Publications Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems: Year 2012
Documents of the Institute
- Articles in Proceedings
- Articles in Journals
- Articles in Books
- Proceedings
- Presentations
- Technical Reports
- Dissertations
- Diploma Theses (archive)
- Master Theses
- Student Theses (archive)
- Student Reports Software Engineering
- Bachelor Theses
- Miscellaneous Papers
Articles in Proceedings
- Alin, Murarasu; Gerrit, Buse; Josef, Weidendorfer; Pflüger, Dirk; Bode, Arndt: fastsg: A Fast Routines Library for Sparse Grids. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2012.
- Baier, Patrick; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: PSense: Reducing Energy Consumption in Public Sensing Systems. In: Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2012).
- Baier, Patrick; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: TOMP: Opportunistic Traffic Offloading Using Movement Predictions. In: Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2012.
- Benk, Janos; Pflüger, Dirk: Hybrid Parallel Solutions of the Black-Scholes PDE with the Truncated Combination Technique. In: Proceedings of the HPCS conference, 2012.
- Benk, Janos; Ulbrich, Michael; Mehl, Miriam: The Nitsche Method of the Navier-Stokes Equations for Immersed and Moving Boundaries. In: In Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2012.
- Buse, Gerrit; Jacob, Riko; Pflüger, Dirk; Murarasu, Alin: A Non-static Data Layout Enhancing Parallelism and Vectorization in Sparse Grid Algorithms. In: Proceeding of the 11th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing - ISPDC 2012.
- Butnaru, Daniel; Buse, Gerrit; Pflüger, Dirk: A Parallel and Distributed Surrogate Model Implementation for Computational Steering. In: Proceeding of the 11th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing - ISPDC 2012.
- Butnaru, Daniel; Peherstorfer, Benjamin; Pflüger, Dirk; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim: Fast Insight into High-Dimensional Parametrized Simulation Data. In: 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2012.
- Carabelli, Ben W.; Benzing, Andreas; Seyboth, Georg; Blind, Rainer; Bürger, Mathias; Dürr, Frank; Koldehofe, Boris; Rothermel, Kurt; Allgöwer, Frank: Exact Convex Formulations of Network-Oriented Optimal Operator Placement. In: Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2012).
- Cipriani, Nazario; Stach, Christoph; Dörler, Oliver; Mitschang, Bernhard: NexusDSS - A System for Security Compliant Processing of Data Streams. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA 2012).
- Föll, Stefan; Berg, Florian; Herrmann, Klaus; Rothermel, Kurt: A Predictive Protocol for Mobile Context Updates with Hard Energy Constraints. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2012).
- Föll, Stefan; Herrmann, Klaus; Rothermel, Kurt: Energy-efficient Update Protocols for Mobile User Context. In: Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2012).
- Gröger, Christoph; Niedermann, Florian; Mitschang, Bernhard: Data Mining-driven Manufacturing Process Optimization. In: Ao, S. I. (ed.); Gelman, L. (ed.); Hukins, D. W. L. (ed.); Hunter, A. (ed.); Korsunsky, A. M. (ed.): Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol III, WCE 2012, 4 – 6 July, 2012, London, U.K.
- Gröger, Christoph; Niedermann, Florian; Schwarz, Holger; Mitschang, Bernhard: Supporting Manufacturing Design by Analytics. Continuous Collaborative Process Improvement enabled by the Advanced Manufacturing Analytics Platform. In: Gao, Liang (ed.); Shen, Weiming (ed.); Barthès, Jean-Paul (ed.); Luo, Junzhou (ed.); Yong, Jianming (ed.); Li, Wenfeng (ed.); Li, Weidong (ed.): Proceedings of the 2012 16th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), May 23-25, 2012, Wuhan, China.
- Gröger, Christoph; Schlaudraff, Johannes; Niedermann, Florian; Mitschang, Bernhard: Warehousing Manufacturing Data. A Holistic Process Warehouse for Advanced Manufacturing Analytics. In: Cuzzocrea, Alfredo (ed.); Dayal, Umeshwar (ed.): Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery - DaWaK 2012.
- Heinecke, Alexander; Klemm, Michael; Pabst, Hans; Pflüger, Dirk: Towards high-performance implementations of a custom HPC kernel using Intel(R) Array Building Blocks. In: Facing the Multicore-Challenge II, 2012.
- Heinecke, Alexander; Klemm, Michael; Pflüger, Dirk; Bode, Arndt; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim: Extending a Highly Parallel Data Mining Algorithm to the Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture. In: Euro-Par 2011: Parallel Processing Workshops: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on UnConventional High Performance Computing 2011 (UCHPC 2011), 2012.
