Publications Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems: Year 2013
Documents of the Institute
- Articles in Proceedings
- Articles in Journals
- Articles in Books
- Books
- Presentations
- Technical Reports
- Dissertations
- Diploma Theses (archive)
- Master Theses
- Student Theses (archive)
- Student Reports Software Engineering
- Bachelor Theses
Articles in Proceedings
- Baier, Patrick; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Opportunistic Position Update Protocols for Mobile Devices. In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2013).
- Baier, Patrick; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Efficient Distribution of Sensing Queries in Public Sensing Systems. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2013).
- Becker, Susanne; Peter, Michael; Fritsch, Dieter; Philipp, Damian; Baier, Patrick; Dibak, Christoph: Combined grammar for the modeling of building interiors. In: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2013.
- Binz, Tobias; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Haupt, Florian; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Nowak, Alexander; Wagner, Sebastian: OpenTOSCA - A Runtime for TOSCA-based Cloud Applications. In: Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC'13), 2013.
- Binz, Tobias; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank: Automated Discovery and Maintenance of Enterprise Topology Graphs. In: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA 2013).
- Breitenbücher, Uwe; Binz, Tobias; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Wettinger, Johannes: Integrated Cloud Application Provisioning: Interconnecting Service-Centric and Script-Centric Management Technologies. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2013).
- Breitenbücher, Uwe; Binz, Tobias; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Wieland, Matthias: Policy-Aware Provisioning of Cloud Applications. In: SECURWARE 2013, The Seventh International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies.
- Dürr, Frank: Improving the Efficiency of Cloud Infrastructures with Elastic Tandem Machines. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud 2013).
- Gansel, Simon; Schnitzer, Stephan; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt; Maihöfer, Christian: Towards Virtualization Concepts for Novel Automotive HMI Systems. In: Proceedings of 4th IFIP TC 10 International Embedded Systems Symposium, IESS 2013, Paderborn, Germany, June 17-19, 2013.
- Gröger, Christoph; Hillmann, Mark; Hahn, Friedemann; Mitschang, Bernhard; Westkämper, Engelbert: The Operational Process Dashboard for Manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the 46th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS2013), 29-31 May, 2013, Sesimbra, Portugal.
- Gröger, Christoph; Silcher, Stefan; Westkämper, Engelbert; Mitschang, Bernhard: Leveraging Apps in Manufacturing. A Framework for App Technology in the Enterprise. In: Proceedings of the 46th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS2013), 29-31 May, 2013, Sesimbra, Portugal.
- Heinecke, Alexander; Pflüger, Dirk; Budnikov, Dmitry; Klemm, Michael; Narkis, Arik; Shevtsov, Maxim; Zaks, Ayal: Demonstrating Performance Portability of A Custom OpenCL Data Mining Application to the Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) Coprocessor. In: International Workshop on OpenCL Proceedings 2013.
- Hong, Kirak; Lillethun, David; Ramachandran, Umakishore; Ottenwälder, Beate; Koldehofe, Boris: Opportunistic Spatio-temporal Event Processing for Mobile Situation Awareness. In: Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), 2013.
- Hong, Kirak; Lillethun, David; Ramachandran, Umakishore; Ottenwälder, Beate; Koldehofe, Boris: Mobile Fog: A Programming Model for Large-Scale Applications on the Internet of Things. In: Proceedings of the 2nd MCC Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing, 2013.
- Hong, Kirak; Ottenwälder, Beate; Ramachandran, Umakishore: Scalable Spatio-temporal Analysis on Distributed Camera Networks. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC 2013).
- Koldehofe, Boris; Mayer, Ruben; Ramachandran, Umakishore; Rothermel, Kurt; Völz, Marco: Rollback-Recovery without Checkpoints in Distributed Event Processing Systems. In: Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), 2013.
- Kopp, Oliver; Binz, Tobias; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank: Winery - A Modeling Tool for TOSCA-based Cloud Applications. In: Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC'13), 2013.
- Lübbe, Carlos; Mitschang, Bernhard: Holistic Load-Balancing in a Distributed Spatial Cache. In: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Mobile Data Management.
- Ottenwälder, Beate; Koldehofe, Boris; Rothermel, Kurt; Ramachandran, Umakishore: MigCEP: Operator Migration for Mobility Driven Distributed Complex Event Processing. In: Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), 2013.
