- Nr. 0000: Chughtai, Muhammad Bilal: Concept and Implementation of Digital Beacons, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0000: Kalidoss, Archana: Intention-oriented Organizational Modeling - A Top-down Approach, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Kar, Debasis: Goal-driven Context-sensitive Production Processes: A Case Study using BPMN, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Nr. 0000: Sequeira, Nicci: User engagement for smarter buildings, Masterarbeit Nr. 2023.
- Nr. 0000: Phadnis, Prasad Ravindra: Consolidation of Process Models that Interact via Compensation Handlers, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Nr. 0001: Nieuwenhuizen, Florian: Time-sensitive Deployment and Management for Cyber-Physical Systems using TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2020.
- Nr. 0001: Sadhu, Kaushik: The integration of electric vehicles in the smart grid, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2021.
- Nr. 0001: Mithawala, Himanshu Ujwal: A Comparative Evaluation and Implementation of Droplet Detection in Non-contact Liquid-handler for Nano to Microliter Volumes, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2022.
- Nr. 0001: Patel, Akshay: SCIP 2.0: horizontally extending the Smart Contract Invocation Protocol, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2023.
- Nr. 0002: Hamidehkhan, Pedram: Analysis and evaluation of composition languages and orchestration engines for microservices, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2019.
- Nr. 0002: Ponomarenko, Wladimir: Solving Differential Equations using Quantum Computing: A Survey, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2022.
- Nr. 0002: Schuhmacher, Axel: Deep Learning-Based Quantum Readout Error Mitigation, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2023.
- Nr. 0003: Ahmad, Afzaal: Integration of IoT devices via a blockchain-based decentralized application, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2017.
- Nr. 0003: Israt, Fahmida: Modeling and simulation of situations in mobile cyber-physical systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2019.
- Nr. 0003: Mikalkinas, Domas: Situationsabhängige Modellierung und Ausführung von Choreographien, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2020.
- Nr. 0003: Dinh, Tung: Energy consumption forecasting in energy management systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2021.
- Nr. 0003: Arfa, Eram: Study and implementation of LiDAR-based SLAM algorithm and map-based autonomous navigation for a telepresence robot to be used as a chaperon for smart laboratory requirements, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2022.
- Nr. 0004: Nunez Mencias, Angel: Acessing CIM Models through Web Services, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2003.
- Nr. 0004: Akilli, Mustafa: Analysis of transformation capabilities between communication types of cloud application components, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2018.
- Nr. 0004: Gill, Fozan: Cellular Automata for Modelling Resource Allocation, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2023.
- Nr. 0005: Endres, Christian: A Pattern Language for Modeling the Provisioning of Applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2015.
- Nr. 0005: Al-Hashimi, Ali: Data Generator for BPMN 2.0 Models Designed for Performance Testing, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2017.
- Nr. 0005: Alaisami, Mirna: Cloud-native applications: authoring and evaluation of two deployment patterns, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2018.
- Nr. 0005: Kicherer, Alexander: Modellierung und Deployment von cyber-physischen Systemen basierend auf TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2019.
- Nr. 0005: Girish, Chandan: Evaluation and integration of DDS middleware for interconnection between Android Automotive and AUTOSAR, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2024.
- Nr. 0007: Yasemin, Benli-Karabulut: Cloud-Dienste für Unternehmens-Datenbank, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2014.
- Nr. 0007: Böhringer, Bastian: Modelling of Customer-Support and -Feedback processes at IBM Böblingen Development Laboratory, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2009.
- Nr. 0007: Hossain, Amimul: Service-oriented design of energy management systems for microgrids, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2020.
- Nr. 0007: Balasubramanian Nagarajan, Srivatsen: Investigation of quality and process data from manufacturing facilities using machine learning methods, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2021.
- Nr. 0007: Mukadam, Badruddin Imtiyaz: Exploring a Hybrid of Machine Learning and HTN Planning for Occupant Activity Recognition, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2024.
- Nr. 0008: Hoshaber, Yakup: Implementation and Evaluation of Unfolding Methods to Mitigate Readout Error of Quantum Devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2021.