- Heinecke, Alexander; Peherstorfer, Benjamin; Pflüger, Dirk; Song, Zhongwen: Sparse Grid Classifiers as Base Learners for AdaBoost. In: 2012 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS),.
- Herrmann, Klaus; Fischer, Daniel; Philipp, Damian: Resource Management for Public Sensing. In: Lokendra Shastri, Workshop Chair (ed.): Activity Context Representation: Techniques and Languages, 2012.
- Koldehofe, Boris; Dürr, Frank; Tariq, Muhammad Adnan; Rothermel, Kurt: The Power of Software-defined Networking: Line-rate Content-based Routing Using OpenFlow. In: Proceedings of the 7th MW4NG Workshop of the 13th International Middleware Conference, 2012.
- Koldehofe, Boris; Ottenwälder, Beate; Rothermel, Kurt; Ramachandran, Umakishore: Moving Range Queries in Distributed Complex Event Processing. In: Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS)., 2012.
- Kowitz, Christoph; Pflüger, Dirk; Jenko, Frank; Hegland, Markus: The Combination Technique for the Initial Value Problem in Linear Gyrokinetics. In: Griebel, Michael (ed.); Garcke, Jochen (ed.): Sparse Grids and Applications, 2012.
- Lieb, Michael; Mehl, Miriam; Neckel, Tobias; Unterweger, Kristof: HPC Fluid Flow Simulations in Porous Media Geometries. In: Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2012.
- Lübbe, Carlos; Cipriani, Nazario: SimPl: A Simulation Platform for Elastic Load-Balancing in a Distributed Spatial Cache Overlay. In: Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM)., 2012.
- Lübbe, Carlos; Reuter, Anja; Mitschang, Bernhard: Elastic Load-Balancing in a Distributed Spatial Cache Overlay. In: Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 2012.
- Peherstorfer, Benjamin; Pflüger, Dirk; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim: Clustering Based on Density Estimation with Sparse Grids. In: KI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence.
- Pflüger, Dirk: Spatially Adaptive Refinement. In: Garcke, Jochen (ed.); Griebel, Michael (ed.): Sparse Grids and Applications, 2012.
- Schnitzer, Stephan; Miranda, Hugo; Koldehofe, Boris: Content Routing Algorithms to Support Publish/Subscribe in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Workshop on Architectures, Services and Applications for the Next Generation Internet, 2012.
- Silcher, Stefan; Dinkelmann, Max; Minguez, Jorge; Mitschang, Bernhard: A Service-based Integration for an improved Product Lifecycle Management. In: Leszek Maciaszek, Alfredo Cuzzocrea and José Cordeiro (ed.): Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2012.
- Skvortsov, Pavel; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Map-aware Position Sharing for Location Privacy in Non-trusted Systems. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ed.): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2012).
- Stach, Christoph; Schlindwein, Luiz Fernando: Candy Castle - A Prototype for Pervasive Health Games. In: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops); Lugano, Switzerland, March 19-23, 2012.
- Tariq, Muhammad Adnan; Koldehofe, Boris; Koch, Gerald. G; Rothermel, Kurt: Distributed spectral cluster management: A method for building dynamic publish/subscribe systems. In: Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), 2012.
- Wernke, Marius; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: PShare: Position Sharing for Location Privacy based on Multi-Secret Sharing. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2012).
- Wernke, Marius; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Efficient Position Sharing for Location Privacy using Binary Space Partitioning. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous '12), 2012.
Articles in Journals
- Avrutin, Viktor; Futter, Ben; Gardini, Laura; Schanz, Michael: Unstable Orbits and Milnor Attractors in the Discontinuous Flat Top Tent Map. In: ESAIM: Proceedings. Vol. 36, EDP Sciences, 2012.
- Cipriani, Nazario; Dörler, Oliver; Mitschang, Bernhard: Sicherer Zugriff und sichere Verarbeitung von Kontextdatenströmen in einer verteilten Umgebung. In: Datenbank-Spektrum "Data Streams and Event Processing". Bd. 12(1), dpunkt.verlag, 2012.
- Futter, Ben; Avrutin, Viktor; Schanz, Michael: The discontinuous flat top tent map and the nested period incrementing bifurcation structure. In: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. Vol. 45(4), Elsevier, 2012.
