021.
- Nr. 0104: Zeller, Sascha: Extraktion von hierarchischem Domänenwissen für komplexe Mehrklassenprobleme, Masterarbeit Nr. 104, 2022.
- Nr. 0104: Muthukrishnan, Swathy: Multi-modal two-wheeler trajectory prediction via representation learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 104, 2023.
- Nr. 0105: Alturn, Arfan: Deep Learning Techniques for Predictive Maintenance in AGV-based Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 105, 2017.
- Nr. 0105: Fouda, Abdelrahman: Hierarchical Scheduling of Inter-domain Traffic in Time-sensitive Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 105, 2018.
- Nr. 0105: Dudani, Nehal: 2D-3D registration of computed tomography data using neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 105, 2019.
- Nr. 0105: Bernhardt, Alexander: Test fuzzing for virtual reality applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 105, 2021.
- Nr. 0105: Shimpi, Saylee: Vis2Go: exploring the effect of immersive analytics for on-the-Go decision making, Masterarbeit Nr. 105, 2022.
- Nr. 0105: Geistler, Jan-Nicolai: Automatically detecting malicious GitHub Actions, Masterarbeit Nr. 105, 2023.
- Nr. 0106: Shaikh, Hasan Nasir: Evaluating CORDIC Algorithm for Generation of Exponential Terms in Fresnel Digital Holographic Reconstruction on FPGA, Masterarbeit Nr. 106, 2017.
- Nr. 0106: Naghibi, Youssof: Paritätsspiele in quasipolynomieller Zeit, Masterarbeit Nr. 106, 2018.
- Nr. 0106: Bhat, Megha: Parallel Architecture of High Throughput JPEG2000 Decoder, Masterarbeit Nr. 106, 2019.
- Nr. 0106: Fuksa, Mario: Redesigning the Hamster Simulation, Masterarbeit Nr. 106, 2021.
- Nr. 0106: Krauter, Christian: Designing the next smart chair based on a posture recognition and feedback literature review, Masterarbeit Nr. 106, 2022.
- Nr. 0106: Grund, Sebastian: Visual parameters space analysis for architectural design space exploration, Masterarbeit Nr. 106, 2023.
- Nr. 0107: Gu, Linsong: A Comparative Analysis of the Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Approaches on X-Ray Images, Masterarbeit Nr. 107, 2017.
- Nr. 0107: Ghani, Sajawal: User Performence with Frequency Plots, Masterarbeit Nr. 107, 2018.
- Nr. 0107: Drieß, Danny: A machine learning approach to control musculoskeletal systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 107, 2019.
- Nr. 0107: Bacher, Neal: Domain-Specific Optical Flow for Surgical Video Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 107, 2021.
- Nr. 0107: Groß, Anja: Immersive Analyse von dynamischen Netzwerken mit multivariaten Daten, Masterarbeit Nr. 107, 2023.
- Nr. 0108: Reiser, Axel: Data Augmentation Techniques for Neural Networks in Static Hand Gesture Recognition, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2017.
- Nr. 0108: Bannur, Amitkumar: Parallelization of forward Projection with The Seperable Footprint Method on GPU, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2018.
- Nr. 0108: Bjelic, Ahmed: Learning Robotic Reactive Behavior from Human Demonstration via Dynamic Behavior Trees, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2019.
- Nr. 0108: Satkunarajan, Jena: Visual analysis of news stories using neural language models, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2021.
- Nr. 0108: Nguyen, Hai Dang: Visual exploration for deep learning models and trainings for microstructure data, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2022.
- Nr. 0108: Vogelsang, Jonas: Increasing trust in human-robot interaction through data visualization in augmented reality, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2023.
- Nr. 0109: Ortiz, Michel Angeles: Evaluation of new CNN Models for Training on Small Datasets, Masterarbeit Nr. 109, 2017.
- Nr. 0109: Ragab, Mahmoud: 3D CT Reconstruction Architecture for FPGA, Masterarbeit Nr. 109, 2018.
- Nr. 0109: Böpple, Teresa: Machine Learning to Predict Optimization Results On-The-Fly, Masterarbeit Nr. 109, 2019.
- Nr. 0109: Huschle, Tobias: Explainability of operating systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 109, 2021.
- Nr. 0109: Hassan, Ahmed: Visualization of neural networks for diagnostic hydrological modeling, Masterarbeit Nr. 109, 2022.
- Nr. 0109: Hasenbalg, Marcel: A global adversarial attack on scene flow, Masterarbeit Nr. 109, 2023.
