Dokumente des Instituts
Artikel in Tagungsbänden- Anstett, Tobias; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank; Mietzner, Ralph; Monakova, Ganna; Schleicher, Daniel; Strauch, Steve: MC-Cube: Mastering Customizable Compliance in the Cloud. In: Springer (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Service Oriented Computing, Stockholm, Sweden, November 23-27, 2009.
- Anstett, Tobias; Leymann, Frank; Mietzner, Ralph; Strauch, Steve: Towards BPEL in the Cloud: Exploiting Different Delivery Models for the Execution of Business Processes. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Cloud Services (IWCS 2009) in conjunction with the 7th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2009), Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 10, 2009.
- Bischof, Marc; Kopp, Oliver; van Lessen, Tammo; Leymann, Frank: BPELscript: A Simplified Script Syntax for WS-BPEL 2.0. In: 2009 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2009).
- Bitsaki, Marina; Danylevych, Olha; van den Heuvel, Willem-Jan; Koutras, George D.; Leymann, Frank; Mancioppi, Michele; Nikolaou, Christos N.; Papazoglou, Mike P.: Model Transformations to Leverage Service Networks. In: ICSOC workshop proceedings, WESOA 2008, 2009.
- Cipriani, Nazario; Wieland, Matthias; Grossmann, Matthias; Nicklas, Daniela: Tool Support for the Design and Management of Spatial Context Models. In: Proc. of the 13th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2009).
- Daniel, Florian; Casati, Fabio; D'Andrea, Vincenzo; Strauch, Steve; Schumm, David; Leymann, Frank; Mulo, Emmanuel; Zdun, Uwe; Dustdar, Schahram; Sebahi, Samir; de Marchi, Fabien; Hacid, Mohand-Said: Business Compliance Governance in Service-Oriented Architectures. In: Awan, Irfan (Hrsg); Younas, Muhammad (Hrsg); Hara, Takahiro (Hrsg); Durresi, Arjan (Hrsg): Proceedings of the IEEE Twenty-Third International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA'09), Bradford, United Kingdom, May 26-29, 2009.
- Danylevych, Olha; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: Optimal Stratification of Transactions. In: ICIW 2009.
- Eberle, Hanna; Föll, Stefan; Herrmann, Klaus; Leymann, Frank; Marconi, Annapaola; Unger, Tobias; Wolf, Hannes: Enforcement from the Inside: Improving Quality of Business in Process Management. In: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2009).
- Eberle, Hanna; Kopp, Oliver; Unger, Tobias; Leymann, Frank: Retry Scopes to Enable Robust Workflow Execution in Pervasive Environments. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Monitoring, Adaptation and Beyond (MONA+), 2009.
- Eberle, Hanna; Unger, Tobias; Leymann, Frank: Process Fragments. In: Meersman, R. (Hrsg); Dillon, T. (Hrsg); Herrero, P. (Hrsg): On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2009, Part I.
- Gehlert, Andreas; Hielscher, Julia; Danylevych, Olha; Karastoyanova, Dimka: Online Testing, Requirements Engineering and Service Faults as Drivers for Adapting Service Compositions. In: ServiceWave 2008, MONA+, 2009.
- Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: BPEL’n’Aspects: Adapting Service Orchestration Logic. In: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2009).
- Kazhamiakin, Raman; Wetzstein, Branimir; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Pistore, Marco; Leymann, Frank: Adaptation of Service-Based Applications Based on Process Quality Factor Analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Monitoring, Adaptation and Beyond (MONA+), co-located with ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009.
- Khalaf, Rania; Roller, Dieter; Leymann, Frank: Revisiting the Behavior of Fault and Compensation Handlers in WS-BPEL. In: OTM '09: Proceedings of the Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, IS, and ODBASE 2009 on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems.
- Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank: Do We Need Internal Behavior in Choreography Models?. In: Kopp, Oliver (Hrsg); Lohmann, Niels (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 1st Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition, ZEUS 2009, Stuttgart, Germany, March 2--3, 2009.
