Documents of the Institute
Articles in Proceedings- Bitsaki, Marina; Danylevych, Olha; van den Heuvel, Willem-Jan; Koutras, George; Leymann, Frank; Mancioppi, Michele; Nikolaou, Christos; Papazoglou, Mike: An Architecture for Managing the Lifecycle of Business Goals for Partners in a Service Network. In: Petri, Mähönen (ed.); Klaus, Pohl (ed.); Thierry, Priol (ed.): Towards a Service-Based Internet, First European Conference, ServiceWave 2008.
- Decker, Gero; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Pfitzner, Kerstin; Weske, Mathias: Modeling Service Choreographies using BPMN and BPEL4Chor. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE '08), 2008.
- Karastoyanova, Dimka; van Lessen, Tammo; Leymann, Frank; Ma, Zhilei; Nitzsche, Jörg; Wetzstein, Branimir; Bhiri, Sami; Hauswirth, Manfred; Zaremba, Maciej: A Reference Architecture for Semantic Business Process Management Systems. In: Bichler, Martin (ed.); Hess, Thomas (ed.); Krcmar, Helmut (ed.); Lechner, Ulrike (ed.); Matthes, Florian (ed.); Picot, Arnold (ed.); Speitkamp, Benjamin (ed.); Wolf, Petra (ed.): Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008.
- Kopp, Oliver; Khalaf, Rania; Leymann, Frank: Deriving Explicit Data Links in WS-BPEL Processes. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2008.
- Kopp, Oliver; Martin, Daniel; Wutke, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: On the Choice Between Graph-Based and Block-Structured Business Process Modeling Languages. In: Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS 2008). Saarbrücken, Germany, November 27 - 28, 2008.
- Kopp, Oliver; Wetzstein, Branimir; Mietzner, Ralph; Pottinger, Stefan; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: A Model-Driven Approach to Implementing Coordination Protocols in BPEL. In: 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Business Process Management (MDE4BPM 2008).
- Kopp, Oliver; van Lessen, Tammo; Nitzsche, Jörg: The Need for a Choreography-aware Service Bus. In: YR-SOC 2008.
- van Lessen, Tammo; Leymann, Frank; Mietzner, Ralph; Nitzsche, Jörg; Schleicher, Daniel: A Management Framework for WS-BPEL. In: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE European Conference on Web Services 2008.
- van Lessen, Tammo; Nitzsche, Jörg; Leymann, Frank: Formalising Message Exchange Patterns using BPEL light. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC'08) Research Track, 2008.
- Lohmann, Niels; Kopp, Oliver: Tools4BPEL4Chor. In: YR-SOC 2008.
- Ma, Zhilei; Leymann, Frank: A Lifecycle Model for Using Process Fragment in Business Process Modeling. In: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support (BPDMS 2008)in conjunctin with The 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'08), Montpellier, France, 16-18 June, 2008.
- Martin, Daniel; Wutke, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: Synchronizing Control Flow in a Tuplespace-Based, Distributed Workflow Management System. In: Dieter Fensel, Hannes Werthner (ed.): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2008 (ICEC 08). Innsbruck, Austria, August 19 - 22, 2008.
- Martin, Daniel; Wutke, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: A Novel Approach to Decentralized Workflow Enactment. In: Proceedings of the 12th International IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2008). Munich, Germany, September 15 - 19, 2008.
- Martin, Daniel; Wutke, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: EWFN - A Petri Net Dialect for Tuplespace-based Workflow Enactment. In: Niels Lohmann (ed.); Karsten Wolf (ed.): Proceedings of the 15th German Workshop on Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets (AWPN 2008). Rostock, Germany, September 26 - 27, 2008.
- Martin, Daniel; Wutke, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: Using Tuplespaces to Enact Petri Net-Based Workflow Definitions. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2008). Linz, Austria, November 24 - 26, 2008.
- Martin, Daniel; de Francisco, David; Krummenacher, Reto; Moritsch, Hans; Wutke, Daniel: An Architecture for a QoS-Aware Application Integration Middleware. In: Abramowicz, Witold (ed.); Fensel, Dieter (ed.): Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2008). Innsbruck, Austria, 5-7 May 2008.
- Mietzner, Ralph; Leymann, Frank; Papazoglou, Mike P.: Defining Composite Configurable SaaS Application Packages Using SCA, Variability Descriptors and SaaS Multi-Tenancy Patterns. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Internet and Web Applications and Services ICIW 2008.