- Nr. 0110: Schuler, Manuela: Stability Training of Convolutional Neural Networks for Defect Detection in Images, Masterarbeit Nr. 110, 2017.
- Nr. 0110: Zhang, Man: Comparison of Registration Algorithms for Detecting Spatial Changes in 3D Volumes, Masterarbeit Nr. 110, 2018.
- Nr. 0110: Prakash, Rohit: Hierarchical inverse reinforcement learning from motion capture data, Masterarbeit Nr. 110, 2019.
- Nr. 0110: Gruber, Philipp: Evaluating of Feasibility and Aiding Explainability of Scaling Policies Using Architectural-based Simulations, Masterarbeit Nr. 110, 2021.
- Nr. 0110: Stegmaier, Christian: How to combine augmentations for graph contrastive learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 110, 2022.
- Nr. 0110: Nalivayko, Yaroslava: A Dataset Generation Framework for motion estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 110, 2023.
- Nr. 0111: Sekar, Sudhakar: CNN based Spatio-Angular Super-Resolution of 4D Light Field Images, Masterarbeit Nr. 111, 2018.
- Nr. 0111: Balachandra Midlagajni, Niteesh: Learning object affordances using human motion capture data, Masterarbeit Nr. 111, 2019.
- Nr. 0111: Stumber, Jonathan P.: CNN-based 6D pose estimation of vehicles for automated driving based on mono camera images, Masterarbeit Nr. 111, 2021.
- Nr. 0111: Garcia Bescos, Sandra: Variationelle Verfeinerung zur Schätzung von Szenenfluss, Masterarbeit Nr. 111, 2022.
- Nr. 0111: Haas, Jan: Integrating explanation generation into the Palladio tool chain, Masterarbeit Nr. 111, 2023.
- Nr. 0112: Kratzer, Philipp: Robot assistance for collaborative task execution, Masterarbeit Nr. 112, 2017.
- Nr. 0112: Wang, Yujin: A Software Framework for Subjective Evaluation of Perceptual Image Coding Algorithms for High Bandwidth Image Streams, Masterarbeit Nr. 112, 2018.
- Nr. 0112: Wu, Shao-Wen: Predicting user intent during teleoperation using neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 112, 2019.
- Nr. 0112: Holeczek, Cedric: Entwicklung eines neuronalen Netzwerks zur Optimierung der Datenübertragungsqualität von Kleinsatellitenplattformen, Masterarbeit Nr. 112, 2021.
- Nr. 0112: Mobasher, Anas: A novel NeRF-based approach for extracting single objects and generating synthetic training data for grasp prediction models, Masterarbeit Nr. 112, 2023.
- Nr. 0113: Gruber, Thomas: Enabling Mobile Navigation and Perception for a Curious Robot, Masterarbeit Nr. 113, 2017.
- Nr. 0113: Vaithyam Viswanathan, Sri Varshini: Decoding Techniques Based On An Alternative Block Coding For JPEG2000, Masterarbeit Nr. 113, 2018.
- Nr. 0113: Crespi, Veronica: Dynamic safe active learning with NARX Gaussian processes, Masterarbeit Nr. 113, 2019.
- Nr. 0113: Schäufele, Johannes: Improved RAFT architectures for optical flow estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 113, 2021.
- Nr. 0113: Meißner, Niklas: Interdisciplinary Composition of E-Learning Platforms based on Reusable Low-Code Adapters, Masterarbeit Nr. 113, 2022.
- Nr. 0113: Welker, Janette: Dreifärbungen für planare Graphen mit wenigen Dreiecken, Masterarbeit Nr. 113, 2023.
- Nr. 0114: Wu, Li Yang: Complexity analysis of meta decision processes, Masterarbeit Nr. 114, 2017.
- Nr. 0114: Kim, Hangbeom: Neural network user intent prediction for robot teleoperation, Masterarbeit Nr. 114, 2018.
- Nr. 0114: Güth, Jan: Design und Implementierung eines Konzepts zur eindeutigen Identifizierung von Softwarekomponenten auf Geräten im IIoT-Umfeld, Masterarbeit Nr. 114, 2019.
- Nr. 0114: Stieß, Sarah Sophie: Tracing the impact of SLO violations on business processes across a microservice architecture with the saga pattern, Masterarbeit Nr. 114, 2021.
- Nr. 0114: Bonasch, Hannes: Analysing Deep Learning Decoding Methods on Multiple ERP Paradigms, Masterarbeit Nr. 114, 2022.