- Peherstorfer, Benjamin; Adorf, Julius; Pflüger, Dirk; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim: Image Segmentation with Adaptive Sparse Grids. In: Proceedings of 26th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013.
- Peherstorfer, Benjamin; Zimmer, Stefan; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim: Model Reduction with the Reduced Basis Method and Sparse Grids. In: Sparse Grids and Applications 2011, 2013.
- Philipp, Damian; Stachowiak, Jaroslaw; Alt, Patrick; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: DrOPS: Model-Driven Optimization for Public Sensing Systems. In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2013).
- Philipp, Damian; Stachowiak, Jaroslaw; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Model-Driven Public Sensing in Sparse Networks. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, 2013.
- Reimann, Peter; Schwarz, Holger: Datenmanagementpatterns in Simulationsworkflows. In: Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (ed.): Proceedings der 15. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2013).
- Schilling, Björn; Koldehofe, Boris; Rothermel, Kurt; Ramachandran, Umakishore: Access Policy Consolidation for Complex Event Processing. In: IEEE Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys), 2013.
- Silcher, Stefan; Königsberger, Jan; Reimann, Peter; Mitschang, Bernhard: Cooperative service registries for the service-based Product Lifecycle Management architecture. In: Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD '13), 2013.
- Silcher, Stefan; Seeberg, Barbara; Zahn, Erich; Mitschang, Bernhard: A Holistic Management Model for Manufacturing Companies and Related IT Support. In: Procedia CIRP, 2013.
- Stach, Christoph; Mitschang, Bernhard: Privacy Management for Mobile Platforms - A Review of Concepts and Approaches. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 2013.
- Stach, Christoph: How to Assure Privacy on Android Phones and Devices?. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 2013.
- Stach, Christoph: Wie funktioniert Datenschutz auf Mobilplattformen?. In: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) (ed.): Informatik 2013: Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt, Tagungsband der 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 16.09. - 20.09.2013, Universität Koblenz-Landau.
- Tariq, Muhammad Adnan; Koldehofe, Boris; Rothermel, Kurt: Efficient content-based routing with network topology inference. In: Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), 2013.
- Uekermann, Benjamin; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim; Gatzhammer, Bernhard; Mehl, Miriam: A Parallel, Black-Box Coupling for Fluid-Structure Interaction. In: Idelsohn, Sergio (ed.); Papadrakakis, Manolis (ed.); Schrefler, Bernhard (ed.): Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2013.
- Waizenegger, Tim; Oliver, Schiller; Cataldo, Mega: Datensicherheit in mandantenfähigen Cloud Umgebungen. In: Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (ed.): Tagungsband: Proceedings der 15. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs „Datenbanken und Informationssysteme“ (DBIS), 2013.
- Waizenegger, Tim; Wieland, Matthias; Binz, Tobias; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Haupt, Florian; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Mitschang, Bernhard; Nowak, Alexander; Wagner, Sebastian: Policy4TOSCA: A Policy-Aware Cloud Service Provisioning Approach to Enable Secure Cloud Computing. In: Meersman, Robert (ed.); Panetto, Herve (ed.); Dillon, Tharam (ed.); Eder, Johann (ed.); Bellahsene, Zohra (ed.); Ritter, Norbert (ed.); De Leenheer, Pieter (ed.); Dou Deijing (ed.): On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Conferences.
- Waizenegger, Tim; Wieland, Matthias; Binz, Tobias; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank: Towards a Policy-Framework for the Deployment and Management of Cloud Services. In: Hof, Hans-Joachim (ed.); Westphall, Carla (ed.): SECURWARE 2013, The Seventh International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies.
- Wernke, Marius; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Speed Protection Algorithms for Privacy-aware Location Management. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2013).
- Wernke, Marius; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Protecting Movement Trajectories through Fragmentation. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous '13), 2013.
Articles in Journals
- Gidenstam, Anders; Koldehofe, Boris; Papatriantafilou, Marina; Tsigas, Philippas: Scalable group communication supporting configurable levels of consistency. In: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. Vol. 25(5), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2013.
