- No. 0000: Klein, Melvin: Fluent Teleoperating of sequential mobile manipulation with a PR2, Bachelor Thesis No. 2016.
- No. 0000: Rempel, Andreas: Integration and extension of a cloud data migration support tool, Bachelor Thesis No. 2016.
- No. 0000: Radic, Marco: Transformation of TOSCA to natural language texts, Bachelor Thesis No. 2017.
- No. 0000: Wohlfarth, Marvin: Design pattern detection framework for TOSCA-topologies, Bachelor Thesis No. 2017.
- No. 0001: Schmid, Marc: Modellierung und Ausführung von REST Service Kompositionen mit BPEL, Bachelor Thesis No. 1, 2016.
- No. 0001: Li, Zhixian: AI planning for managing energy demand in office buildings, Bachelor Thesis No. 1, 2020.
- No. 0001: Keppler, Michael: Determining carbon dioxide footprint using data center simulators, Bachelor Thesis No. 1, 2022.
- No. 0001: Schmid, Tobias: Examining a Hybrid Pitting Detection Approach on Real Data, Bachelor Thesis No. 1, 2023.
- No. 0002: Jerye, Felix: What are the current capabilities for a speech interface using existing speech libraries on a mobile robot with limited hardware resources?, Bachelor Thesis No. 2, 2022.
- No. 0002: Truong, Stefan: Modeling the Behavior of Platoons of Motorcyclists Driving in the Black Forest, Bachelor Thesis No. 2, 2023.
- No. 0003: Hartmann, Jens: Automatisierte Bestimmung der Kalibrierungsmatrix für Quantencomputer, Bachelor Thesis No. 3, 2021.
- No. 0003: Aldekal, Ahmed Ebrahim: Entwicklung eines Frameworks für die Nutzung von konkreten Lösungen der Quantencomputing Mustersprache, Bachelor Thesis No. 3, 2024.
- No. 0004: Armbruster, Anita: Konzept und Implementierung einer Verwaltung von Problem- und Lösungsräumen im Kontext von Architekturentscheidungen, Bachelor Thesis No. 4, 2018.
- No. 0004: Allahyarli, Kanan: CO2-efficient demand response: potential benefits in varying energy mix scenarios, Bachelor Thesis No. 4, 2020.
- No. 0004: Nisin, Andrej: Aufteilung und Verwaltung von untereinander abhängigen TOSCA Modellierungselementen, Bachelor Thesis No. 4, 2021.
- No. 0005: Nisin, Sergej: Automatisierte Aktualisierung bereitgestellter Anwendungen mit TOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 5, 2021.
- No. 0005: Diesler, Jannik: Proof of concept of an abstraction layer for the integration of arbitrary cloud storages, Bachelor Thesis No. 5, 2023.
- No. 0006: Spasov, Ivaylo: An approach for activity recognition in buildings based on temporal HTN planning, Bachelor Thesis No. 6, 2023.
- No. 0007: Weder, Benjamin: Einbindung von Informations-Ressourcen in informelle Prozesse, Bachelor Thesis No. 7, 2016.
- No. 0007: Öztürk, Mirac: A Predictive Control System for Indoor Lighting, Bachelor Thesis No. 7, 2022.
- No. 0008: Mindermann, Kai: Verteiltes Modellrepository für TOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 8, 2013.
- No. 0008: Coskuner, Mirac: Analyse der Lokalitätsabhängigkeit von Anwendungskomponenten und Implementierung eines Lokalitätserkennungsframeworks, Bachelor Thesis No. 8, 2018.
- No. 0008: Zeller, Sascha: Integrierte Modellierung bei verteilten Repositories am Beispiel von OpenTOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 8, 2019.
- No. 0008: Mendes Guido, Kevin: Predicting the energy footprint of a running android mobile application, Bachelor Thesis No. 8, 2023.
- No. 0009: Menzel, Kai: Modellierung und Bewertung der Sicherheitsverhalten eines MRK Arbeitsplatzes, Bachelor Thesis No. 9, 2020.