- Grau, Andreas; Herrmann, Klaus; Rothermel, Kurt: Scalable Network Emulation - The NET Approach. In: Journal of Communications - Special Issue: Advances in Communications and Networking - II. Vol. 7(1), Academy Publisher, 2012.
- Lange, Ralph: Scalable Management of Trajectories and Context Model Descriptions. In: PIK -- Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation. Vol. 35(4), De Gruyter, 2012.
- Minguez, Jorge; Baureis, David; Neumann, Donald: A reference architecture for agile product-service systems. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. Vol. 5(4), Elsevier, 2012.
- Neumann, Philipp; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim; Mehl, Miriam; Neckel, Tobias; Weinzierl, Tobias: A Coupled Approach for Fluid Dynamic Problems Using the PDE Framework Peano. In: Commun. Comput. Phys.. Bd. 12(1), Global Science Press, 2012.
- Ramachandran, Umakishore; Hong, Kirak; Iftode, Liviu; Jain, Ramesh; Kumar, Rajnish; Rothermel, Kurt; Shin, Junsuk; Sivakumar, Raghupathy: Large-Scale Situation Awareness With Camera Networks and Multimodal Sensing. In: Proceedings of the IEEE. Bd. 100(4), IEEE, 2012.
- Rothermel, Kurt; Schnitzer, Stephan; Lange, Ralph; Dürr, Frank; Farrell, Tobias: Context-aware and quality-aware algorithms for efficient mobile object management. In: Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Vol. 8(1), Elsevier, 2012.
- Stach, Christoph: Gamework – A Framework Approach for Customizable Pervasive Applications. In: International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. Vol. 4, MIR Labs, 2012.
Articles in Books
- Silcher, Stefan; Minguez, Jorge; Mitschang, Bernhard: A Novel Approach to Product Lifecycle Management based on Service Hierarchies. In: Özyer, Tansel (ed.); Kianmehr, Keivan (ed.); Tan, Mehmet (ed.): Recent Trends in Information Reuse and Integration, Vienna: Springer, 2012.
- Michael, Bader (ed); Hans-Joachim, Bungartz (ed); Dan, Grigoras (ed); Mehl, Miriam (ed); Mundani, Ralf-Peter (ed); Potolea, Rodica (ed): ISPDC 2012 - 11th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2012.
- Mehl, Miriam: Cartesian Grids for Parallel FSI -- Fast but Inaccurate?, Presentation, 2012.
- Mehl, Miriam: Cartesian Grids for Parallel FSI -- Fast but Inaccurate?, Presentation, 2012.
Technical Reports
- No. 04: Dürr, Frank: Towards Cloud-assisted Software-defined Networking, Technical Report No. 2012/04.
- No. 05: Philipp, Damian; Stachowiak, Jaroslaw; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Towards Optimized Public Sensing Systems using Data-driven Models, Technical Report No. 2012/05.
- No. 06: Koch, Gerald G.; Koldehofe, Boris; Rothermel, Kurt: Quality-aware Event Correlation Detection, Technical Report No. 2012/06.
- No. 2359: Hoos, Eva: Complex Event Processing in the Cloud, Technical Report No. 2012/2359.
- Grau, Andreas: Runtime Minimization of Scalable Network Emulation, Doctoral Thesis, 2012.
- Jakob, Mihály: Model-based engineering of web applications : the flashWeb method, Doctoral Thesis, 2012.
- Memon, Faraz Ahmed: Optimized information discovery in structured peer-to-peer overlay networks, Doctoral Thesis, 2012.
- Minguez, Jorge: A service-oriented integration platform for flexible information provisioning in the real-time factory, Doctoral Thesis, 2012.
- Radeschütz, Sylvia: Business Impact Analysis - Konzept und Realisierung einer ganzheitlichen Geschäftsanalyse, Doctoral Thesis, 2012.
- Schuhmann, Stephan: Automated Composition of Adaptive Pervasive Applications in Heterogeneous Environments, Doctoral Thesis, 2012.
Diploma Theses (archive)
- Ageu, Christian: Erweiterung und Evaluation eines Prototyps für eine enge Integration zwischen Datenbank- und Workflow-Engines, Diploma Thesis No. 3344, 2012.
- Albanese, Benjamin: Alignment of Photos to 3D Laser Scan Data, Diploma Thesis No. 20, 2012.
- Alexandru-Tiberiu, Pavel: Regelbasierte mobile Unerstützung für integrierte Versorgung in Entwicklungsländern, Diploma Thesis No. 3287, 2012.