- Nr. 0008: Kale, Shrilesh: Derivation and Verification of Parameters for Operational Design Domains of Automated Driving Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2022.
- Nr. 0008: Stiliadou, Lavinia: Selektion von hybriden Runtimes für die Ausführung variationeller Quantenalgorithmen, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2023.
- Nr. 0009: Wolter, Norman: Konzept und Implementierung für Choreographiecontainer, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2015.
- Nr. 0009: Wundrack, Philipp: Quantenunterstütztes Clustering mit hybriden neuronalen Netzen, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2021.
- Nr. 0009: Piontek, Tobias: CO2 aware job scheduling for data centers, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2022.
- Nr. 0009: Ip, Shue Kwan: Risk-aware HTN Planning for Poker Players, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2023.
- Nr. 0009: Palaniappan, Saranyan: Easy to use methods for securing the channel between mobile apps and connected consumer devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2024.
- Nr. 0010: Metz, Balduin: Refinement and Extension of the Cloud Decision Support Framework for Application Migration to the Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2015.
- Nr. 0010: Fürst, Stefan: Konzept und Implementierung eines Situation Handlers, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2015.
- Nr. 0010: Ding, Hao: Persistence and Discovery of Reusable Cloud Application Topologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2016.
- Nr. 0010: Sahin, Müslüm: GitOps basiertes Continuous Delivery für Serverless Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2019.
- Nr. 0010: Bühler, Fabian: MUSE4Anything, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2021.
- Nr. 0010: Palyam Satish, Adarsh: Co-Simulation Conceptualization of Event and Intermediate Update Mode in Functional Mock-up Interface 3.0, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2024.
- Nr. 0011: Banerjee, Sayan: Concepts and tools for measuring the complexity of service choreography models, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2018.
- Nr. 0011: Munawar, Javadan: Travel service composition under temporal contraints, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2020.
- Nr. 0011: Belsare, Kaiwalya Kalyan: Off-road Vehicle Control Unit with Robot Operating System, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2021.
- Nr. 0011: Bappanadu, Suraj Rao: Modeling and timing analysis of micro-ROS application on an off-road vehicle control unit, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2022.
- Nr. 0012: Eisele, Marcus: Vergleich und Bewertung von Methoden und Tools für den Entwurf und die Realisierung von REST APIs, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2016.
- Nr. 0012: Palaniswamy, Janaranjani: Occlusion handling in behavior planning using imitation learning for autonomous driving, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2022.
- Nr. 0012: Belz, Felix: Entwicklung eines Modellierungswerkzeuges für Quanten-Workflows, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2023.
- Nr. 0012: Verma, Pankhuri: Investigation on precise measurement of CO2 emissions from AI applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2024.
- Nr. 0013: Jakupov, Daniyar: Development of a web-based application for automated energy management system, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2019.
- Nr. 0013: Karbasiyan Varnamkhasti, Hamzeh: Realization of Artificial Intelligence Planning for the Ubiquitous Computing Environment of Manufacturing Intralogistics, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2020.
- Nr. 0013: Dabbert, Patrick: Conceptualizing and implementing a transactional model for cross-chain smart contract invocations, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2022.
- Nr. 0014: Xu, Xuefang: Different Approaches to Self-Healing System, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2005.
- Nr. 0014: Gupta, Prashant: A framework for learning activities of office occupants, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2019.
- Nr. 0014: Thulasi Raman, Muralikrishna: Algorithmic Planning, Simulation and Validation of Smart, Shared Parking Services using a Last Mile Hardware, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2021.
- Nr. 0014: Krishna Shobha, Priyadarshini: Analysis of the scalability of siamese neural network for performing quality inspection of the welding nuts, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2022.
- Nr. 0015: Beedanal, Praveenkumar: CO2 emissions related to electricity, an architecture implemented in Python, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2018.
- Nr. 0015: Kiefer, Leon: Concept and implementation of a TOSCA orchestration engine for edge and IoT infrastructures, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2021.