- No. 0010: Nehlich, Paul Johann: Function Shipping vs. Data Shipping: Entscheidungsfindung wo Daten gehalten und wo Funktionen in verteilten Systemen ausgeführt werden sollen, Bachelor Thesis No. 10, 2019.
- No. 0010: Hanitzsch, Katharina: Ein Konzept zum Testen der Nutzererfahrung eines Ökosystems am Beispiel OpenTOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 10, 2020.
- No. 0010: Moriabadi, Marc: Reducing Carbon Emissions in Kubernetes Clusters through Temporal and Spatial Management, Bachelor Thesis No. 10, 2023.
- No. 0011: Ehret, Tim-Julian: Integration von Patterns in eine Modellierungssprache und -werkzeuge, Bachelor Thesis No. 11, 2019.
- No. 0011: Weik, Fabian: Quantum Computing for Smart Energy Optimizations, Bachelor Thesis No. 11, 2021.
- No. 0012: Brügger, Marius: An HTN planning domain model for comfortable homes, Bachelor Thesis No. 12, 2022.
- No. 0012: Ebert, Tom: Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Low-Code-Frameworks für Quantencomputing-Anwendungen, Bachelor Thesis No. 12, 2024.
- No. 0013: Beisel, Martin: Konzept und Implementierung einer Lösungssprache und eines Lösungsrepositories für Cloud Computing Patterns, Bachelor Thesis No. 13, 2017.
- No. 0013: Sharma, Barkha: Exploring the scientific landscape of AI planning using citation network analysis, Bachelor Thesis No. 13, 2021.
- No. 0014: Bartenbach, Sebastian: Monitoring Frontend für OpenTOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 14, 2016.
- No. 0014: Müller, Elias: Web technologies on the desktop: an early look at Flutter, Bachelor Thesis No. 14, 2021.
- No. 0015: Philippsohn, Robert: A systematic mapping study on development and use of AI planning tools, Bachelor Thesis No. 15, 2021.
- No. 0016: Allhoff, Tim: A Complex Network Analysis of Models to be Checked, Bachelor Thesis No. 16, 2022.
- No. 0017: Youssef, Johnny: The influence of operating system on the energy consumption of software and algorithms, Bachelor Thesis No. 17, 2022.
- No. 0018: Bitz, Roman: Konfigurierbare Softwarekomponente für White-Spot-Analysen, Bachelor Thesis No. 18, 2016.
- No. 0018: Fourati, Ines: Internet of Things in Data Centers, Bachelor Thesis No. 18, 2020.
- No. 0018: Weber, Jan: An approach for benchmarking quantum computers to determine the executability of quantum circuits, Bachelor Thesis No. 18, 2021.
- No. 0018: Deis, Daniel: The advantages and disadvantages of using a quantum computer algorithm or algorithms of a deterministic computer in high frequency trading, Bachelor Thesis No. 18, 2022.
- No. 0020: Bühler, Fabian: Design und Implementierung eines Storage-Backends für MUSE4Music, Bachelor Thesis No. 20, 2017.
- No. 0020: Blosch, Yannis: Air cooling vs. liquid immersion cooling: can liquid immersion cooling improve the energy and space efficiency of data centres?, Bachelor Thesis No. 20, 2021.
- No. 0020: Kuhn, Maximilian Jakob Johannes: Service-Based Translation of Quantum Circuits, Bachelor Thesis No. 20, 2022.
- No. 0022: Gröber, Jonathan: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping and Path Planning of a Formula Student Race Car, Bachelor Thesis No. 22, 2023.
- No. 0023: Schmidt, Joshua: Ranking universities based on academic reputation and exploring potential correlations to their success on social media, Bachelor Thesis No. 23, 2022.
- No. 0024: Pisano, Vincenzo: Plugin-based workflow integration for QHAna, Bachelor Thesis No. 24, 2022.
- No. 0025: Matejetz, Simon: Test4TOSCA: Konzept und Implementierung einer Komponente zur Generierung von WS-BPEL 2.0 Testplänen, Bachelor Thesis No. 25, 2018.
- No. 0025: Smith, Robin: Risk awareness in poker planning agents, Bachelor Thesis No. 25, 2023.