- Mietzner, Ralph; Leymann, Frank: Generation of BPEL Customization Processes for SaaS Applications from Variability Descriptors. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Services Computing, Industry Track, SCC 2008.
- Mietzner, Ralph; Leymann, Frank: Towards Provisioning the Cloud: On the Usage of Multi-Granularity Flows and Services to Realize a Unified Provisioning Infrastructure for SaaS Applications. In: Proceedings of the International Congress on Services, SERVICES 2008.
- Mietzner, Ralph; Ma, Zhilei; Leymann, Frank: An Algorithm for the Validation of Executable Completions of an Abstract BPEL Process. In: Bichler, Martin (ed.); Hess, Thomas (ed.); Krcmar, Helmut (ed.); Lechner, Ulrike (ed.); Matthes, Florian (ed.); Picot, Arnold (ed.); Speitkamp, Benjamin (ed.); Wolf, Petra (ed.): Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008.
- Mokhtari, K.; Benbernou, S.; Said, M.; Coquery, E.; Hacid, M.S.; Leymann, Frank: Verification of Privacy Timed Properties in Web Service Protocols. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2008.
- Nicklas, Daniela; Grossmann, Matthias; Minguez, Jorge; Wieland, Mattias: Adding High-level Reasoning to Efficient Low-level Context Management: a Hybrid Approach. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications : PerCom'08 Workshops, in 5th IEEE PerCom Workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning; Hongkong, 17.-21. March 2008.
- Nitzsche, Jörg; Höhersteiger, Benjamin; Leymann, Frank; Sonntag, Mirko; Tost, Markus: Defining the Behaviour of BPELlight Interaction Activities Using Message Exchange Patterns. In: Proceedings of the Service Wave 2008.
- Nitzsche, Jörg; Norton, Barry: Ontology Based Data Mediation in BPEL (for Semantic Web Services). In: Proceedings of Business Process Management Workshops, 2008.
- Nitzsche, Jörg; van Lessen, Tammo; Leymann, Frank: WSDL 2.0 Message Exchange Patterns: Limitations and Opportunities. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2008).
- Nitzsche, Jörg; van Lessen, Tammo; Leymann, Frank: Extending BPEL light for Expressing Multi-Partner Message Exchange Patterns. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2008).
- Nixon, Lyndon; Teymourian, Kia; Martin, Daniel; Wutke, Daniel: Triple Space as a Global Semantic Coordination Middleware. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2008). Rome, Italy, June 23 - 25, 2008.
- Pedrinaci, Carlos; Brelage, Christian; van Lessen, Tammo; Domingue, John; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: Semantic Business Process Management: Scaling up the Management of Business Processes. In: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) 2008.
- Pedrinaci, Carlos; Lambert, Dave; Wetzstein, Branimir; van Lessen, Tammo; Cekov, Luchesar; Dimitrov, Marin: SENTINEL: a semantic business process monitoring tool. In: Duke, Alistair (ed.); Hepp, Martin (ed.); Bontcheva, Kalina (ed.); Vilain, Marc B. (ed.): Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Ontology-supported Business Intelligence, OBI 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 27, 2008.
- Radeschütz, Sylvia; Mitschang, Bernhard; Leymann, Frank: Matching of Process Data and Operational Data for a Deep Business Analysis. In: Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications (I-ESA 2008), Berlin, März 26-28, 2008.
- Scheibler, Thorsten; Leymann, Frank: A Framework for Executable Enterprise Integration Patterns. In: Mertins, Kai (ed.); Rainer, Ruggaber (ed.); Popplewell, Keith (ed.); Xu, Xiaofei (ed.): Enterprise Interoperability III: New Challenges and Industrial Approaches, 2008.
- Shafiq, Omair; Scharffe, Francois; Wutke, Daniel; Toro del Valle, German: Resolving Data Heterogeneity Issues in Open Distributed Communication Middleware. In: Proceedings of the 2008 Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW2008).
- Teymourian, Kia; Nixon, Lyndon; Wutke, Daniel; Krummenacher, Reto; Moritsch, Hans: Implementation of a Novel Semantic Web Middleware Approach Based on Triplespaces. In: IEEE Computer Society (ed.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Semantic Computing: ICSC 2008.