- Aristidou, Stavros: Abstraktionsunterstützung für die Definition des Datenmanagements in Simulationsworkflows, Diploma Thesis No. 3235, 2012.
- Barocka, Jan: Algorithmen zur sicheren Verwaltung und Fragmentierung von Benutzertrajektorien, Diploma Thesis No. 3308, 2012.
- Bayha, Stefan: Integration von Web-Service basierten Diensten in den Sercos III Feldbus, Diploma Thesis No. 15, 2012.
- Belz, Jörg: Efficient Prediction Model Management in Mobile Systems, Diploma Thesis No. 3212, 2012.
- Bischof, Manuel: Confidential subscription clustering in a publish/subscribe system, Diploma Thesis No. 3307, 2012.
- Braunstein, Alexander: Optimierung der IST-Analyse und kontinuierliche Überwachung einer realen Produktionsumgebung, Diploma Thesis No. 3244, 2012.
- Deuschl, Katja: Evolution of Coordinated Behavior in a Heterogeneous Robot Swarm, Diploma Thesis No. 3291, 2012.
- Diehl, Patrick: Implementierung eines Peridynamik-Verfahrens auf GPU, Diploma Thesis No. 3268, 2012.
- Dittrich, Christian: Integration von Fluidsimulationen in die Parallel Multilevel Partition of Unity Methode, Diploma Thesis No. 3276, 2012.
- Dritschler, Timo: Analyse und Optimierung der Farbaufnahme für einen 3D Laser Scanner, Diploma Thesis No. 3369, 2012.
- Frosch, Thorsten: Datenspeicherung in der Cloud:Clustering-Schicht für CloudFS, Diploma Thesis No. 3229, 2012.
- Gera, Jurij: Resource Constrained Image Compression for Embedded Systems, Diploma Thesis No. 2012.
- Gester, Dimitrij: Online Particle Image Velocimetry auf FGPA Basis, Diploma Thesis No. 14, 2012.
- Gründer, Patrick: Cache-effiziente Block-Matrix-Löser für die Partition of Unity Methode, Diploma Thesis No. 3265, 2012.
- Haenle, Simon: Location Update Algorithms for Position Sharing, Diploma Thesis No. 3318, 2012.
- Hochstetter, Hendrik: Effiziente parallele Implementierung von hierarchischen N-Body-Algorithmen auf Multicore-Systemen mit GPU-Beschleunigung, Diploma Thesis No. 3285, 2012.
- Kattmann, Christoph: Adaptive situation-based learning of a dribbling behavior in RoboCup, Diploma Thesis No. 3298, 2012.
- Königsberger, Jan: Analyse, Implementierung und Evaluierung von Verfahren zum Verteilen von Services in einem hierarchischen Integrationsansatz, Diploma Thesis No. 3321, 2012.
- Kontschak, Simon: Analyse paarweiser und punktbasierter Registrierungsverfahren auf hochaufgelösten, sphärischen 3D-Punktwolken, Diploma Thesis No. 6, 2012.
- Kruzic, David: Offene und mobil nutzbare Architektur für das Management von elektronischen Tickets mittels Nahfunktechnologie, Diploma Thesis No. 23, 2012.
- Mayer, Ruben: Wiederherstellung von Ereignisströmen in CEP-Systemen, Diploma Thesis No. 3336, 2012.
- Orgeldinger, Thomas: Data Mining zur Analyse von Daten und Prozessen eines Produktmanagementsystems, Diploma Thesis No. 24, 2012.
- Pan, Yali: Simulationsgestützte Fehleranalyse bildbasierter Messverfahren zur Bestimmung von Partikeleigenschaften, Diploma Thesis No. 21, 2012.
- Peng, Zhen: Efficient matching of robust features for embedded SLAM, Diploma Thesis No. 3292, 2012.
- Pflüger, Daniel: Modellierung und Implementierung von offenporigem Asphalt in ein Simulationstool zum Oberflächenwasserabfluss auf Straßen, Diploma Thesis No. 11, 2012.
- Pflüger, Daniel: Modellierung und Implementierung von offenporigem Asphalt in ein Simulationstool zum Oberflächenwasserabfluss auf Straßen, Diploma Thesis No. 27, 2012.
- Pietranek, Henrik Andreas: Datenmanagementpatterns in multi-skalaren Simulationsworkflows, Diploma Thesis No. 3309, 2012.
- Rajabi Siahboumi, Mohsen: Entwicklung eines Embedded CAN-USB-Ethernet Software-Adapters für einen ARM Mikrocontroller, Diploma Thesis No. 3247, 2012.