- Nr. 0015: Schmidt, Moritz: Implementierung und Analyse von Gradientenberechnungen in Quantenalgorithmen, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2022.
- Nr. 0015: Hoxha, Erisa: Energy and CO2 footprint of cloud/backend processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2024.
- Nr. 0016: Weder, Benjamin: Topologie-basierte und verteilte Provisionierung von IoT Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2019.
- Nr. 0016: Baloch, Sajid: Temporal reasoning for web services composition for personal assistants, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2020.
- Nr. 0016: Ivanova, Desislava: Dynamic personalized home automation rules based on multi-user feedback, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2021.
- Nr. 0017: Kannan, Divya: Time-of-Use tariff and valley-filling based scheduling algorithm for electric vehicle charging, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2021.
- Nr. 0017: Philippsohn, Robert: Identification of design patterns in AI Planning software, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2024.
- Nr. 0019: Chande, Sagar: Testing in mobile cyber-physical systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2018.
- Nr. 0019: Li, Kuang-Yu: Generation of BPMN 2.0 plans to deploy applications in OpenTOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2022.
- Nr. 0019: Ülger, Victor: Analyzing the effect of entanglement of training samples on the loss landscape of quantum neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2024.
- Nr. 0020: Choudhury, Pushpam: Crawling hardware for OpenTOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2017.
- Nr. 0020: Bechtold, Marvin: Bringing the concepts of virtualization to gate-based quantum computing, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2021.
- Nr. 0022: Dash, Anshuman: Dynamic cloud provisioning based on TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2017.
- Nr. 0022: Chandrashekaraiah, Hithesh Chandra: Software in the Loop simulation environment for eBike ABS, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2023.
- Nr. 0023: Elazhary, Omar: Validation and Optimization of a Rule-Based Feature Recognition Method for CAD Design Retrieval, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2015.
- Nr. 0023: Altmann, Marius: Enabling System Management Aspects in MICO, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2021.
- Nr. 0023: Khan, Faisal: Optimized deployment of multi-cloud applications via HTN planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2023.
- Nr. 0024: Ju, Huang Hua: Detecting inauthentic accounts on Twitter: A natural language approach applied on Blacklist, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2021.
- Nr. 0024: Hildebrand, Moritz: Investigating gate teleportation using non-maximally entangled states for gate cutting, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2024.
- Nr. 0025: Falazi, Ghareeb: A concept for describing concrete solutions to support their automated selection from patterns, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2017.
- Nr. 0025: Elmougi, Mohamed: CO2 signal prediction for energy demand-side management: a service-oriented architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2019.
- Nr. 0025: Ramachandran Selvaraj, Sri Vishnu: Feasibility analysis of using Model Predictive Control in Demand-Side Management of residential building, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2020.
- Nr. 0026: Ramesh, Gururaja: Part Detection in Sheet Metal Sorting using Deep Learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2021.
- Nr. 0026: Obst, Julian: Parameter initialization for warm-starting QAOA, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2022.
- Nr. 0027: Képes, Kálmán: Erkennung und dynamische Ersetzung von Fragmenten in Workflow-Modellen, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2016.
- Nr. 0027: Freundorfer, Tobias: Konzept und Implementierung eines Systems zur ereignisinduzierten Informationsbereitstellung im Reinraum, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2017.
- Nr. 0028: Fedorov, Denis: Update management for wireless sensor nodes, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2018.
- Nr. 0028: Ledic, Josip: Placement of application components in industrial environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2019.
- Nr. 0028: Hofer, Jonas: Prüfung des Lizenzmodells Pay Per Use von SaaS Produkten auf derzeitige Anforderungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2023.
- Nr. 0029: Hamzeh, Rawad: Decision support for migrating application's functionality to FaaS, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2019.
- Nr. 0029: Dang, Phi: Live-modeling: enabling deployments at modeling time in OpenTOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2020.
- Nr. 0030: Ghebremicael, Eyob Semere: Transformation of REST API to GraphQL for OpenTOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2017.