- Unger, Tobias; Bauer, Thomas: Towards a Standardized Task Management. In: Bichler, Martin (ed.); Hess, Thomas (ed.); Krcmar, Helmut (ed.); Lechner, Ulrike (ed.); Matthes, Florian (ed.); Picot, Arnold (ed.); Speitkamp, Benjamin (ed.); Wolf, Petra (ed.): Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008.
- Unger, Tobias; Mauchart, Stephanie; Leymann, Frank; Scheibler, Thorsten: Aggregation of Service Level Agreements in the Context of Business Processes. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Conference (EDOC 2008), 15-19 September 2008, Munich, Bavaria, Germany.
- Vanhatalo, Jussi; Völzer, Hagen; Leymann, Frank; Moser, Simon: Automatic Workflow Graph Refactoring and Completion. In: Bouguettaya, A. (ed.); Krueger, I. (ed.); Margaria, T. (ed.): ICSOC 2008.
- Volz, Steffen; Nicklas, Daniela; Grossmann, Matthias; Wieland, Matthias: On creating a spatial integration schema for global, context-aware applications. In: Proceedings of the X Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics (GeoInfo2008).
- Wetzstein, Branimir; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: Towards Management of SLA-Aware Business Processes Based on Key Performance Indicators. In: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support (BPMDS'08); Montpellier, France, June 16 – 17, 2008.
- Wetzstein, Branimir; Ma, Zhilei; Leymann, Frank: Towards Measuring Key Performance Indicators of Semantic Business Processes. In: Abramowicz, Witold (ed.); Fensel, Dieter (ed.): Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2008), Innsbruck, Austria, 5-7 May 2008.
- Wieland, Matthias; Kaczmarczyk, Peter; Nicklas, Daniela: Context Integration for Smart Workflows. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2008.
- Wieland, Matthias; Nicklas, Daniela; Leymann, Frank: Managing Technical Processes Using Smart Workflows. In: Maehoenen, Petri (ed.); Pohl, Klaus (ed.); Priol, Thierry (ed.): Towards a Service-Based Internet, First European Conference, ServiceWave 2008, Madrid, Spain, December 10-13, 2008. Proceedings.
- Wutke, Daniel; Martin, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: Facilitating Complex Web Service Interactions through a Tuplespace Binding. In: Rene Meier (ed.); Sotirios Terzis (ed.): Proceedings of Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, 8th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2008, Oslo, Norway, June 4-6, 2008.
- Wutke, Daniel; Martin, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: Model and Infrastructure for Decentralized Workflow Enactment. In: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 08). Fortaleza, Brasil, March 16 - 20, 2008.
- Zimmermann, Olaf; Pautasso, Cesare; Leymann, Frank: RESTful Web Services vs. "Big" Web Services - Making the Right Architectural Decisions. In: Proc. 17th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2008).
- Zimmermann, Olaf; Zdun, Uwe; Gschwind, Thomas; Leymann, Frank: Combining Pattern Languages and Architectural Decision Models in a Comprehensive and Comprehensible Design Method. In: Seventh Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture - WICSA 2008.
Articles in Journals- Decker, Gero; Kopp, Oliver; Barros, Alistair: An Introduction to Service Choreographies. In: Information Technology. Vol. 50(2), 2008, Oldenbourg Verlag.
- Khalaf, Rania; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank: Maintaining Data Dependencies Across BPEL Process Fragments. In: International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS). Vol. 17(3), World Scientific, 2008.
- Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank: Choreography Design Using WS-BPEL. In: Lohmet, David B. (ed.): Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering. Vol. 31(3), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008.
- Nitzsche, Jörg; van Lessen, Tammo; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: Composing Services on the Grid Using BPEL4SWS. In: Multiagent and Grid Systems. Vol. 4, IOS Press, 2008.
- Papazoglou, Michael P.; Traverso, Paolo; Dustdar, Schahram; Leymann, Frank: Service-Oriented Computing: A Research Roadmap. In: International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS). Vol. 17(2), World Scientific, 2008.
Articles in Books- Leymann, Frank; Mietzner, Ralph: Neue Geschäftsmodelle durch SOA. In: Beinhauer, Wolfgang (ed.); Herr, Michael (ed.); Schmidt, Achim (ed.): Soa für Agile Unternehmen, Düsseldorf: Symposion Publishing, 2008.