- Kopp, Oliver; Mietzner, Ralph; Leymann, Frank: The Influence of an External Transaction on a BPEL Scope. In: Meersman, R. (Hrsg); Dillon, T. (Hrsg); Herrero, P. (Hrsg): CoopIS 2009 (OTM 2009).
- Kopp, Oliver; Wieland, Matthias; Leymann, Frank: Towards Choreography Transactions. In: Kopp, Oliver (Hrsg); Lohmann, Niels (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 1st Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition, ZEUS 2009, Stuttgart, Germany, March 2--3, 2009.
- Kopp, Oliver; Wieland, Matthias; Leymann, Frank: External and Internal Events in EPCs: e2EPCs. In: 2nd International Workshop on Event-Driven Business Process Management (edBPM09), 2009.
- Lange, Ralph; Cipriani, Nazario; Geiger, Lars; Großmann, Matthias; Weinschrott, Harald; Brodt, Andreas; Wieland, Matthias; Rizou, Stamatia; Rothermel, Kurt: Making the World Wide Space Happen: New Challenges for the Nexus Context Platform. In: Proceedings of the 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom '09). Galveston, TX, USA. March 2009.
- Leitner, Philipp; Wetzstein, Branimir; Rosenberg, Florian; Michlmayr, Anton; Dustdar, Schahram; Leymann, Frank: Runtime Prediction of Service Level Agreement Violations for Composite Services. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Non-Functional Properties and SLA Management in Service-Oriented Computing, co-located with ICSOC 2009.
- van Lessen, Tammo; Nitzsche, Jörg; Karastoyanova, Dimka: Facilitating Rich Data Manipulation in BPEL using E4X. In: Kopp, Oliver (Hrsg); Lohmann, Niels (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 1st Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition, ZEUS 2009, Stuttgart, Germany, March 2--3, 2009.
- Leymann, Frank: Cloud Computing: The Next Revolution in IT. In: Proc. 52th Photogrammetric Week, 2009.
- Ma, Zhilei; Leymann, Frank: BPEL Fragments for Modularized Reuse in Modeling BPEL Processes. In: The Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2009), Valencia, Spain, April 20-25, 2009.
- Ma, Zhilei; Lu, Wei; Leymann, Frank: Query Structural Information of BPEL Processes. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2009), Venice/Mestre, Italy, May 24-28, 2009.
- Marconi, Annapaola; Pistore, Marco; Sirbu, Adina; Leymann, Frank; Eberle, Hanna; Unger, Tobias: Enabling Adaptation of Pervasive Flows: Built-in Contextual Adaptation. In: Baresi, Luciano (Hrsg); Chi, Chi-Hung (Hrsg); Suzuki, Jun (Hrsg): Service-Oriented Computing, 7th International Joint Conference,ICSOC-ServiceWave 2009, Stockholm, Sweden, November 24-27, 2009.
- Mietzner, Ralph; Metzger, Andreas; Leymann, Frank; Pohl, Klaus: Variability Modeling to Support Customization and Deployment of Multi-Tenant-Aware Software as a Service Applications. In: Proceedings of ICSE 2009 Workshop - Principles of Engineering Service Oriented Systems (PESOS).
- Mietzner, Ralph; Unger, Tobias; Leymann, Frank: Cafe: A Generic Configurable Customizable Composite Cloud Application Framework. In: Meersman, R. (Hrsg); Dillon, T. (Hrsg); Herrero, P. (Hrsg): CoopIS 2009 (OTM 2009).
- Mietzner, Ralph; Unger, Tobias; Titze, Robert; Leymann, Frank: Combining Different Multi-Tenancy Patterns in Service-Oriented Applications. In: IEEE Computer Society (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Conference (EDOC 2009).
- Mietzner, Ralph; van Lessen, Tammo; Wiese, Alexander; Wieland, Matthias; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: Virtualizing Services and Resources with ProBus: The WS-Policy-Aware Service and Resource Bus. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) 2009.
- Monakova, Ganna; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Moser, Simon; Schäfers, Klaus: Verifying Business Rules Using an SMT Solver for BPEL Processes. In: Proceedings of the Business Process and Services Computing Conference: BPSC'09, 2009.