- Nr. 0030: Hagg, Daniel: Serverless Applikationen in Multi-Cloud-Umgebungen : Architektur und Design Eventbasierter Kommunikation, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2019.
- Nr. 0030: Diez, Felix: Framework for orchestrating application deployments using multiple deployment technologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2020.
- Nr. 0031: Fischer, Markus: Model-driven code generation for REST APIs, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2015.
- Nr. 0031: Beisel, Martin: Mustererstellung für Quantenalgorithmen in einem Musterrepository, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2020.
- Nr. 0031: Tripathy, Bikash: Performance Analysis of Object Detection Models in Context of Mobile Applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2022.
- Nr. 0032: Schütterle, Markus: Extraktion und Mapping der in Chef Kochbüchern beschriebenen Deployment Architekturen auf ein generisches Architekturmodell, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2019.
- Nr. 0032: Kelapure, Sarthak: Design of a software architecture for supervisor system in a satellite, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2020.
- Nr. 0032: Yüksel, Tolunay: Standards-based Modeling and Generation of Platform-specific Function-as-a-Service Deployment Packages, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2022.
- Nr. 0032: Parajuli, Bishwash Krishna: Evaluating the PlanX Toolbox: Insights on Best Practices, Usability, and Enhancement Opportunities, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2024.
- Nr. 0033: Mohamed, Sherif Yassin Mostafa: Evaluation of Alternative Distributions of a Choreography-based Smart City Transportation Application among Cloud Offerings, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2016.
- Nr. 0033: Gore, Mihir: Automated proxy injection for redistributed applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2017.
- Nr. 0033: Zeller, Marcel: Automated detection and extraction of deployment components of Docker services, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2019.
- Nr. 0034: Kattige, Ajay: Strategic Portfolio Analysis on the fly – A metric based digital transformation of a foundational decision support framework, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2019.
- Nr. 0035: Mishra, Abhilash: Persistence, discovery, and generation of viable cloud application topologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2015.
- Nr. 0035: Gajek, Fabian: API diversity for microservices in the domain of connected vehicles, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2018.
- Nr. 0035: Hill, Stefan: Scalable IoT platforms, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2019.
- Nr. 0037: Großmann, Steven: Dynamic consistency checking of cloud computing patterns, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2018.
- Nr. 0038: Gutermann, Jochen: Dekomposition und Komposition von Microservices, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2017.
- Nr. 0039: Ramaj, Alketa: Extending an open source enterprise service bus for PostgreSQL statement transformation to enable cloud data access, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2015.
- Nr. 0039: Mathony, Tobias: Deployment-technology-agnostic management of running applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2020.
- Nr. 0039: Jadhav, Vishwas Avinash: Evaluation and implementation of zero-touch onboarding solutions for IIoT, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2023.
- Nr. 0040: Haider, Muhammad Ali: Securing cloud service archives for function and data shipping in industrial environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2017.
- Nr. 0040: Harzenetter, Lukas: Versioning of applications modeled in TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2018.
- Nr. 0040: Wersching, Adrian: Pattern detection in declarative deployment models, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2021.
- Nr. 0041: Haider, Md. Rezzakul: Deployment of TOSCA cloud services archives using Kubernetes, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2017.
- Nr. 0041: Donsuypae, Nakharin: Decentralized cross-organizational application deployment using multiple different deployment automation technologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2021.
- Nr. 0042: Azad, Tayyaba: Decision support for middleware performance benchmarking, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2016.
- Nr. 0043: Pastuchov, Swjatoslaw: Exploring the challenges of engineering AI planning-based applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2023.
- Nr. 0044: Karim, Ahmad: IoT based monitoring and control for energy management system, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2018.
- Nr. 0045: Wahab, Abdul: BPMN 2.0 Relevant Process Fragments (RPF) repository, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2015.
- Nr. 0045: Heinkel, Manuel: Dynamic APIs in a Connected Car Environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2016.
- Nr. 0045: Graef, Sebstian: Designing and implementing usable, interoperable, and reusable services of AI planning capabilities, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2020.