- No. 0026: Mathony, Tobias: Erstellen, Bereitstellen und Betreiben von Serverless Cloud-Anwendungen mit TOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 26, 2018.
- No. 0027: Berhe, Senait: Analyse existierender Arbeiten zur Realisierung situationsabhängiger Workflows, Bachelor Thesis No. 27, 2015.
- No. 0028: Schaaf, Julius: Development of a wizard for the automatic generation of deployment models, Bachelor Thesis No. 28, 2022.
- No. 0029: Stiliadou, Sharon-Naemi: Automatisierte Generierung von Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs, Bachelor Thesis No. 29, 2022.
- No. 0030: Längerer, Pascal: Exploring HTN Planning for Automated Reconfiguration of Distributed Applications: Opportunities and Pitfalls, Bachelor Thesis No. 30, 2024.
- No. 0031: Piontek, Tobias: Automatisiertes Aufsetzen und Testen von Blockchain Services im Kontext von Eclipse Winery, Bachelor Thesis No. 31, 2019.
- No. 0031: Grütter, Marc: Bluetooth broadcasting revisited: experiments and comparison to 2009, Bachelor Thesis No. 31, 2023.
- No. 0032: Endres, Christian: Management von Cloud Applikationen in OpenTOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 32, 2013.
- No. 0032: Stanullo, Claudio: AI planning for improved ventilation management in buildings, Bachelor Thesis No. 32, 2021.
- No. 0033: Furhmann, Jan: Modellierung von TOSCA-basierten Deployment Modellen in Java, Bachelor Thesis No. 33, 2020.
- No. 0035: Lieb, Clemens: TOSCA Simple Profile Modellierungsunterstützung für Eclipse Winery, Bachelor Thesis No. 35, 2020.
- No. 0036: Krieg, Nils: Suche und Vergleich von Topologien mithilfe von Information Retrieval Ansätzen, Bachelor Thesis No. 36, 2017.
- No. 0037: Trefft, Rene: Konzept und Entwicklung eines generischen File Service für OpenTOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 37, 2013.
- No. 0037: Berg, Jan: Improve content extraction in web pages for browser reader modes, Bachelor Thesis No. 37, 2020.
- No. 0037: Boike, Nils: Simulation of charging types and rates for vehicle-to-grid (V2G), Bachelor Thesis No. 37, 2022.
- No. 0038: Kunz, Sebastian: Digital Rights Management für TOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 38, 2017.
- No. 0038: Maiolo, Davide: Evaluation und Implementierung von Distributionsstrategien für Cross-Plattform Applikationen für Nutzergruppen im betrieblichen, nicht-öffentlichen Umfeld, Bachelor Thesis No. 38, 2019.
- No. 0038: Stiliadou, Lavinia: Situationsabhängige Modellierung für die OpenTOSCA Benutzeroberfläche, Bachelor Thesis No. 38, 2020.
- No. 0038: Müller, Lukas: Impact on smart technology on energy use in university offices: a case study, Bachelor Thesis No. 38, 2024.
- No. 0039: Lässig, Nico: Choreographiesprachen mit Datenmodellierungsfähigkeiten : eine Übersicht, Bachelor Thesis No. 39, 2017.
- No. 0039: Kunz, Philipp: Learning Comparison Based Sorting Algorithms Using Machine Learning Techniques, Bachelor Thesis No. 39, 2022.
- No. 0039: Szekely, Ervin: Modeling the Behavior of Platoons of Motorcyclists Driving in the Black Forest, Bachelor Thesis No. 39, 2024.
- No. 0040: Dyhr, Sven: Integration and evaluation of an FPGA-based accelerator card in the workflow of Opencast, Bachelor Thesis No. 40, 2022.
- No. 0041: Reiß, Simon: Dienstleistungen für Datenplattformen - Modul zur Analyse von Zeitreihen zur Verarbeitung von Daten von städtischen Sensoren, Bachelor Thesis No. 41, 2016.