ProceedingsCollections of PapersSeminar Papers- Bischof, Marc: Microsoft S+S ein Entwurfsmuster für modulare Dienste im Vergleich mit herkömmlicher Software-as-a-Service, Seminar Paper, 2008.
- Fehling, Christoph: Provisioning - Fundamentals, Seminar Paper, 2008.
- Reimann, Steffen: On Demand (BPM) Solutions oder Geschäftsprozessmanagement-as-a-Service, Seminar Paper, 2008.
- Schäfer, Michael: Business Process Outsourcing, Seminar Paper, 2008.
- Wiselka, Matthias: Agility and the AOP paradigm - Flexibility of Software, Services and Processes, Seminar Paper, 2008.
Presentations- Filipowska, Agata; Kaczmarek, Monika; Nitzsche, Jörg; Norton, Barry: BPM Conference Tutorials - Semantic Business Process Management, Presentation, 2008.
- van Lessen, Tammo; Haller, Armin; Komazec, Srdjan: International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC) 2008: Tutorial on "Semantic Business Process Management", Presentation, 2008.
- van Lessen, Tammo: W-JAX 2008: Web Services Orchestrierung mit BPEL 2.0 und Apache ODE, Presentation, 2008.
Technical Reports- No. 01: Mietzner, Ralph: Using Variability Descriptors to Describe Customizable SaaS Application Templates, Technical Report No. 2008/01.
- No. 02: Kopp, Oliver; Wetzstein, Branimir; Mietzner, Ralph; Unger, Tobias; Pottinger, Stefan; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Michael, Sabine; Leymann, Frank: A Model-Driven Approach to Implementing Coordination Protocols in BPEL, Technical Report No. 2008/02.
- No. 03: Karastoyanova, Dimka; van Lessen, Tammo; Leymann, Frank; Nitzsche, Jörg; Wutke, Daniel: WS-BPEL Extension for Semantic Web Services (BPEL4SWS), Version 1.0, Technical Report No. 2008/03.
- No. 04: Wutke, Daniel; Martin, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: Triple Space Binding for Web Services, Technical Report No. 2008/04.
- No. 05: Wetzstein, Branimir; Strauch, Steve; Majdik, Petra; Leymann, Frank: Modeling and Monitoring Process Performance Metrics of BPEL Processes, Technical Report No. 2008/05.
- No. 06: Kopp, Oliver; Mietzner, Ralph; Leymann, Frank: Abstract Syntax of WS-BPEL 2.0, Technical Report No. 2008/06.
- No. 07: Reimann, Peter; Kopp, Oliver; Decker, Gero; Leymann, Frank: Generating WS-BPEL 2.0 Processes from a Grounded BPEL4Chor Choreography, Technical Report No. 2008/07.
- External: Wieland, Matthias; Martin, Daniel; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank: Events Make Workflows Really Useful, External Technical Report, 2008.
DissertationsDiploma Theses (archive) (sorted by numbers)- No. 0025: Hohloch, Rüdiger: Foliated Workflows: Ein Prozessmodell für kontextabhängige Workflows, Diploma Thesis No. 25, 2008.
- No. 0028: Schuster, Björn: Variabilität beim Design von WS-HumanTasks und ihr Einfluss auf die Infrastruktur, Diploma Thesis No. 28, 2008.
- No. 2634: Yuan, Xin: Prototype for Executable EAI Patterns, Diploma Thesis No. 2634, 2008.
- No. 2640: Schleicher, Daniel: Service-orientiertes Provisioning für Software as a Service, Diploma Thesis No. 2640, 2008.
- No. 2663: Danylevych, Olha: Stratifizierte Transaktionen, Diploma Thesis No. 2663, 2008.
- No. 2664: Wiese, Alexander: Konzeption und Implementierung von WS-Policy- und WSRF-Erweiterungen für einen Open Source Enterprise Service Bus, Diploma Thesis No. 2664, 2008.
- No. 2665: Mierzwa, Christof: Architektur eines ESBs zur Unterstützung von EAI Patterns, Diploma Thesis No. 2665, 2008.
- No. 2673: Weik, Steffen: Entwicklung einer Sprache zur Beschreibung von Qualitätseigenschaften kontextbezogener Dienste, Diploma Thesis No. 2673, 2008.
- No. 2689: Ding, Xiongjie: Variability Points in WS-BPEL Prozessen, Diploma Thesis No. 2689, 2008.