- Nr. 0046: Khinchi, Vikas: Evaluating various transaction processing characteristics of permissioned blockchain networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2018.
- Nr. 0046: Weigold, Manuela: Nutzung von Standards und Technologien des Semantischen Webs zur Repräsentation von Mustersprachen, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2019.
- Nr. 0046: Yadav, Priyashi: Secure User Concept for Mercedes-Benz AG / VANs IoT Platform, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2021.
- Nr. 0046: Georg, Daniel: Applications of the quantum-classic split pattern in quantum computing, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2022.
- Nr. 0047: Kaul, Arthur: Konzeptioneller Entwurf und Implementierung einer Methode zur automatisierten Verfeinerung von Topologien, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2017.
- Nr. 0047: Franck, Jan: Dynamic Service Configuration in SOME/IP Middleware: Identification and Evaluation, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2024.
- Nr. 0048: Kraus, Philipp: Architectural analysis of blockchain-based decentralized energy management systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2018.
- Nr. 0048: Esin, Ridvan: Konzept und Implementierung einer Patternlandkarte zur Navigation durch Patternsprachen, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2019.
- Nr. 0048: Schreiner, Christian: The Design and Implementation of a Decentralized Smart Contract Descriptor Repository, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2022.
- Nr. 0049: Khan, Muhammad Arsalan: Designing a context-aware discovery service for IoT devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2017.
- Nr. 0049: Krieger, Christoph: Semantic querying of distributed pattern and solution repositories, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2018.
- Nr. 0049: Matheis, Gerd: Automatisierte Archivierung und Wiederinbetriebnahme cloud-basierter Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2019.
- Nr. 0049: Balbach, Daniel: A framework for optimizing spark configurations, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2022.
- Nr. 0049: Tong, Yuye: An architecture for seamless communication between wearables and connected vehicles, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2023.
- Nr. 0050: Mahmood, Arslan: Cost and effort estimation technique for business process modeling, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2015.
- Nr. 0050: Cheng, Hanwen: Supporting organizational goals with mobile apps, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2016.
- Nr. 0050: Omar, Emad: Data center simulator for sustainable data centers, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2019.
- Nr. 0050: Wangler, Thomas: Development of a vendor independent quantum computing transpiler, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2020.
- Nr. 0051: Foril, Alexander: Synthetic data generation for big data, Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2016.
- Nr. 0052: Sowoidnich, Yannic: Concept for executing management operations on components of application instances, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2019.
- Nr. 0052: Graf, Marcel: Automatisierte Aggregation von Musterimplementierungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2020.
- Nr. 0052: Youssef, Johnny: Python's dominance in machine learning : unraveling its emergence and exploring the trade-offs of faster alternatives, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2024.
- Nr. 0053: Weilinger, Matthias: Implementing variational quantum algorithms as compositions of reusable microservice-based plugins, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2023.
- Nr. 0053: Telsang, Poornima: Classification of status of applicants based on other available datasets and parameters, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2024.
- Nr. 0054: Radic, Marco: Quantum-enhanced machine learning in the NISQ era, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2019.
- Nr. 0054: Lakshmana Murthy, Swetha: Towards production-ready end-to-end federated learning for automotive applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2022.
- Nr. 0054: Patil, Devaji: Semi-automated evaluation of masters application data, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2024.
- Nr. 0055: Lika, Edyta: Design of an API Management Concept in Conjunction with a Shared Service Model for Specific Non-functional Requirements in the Context of Financial Services, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2017.
- Nr. 0055: Degutis, Daniel Ryan: Modeling and transformation of serverless workflows, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2020.
- Nr. 0055: Rameshan, Sreelakshmi: Analyzing frameworks and strategies for converting neural networks for neuromorphic processors, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2024.
- Nr. 0056: Singer, Ken: Entwicklung einer generischen Architektur für Quanten-Services in der Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2019.
- Nr. 0056: Ashok, Sandesh Kenjana: Development of a Web-based application for analysis and visualization of CO2 emissions of european power systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2020.