- Monakova, Ganna; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank: Improving Control Flow Verification in a Business Process using an Extended Petri Net. In: Kopp, Oliver (Hrsg); Lohmann, Niels (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 1st Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS 2009).
- Scheibler, Thorsten; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: Dynamic Message Routing Using Processes. In: Proceedings of 16th Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 09), 2009.
- Scheibler, Thorsten; Leymann, Frank: From Modelling to Execution of Enterprise Integration Scenarios: the GENIUS tool. In: Proceedings of 16th Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 09), 2009.
- Schleicher, Daniel; Anstett, Tobias; Leymann, Frank; Mietzner, Ralph: Maintaining Compliance in Customizable Process Models. In: Meersman, Robert (Hrsg); Dillon, Tharam (Hrsg); Herrero, Pilar (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS (CoopIS 2009).
- Schumm, David; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank; Nitzsche, Jörg: On Visualizing and Modelling BPEL with BPMN. In: Müller, Henning (Hrsg); Chen, Jinjun (Hrsg); Cafaro, Massimo (Hrsg); Park, Jong Hyuk (Hrsg); Abdennadher, Nabil (Hrsg): IEEE Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Workflow Management (IWWM2009).
- Urbanski, Stephan; Huber, Eduard; Wieland, Matthias; Leymann, Frank; Nicklas, Daniela: PerFlows for the Computers of the 21st Century. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications : PerCom'09 Workshops, in 5th IEEE PerCom Workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning; Galveston, 17.-21. March 2009.
- Wetzstein, Branimir; Danylevych, Olha; Leymann, Frank; Bitsaki, Marina; Nikolaou, Christos; van den Heuvel, Willem-Jan; Papazoglou, Mike: Towards Monitoring of Key Performance Indicators Across Partners in Service Networks. In: ServiceWave, MONA+, 2009.
- Wetzstein, Branimir; Leitner, Philipp; Rosenberg, Florian; Brandic, Ivona; Dustdar, Schahram; Leymann, Frank: Monitoring and Analyzing Influential Factors of Business Process Performance. In: Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Conference (EDOC 2009).
- Wetzstein, Branimir; Strauch, Steve; Leymann, Frank: Measuring Performance Metrics of WS-BPEL Service Compositions. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2009), Valencia, Spain, April 20-25, 2009.
- Wieland, Matthias; Görlach, Katharina; Schumm, David; Leymann, Frank: Towards Reference Passing in Web Service and Workflow-based Applications. In: Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Conference (EDOC 2009).
- Wieland, Matthias; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Levi, Paul; Leymann, Frank; Nicklas, Daniela: Towards Integration of Uncertain Sensor Data into Context-aware Workflows. In: GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) (Hrsg): Tagungsband INFORMATIK 2009 – Im Focus das Leben, 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI).
- Wieland, Matthias; Längerer, Carsten; Leymann, Frank; Siemoneit, Oliver; Hubig, Christoph: Methods for Conserving Privacy in Workflow Controlled Smart Environments - A Technical and Philosophical Enquiry into Human-Oriented System Design of Ubiquitous Work Environments. In: Proceedings of the The Third International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, UBICOMM 2009.
- Wieland, Matthias; Martin, Daniel; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank: SOEDA: A Methodology for Specification and Implementation of Applications on a Service-Oriented Event-Driven Architecture. In: Abramowicz, Witold (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2009). Poznan, Poland April 27-29, 2009.
- Wutke, Daniel; Martin, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: Tuplespace-based Infrastructure for Decentralized Enactment of BPEL Processes. In: Proceedings of 9. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik: Business Services, Konzepte, Technologien, Anwendungen (WI 2009), Vienna, Austria, February 25 - 27, 2009.
- Wutke, Daniel; Martin, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: A Method for Partitioning BPEL Processes for Decentralized Execution. In: Kopp, Oliver (Hrsg); Lohmann, Niels (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 1st Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition, ZEUS 2009, Stuttgart, Germany, March 2--3, 2009.
Artikel in Zeitschriften- Decker, Gero; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Weske, Mathias: Interacting services: from specification to execution. In: Data & Knowledge Engineering. Vol. 68(10), Elsevier Science Publishers, 2009.