- Heinecke, Alexander; Karlstetter, Roman; Pflüger, Dirk; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim: Data Mining on Vast Datasets as a Cluster System Benchmark. In: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
- Heinecke, Alexander; Pflüger, Dirk: Emerging Architectures Enable to Boost Massively Parallel Data Mining using Adaptive Sparse Grids. In: International Journal of Parallel Programming. Bd. 41(3), New York, Usa: Springer US, 2013.
- Radeschütz, Sylvia; Schwarz, Holger; Niedermann, Florian: Business impact analysis — a framework for a comprehensive analysis and optimization of business processes. In: Computer Science – Research and Development, Springer, 2013.
- Schuhmann, Stephan; Herrmann, Klaus; Rothermel, Kurt; Boshmaf, Yazan: Adaptive Composition of Distributed Pervasive Applications in Heterogeneous Environments. In: ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems. Vol. 8(2), ACM, 2013.
- Wernke, Marius; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: PShare: Ensuring location privacy in non-trusted systems through multi-secret sharing. In: Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier, 2013.
- Wolf, Hannes; Herrmann, Klaus; Rothermel, Kurt: Dealing with uncertainty: Robust workflow navigation in the healthcare domain. In: ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST). Vol. 4(4), New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2013.
Articles in Books
- Radeschütz, Sylvia; Schwarz, Holger; Vrhovnik, Marko; Mitschang, Bernhard: A Combination Framework for Exploiting the Symbiotic Aspects of Process and Operational Data in Business Process Optimization. In: Information Reuse and Integration in Academia and Industry, Springer, 2013.
- Silcher, Stefan; Dinkelmann, Max; Minguez, Jorge; Mitschang, Bernhard: Advanced Product Lifecycle Management by Introducing Domain-Specific Service Buses. In: Cordeiro, José (ed.); Maciaszek, Leszek A. (ed.); Filipe, Joaquim (ed.): Enterprise Information Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
- Hans-Joachim, Bungartz; Stefan, Zimmer; Martin, Buchholz; Pflüger, Dirk: Modeling and Simulation - An Application-Oriented Introduction, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2013.
- Hans-Joachim, Bungartz; Stefan, Zimmer; Martin, Buchholz; Pflüger, Dirk: Modellbildung und Simulation: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung. 2. überarb. Aufl., Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2013.
- Mehl, Miriam: Multi-Physics and Multi-Dimensional go Multi-Core, Presentation, 2013.
- Mehl, Miriam: Fluid-Structure Interactions on Cartesian Grids with Embedded Boundaries, Presentation, 2013.
Technical Reports
- No. 02: Gansel, Simon; Schnitzer, Stephan; Gilbeau-Hammoud, Ahmad; Friesen, Viktor; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt; Maihöfer, Christian: An Access Control Concept for Novel Automotive HMI Systems, Technical Report No. 2013/02.
- No. 3453: Pradhan, Subhasis: Person recognition and automated following using a low cost RGB-D sensor, Technical Report No. 2013/3453.
- Brodt, Andreas: A mobile data management architecture for interoperability of resource and context data, Doctoral Thesis, 2013.
- Kaiser, Fabian: Werkzeugunterstützung für komplexe Webrecherchen, Doctoral Thesis, 2013.
- Tariq, Muhammad Adnan: Non-functional requirements in publish/subscribe systems, Doctoral Thesis, 2013.
- Trieflinger, Sven: High performance peer-to-peer desktop grid computing : architecture, methods, applications, Doctoral Thesis, 2013.
- Weinschrott, Harald: Quality-aware Coordination in Public Sensing, Doctoral Thesis, 2013.
Diploma Theses (archive)
- Bach, Thomas: Methods to coordinate the execution of workflow replicas in a distributed environment, Diploma Thesis No. 3418, 2013.
- Danzl, Jonas: Konzeption und Implementierung eines OpenFlow-basierten IP-Multicast-Dienstes für Datenzentren, Diploma Thesis No. 3420, 2013.
- Dibak, Christoph: Erfassung von Innenraummodellen mittels Smartphones, Diploma Thesis No. 3485, 2013.
- Dreher, Marcel: Two-Wheeled-Racer, Diploma Thesis No. 3494, 2013.
- Ewen, Stephan: Efficient Join Operations for the IBM Data Warehouse Accelerator, Diploma Thesis No. 12, 2013.