- No. 2701: Deiss, Alexander: Konzept und Implementierung eines generischen Lifting & Lowering Frameworks, Diploma Thesis No. 2701, 2008.
- No. 2704: Auer, Kai: Generierung von WS-BPEL Prozessen aus Variabilitätsbeschreibungen, Diploma Thesis No. 2704, 2008.
- No. 2719: Strauch, Steve: Entwicklung eines Modellierungswerkzeugs für Prozesskennzahlen, Diploma Thesis No. 2719, 2008.
- No. 2720: Schumm, David: Graphische Modellierung von BPEL Prozessen unter Verwendung der BPMN Notation, Diploma Thesis No. 2720, 2008.
- No. 2721: Majdik, Petra: Entwicklung eines Monitoring-Tools für KPIs von BPEL-Prozessen, Diploma Thesis No. 2721, 2008.
- No. 2726: Breier, Sebastian: Extended Data-flow Analysis on BPEL Processes, Diploma Thesis No. 2726, 2008.
- No. 2728: Fuentetaja Abad, Pablo: Fault Handling Across the Web Services Stack, Diploma Thesis No. 2728, 2008.
- No. 2729: Steinmetz, Thomas: Ein Event-Modell für WS-BPEL 2.0 und dessen Realisierung in Apache ODE, Diploma Thesis No. 2729, 2008.
- No. 2732: Gerlach, Daniel: Mining of Business Process Fragments, Diploma Thesis No. 2732, 2008.
- No. 2734: Wöhrle, Frank: Verschlüsselung und Signaturen in der kollaborativen Entwicklung von WS-BPEL Prozessen, Diploma Thesis No. 2734, 2008.
- No. 2741: Monakova, Ganna: Ontology Based Partner Service Discovery Using a First-Order Logic Representation for BPEL Process Models, Diploma Thesis No. 2741, 2008.
- No. 2748: Eberle, Hanna: Konzeption und Implementierung einer Erweiterung des BPEL Standards zur Modellierung und Ausführung kontextbezogener Workflows, Diploma Thesis No. 2748, 2008.
- No. 2771: Strempfer, Christian: EAI Patterns Scenarios with Variability Descriptors, Diploma Thesis No. 2771, 2008.
- No. 2772: Feil, Martin: Analyse, Modellierung und Simulation von Produktionsprozessen in der Smart Factory, Diploma Thesis No. 2772, 2008.
- No. 2781: Lu, Wei: A Graph-based Approach for Querying Structural Information of Business Processes, Diploma Thesis No. 2781, 2008.
- No. 2783: Anstett, Tobias: Ein Repository für semantische Geschäftsprozesse, Diploma Thesis No. 2783, 2008.
- No. 2787: Kramberg, Volker: Zielorientierte Geschäftsprozesse mit WS-BPEL, Diploma Thesis No. 2787, 2008.
- No. 2791: Tost, Markus: Konzeption und Implementierung eines Enterprise Service Bus mit nativer Unterstützung von komplexen Message Exchange Patterns, Diploma Thesis No. 2791, 2008.
- No. 2794: Huber, Eduard: SmartGPS - Lokationsmodell für PerFlows, Diploma Thesis No. 2794, 2008.
- No. 2802: Popova, Petia: Transformation von BPEL Prozessen in ein verteiltes Ausführungsmodell, Diploma Thesis No. 2802, 2008.
- No. 2821: Höhensteiger, Benjamin: Konzipierung und Implementierung eines BPEL light Editors mit Unterstützung für Message Exchange Patterns, Diploma Thesis No. 2821, 2008.
- No. 2822: Sonntag, Mirko: Conceptual Design and Implementation of a BPEL light Workflow Engine With Support for Message Exchange Patterns., Diploma Thesis No. 2822, 2008.
- No. 2829: Demler, Christian: Definition eines Verfahrens und Algorithmus zur Segmentierung von BPEL-Prozessen, Diploma Thesis No. 2829, 2008.
- No. 2831: Wu, Shenqiang: Verteilte Workflow-Engine: Ausführung verteilter Prozessmodelle auf Basis von Tuplespaces, Diploma Thesis No. 2831, 2008.
- No. 2841: Bitzer, Frank: Management Framework for Amazon EC2, Diploma Thesis No. 2841, 2008.
- No. 2856: Rock, Daniel: Erweiterte Arbeitslisten für Human Tasks, Diploma Thesis No. 2856, 2008.