- Kopp, Oliver; Martin, Daniel; Wutke, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: The Difference Between Graph-Based and Block-Structured Business Process Modelling Languages. In: Ulrich Frank (Hrsg): Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems. Vol. 4(1), Duisburg: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2009.
- van Lessen, Tammo; Nitzsche, Jörg; Leymann, Frank: Conversational Web Services: Leveraging BPEL light for Expressing WSDL 2.0 Message Exchange Patterns. In: Enterprise Information Systems. Vol. 3(3), Taylor & Francis, 2009.
- Martin, Daniel; Wutke, Daniel; Leymann, Frank: Tuplespace Middleware for Petri Net-Based Workflow Execution. In: Taniar, David (Hrsg): International Journal on Web and Grid Services (IJWGS). Vol. 5(3), Inderscience Publishers, 2009.
- Mietzner, Ralph; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: Business Grid: Combining Web Services and the Grid. In: Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency (ToPNoC) Special Issue on Concurrency in Process-aware Information Systems., Springer Verlag, 2009.
- Moser, Simon; van Lessen, Tammo; Lübke, Daniel: Open-Source-BPEL-Orchester. In: JavaMagazin 01/2010, Software & Support Verlag, 2009.
- Nicklas, Daniela; Grossmann, Matthias; Wieland, Matthias: Context Modeling for Mobile, Adaptive Applications. In: it - Information Technology. Vol. 51(2), Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH, 2009.
- Scheibler, Thorsten; Mietzner, Ralph; Leymann, Frank: EMod: Platform Independent Modelling, Description and Enactment of Parameterizable EAI Patterns. In: Enterprise Information Systems: Challenges and Solutions in Enterprise Computing. Vol. 3(3), Taylor & Francis Inc., 2009.
- Unger, Tobias; Mietzner, Ralph; Leymann, Frank: Customer-defined Service Level Agreements for Composite Applications. In: Enterprise Information Systems - Towards Model-driven Service-oriented Enterprise Computing – 12th International IEEE EDOC Enterprise Computing Conference (EDOC 2008). Vol. 3(3), Taylor & Francis, 2009.
Beiträge in Büchern- Karastoyanova, Dimka; van Lessen, Tammo; Leymann, Frank; Ma, Zhilei; Nitzsche, Jörg; Wetzstein, Branimir: Semantic Business Process Management: Applying Ontologies in BPM. In: Cardoso, Jorge (Hrsg); van der Aalst, Wil (Hrsg): Handbook of Research on Business Process Modeling, Information Science Publishing, 2009.
TagungsbändePräsentationenTechnische BerichteDissertationenDiplomarbeiten (Archiv) (nach Nummern sortiert)- Nr. 0010: Wang, Yunxiao: A generic scoping concept for workflows, Diplomarbeit Nr. 10, 2009.
- Nr. 0026: Wang, Xu: Context-Aware Dynamic Binding of Services in Workflows, Diplomarbeit Nr. 26, 2009.
- Nr. 0027: Gostmann, Hendrik: Evaluation and Implementation of Web Services - Human Task, Diplomarbeit Nr. 27, 2009.
- Nr. 0029: Entina-Konthaler, Irina: Transaction Level-Cache für SWoM, Diplomarbeit Nr. 29, 2009.
- Nr. 0032: Giesecke, Stefan: Verteiltes Website Management für Non-Profit Organisationen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 32, 2009.
- Nr. 2810: Arnold, Tobias: Extension of a SCA Editor and Deployment-Strategies for Software as a Service Applications, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2810, 2009.
- Nr. 2830: Schmid, Frank-Michael: Dienstgüteeigenschaften für ausführbare EAI Patterns, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2830, 2009.
- Nr. 2851: Kolb, Pascal: EAI Patterns as Software as a Service (SaaS), Diplomarbeit Nr. 2851, 2009.
- Nr. 2852: Titze, Robert: Web Service Deployment Strategien, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2852, 2009.
- Nr. 2866: Görig, Heiko: Kontextbezogene Zugriffskontrolle für BPEL (Engines), Diplomarbeit Nr. 2866, 2009.