- Gilbeau-Hammoud, Ahmad: Erstellung und Evaluation einer Zugriffskontrolle für die Darstellung grahischer Applikationen im Fahrzeug, Diploma Thesis No. 3411, 2013.
- Häckh, Christian: Detektion repetitiver Strukturen in dreidimensionalen Punktwolken anhand von Urformen, Diploma Thesis No. 19, 2013.
- Heide, Martin: Verfolgung und 3D-Rekonstruktion von Kanten in Videos, Diploma Thesis No. 3456, 2013.
- Hummel, Paul: Konzepte und Algorithmen zur Datensynchronisation mit Cloud-Datenzentren, Diploma Thesis No. 3364, 2013.
- Kanis, Sebastian: GPU-based Numerical Integration in the Partition of Unity Method, Diploma Thesis No. 3405, 2013.
- Keller, Steffen: Erzeugung von Meshes aus Laserscans und Untersuchung ihres Nutzens für die Registrierung, Diploma Thesis No. 3519, 2013.
- Kostka, Matthias: Auswertungsunabhängige PUM-Visualisierung, Diploma Thesis No. 3502, 2013.
- Leibinger, Julia: Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten mit dünnen Gittern, Diploma Thesis No. 3435, 2013.
- Leko, Sanda: Kooperative Positionierung von Smartphones, Diploma Thesis No. 3449, 2013.
- Liu, Kai: Development of TOSCA Service Templates for provisioning portable IT Services, Diploma Thesis No. 3428, 2013.
- Mälzer, Henning: Implementierung einer Online-Reorganisation von Tenantspaces, Diploma Thesis No. 3401, 2013.
- Öztürk, Zeynep: A Method for Security Breach Detection through File Access Monitoring and Pattern Recognition, Diploma Thesis No. 2013.
- Panos, Athanasios: BYOD-Private Hardware in der Firma nutzen, Diploma Thesis No. 3455, 2013.
- Pein, Moritz: Konzepte und Mechanismen zur konsistenten nebenläufigen Aktualisierung der Weiterleitungstabellen in Software-defined Networks, Diploma Thesis No. 3424, 2013.
- Pfander, David: Zeitreihenanalyse auf dünnen Gittern, Diploma Thesis No. 3508, 2013.
- Plödereder, Jörg: Automatisierte Verarbeitung von Crash Dumps, Diploma Thesis No. 3515, 2013.
- Pompe, Daniel: Projektionsbasierte Registrierung von hochauflösten 3D-Scandaten, Diploma Thesis No. 3497, 2013.
- Price, Eric: Evaluierung von Verfahren zum optischen Lokalisieren und Kartographieren (SLAM) mit eignung für den Einsatz auf UAVs, Diploma Thesis No. 3376, 2013.
- Schäfer, David Richard: Robust Execution of Workflows in a Distributed Environment, Diploma Thesis No. 3431, 2013.
- Scholz, Philipp: Integration der PMP in das Android OS, Diploma Thesis No. 3446, 2013.
- Sun, Ting: Similarity Recognition for OWL-based Action Recipes in RoboEarth, Diploma Thesis No. 3516, 2013.
- Trischler, Julian: Zuverlässigkeit parallelisierter und verteilter CEP-Systeme, Diploma Thesis No. 3499, 2013.
- Wittmann, Ralf: Neuronale Wissensrepräsentation und antizipierende heirarchische Speicher, Diploma Thesis No. 3294, 2013.
- Xu, Yi: Richtlinien für Datensicherheit von RDBMS in Cloud Diensten, Diploma Thesis No. 3415, 2013.
Master Theses
- Ashraf, Umair: Securing Cloud Applications with Two-Factor Authentication, Master Thesis No. 3452, 2013.
- Balakrishnan, Soumya: Development of a PCI-Express Interface on a FPGA for an Application with Low-Latency Random Accesses and High-Throughput, Master Thesis No. 5, 2013.
- Basak, Chiranjeeb: Design and Development of an FPGA based OFDMA Architecture for Powerline Communication, Master Thesis No. 4, 2013.
- Bhowmik, Sukanya: Distributed Control Algorithms for Adapting Publish/Subscribe in Software Defined Networks, Master Thesis No. 3498, 2013.