- No. 0041: Artuvan, Umut Onat: Automatic Generation of Blockchain Smart Contract Descriptors and Client Application Skeletons, Bachelor Thesis No. 41, 2020.
- No. 0042: Zimmermann, Michael: Konzept und Implementierung einer generischen Service Invocation Schnittstelle für Cloud Application Management basierend auf TOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 42, 2013.
- No. 0042: Tippelt, Jakob: A systematic analysis of pattern duplicates, Bachelor Thesis No. 42, 2021.
- No. 0042: Kotzur, Andreas Stephan: Smart Irrigation in the context of Agricultural IoT, Bachelor Thesis No. 42, 2022.
- No. 0043: Kepes, Kalman: Konzept und Implementierung eine Java-Komponente zur Generierung von WS-BPEL 2.0 BuildPlans für OpenTOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 43, 2013.
- No. 0043: Pankratz, Timm: Visualisierung von generierten Plänen des OpenTOSCA Plangenerators, Bachelor Thesis No. 43, 2021.
- No. 0044: Fischer, Markus: RESTful BPEL - Erweiterung von BPEL zur Orchestrierung von RESTful Web Services, Bachelor Thesis No. 44, 2013.
- No. 0044: Röhrdanz, Oliver: Implementierung und Test einer mobilen Hybrid-Anwendung für Fußgängernavigation, Bachelor Thesis No. 44, 2016.
- No. 0044: Wersching, Adrian: Automatisierte Zuordnung von Anwendungskomponenten zu Zielumgebungen für das automatisierte Splitten von Topologien in Multi-Clouds, Bachelor Thesis No. 44, 2018.
- No. 0044: Wojcik, Pawel: Analyse und Vergleich von Open-Source Lizenzprüfwerkzeugen, Bachelor Thesis No. 44, 2021.
- No. 0045: Rohloff, Tom: Erweiterbares Monitoring Backend für OpenTOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 45, 2016.
- No. 0046: Nalivayko, Yaroslav: Self-Containment Packager Framework for TOSCA Cloud Service Archives, Bachelor Thesis No. 46, 2017.
- No. 0046: Platzer, Moritz: Conception of a CEP System for Smart Buildings, Bachelor Thesis No. 46, 2019.
- No. 0047: Almaguer, Andrew: Extending query fulfillment by digital personal assistants with temporal reasoning, Bachelor Thesis No. 47, 2020.
- No. 0048: Duwe, Philipp: Evaluation of Tools for Visualization of Microservice Communication, Bachelor Thesis No. 48, 2019.
- No. 0049: Zindl, Stefan: Flutter on Windows Desktop: a Use Case Based Study, Bachelor Thesis No. 49, 2021.
- No. 0051: Keefer, Lorenz: Exploration of autarky increasement in single family houses by smart energy balancing, Bachelor Thesis No. 51, 2022.
- No. 0051: Adomat, Jan: Risk-aware HTN planning for agricultural tasks, Bachelor Thesis No. 51, 2023.
- No. 0051: Zacher, Daniel: Explaining the HTN Planning Decisions of Autonomous Vehicles, Bachelor Thesis No. 51, 2023.
- No. 0052: Müller, Christian: Practical aspects of FaaS applications' migration, Bachelor Thesis No. 52, 2019.
- No. 0052: Glandier, Loic: Financial benefit of electric vehicles within a microsystem, Bachelor Thesis No. 52, 2022.
- No. 0053: Eisele, Marcus: Verwaltung von Instanzdaten eines TOSCA Cloud Services, Bachelor Thesis No. 53, 2013.
- No. 0053: Kiefer, Leon: Service Injection von TOSCA-basierten Diensten in Java-Anwendungen, Bachelor Thesis No. 53, 2019.
- No. 0053: Meyer, Luca: A collaborative pattern writing platform, Bachelor Thesis No. 53, 2020.
- No. 0053: Huber, Julian: Trust-Based HTN Planning for Automated Vehicles, Bachelor Thesis No. 53, 2022.
- No. 0054: Röhl, Aaron: Design and implementation of a framework to automate the inclusion of patterns in existing architectures, Bachelor Thesis No. 54, 2017.