- Nr. 0114: Bantel, Linus: Simulation meets real-world: deep reinforcement learning on inverted pendulum system, Masterarbeit Nr. 114, 2023.
- Nr. 0115: Skalecki, Patric: Approximate constrained model predictive control of compliant motion involving contact, Masterarbeit Nr. 115, 2017.
- Nr. 0115: Root, Martin: Vergleich und Implementierung mehrerer Handerkennungsalgorithmen mit maschinellem Lernen auf Basis von 2D- und 3D-Bilddaten, Masterarbeit Nr. 115, 2018.
- Nr. 0115: Schubert, Marc: Evaluation and Optimizations of Best Effort Streams in Time-Sensitive Networking, Masterarbeit Nr. 115, 2019.
- Nr. 0115: Monninger, Thomas: Semantic Reasoning over Scene Graphs for Probabilistic Prediction of Traffic Agents using Graph Neural Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 115, 2021.
- Nr. 0115: Keller, Max: Self-Supervised Long-Term Trajectory Prediction, Masterarbeit Nr. 115, 2022.
- Nr. 0115: Neumann, Tim: Design and Implementation of a DSL for Authoring as Code in a Specification Tool for Automotive Diagnostics, Masterarbeit Nr. 115, 2023.
- Nr. 0116: Zimmermann, Heiko: Bayesian functional optimization of neural network activation functions, Masterarbeit Nr. 116, 2017.
- Nr. 0116: Kashif, Moin Uddin: Speech interface for human and robot collaboration, Masterarbeit Nr. 116, 2018.
- Nr. 0116: Diebold, Johannes Thomas: A Heuristic Approach for Joint Scheduling and Routing in Time-Sensitive Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 116, 2019.
- Nr. 0116: Schneider, Tim: Outlier Region Detection in Time Series, Masterarbeit Nr. 116, 2021.
- Nr. 0116: von Hochmeister, Manuel: Attention-based Reasoning over Multimodal Embeddings in Video-grounded Dialogue, Masterarbeit Nr. 116, 2022.
- Nr. 0117: Bloch, Marietta Inge: Natural language understanding and communication for human-robot collaboration, Masterarbeit Nr. 117, 2017.
- Nr. 0117: Cheng, Qing: 3D pose estimation of vehicles from monocular videos using deep learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 117, 2018.
- Nr. 0117: Weißer, Max: Design und Implementierung eines OPC-UA/TSN-Systems mit Echtzeit-Publish/Subscribe-Funktionalität, Masterarbeit Nr. 117, 2019.
- Nr. 0117: Fieschi, Andrea: Friction Potential Estimation at low levels of Friction Consumption using 1D Convolutional Neural Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 117, 2021.
- Nr. 0117: Müller, Ann-Sophia: Investigating multi-modal human-like attention integration into VQA models, Masterarbeit Nr. 117, 2022.
- Nr. 0117: Hofer, Jonas: Prüfung des Lizenzmodells Pay Per Use von SaaS Produkten auf derzeitige Anforderungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 117, 2023.
- Nr. 0118: Zaheri, Hamid Reza: Hierarchical manipulation learning from demonstration, Masterarbeit Nr. 118, 2017.
- Nr. 0118: Hoffmann, Jan: Spatial predictive models of object manipulation, Masterarbeit Nr. 118, 2018.
- Nr. 0118: Blumenröther, Julian: Enhancing Driving Experience with Geovisual Recommendations, Masterarbeit Nr. 118, 2022.
- Nr. 0118: Li, Yinan: Training Safe LSTMs with Input-to-State Stability Guarantees, Masterarbeit Nr. 118, 2023.
- Nr. 0119: Shou, Zhenkai: Learning to plan in large domains with deep neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 119, 2018.
- Nr. 0119: Lips, Luis: Statistically evaluating mixed-effects models for EEG analysis using large-scale simulations, Masterarbeit Nr. 119, 2022.
- Nr. 0119: Kis, Attila-Balasz: Using Transformers to Improve Anomalous Trajectory Detection for Autonomous Driving, Masterarbeit Nr. 119, 2023.
- Nr. 0120: Sheshadri, Vinay: MatLab/Simulink model generation from a database, Masterarbeit Nr. 120, 2017.
- Nr. 0120: Balla, Irdi: Visual question answering for intuitive human-robot collaborations using compositional neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 120, 2018.
- Nr. 0120: Mechraoui, Abdelrahman Lamine: Photorealistic Eye Image Generation through Image-to-Image Translation, Masterarbeit Nr. 120, 2022.
- Nr. 0120: Akash, Ravi: Model-Based Reinforcement Learning under Sparse Rewards, Masterarbeit Nr. 120, 2023.