- Rodriguez, Daniel del Hoyo: Optimization of Back-propagtion Learning Algorithm on MLP Networks, Diploma Thesis No. 3353, 2012.
- Rothmaier, Gregor: Polygonmodellrekonstruktion aus Punktwolken, Diploma Thesis No. 3316, 2012.
- Saleh, Ramzy: Implemenierung und Anwendung von Laplacian-Eigenmap Verfahren, Diploma Thesis No. 3267, 2012.
- Schmidt, Robert: Verschleierung von Benutzertrajektorien unter Topologie- und Geschwindigkeitsrestriktionen, Diploma Thesis No. 3248, 2012.
- Schuck, Alexander: 3D Thinning-Algorithmen und ihre Anwendbarkeit für die CT CAD-Modell-Rekonstruktion von Leiterstrukturen, Diploma Thesis No. 19, 2012.
- Semler, Moritz: Development and Evaluation of a Framework for Semantic Validation of Performance Metrics for the IBM InfoSphere Optim Performance Manager, Diploma Thesis No. 3243, 2012.
- Sigloch, Philipp: Agiles Data Warenhousing am Beispiel von Prozessmonitoring, Diploma Thesis No. 3270, 2012.
- Thielefeld, Martin: Analyse und Evaluation der Ausführungszeit von OpenGL ES 2.0-Befehlen in Abhängigkeit von Parametern und Kontext, Diploma Thesis No. 3315, 2012.
- Waizenegger, Tim: Data security in multi-tenant environments in the cloud, Diploma Thesis No. 3242, 2012.
- Wenz, Stefan: Optimierte Datenstromverwaltung für globale Sensornetze, Diploma Thesis No. 3230, 2012.
- Wu, Jinxu: Eigenspannungsmessung an Hochbelastbaren, Keramischen Beschichtungen, Diploma Thesis No. 3222, 2012.
Master Theses
- Antoni, Martin: 3D Video Tracking and Localization of Underwater Swarm Robots, Master Thesis No. 3310, 2012.
- Idrees, Kamran: Data Structures and Algorithms in Unified Parallel C for Molecular Dynamics, Master Thesis No. 3355, 2012.
- Luo, Zhang: Photodiode Signal Processing Algorithms and Architectures for Feature Extraction with Gbit/s Sampling Rates, Master Thesis No. 2, 2012.
- Ruparelia, Sameer: Implementation of Watershed Based Image Segmentation Algorithm in FPGA, Master Thesis No. 3256, 2012.
- Sarker, Konica: A Posteriori Rate Allocation for Digital Hologram based on the EBCOT encoder, Master Thesis No. 4, 2012.
- Shrivastav, Varun Sanjay: Secure Position Sharing for Consecutive Position Updates, Master Thesis No. 8, 2012.
- Voicu, Petru: Design and Implementation of an FPGA-based Hardware/Software Platform to Accelerate Algorithms, Master Thesis No. 3394, 2012.
- Wang, Kailai: Development of a graphical numerical accuracy debugger based on an FPGA computing system, Master Thesis No. 3, 2012.
Student Theses (archive)
- Bergmann, Louis: Verwendung von hierarchischen selbstorganisierenden Karten zur Erkennung von komplexen Aktion, Student Thesis No. 2355, 2012.
- Dibak, Christoph: Towards Understanding the Dynamics of a Braess Paradox Model, Student Thesis No. 2400, 2012.
- Hoyo, Daniel del: Probabilistic map representation using GeoTools, Student Thesis No. 2354, 2012.
- Kanis, Sebastian: GPU-based Assembly of Stiffness Matrices in the Parallel Multilevel Partition of Unity Method, Student Thesis No. 2358, 2012.
- Kiesewetter, Sebastian: P2PSim - Ein Framework zur Simulation der Heterogenität und Volatilität von Ressourcen in Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grids, Student Thesis No. 2373, 2012.
- Lahnert, Michael: Partition of Unity Methode für dreidimensionale Probleme, Student Thesis No. 2375, 2012.
- Leko, Sanda: Innenraumpositionierung mit Smartphones, Student Thesis No. 2374, 2012.
- Liu, Kai: A Just-Noticeable-Distortion Based Perceptually Lossless Image Compression Codec, Student Thesis No. 2360, 2012.
- Manuel, Bischof: Development of a Visualization Tool for Kinematics and Dynamics for hyper redundant robots, Student Thesis No. 2472, 2012.