Diploma Theses (archive) (sorted by names)- Anstett, Tobias: Ein Repository für semantische Geschäftsprozesse, Diploma Thesis No. 2783, 2008.
- Auer, Kai: Generierung von WS-BPEL Prozessen aus Variabilitätsbeschreibungen, Diploma Thesis No. 2704, 2008.
- Bitzer, Frank: Management Framework for Amazon EC2, Diploma Thesis No. 2841, 2008.
- Breier, Sebastian: Extended Data-flow Analysis on BPEL Processes, Diploma Thesis No. 2726, 2008.
- Danylevych, Olha: Stratifizierte Transaktionen, Diploma Thesis No. 2663, 2008.
- Deiss, Alexander: Konzept und Implementierung eines generischen Lifting & Lowering Frameworks, Diploma Thesis No. 2701, 2008.
- Demler, Christian: Definition eines Verfahrens und Algorithmus zur Segmentierung von BPEL-Prozessen, Diploma Thesis No. 2829, 2008.
- Ding, Xiongjie: Variability Points in WS-BPEL Prozessen, Diploma Thesis No. 2689, 2008.
- Eberle, Hanna: Konzeption und Implementierung einer Erweiterung des BPEL Standards zur Modellierung und Ausführung kontextbezogener Workflows, Diploma Thesis No. 2748, 2008.
- Feil, Martin: Analyse, Modellierung und Simulation von Produktionsprozessen in der Smart Factory, Diploma Thesis No. 2772, 2008.
- Fuentetaja Abad, Pablo: Fault Handling Across the Web Services Stack, Diploma Thesis No. 2728, 2008.
- Gerlach, Daniel: Mining of Business Process Fragments, Diploma Thesis No. 2732, 2008.
- Höhensteiger, Benjamin: Konzipierung und Implementierung eines BPEL light Editors mit Unterstützung für Message Exchange Patterns, Diploma Thesis No. 2821, 2008.
- Hohloch, Rüdiger: Foliated Workflows: Ein Prozessmodell für kontextabhängige Workflows, Diploma Thesis No. 25, 2008.
- Huber, Eduard: SmartGPS - Lokationsmodell für PerFlows, Diploma Thesis No. 2794, 2008.
- Kramberg, Volker: Zielorientierte Geschäftsprozesse mit WS-BPEL, Diploma Thesis No. 2787, 2008.
- Lu, Wei: A Graph-based Approach for Querying Structural Information of Business Processes, Diploma Thesis No. 2781, 2008.
- Majdik, Petra: Entwicklung eines Monitoring-Tools für KPIs von BPEL-Prozessen, Diploma Thesis No. 2721, 2008.
- Mierzwa, Christof: Architektur eines ESBs zur Unterstützung von EAI Patterns, Diploma Thesis No. 2665, 2008.
- Monakova, Ganna: Ontology Based Partner Service Discovery Using a First-Order Logic Representation for BPEL Process Models, Diploma Thesis No. 2741, 2008.
- Popova, Petia: Transformation von BPEL Prozessen in ein verteiltes Ausführungsmodell, Diploma Thesis No. 2802, 2008.
- Rock, Daniel: Erweiterte Arbeitslisten für Human Tasks, Diploma Thesis No. 2856, 2008.
- Schleicher, Daniel: Service-orientiertes Provisioning für Software as a Service, Diploma Thesis No. 2640, 2008.
- Schumm, David: Graphische Modellierung von BPEL Prozessen unter Verwendung der BPMN Notation, Diploma Thesis No. 2720, 2008.
- Schuster, Björn: Variabilität beim Design von WS-HumanTasks und ihr Einfluss auf die Infrastruktur, Diploma Thesis No. 28, 2008.
- Sonntag, Mirko: Conceptual Design and Implementation of a BPEL light Workflow Engine With Support for Message Exchange Patterns., Diploma Thesis No. 2822, 2008.
- Steinmetz, Thomas: Ein Event-Modell für WS-BPEL 2.0 und dessen Realisierung in Apache ODE, Diploma Thesis No. 2729, 2008.
- Strauch, Steve: Entwicklung eines Modellierungswerkzeugs für Prozesskennzahlen, Diploma Thesis No. 2719, 2008.
- Strempfer, Christian: EAI Patterns Scenarios with Variability Descriptors, Diploma Thesis No. 2771, 2008.