- Nr. 0121: Dey, Adipto: Cooperative Motion Planning for Automated High Density Parking, Masterarbeit Nr. 121, 2018.
- Nr. 0121: Liuzniak, Alona: How users attend to online comments: an eye-tracking approach, Masterarbeit Nr. 121, 2022.
- Nr. 0121: Pang, Xin: On-Demand Spatiotemporal Data Analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 121, 2023.
- Nr. 0122: Diab, Mohamad Hadi: Examination of Outlier Detection for Ensuring Model Performance of Safety-relevant Machine Learning Methods, Masterarbeit Nr. 122, 2018.
- Nr. 0122: Spaney, Patrick: Implementing an enumerative semantic differencing operator for OPC UA, Masterarbeit Nr. 122, 2022.
- Nr. 0122: Wang, Min: Fairness in Graph Machine Learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 122, 2023.
- Nr. 0123: Schäfer, Patrik: Finding Relevant Videos in Big Data Environments - How to Utilize Graph Processing Systems for Video Retrieval, Masterarbeit Nr. 123, 2017.
- Nr. 0123: Nguyen, Thi Xuan Dung: Parallel Architecture for Asymmetric Numeral System Entropy Coding Algorithm, Masterarbeit Nr. 123, 2018.
- Nr. 0123: Weller, Marcel: Transformation of technology-specific deployment models into technology-agnostic deployment models, Masterarbeit Nr. 123, 2022.
- Nr. 0123: Vardhan, Aanand: Reinforcement Learning for Web User Personalization, Masterarbeit Nr. 123, 2023.
- Nr. 0124: Chi, Gang: Implementation of Tabled Asymmetric Numeral System Entropy Encoding in FPGA, Masterarbeit Nr. 124, 2018.
- Nr. 0124: Zhang, Ciheng: Predicting Eye Gaze Location on Websites, Masterarbeit Nr. 124, 2022.
- Nr. 0124: Scheerer, Kay: Multimodal motion prediction for autonomous vehicles, Masterarbeit Nr. 124, 2023.
- Nr. 0125: Lefarov, Maksym: Model-based policy search for learning mulitvariate PID gain scheduling control, Masterarbeit Nr. 125, 2018.
- Nr. 0125: Gemander, Jan: Explanation-based Learning with Feedforward Neural Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 125, 2022.
- Nr. 0125: Christodoulou, Alexander: A Sequential Human-Perception Motivated Walk Strategy for Knowledge-Graph Embeddings, Masterarbeit Nr. 125, 2023.
- Nr. 0126: Cozma, Adriana-Eliza: Understanding deep neural networks' behavior via local investigation along paths, Masterarbeit Nr. 126, 2018.
- Nr. 0126: Chowdhury, Shubhankar: An Extensive Comparative Study of Multi-view Clustering, Masterarbeit Nr. 126, 2022.
- Nr. 0126: Ramdas, Srinivas Kumar: Vectorized Road Center-line Extraction from Aerial Imagery Using Reiforcement Learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 126, 2023.
- Nr. 0127: Dietrich, Robin: Deep learning based mutual robot detection and relative position estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 127, 2018.
- Nr. 0127: Kesim, Dominik: Annotation-based Modeling of Non-functional Requirements and Analysis Results in Domain-driven Design, Masterarbeit Nr. 127, 2022.
- Nr. 0127: Riesch, Anna: Creating a didactic concept to teach the fundamentals of artificial neural networks to PhD students, Masterarbeit Nr. 127, 2023.
- Nr. 0128: Dittrich, Florian: Deep reinforcement learning for high-level behavior decision making, Masterarbeit Nr. 128, 2018.
- Nr. 0128: Stürner, David: Generating code for distributed deployments of cyber-physical systems using the MechatronicUML, Masterarbeit Nr. 128, 2022.
- Nr. 0128: Brantner, Vinzenz: Streaming in web-based AR, Masterarbeit Nr. 128, 2023.
- Nr. 0129: Vintu, Ionut: Row detection and graph-based localization in tree nurseries using a 3D LiDAR, Masterarbeit Nr. 129, 2018.
- Nr. 0129: Wagner, Lion: Domain-driven monitoring of business-critical application systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 129, 2023.
- Nr. 0130: Mazhar, Umair: Exploring graphical-user-interface based communication for commands and feedback between humans and robots, Masterarbeit Nr. 130, 2018.
- Nr. 0131: Prabhakaran, Vishnu Suganth: Indoor human tracking using environment-aware motion models from convolutional neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 131, 2018.