- Nösner, Matthias: Echtzeit-Ballerkennung mit Hilfe von Tiefeninformationen im RoboCup-Szenario, Student Thesis No. 2337, 2012.
- Panos, Athanasios: Analyse und Visualisierung von Messdaten auf mobilen Endgeräten am Beispiel Thermokinetischer Beschichtungsprozesse, Student Thesis No. 2392, 2012.
- Price, Eric: Evaluierung von Verfahren zur Bilddatenerfassung zum autonomen Mapping mit UAVs, Student Thesis No. 2344, 2012.
- Reuter, Anja: Elastische Last-Balancierung in einem Verteilten Semantischen Cache Overlay, Student Thesis No. 2352, 2012.
- Thielefeld, Martin: Synchronisation von Android-Mobiltelefonen mit Open-Source-Groupware-Lösungen, Student Thesis No. 2348, 2012.
- Tian, Penghao: Validierung von Straßenkarten mit Hilfe einer Android APP, Student Thesis No. 2361, 2012.
Student Reports Software Engineering
- Biesinger, Stanislaus; Pitterle, Michael; Canko, Mert: Fachstudie MapReduce -Eine vergleichende Analyse aktueller Implementierungen, Student Report Software Engineering No. 148, 2012.
- Duraki, Alen; Hilbert, Maximilian; Luft, Andreas: Untersuchung von Verfahren zur Rekonstruktion von dreidimensionalen Bilddaten aus Röntgenaufnahmen, Student Report Software Engineering No. 159, 2012.
- Ferber, Thomas; Jansa, Paul; Dilli, Johannes: Security and Privacy, Student Report Software Engineering No. 152, 2012.
- Hahn, Michael; Schneidt, Michael: Vergleich von Technologien und Systemen für das Datenmanagement bei wissenschaftlichen Prozessen, Student Report Software Engineering No. 141, 2012.
- Hörger, Marcus; Paul, Andreas; Reeh, Felix: Fachstudie über Algorithmen zur Erkennung von Objekten aus CT-Voxel-Datensätzen, Student Report Software Engineering No. 156, 2012.
- Ploedereder, Joerg; Holtermueller, Anika: Tracking of persons with camera-fusion technology, Student Report Software Engineering No. 169, 2012.
- Reichelt, Daniel; Trischler, Julian; Stubenvoll, Tobias: Analyse von Netzwerksimulatoren, Student Report Software Engineering No. 155, 2012.
Bachelor Theses
- Alt, Patrick: Integration modellbasierter Erfassungsmethoden in ein Public-Sensing-Testbett, Bachelor Thesis No. 3, 2012.
- Brucker, Felix: Analysis of Methods for Segmentation and Representation of Time Series for the Recognition of Motion Pattern, Bachelor Thesis No. 2350, 2012.
- Ganzhorn, Jutta: Analysis of Kinematics and Dynamics of Modular Robot Assemblies, Bachelor Thesis No. 2353, 2012.
- Gutenkunst, Alexander: Modelling and Analysis of Nonlinear Multibody Dynamic Systems, Bachelor Thesis No. 2378, 2012.
- Jarosch, Jakob: Ereignisströme in mobilen CEP Szenarien, Bachelor Thesis No. 3, 2012.
- Kornejewez, Alexander: Investigation of one-dimensional piecewise linear maps with two discontinuities, Bachelor Thesis No. 4, 2012.
- Maaß, Steffen: Effiziente Strategien zur Aufgabenverteilung für Public Sensing Systeme, Bachelor Thesis No. 1, 2012.
- Tilk, Maren: Partitionierung von Modellen für räumlich verteilte Umgebungsphänomene, Bachelor Thesis No. 2, 2012.
- Valentin, Julian: Spline-Approximation unregelmäßig verteilter Daten, Bachelor Thesis No. 2012, 2012.
- Vetter, Marcus: Ereigniskorrelation auf energiebeschränkten mobilen Endgeräten, Bachelor Thesis No. 7, 2012.
- Weyer, Matthias: Depth control of an Underwater Robot, Bachelor Thesis No. 2351, 2012.
- Ziegenhagel, Albert: Parallelisierung des Partition of Unity Codes Crass, Bachelor Thesis No. 16, 2012.
Miscellaneous Papers
- Koldehofe, Boris; Schilling, Björn; Ramachandran, Umakishore; Rothermel, Kurt: A method for enforcing access to event attributes of event streams in a complex event processing system. In: European Patent Application EP 12 007 880.3, European Patent Office, 2012.