- No. 0054: Schnell, Miriam: Plant detection and classification in agricultural fields, Bachelor Thesis No. 54, 2020.
- No. 0054: Pirev, Venilin: Service composition in the domain of travelling, Bachelor Thesis No. 54, 2021.
- No. 0054: Dullak, Marcin: Discovering Planning Functionalities in PDDL-based Planners through Static Code Analysis, Bachelor Thesis No. 54, 2023.
- No. 0055: Westermann, Jannis Nicolai Buenaventura: Smart Home gardening - using modern AI-techniques to optimize water consumption, Bachelor Thesis No. 55, 2021.
- No. 0057: Hepp, Johannes: Konzept zur Verwendung und Serialisierung von TOSCA YAML in Eclipse Winery, Bachelor Thesis No. 57, 2019.
- No. 0057: Rupietta, Leonhard: Carbon flow assessment and analysis in European countries: potential benefits of CO2-efficient Demand Response programs in interconnected electricity markets, Bachelor Thesis No. 57, 2020.
- No. 0058: Naumann, Oliver: Datenverwaltung für unifizierte Service Komposition, Bachelor Thesis No. 58, 2013.
- No. 0058: Sawtschuk, Alexander: Design und Implementierung eines webbasierten Frontends für MUSE4Music mit Schwerpunkt auf Usability, Bachelor Thesis No. 58, 2017.
- No. 0059: Murawski, Gustav: Robuste Ausbauplanung für Energiespeicher, Bachelor Thesis No. 59, 2019.
- No. 0059: Dahl, Christopher: Using Javascript Preloads to Speed up Navigation in Existing Static Web Pages, Bachelor Thesis No. 59, 2021.
- No. 0060: Jackson, Oliver: Development of an API for temporal coordination of multiple services, Bachelor Thesis No. 60, 2020.
- No. 0061: Alonso Mencía, María Elena: Evaluating the profitability of the MediaWiki application under different cloud distribution scenarios, Bachelor Thesis No. 61, 2016.
- No. 0062: Fürst, Stefan: Instanz-Management für unifizierte Service-Kompositionen, Bachelor Thesis No. 62, 2013.
- No. 0062: Steinegger, Lukas: Who Cites Whom and Who Cites What in AI Planning, Bachelor Thesis No. 62, 2021.
- No. 0063: Bopp, Daniel: Deployable Research Object Archives Based on TOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 63, 2020.
- No. 0064: Speth, Sandro: Entwicklung von Microservices mit zusammensetzbaren API-Bausteinen, Bachelor Thesis No. 64, 2017.
- No. 0066: Stamm, Manuel: Enhancement and assessment of the PlanX toolbox for constructing AI planning systems, Bachelor Thesis No. 66, 2023.
- No. 0067: Gödecke, Kevin: Provisioning of docker containers with TOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 67, 2016.
- No. 0067: Voigt, Dominik: Tool support for the search process of systematic literature reviews, Bachelor Thesis No. 67, 2020.
- No. 0067: Glinka, Andreas: Analysing the Energy Efficiency of AI Planners, Bachelor Thesis No. 67, 2023.
- No. 0068: Staub, Moritz Pascal: Challenges when engineering AI planning systems, Bachelor Thesis No. 68, 2022.
- No. 0068: Davul, Sevim: Integration von Quantensimulatoren in QHAna, Bachelor Thesis No. 68, 2023.
- No. 0069: Müller, Franz Sebastian: An analysis of four server power models, Bachelor Thesis No. 69, 2022.
- No. 0070: Heiland, Lukas: Domain-independent AI planning for demand-side management in office buildings, Bachelor Thesis No. 70, 2020.
- No. 0072: Halacheva, Anna-Maria: HTN planning under uncertainty for sustainable buildings, Bachelor Thesis No. 72, 2022.
- No. 0072: Fischer, Marvin: User management of a privacy-based carpooling platform, Bachelor Thesis No. 72, 2023.
- No. 0073: Hackenberg, Florian Franz: Investigation of (semi-)automation methods for evaluation of the student course application, Bachelor Thesis No. 73, 2023.
