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- Eberle, Hanna: Prozessbausteine, Dissertation, 2014.
- Fehling, Christoph: Cloud computing patterns : identification, design, and application, Dissertation, 2015.
- Khalaf, Rania: Supporting business process fragmentation while maintaining operational semantics : a BPEL perspective, Dissertation, 2008.
- Kopp, Oliver: Partnerübergreifende Geschäftsprozesse und ihre Realisierung in BPEL, Dissertation, 2016.
- Ma, Zhilei: Process fragments: enhancing reuse of process logic in BPEL process models, Dissertation, 2013.
- Martin, Daniel: A Tuplespace-Based Execution Model for Decentralized Workflow Enactment, Dissertation, 2010.
- Mietzner, Ralph: A method and implementation to define and provision variable composite applications, and its usage in cloud computing, Dissertation, 2010.
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- Nowak, Alexander: Green Business Process Management : Methode und Realisierung, Dissertation, 2014.
- Roller, Dieter: Throughput improvements for BPEL engines : implementation techniques and measurements applied to SWoM, Dissertation, 2013.
- Scheibler, Thorsten: Ausführbare Integrationsmuster, Dissertation, 2010.
- Schleicher, Daniel: Modellierung regelkonformer Geschäftsprozesse, Dissertation, 2014.
- Schumm, David: Sichten auf Geschäftsprozesse mit besonderer Betrachtung von Compliance, Dissertation, 2015.
- Vanhatalo, Jussi: Process Structure Tress, Dissertation, 2009.
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- Wutke, Daniel: Eine Infrastruktur für die dezentrale Ausführung von BPEL-Prozessen, Dissertation, 2010.
- Zimmermann, Olaf: An architectural decision modeling framework for service oriented architecture design, Dissertation, 2009.