- Nr. 0132: Puang, En Yen: Vision assisted biasing for robot manipulation planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 132, 2018.
- Nr. 02020004: Siddam, Nagarjuna: Consistent Splitting of Event Streams in Parallel Complex Event Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 02020004, 2015.
- Nr. 2668: Kasimoglu, Ozan: Eclipse Based Frontend to Layout Navigation for Precision Diagnosis, Masterarbeit Nr. 2668, 2007.
- Nr. 2777: Saez, Pablo Toledano: Real Time Robot Controller Framework Based on Cell/B.E. Architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 2777, 2008.
- Nr. 2813: Cook, Alejandro: FPGA Emulation of a GALS Network-on-Chip Interconnection, Masterarbeit Nr. 2813, 2009.
- Nr. 2914: Gong, Xiaowei: Verwaltung des Volltext-Indexes in einem dynamischen, verteilten Content Management System, Masterarbeit Nr. 2914, 2009.
- Nr. 2916: Marszalek, Piotr: Implementation and access optimization of a database containing 3D laser scanned objects, Masterarbeit Nr. 2916, 2009.
- Nr. 2946: Lui, Shuo: Evaluation of FPGA/Host Communication Based on Ethernet, Masterarbeit Nr. 2946, 2010.
- Nr. 2955: Dallou, Tamer: Software-Based Self-Test For SUN's UltraSPARC T2 SoC, Masterarbeit Nr. 2955, 2010.
- Nr. 2993: Grob, Thomas: Implementation of a FPGA-based Interface to a High Speed Image Sensor, Masterarbeit Nr. 2993, 2010.
- Nr. 3010: Martin, Juan Jose Sanz: Recognition of motion patterns based on mobile device sensor data, Masterarbeit Nr. 3010, 2010.
- Nr. 3048: Mahmoud, Ahmed: Machine Learning in Physical Cryptography, Masterarbeit Nr. 3048, 2010.
- Nr. 3050: Stankovic, Nenad: Hardware-accelerated continuous particle image velocimetry based on reconfigurable logic, Masterarbeit Nr. 3050, 2010.
- Nr. 3051: Ravindran, Dinesh: Evaluation of a Novel General Purpose Coprocessor Architecture based on Programmable Finite State Machine Technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 3051, 2010.
- Nr. 3071: Mheidat, Moath: Development of Stochastic Floating Point for Numerical Accuracy Analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 3071, 2010.
- Nr. 3072: Hou, Jie: Network Performance Improvement of open MPI on Windows HPC Cluster, Masterarbeit Nr. 3072, 2011.
- Nr. 3097: Boktor, Andrew: Development of an Error Detection and Recovery Technique for a SPARC V8 Processor in FPGA Technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 3097, 2011.
- Nr. 3120: Traub, Johannes: Program Analysis and Probabilistic SAT-solving, Masterarbeit Nr. 3120, 2010.
- Nr. 3137: Ochoa, Jeimy Catherine Millán: Design and development of a localization system for a sensor network in collective symbiotic organisms, Masterarbeit Nr. 3137, 2011.
- Nr. 3142: Arefin, Sams Ul: Event-based Automated Management of Cloud Applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 3142, 2011.
- Nr. 3153: Badr, Eid: Reliability Solutions for a Smart digital Factory using:(1)RFID based CEP (2)Image Processing based Error Detection (3)RFID based HCI, Masterarbeit Nr. 3153, 2011.
- Nr. 3166: Essl, Stefan: Extending an Open Source Enterprise Service Bus for Multi-Tenancy Support, Masterarbeit Nr. 3166, 2011.
- Nr. 3176: Wang, Pinglei: Concepts for an Intuitive User Interface for DLNA Using NFC Technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 3176, 2011.
- Nr. 3177: Bannoura, Amir: Design and Implementation of an Efficient Message Dissemination Protocol for Public Sensing, Masterarbeit Nr. 3177, 2011.
- Nr. 3188: Stachowiak, Jaroslaw: Optimized Acquisition of Spatially Distributed Phenomena in Public Sensing Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3188, 2011.
- Nr. 3195: Krishnappa, Mahesh: Parallel architectural design space exploration for real-time image compression, Masterarbeit Nr. 3195, 2011.
- Nr. 3196: Mohamed, Salem El Sayed: Analysis and Optimization of Storage IO in Distributed and Massive Parallel High Performance Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3196, 2011.