- Nr. 2874: Varnhorn, Stefan: Verteilte Workflow Engine: Implementierung einer Runtime Umgebung für BPEL Prozesse auf Basis von EWFNs, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2874, 2009.
- Nr. 2879: Heubach, Birgit: Model for SLA and KPI Change Management, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2879, 2009.
- Nr. 2880: Engler, Lasse: BPELgold: Choreography on the Service Bus, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2880, 2009.
- Nr. 2885: Bischof, Marc: Modeling and Runtime Support of Faults in Interaction Choreography Models, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2885, 2009.
- Nr. 2889: Streule, Alexander: Abstract Views on BPEL Processes, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2889, 2009.
- Nr. 2892: Fehling, Christoph: Provisioning of Software as a Service Applications in the Cloud, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2892, 2009.
- Nr. 2895: Rutschmann, Jens: Generisches Web Service Interface um Simulationsanwendungen in BPEL-Prozesse einzubinden, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2895, 2009.
- Nr. 2897: Abega, Julien: Design and Implementation of a Monitoring Tool for BPEL Processes Based on a CEP Engine, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2897, 2009.
- Nr. 2898: Mattanja Kern: Enforcement auf laufenden BPEL-Prozessen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2898, 2009.
- Nr. 2899: Hauser, Stefan: Analyse und Implementierung von Context Integration Processes in verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2899, 2009.
- Nr. 2900: Längerer, Carsten: Entwicklung von Konzepten für eine kontextbezogene Arbeitsaufgaben–Verwaltung für BPEL, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2900, 2009.
- Nr. 2901: Fonden, Christian: Konzeption und Entwicklung von Kontexterweiterungen für Workflows, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2901, 2009.
- Nr. 2905: Wiselka, Matthias: Erweiterung einer AOP-fähigen BPEL Engine um die Kompensation von eingewobenen Aktivitäten, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2905, 2009.
- Nr. 2907: Daniel, Zwink: Event-basiertes Monitoring von unternehmensübergreifenden Geschäftsprozessen auf Basis von Service-Choreographien, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2907, 2009.
- Nr. 2908: Chen, Siran: Extraction of BPEL Process Fragments in Eclipse BPEL Designer, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2908, 2009.
- Nr. 2912: Zhou, Jing: Workflow getriebene Visualisierung, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2912, 2009.
- Nr. 2939: Grigas, Vasilios: Leveraging location awareness in the context of IBM's WebSphere Process Server (Nutzung von Lokationsinformationen in der IBM WebSphere Process Server Umgebung), Diplomarbeit Nr. 2939, 2009.
- Nr. 2943: Malets, Polina: Modellierung von Einschränkungen auf Geschäftsprozesse, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2943, 2009.
- Nr. 2949: H. Romuald Pascal Awessou: Eine Event-Description- und Subscription-Sprache für Webservices, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2949, 2009.
- Nr. 2961: Staudenecker, Andreas: Verfeinerung menschlicher Aktivitäten in Workflows, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2961, 2009.
Diplomarbeiten (Archiv) (nach Namen sortiert)- Abega, Julien: Design and Implementation of a Monitoring Tool for BPEL Processes Based on a CEP Engine, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2897, 2009.
- Arnold, Tobias: Extension of a SCA Editor and Deployment-Strategies for Software as a Service Applications, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2810, 2009.
- Bischof, Marc: Modeling and Runtime Support of Faults in Interaction Choreography Models, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2885, 2009.
- Chen, Siran: Extraction of BPEL Process Fragments in Eclipse BPEL Designer, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2908, 2009.
- Daniel, Zwink: Event-basiertes Monitoring von unternehmensübergreifenden Geschäftsprozessen auf Basis von Service-Choreographien, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2907, 2009.
- Engler, Lasse: BPELgold: Choreography on the Service Bus, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2880, 2009.
- Entina-Konthaler, Irina: Transaction Level-Cache für SWoM, Diplomarbeit Nr. 29, 2009.
- Fehling, Christoph: Provisioning of Software as a Service Applications in the Cloud, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2892, 2009.