- Nr. 0056: Riegel, Benedikt: Quantum Reinforcement Learning using Entangled States, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2023.
- Nr. 0057: Kaplan, Ayhan: Framework for migrating deployed serverless applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2019.
- Nr. 0057: Raghavan, Priyanga: Learning planning domains for office buildings using IoT data, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2020.
- Nr. 0057: Prakash, Neha: Matrix-based Route Planning for Battery Electric Vehicles, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2022.
- Nr. 0057: Sinha, Vishesh: Leveraging LLMs for HTN domain model generation via prompt engineering, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2024.
- Nr. 0058: Salm, Marie Olivia: Die Rolle von Verschränkung im Quantencomputing : Speedup und Konsensusprotokolle, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2019.
- Nr. 0058: Heldwein, Elena: Automated compliance management of heterogeneous application infrastructures at runtime, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2021.
- Nr. 0058: Pankratz, Timm: Entwurf eines Systems zur Identifikation von Einstiegspatterns für die Umsetzung von Quantenalgorithmen, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2023.
- Nr. 0058: Kavian, Mohammadali: Automated cloud reconfiguration with HTN planning: engineering a domain model and performance insights, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2024.
- Nr. 0059: Mittal, Niharika: Optimized Resource Matching for uploading bits in a PaaS Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 59, 2017.
- Nr. 0059: Ehret, Tim-Julian: Automatisierte Generierung von Quantum Workflows, Masterarbeit Nr. 59, 2021.
- Nr. 0060: Basaric, Stefan: Ereignisbasierte Architektur für Quantenanwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2021.
- Nr. 0061: Müller, Tamara: A platform for collaborative quality assurance of bibliographical references and notes, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2017.
- Nr. 0061: Hohmann, Christof: Risk-aware hierarchical planning for smart non-residential buildings, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2023.
- Nr. 0062: Michel, David: Conception of a blockchain client for secure transmission of production data, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2018.
- Nr. 0063: Mirazimi, Saeede Sadat: Automated Deployment of Applications in Infrastructure and Platform Service Model of Cloud Computing, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2018.
- Nr. 0063: Alnazer, Ebaa: HTN Planning with Utilities, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2019.
- Nr. 0063: Pesl, Robin Dominic: Concepts for advanced integration of SuperTuxKart into connected cars, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2021.
- Nr. 0064: Baireuther, Jonas: Visualisierung von Ontologien für MUSE4Anything, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2021.
- Nr. 0065: Vashisth, Dhananjay: Industry practices and challenges of using AI planning: an interview-based study, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2024.
- Nr. 0067: Pincay Nieves, Jhonny Vladimir: Knowledge capturing and usage of evolving cloud application topologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2016.
- Nr. 0068: Kißling, Justin: Queries4TOSCA: concept and development of a query language for TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2022.
- Nr. 0069: Sprott, Sascha: Situation Prediction for Situation-Aware Workflows on Customer Order Settlements, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2019.
- Nr. 0071: Amin, Usman Ghani: Quantum Computing for Smart Energy Optimizations, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2024.
- Nr. 0072: Jahagirdar, Aniruddha Prashant: Analysis and development of a digital picking system using IoT and Logistic 4.0, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2022.
- Nr. 0073: Renz, Tobias: Entwicklung einer Management-API zur Automatisierung des Deployments und Managements von Software in Fahrzeugen, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2022.
- Nr. 0074: Wagner, Dominik: Entwicklung eines Mulitagentensystems für das dezentrale Deployment von Softwarekomponenten, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2022.
- Nr. 0075: El Naofal, Mohammad: New evaluation method for reference architectures utilized to design a software reference architecture for liquid handling devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2021.
- Nr. 0075: Hepp, Johannes: Entwicklung eines Decision Support Systems für die Verarbeitung von sicherheitskritischen Daten durch Cloud-Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2022.
- Nr. 0075: Garg, Rachit: Definition and evaluation of an onboard vehicle API concept, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2023.
- Nr. 0076: Scherer, Anton: Description languages for REST APIs - state of the art, comparison, and transformation, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2016.