- Tost, Markus: Konzeption und Implementierung eines Enterprise Service Bus mit nativer Unterstützung von komplexen Message Exchange Patterns, Diploma Thesis No. 2791, 2008.
- Weik, Steffen: Entwicklung einer Sprache zur Beschreibung von Qualitätseigenschaften kontextbezogener Dienste, Diploma Thesis No. 2673, 2008.
- Wiese, Alexander: Konzeption und Implementierung von WS-Policy- und WSRF-Erweiterungen für einen Open Source Enterprise Service Bus, Diploma Thesis No. 2664, 2008.
- Wöhrle, Frank: Verschlüsselung und Signaturen in der kollaborativen Entwicklung von WS-BPEL Prozessen, Diploma Thesis No. 2734, 2008.
- Wu, Shenqiang: Verteilte Workflow-Engine: Ausführung verteilter Prozessmodelle auf Basis von Tuplespaces, Diploma Thesis No. 2831, 2008.
- Yuan, Xin: Prototype for Executable EAI Patterns, Diploma Thesis No. 2634, 2008.
Student Theses (archive) (sorted by numbers)- No. 2123: Strempfer, Christian: Verbesserung eines EAI Pattern Editors, Student Thesis No. 2123, 2008.
- No. 2127: Kolb, Pascal: Realization of EAI Patterns with Apache Camel, Student Thesis No. 2127, 2008.
- No. 2158: Giesecke, Stefan: Abbildung der Geschäftsprozesse der "Die Radler GmbH" in eine neue webbasierte Softwarearchitektur auf Open-Source-Basis, Student Thesis No. 2158, 2008.
- No. 2159: Löser, Moritz: Gechäftsprozesse der "Die Radler GmbH", gegenwärtige IT-Unterstützung und Anforderungen an eine neue Softwarearchitektur, Student Thesis No. 2159, 2008.
- No. 2166: Eckhardt, Oliver: „Pipes and Filter“ - Architektur und Workflow-basierte Systeme: ein praktischer Vergleich, Student Thesis No. 2166, 2008.
- No. 2173: Varnhorn, Stefan: Bewertung der BPEL-Modellierungsmöglichkeiten im ARIS Toolset, Student Thesis No. 2173, 2008.
- No. 2175: Bischof, Marc: Translating WS-BPEL 2.0 to BPELscript and Vice Versa, Student Thesis No. 2175, 2008.
Student Theses (archive) (sorted by names)- Bischof, Marc: Translating WS-BPEL 2.0 to BPELscript and Vice Versa, Student Thesis No. 2175, 2008.
- Eckhardt, Oliver: „Pipes and Filter“ - Architektur und Workflow-basierte Systeme: ein praktischer Vergleich, Student Thesis No. 2166, 2008.
- Giesecke, Stefan: Abbildung der Geschäftsprozesse der "Die Radler GmbH" in eine neue webbasierte Softwarearchitektur auf Open-Source-Basis, Student Thesis No. 2158, 2008.
- Kolb, Pascal: Realization of EAI Patterns with Apache Camel, Student Thesis No. 2127, 2008.
- Löser, Moritz: Gechäftsprozesse der "Die Radler GmbH", gegenwärtige IT-Unterstützung und Anforderungen an eine neue Softwarearchitektur, Student Thesis No. 2159, 2008.
- Strempfer, Christian: Verbesserung eines EAI Pattern Editors, Student Thesis No. 2123, 2008.
- Varnhorn, Stefan: Bewertung der BPEL-Modellierungsmöglichkeiten im ARIS Toolset, Student Thesis No. 2173, 2008.
Student Reports Software Engineering (sorted by numbers)- No. 0087: Haufler, Andreas; Staudenecker, Andreas; Wobser, Alexander: Vergleich von XML-Datenbanken, Student Report Software Engineering No. 87, 2008.
- No. 0088: May, Marcus; Krötz, Markus; Nguyen, Truong-An: Vergleich von Enterprise-Service-Repositories, Student Report Software Engineering No. 88, 2008.
Student Reports Software Engineering (sorted by names)- Haufler, Andreas; Staudenecker, Andreas; Wobser, Alexander: Vergleich von XML-Datenbanken, Student Report Software Engineering No. 87, 2008.
- May, Marcus; Krötz, Markus; Nguyen, Truong-An: Vergleich von Enterprise-Service-Repositories, Student Report Software Engineering No. 88, 2008.