- Fonden, Christian: Konzeption und Entwicklung von Kontexterweiterungen für Workflows, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2901, 2009.
- Giesecke, Stefan: Verteiltes Website Management für Non-Profit Organisationen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 32, 2009.
- Görig, Heiko: Kontextbezogene Zugriffskontrolle für BPEL (Engines), Diplomarbeit Nr. 2866, 2009.
- Gostmann, Hendrik: Evaluation and Implementation of Web Services - Human Task, Diplomarbeit Nr. 27, 2009.
- Grigas, Vasilios: Leveraging location awareness in the context of IBM's WebSphere Process Server (Nutzung von Lokationsinformationen in der IBM WebSphere Process Server Umgebung), Diplomarbeit Nr. 2939, 2009.
- H. Romuald Pascal Awessou: Eine Event-Description- und Subscription-Sprache für Webservices, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2949, 2009.
- Hauser, Stefan: Analyse und Implementierung von Context Integration Processes in verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2899, 2009.
- Heubach, Birgit: Model for SLA and KPI Change Management, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2879, 2009.
- Kolb, Pascal: EAI Patterns as Software as a Service (SaaS), Diplomarbeit Nr. 2851, 2009.
- Längerer, Carsten: Entwicklung von Konzepten für eine kontextbezogene Arbeitsaufgaben–Verwaltung für BPEL, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2900, 2009.
- Malets, Polina: Modellierung von Einschränkungen auf Geschäftsprozesse, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2943, 2009.
- Mattanja Kern: Enforcement auf laufenden BPEL-Prozessen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2898, 2009.
- Rutschmann, Jens: Generisches Web Service Interface um Simulationsanwendungen in BPEL-Prozesse einzubinden, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2895, 2009.
- Schmid, Frank-Michael: Dienstgüteeigenschaften für ausführbare EAI Patterns, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2830, 2009.
- Staudenecker, Andreas: Verfeinerung menschlicher Aktivitäten in Workflows, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2961, 2009.
- Streule, Alexander: Abstract Views on BPEL Processes, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2889, 2009.
- Titze, Robert: Web Service Deployment Strategien, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2852, 2009.
- Varnhorn, Stefan: Verteilte Workflow Engine: Implementierung einer Runtime Umgebung für BPEL Prozesse auf Basis von EWFNs, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2874, 2009.
- Wang, Xu: Context-Aware Dynamic Binding of Services in Workflows, Diplomarbeit Nr. 26, 2009.
- Wang, Yunxiao: A generic scoping concept for workflows, Diplomarbeit Nr. 10, 2009.
- Wiselka, Matthias: Erweiterung einer AOP-fähigen BPEL Engine um die Kompensation von eingewobenen Aktivitäten, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2905, 2009.
- Zhou, Jing: Workflow getriebene Visualisierung, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2912, 2009.
Masterarbeiten (nach Nummern sortiert)Masterarbeiten (nach Namen sortiert)Studienarbeiten (Archiv) (nach Nummern sortiert)Studienarbeiten (Archiv) (nach Namen sortiert)Fachstudien Softwaretechnik (nach Nummern sortiert)- Nr. 0096: Brunk, Sören; Metzger, Fabian; Palauro, Jonas: Analyse und Vergleich von Manufacturing Execution Systemen, Fachstudie Softwaretechnik Nr. 96, 2009.
- Nr. 0106: Binz, Tobias; Königsberger, Jan; Schliemann, Tina: Vergleich von Ansätzen zur Fragmentierung von Prozessen, Fachstudie Softwaretechnik Nr. 106, 2009.
Fachstudien Softwaretechnik (nach Namen sortiert)- Binz, Tobias; Königsberger, Jan; Schliemann, Tina: Vergleich von Ansätzen zur Fragmentierung von Prozessen, Fachstudie Softwaretechnik Nr. 106, 2009.
- Brunk, Sören; Metzger, Fabian; Palauro, Jonas: Analyse und Vergleich von Manufacturing Execution Systemen, Fachstudie Softwaretechnik Nr. 96, 2009.
Sonstige Beiträge