- Nr. 0076: Altaweel, Mohamad: QuCSplit: a decision support system for quantum-classical splitting, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2022.
- Nr. 0076: Shahid, Muhammad Zamik: Integrating electric vehicles with smart buildings using temporal planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2023.
- Nr. 0076: Sayyed, Mohammed Faiz: Service-oriented services for plan execution and monitoring in AI planning systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2024.
- Nr. 0077: Scheurich, Jonas: Repräsentation und Vergleich des Kontrollflusses von BPEL Prozessmodellen mit temporalen Aktivitätszustandsnetzwerken, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2016.
- Nr. 0077: Schmid, Marc Alexander: Provisionierung und Management von heterogenen IoT-Geräten mit TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2018.
- Nr. 0077: Furhmann, Jan: Strukturelle Adaption von Deployment-Modellen basierend auf Patterns, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2022.
- Nr. 0077: Patil, Vinayak Vishwas: Human context-awareness and its application in a service-oriented robotic system, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2023.
- Nr. 0078: Vasanthkumar Kukillaya, Shruthi: Choreography-based Consolidation of Interacting BPEL Processes having Loops, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2017.
- Nr. 0078: Bader, Hanna: Formalisierung und Erkennung von Infrastructure-as-Code Patterns und Anti-Patterns zur Designzeit, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2021.
- Nr. 0078: Zahrabi, Javad: Evaluation and Case Study of the GitOps Principle, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2022.
- Nr. 0078: Li, Zhixian: Enabling Integration between MUSE4Anything and OWL-Based Ontology Tools, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2023.
- Nr. 0079: Geyer, Simon: Automatische Modellextraktion von Serverless-Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2020.
- Nr. 0079: Fouskas, Alexandros: Multi-deployment-technology instance model retrieval and instance management, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2021.
- Nr. 0079: Jansen, Tobias: SSI credential synchronization in SDV and verification via VSS trigger, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2024.
- Nr. 0080: Yussupov, Vladimir: Concepts for handling heterogeneous data transformation logic and their integration with TraDE middleware, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2017.
- Nr. 0082: Song, Mozi: Recognition of resource patterns in human-centric processes : a case study, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2016.
- Nr. 0083: Sai Sanjay Kamesh, Nistala: Evaluating the Performance of the SH Planning System Against Benchmark Planning Problems, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2024.
- Nr. 0084: Alsaeed, Ammar: Energy consumption analysis of HTN planners and their operational phases, Masterarbeit Nr. 84, 2024.
- Nr. 0086: Schmid, Lasse: Incentives and Management of a Decentralised Platform for Ride-Pooling, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2023.
- Nr. 0087: Hüppelshäuser, Hans: GETACAR : a privacy-preserving platform for ride-pooling, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2023.
- Nr. 0088: Sánchez, Marta Martín: Modeling context-aware systems using TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 88, 2017.
- Nr. 0089: Wiriyarattanakul, Thatchanok: Combination usage of process mining and adaptive case management, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2016.
- Nr. 0090: Shao, Qixiang: A Hardware Prototype Based on Raspberry Pis for Evaluating a Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Ride-pooling Platform, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2023.
- Nr. 0091: Sudendorf, Julian: Concept for security-aware modeling and deployment of NFV topologies using TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2018.
- Nr. 0091: Mirza, Usman Sikander: Evaluating the effectiveness of a hybrid approach for DSM in unreliable power grids : temporal planning meets LSTM, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2023.
- Nr. 0092: Zimmermann, Michael: Konzept und Implementierung einer Komponente zur Kommunikation TOSCA-basierter Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2016.
- Nr. 0092: Hirzel, Tobias: A proof of concept for risk-aware plan-based HTN planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2023.
- Nr. 0095: Vinayak, Rupinder: Quality assessment framework for business processes as a service in a heterogeneous cloud environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 95, 2017.
- Nr. 0096: Vietz, Daniel: Komposition von Microservices mit TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2018.