- Nr. 3215: Wahaj Sethi, Muhammad: Hybrid Parallel Computing beyond MPI&OpenMp-Introducing PGAS&StarSs, Masterarbeit Nr. 3215, 2011.
- Nr. 3216: Ahmed, Silvia: Parallel hardware architecture for JPEG-LS based on domain decomposition using context sets, Masterarbeit Nr. 3216, 2011.
- Nr. 3221: Gosswami, Bishwajit Mohan: Implementing Density Functional Theory (DFT)Methods on Many-core GPGPU Accelerators by Bishwajit Mohan Gosswami, Masterarbeit Nr. 3221, 2011.
- Nr. 3233: Knura, Martin: Identification and Visualization of Key Ecological Indicators, Masterarbeit Nr. 3233, 2011.
- Nr. 3240: Hummel, Markus: Die Bedeutung von Open-Source-Software für Cloud Computing in KMU, Masterarbeit Nr. 3240, 2011.
- Nr. 3249: Parker, Michael Lee: Development of procedures and evaluation strategies for novel field-effect transistor sensors, Masterarbeit Nr. 3249, 2012.
- Nr. 3254: Chanda, Debasish: Memory-ecient Lossless Video Compression Using Temporal Extended JPEG-LS and On-line Compression, Masterarbeit Nr. 3254, 2011.
- Nr. 3256: Ruparelia, Sameer: Implementation of Watershed Based Image Segmentation Algorithm in FPGA, Masterarbeit Nr. 3256, 2012.
- Nr. 3304: Buntoro, David Prasetyo: Modeling of Design-for-test infrastructure in complex Systems-on-chips, Masterarbeit Nr. 3304, 2012.
- Nr. 3305: Reza, Mohsin: Adaptation of the Data Access Layer to Enable Cloud Data Access, Masterarbeit Nr. 3305, 2012.
- Nr. 3310: Antoni, Martin: 3D Video Tracking and Localization of Underwater Swarm Robots, Masterarbeit Nr. 3310, 2012.
- Nr. 3340: Louka, Christine: Implementation of an Interactive Visualization Tool for Analyzing Dynamic Hierarchies, Masterarbeit Nr. 3340, 2012.
- Nr. 3341: Weiß, Andreas: Merging of TOSCA Cloud Topology Templates, Masterarbeit Nr. 3341, 2012.
- Nr. 3347: Uralov, Mansur: Extending an Open Source Enterprise Service Bus for Dynamic Discovery and Selection of Cloud Data Hosting Solutions based on WS-Policy, Masterarbeit Nr. 3347, 2012.
- Nr. 3348: Ramalingam, Anand Babu: Cloud Migration - a Reference Process Model, Masterarbeit Nr. 3348, 2012.
- Nr. 3349: Abdallah lssa, Salama: Energy-efficient Cloud Computing Application Solutions and Architectures, Masterarbeit Nr. 3349, 2012.
- Nr. 3355: Idrees, Kamran: Data Structures and Algorithms in Unified Parallel C for Molecular Dynamics, Masterarbeit Nr. 3355, 2012.
- Nr. 3359: Hijazi, Haytham W.: LOCMIC:LOW COMPLEXITY MULTI-RESOLUTION IMAGE COMPRESSION, Masterarbeit Nr. 3359, 2012.
- Nr. 3372: Munk, Peter: Visualization of Scheduling in Real-Time Embedded Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3372, 2013.
- Nr. 3374: Javier, Aguilera Diez: Implementation of an Optimized Distance Function for Retrieval and Similarity Comparison of Non-rotational Parts, Masterarbeit Nr. 3374, 2013.
- Nr. 3385: Tanveer, Waqas: DEVELOPMENT OF GENERIC SCHEDULING CONCEPTS FOR Open GL ES 2.0, Masterarbeit Nr. 3385, 2013.
- Nr. 3386: Burkow, Alexej: LTL- Erfüllbarkeitsprüfung für inkrementelle Entwicklung von Geschäftsprozessen, Masterarbeit Nr. 3386, 2012.
- Nr. 3392: Girgis, Michael: Assessing the Impact of Interactivity on Recall and Recognition, Masterarbeit Nr. 3392, 2012.
- Nr. 3393: Hassib, Mariam: Mental Task Classification Using Single-Electrode Brain Computer Interfaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 3393, 2012.
- Nr. 3394: Voicu, Petru: Design and Implementation of an FPGA-based Hardware/Software Platform to Accelerate Algorithms, Masterarbeit Nr. 3394, 2012.
- Nr. 3402: Vetlugin, Andrey: A Process Insight Repository supporting Process Optimization, Masterarbeit Nr. 3402, 2013.