- No. 0075: Schroth, Benjamin: Entwurf und Realisierung von REST- Anwendungen nach Prinzipien der modellgetriebenen Softwareentwicklung, Bachelor Thesis No. 75, 2013.
- No. 0076: Stratmann, Marvin: Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Integrationstest für QuAntiL, Bachelor Thesis No. 76, 2022.
- No. 0078: Ernst, Timothy: Discovery of IoT devices and it's integration into robotics, Bachelor Thesis No. 78, 2021.
- No. 0079: Mavreas, Christina: Entwicklung und Integration eines Editors zur Spezifikation von Smart Service Metadaten in OpenTOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 79, 2018.
- No. 0080: Marte, Kennjy: Integrate charging stations for electric vehicles on basis of specific scenarios, Bachelor Thesis No. 80, 2022.
- No. 0081: Zenuni, Taulant: Towards automating indoor farms using AI Planning, Bachelor Thesis No. 81, 2023.
- No. 0085: Ashi, Mike: AI Planning for Poker Player, Bachelor Thesis No. 85, 2022.
- No. 0086: Ruthardt, Jan: Automatisierte Wiederaufnahme terminierter TOSCA Anwendungen am Beispiel der Digitalen Rätoromanischen Chrestomathie, Bachelor Thesis No. 86, 2018.
- No. 0087: Agic, Hizmo: EV to Grid: Basic Modeling and Simulation, Bachelor Thesis No. 87, 2019.
- No. 0091: Truong, Thanh Phong: Entwicklung von ausführbaren TOSCA Deployment Modellen für ein automatisiertes Deployment von Serverless und Microservice Applikationen, Bachelor Thesis No. 91, 2020.
- No. 0092: Wagner, Dominik: Konzept und Implementierung einer TOSCA-basierten Lösung zur Provisionierung von IoT Devices, Bachelor Thesis No. 92, 2017.
- No. 0094: Turfa, Majd: The usage of decentralized applications for enhancing the donation process, Bachelor Thesis No. 94, 2018.
- No. 0095: Vu, Alexander: Konzept zum Ersetzen bestehender Kommunikationsbeziehungen durch Topologie-Fragmente in TOSCA Modellen und Implementierung eines Demonstrators, Bachelor Thesis No. 95, 2018.
- No. 0101: Nemet, Markus: Kapselung von bestehenden Simulationsanwendungen mit Hilfe von Web Services, Bachelor Thesis No. 101, 2014.
- No. 0102: Lebherz, Benjamin: Retrieval and Analysis of Quantum Hardware Characteristics, Bachelor Thesis No. 102, 2020.
- No. 0103: Barlas, Emre: Support Dependency Resolving of VM Images in Eclipse Winery, Bachelor Thesis No. 103, 2020.
- No. 0109: Burk, Felix: Constraint-Based Automated Updating of Application Deployment Models, Bachelor Thesis No. 109, 2019.
- No. 0110: Wetzel, Bernhard: Repository zur Lösungserfassung in der Domäne von Kostümen im Film, Bachelor Thesis No. 110, 2014.
- No. 0111: Müller, Björn: Automatisierte Transformation von Managementplänen in BPMN4TOSCA in ausführbare BPEL Workflows, Bachelor Thesis No. 111, 2019.
- No. 0112: Haller, Tobias: Extending the framework for extraction and generation of FaaS deployment bundles, Bachelor Thesis No. 112, 2019.
- No. 0151: Blehm, Alexander: Service Registry für die bedarfsabhängige Bereitstellung von Diensten, Bachelor Thesis No. 151, 2014.
- No. 0153: Kalach, Volha: Modellierung von REST Service Kompositionen, Bachelor Thesis No. 153, 2014.
- No. 0167: Hoffeld, Olaf: Unifizierte Service- Komposition für BPMN 2.0, Bachelor Thesis No. 167, 2015.
- No. 0199: Grahovac, Adam: Generalisierung eines Wiki-basierten Werkzeugs zur Verwaltung von Designmustern, Bachelor Thesis No. 199, 2015.