- Nr. 0097: Völker, Christopher: Suitability of serverless computing approaches, Masterarbeit Nr. 97, 2018.
- Nr. 0099: Hedge, Rohit G.: An Exploration of Challenges in Engineering AI Planning Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2023.
- Nr. 0101: Nemet, Markus: Aktualisierung und Änderungsweitergabe in Workflow-Choreographien, Masterarbeit Nr. 101, 2017.
- Nr. 0104: Muthukrishnan, Swathy: Multi-modal two-wheeler trajectory prediction via representation learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 104, 2023.
- Nr. 0117: Hofer, Jonas: Prüfung des Lizenzmodells Pay Per Use von SaaS Produkten auf derzeitige Anforderungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 117, 2023.
- Nr. 3142: Arefin, Sams Ul: Event-based Automated Management of Cloud Applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 3142, 2011.
- Nr. 3166: Essl, Stefan: Extending an Open Source Enterprise Service Bus for Multi-Tenancy Support, Masterarbeit Nr. 3166, 2011.
- Nr. 3233: Knura, Martin: Identification and Visualization of Key Ecological Indicators, Masterarbeit Nr. 3233, 2011.
- Nr. 3305: Reza, Mohsin: Adaptation of the Data Access Layer to Enable Cloud Data Access, Masterarbeit Nr. 3305, 2012.
- Nr. 3341: Weiß, Andreas: Merging of TOSCA Cloud Topology Templates, Masterarbeit Nr. 3341, 2012.
- Nr. 3347: Uralov, Mansur: Extending an Open Source Enterprise Service Bus for Dynamic Discovery and Selection of Cloud Data Hosting Solutions based on WS-Policy, Masterarbeit Nr. 3347, 2012.
- Nr. 3348: Ramalingam, Anand Babu: Cloud Migration - a Reference Process Model, Masterarbeit Nr. 3348, 2012.
- Nr. 3349: Abdallah lssa, Salama: Energy-efficient Cloud Computing Application Solutions and Architectures, Masterarbeit Nr. 3349, 2012.
- Nr. 3386: Burkow, Alexej: LTL- Erfüllbarkeitsprüfung für inkrementelle Entwicklung von Geschäftsprozessen, Masterarbeit Nr. 3386, 2012.
- Nr. 3460: Lamllari, Rilinda: Extending a Methodology for Migration of the Database Layer to the Cloud Considering Relational Database Schema Migration to NoSQL, Masterarbeit Nr. 3460, 2013.
- Nr. 3463: Petrut Draghici, Viorel: Concepts and Realization of Quality of Data driven Simulation Workflows in BPEL, Masterarbeit Nr. 3463, 2013.
- Nr. 3505: Zhang, Shihao: Delay Characterization in FPGA-based Reconfigurable Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3505, 2013.
- Nr. 3506: Xia, Simin: Extending an Open Source Enterprise Service Bus for SQL Statement Transformation to Enable Cloud Data Access, Masterarbeit Nr. 3506, 2013.
- Nr. 3545: Hanumantharayappa, Arun: Enabling Horizontal Scalability in an open source Enterprise Services Bus, Masterarbeit Nr. 3545, 2014.
- Nr. 3572: Darsow, Alexander: Decision Support for Application Migration to the Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 3572, 2013.
- Nr. 3574: Dadashov, Elkhan: Choreography-based Business Process Consolidation in One-To-Many interactions, Masterarbeit Nr. 3574, 2013.
- Nr. 3643: Hintermayer, Kerstin: Modellierung und Ausführung einer gekoppelten Festkörpersimulation mit Workflow-Choreographien, Masterarbeit Nr. 3643, 2014.
- Nr. 3670: Agrawal, Sugandha: A Service-oriented and Cloud-based Statistical Analysis Framework, Masterarbeit Nr. 3670, 2014.
- Nr. 3671: Sánchez, Roberto: Dynamic Deployment of Specialized ESB instances in the Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 3671, 2014.
- Nr. 3703: Jaber, Mustafa: REST compliant clients for REST APIs, Masterarbeit Nr. 3703, 2014.