- Nr. 3407: Mahajan, Sumeet: Device Selection Algorithm for Mobile Traffic Offloading, Masterarbeit Nr. 3407, 2013.
- Nr. 3409: Almheidat, Ahmad N.: Analysis of Cache Usability on Modern Real-Time Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3409, 2013.
- Nr. 3413: Megally, Mirna: Information Extraction from Social Media for Route Planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 3413, 2012.
- Nr. 3417: Dapperheld, Moritz: Entwicklung analysebasierter Optimierungsmuster zur Verbesserung von Fertigungsprozessen, Masterarbeit Nr. 3417, 2013.
- Nr. 3422: Pintilie, Ana Cristina: Statistical Analysis and Comparative Visualization of Cellular Particle-based Simulations, Masterarbeit Nr. 3422, 2013.
- Nr. 3436: Georgiev, Zdravko: Simulation-Based Analysis For NBTI Degradation In Combinational CMOS VLSI Circuits, Masterarbeit Nr. 3436, 2013.
- Nr. 3438: Tawfik, Mina: Design and Implementation of a High Throughput Image Processing Architecture for Streamed Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 3438, 2013.
- Nr. 3439: Wang, Jiling: Online Self-Test Wrapper for Runtime-Reconfigurable Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3439, 2013.
- Nr. 3450: Mishra, Gagan Bihari: Providing in-network content-based routing using OpenFlow, Masterarbeit Nr. 3450, 2013.
- Nr. 3452: Ashraf, Umair: Securing Cloud Applications with Two-Factor Authentication, Masterarbeit Nr. 3452, 2013.
- Nr. 3458: Riaz, Zohaib: Optimized Position Update Protocols for Secure and Efficient Position Sharing, Masterarbeit Nr. 3458, 2013.
- Nr. 3460: Lamllari, Rilinda: Extending a Methodology for Migration of the Database Layer to the Cloud Considering Relational Database Schema Migration to NoSQL, Masterarbeit Nr. 3460, 2013.
- Nr. 3463: Petrut Draghici, Viorel: Concepts and Realization of Quality of Data driven Simulation Workflows in BPEL, Masterarbeit Nr. 3463, 2013.
- Nr. 3465: Aly, Mahy: Development and Evaluation of an Assistive System using Hand Recognition and Motivating Elements, Masterarbeit Nr. 3465, 2013.
- Nr. 3477: Nasir, Umair: Color Balance in LASER Scanner Point Clouds, Masterarbeit Nr. 3477, 2013.
- Nr. 3478: Abdelrahman, Yomna: Thermal Imaging for Interactive Surfaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 3478, 2013.
- Nr. 3479: Gao, Yuan: Optimization of Service Following in Automotive Radio by Applying Service Landscape Memory, Masterarbeit Nr. 3479, 2013.
- Nr. 3490: Stuhlmüller, Patrick: Integration strukturierter und unstrukturierter Daten zur Prozessoptimierung, Masterarbeit Nr. 3490, 2013.
- Nr. 3491: Nayak, Naresh: Accelerated Computation using Runtime Partial Reconfiguration, Masterarbeit Nr. 3491, 2013.
- Nr. 3498: Bhowmik, Sukanya: Distributed Control Algorithms for Adapting Publish/Subscribe in Software Defined Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 3498, 2013.
- Nr. 3505: Zhang, Shihao: Delay Characterization in FPGA-based Reconfigurable Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3505, 2013.
- Nr. 3506: Xia, Simin: Extending an Open Source Enterprise Service Bus for SQL Statement Transformation to Enable Cloud Data Access, Masterarbeit Nr. 3506, 2013.
- Nr. 3507: Alexander, John; Vega, Velandia: Conceptualization and implementation of a prototype for realistic simulation of vehicles, Masterarbeit Nr. 3507, 2013.
- Nr. 3522: Georoceanu, Radu: Extending Parking Assistance for Automative User Interfaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 3522, 2014.
- Nr. 3524: Ma, Sijia: Analysis of Hierarchical Design Methodology for FPGA Hardware Design, Masterarbeit Nr. 3524, 2013.
- Nr. 3525: Dessouky, Ghada: Design and Implementation of Adaptive On-Chip Memory Management for FPGA- based Image Processing Architectures, Masterarbeit Nr. 3525, 2014.
- Nr. 3529: Genena, Lobna: Real Time Image Sequence Decoding and Rendering on Multicore Architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 3529, 2014.
- Nr. 3539: Krishnan, SreedharMahadevan: Design and Implementation of a Hardware Architecture for Multiple-Object Tracking, Masterarbeit Nr. 3539, 2013.
- Nr. 3545: Hanumantharayappa, Arun: Enabling Horizontal Scalability in an open source Enterprise Services Bus, Masterarbeit Nr. 3545, 2014.
- Nr. 3550: Kharatyan, Gurgen: Evaluation of Design Level Parallelism in Embedded Image Processing Architectures for Window-Based Image Processing Algorithms, Masterarbeit Nr. 3550, 2013.
- Nr. 3553: Mathew, Lijo: Benchmarking the Co-Processing Capabilities of FPGA´s under High Level Language Conditions for Computing Intensive Applications in Image Processing and Matrix Algebra, Masterarbeit Nr. 3553, 2013.
- Nr. 3554: Alam, Nazmul: Language Independent Modelling of Parallelism, Masterarbeit Nr. 3554, 2014.
- Nr. 3556: Hafiz; Khan, Golam: Simulation of Multi-core Scheduling in Real-Time Embedded Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3556, 2014.
- Nr. 3560: Metias, Mina: Combing Multiple gesture Sensing Technologies to Interact with Public Displays, Masterarbeit Nr. 3560, 2014.
- Nr. 3567: Das, Darsana: Integrating Cloud Service Deployment Automation With Software Defined Environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 3567, 2014.
- Nr. 3572: Darsow, Alexander: Decision Support for Application Migration to the Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 3572, 2013.
- Nr. 3574: Dadashov, Elkhan: Choreography-based Business Process Consolidation in One-To-Many interactions, Masterarbeit Nr. 3574, 2013.
- Nr. 3578: Das, Sanjib: Analysis and Simulation of Scheduling Techniques for Real-Time Embedded Multi-core Architectures, Masterarbeit Nr. 3578, 2014.
- Nr. 3580: Gosavi, Siddharth; Sunil: Machine Learning Methods for Fault Classification, Masterarbeit Nr. 3580, 2014.
- Nr. 3586: Francato, Arturo: Energy-proportional Machines for Cloud Data Centers, Masterarbeit Nr. 3586, 2013.
- Nr. 3589: Afzal, Muhammad: Design and Implementation of a Fault Tolerant VHDL Switch with Reconfigurable Routing Tables, Masterarbeit Nr. 3589, 2014.
- Nr. 3593: Shah, Shishir: A Resource Efficient and Adaptive IP-Core for Display Technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 3593, 2013.
- Nr. 3619: Cecolin, Riccardo: Compositing Concepts for the Presentation of Graphical Application Windows on Embedded, Masterarbeit Nr. 3619, 2014.
- Nr. 3622: Wang, Mingyuan: Analyse von Algorithmen zur Bahnverbindungssuche, Masterarbeit Nr. 3622, 2014.
- Nr. 3626: Jeerghi, Praveen: Embedded High-Performance Data Acquisition System Based on FPGAs, Masterarbeit Nr. 3626, 2014.
- Nr. 3629: Valentin, Julian: Hierarchische Optimierung mit Gradientenverfahren auf Dünngitterfunktionen, Masterarbeit Nr. 3629, 2014.
- Nr. 3635: Ma, Hua: Concepts and Metrics for Measurement and Prediction of the Execution Time of GPU Rendering Commands, Masterarbeit Nr. 3635, 2014.
- Nr. 3643: Hintermayer, Kerstin: Modellierung und Ausführung einer gekoppelten Festkörpersimulation mit Workflow-Choreographien, Masterarbeit Nr. 3643, 2014.
- Nr. 3663: Chawla, Gaurav: Optimizing the Resource utilization of Enterprise Content management workloads through measured performance baselines and dynamic topology adaptation, Masterarbeit Nr. 3663, 2014.
- Nr. 3664: Ahmed, Ibrahim: Reliable Routing Table Reconfiguration for On-chip Network Switches, Masterarbeit Nr. 3664, 2014.
- Nr. 3670: Agrawal, Sugandha: A Service-oriented and Cloud-based Statistical Analysis Framework, Masterarbeit Nr. 3670, 2014.
- Nr. 3671: Sánchez, Roberto: Dynamic Deployment of Specialized ESB instances in the Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 3671, 2014.
- Nr. 3699: Ranjan, Sunny: Large-scale Data Mining Analytics Based on MapReduce, Masterarbeit Nr. 3699, 2014.
- Nr. 3703: Jaber, Mustafa: REST compliant clients for REST APIs, Masterarbeit Nr. 3703, 2014.