- Dapperheld, Moritz: Entwicklung analysebasierter Optimierungsmuster zur Verbesserung von Fertigungsprozessen, Master Thesis No. 3417, 2013.
- Francato, Arturo: Energy-proportional Machines for Cloud Data Centers, Master Thesis No. 3586, 2013.
- Kharatyan, Gurgen: Evaluation of Design Level Parallelism in Embedded Image Processing Architectures for Window-Based Image Processing Algorithms, Master Thesis No. 3550, 2013.
- Krishnan, SreedharMahadevan: Design and Implementation of a Hardware Architecture for Multiple-Object Tracking, Master Thesis No. 3539, 2013.
- Ma, Sijia: Analysis of Hierarchical Design Methodology for FPGA Hardware Design, Master Thesis No. 3524, 2013.
- Mahajan, Sumeet: Device Selection Algorithm for Mobile Traffic Offloading, Master Thesis No. 3407, 2013.
- Marcusiu, Valentin: Generating and Capturing of Continuous Data on Environmental Phenomena in Public Sensing Systems, Master Thesis No. 6, 2013.
- Mathew, Lijo: Benchmarking the Co-Processing Capabilities of FPGA´s under High Level Language Conditions for Computing Intensive Applications in Image Processing and Matrix Algebra, Master Thesis No. 3553, 2013.
- Mishra, Gagan Bihari: Providing in-network content-based routing using OpenFlow, Master Thesis No. 3450, 2013.
- Nasir, Umair: Color Balance in LASER Scanner Point Clouds, Master Thesis No. 3477, 2013.
- Pradhan, Subhasis: Person recognition and automated following using a low cost EGB-D sensor, Master Thesis No. 1, 2013.
- Riaz, Zohaib: Optimized Position Update Protocols for Secure and Efficient Position Sharing, Master Thesis No. 3458, 2013.
- Shah, Shishir: A Resource Efficient and Adaptive IP-Core for Display Technology, Master Thesis No. 3593, 2013.
- Stuhlmüller, Patrick: Integration strukturierter und unstrukturierter Daten zur Prozessoptimierung, Master Thesis No. 3490, 2013.
- Tanveer, Waqas: DEVELOPMENT OF GENERIC SCHEDULING CONCEPTS FOR Open GL ES 2.0, Master Thesis No. 3385, 2013.
- Tawfik, Mina: Design and Implementation of a High Throughput Image Processing Architecture for Streamed Data, Master Thesis No. 3438, 2013.
- Vetlugin, Andrey: A Process Insight Repository supporting Process Optimization, Master Thesis No. 3402, 2013.
Student Theses (archive)
- Ávalos, Everardo González: Investigation of Underwater Communication and Sensing by Means of Nonlinear Coupled Oscilators, Student Thesis No. 2395, 2013.
- Bosch, Patrick: Consistent Transformations of Content-based Routing Networks in OpenFlow, Student Thesis No. 2419, 2013.
- Gayer, Benjamin: Concepts and Mechanisms for Consistent Route Transitions in Software-defined Networks, Student Thesis No. 2408, 2013.
- Herr, Dominik: Entwicklung der OpenGL-basierten grafischen Oberfläche eines E-Learning-Spiels mit Fokus Regelungstechnik, Student Thesis No. 2427, 2013.
- Mayer, Christian: Design and Implementation of a Coordination Service for Distributed Applications (In-memory Paxos), Student Thesis No. 2412, 2013.
- Pfander, David: Eine künstliche Intelligenz für das Kartenspiel Tichu, Student Thesis No. 2398, 2013.
Student Reports Software Engineering
- Metzger, Paul; Doust, Ehssan; Holzschuh, Julia: Von Donuts, Pfefferkuchen und Sandwich-Eis, Student Report Software Engineering No. 172, 2013.
- Müller, Fabian; Noller, Yannic; Schneider, Arno: Marktanalyse zur App-Entwicklung, Student Report Software Engineering No. 173, 2013.
Bachelor Theses
- Fetzer, Matthias: Ein Marktplatz für TOSCA, Bachelor Thesis No. 65, 2013.
- Herb, Stephan: Framework zur Fußgängersimulation, Bachelor Thesis No. 29, 2013.
- Hirschmann, Steffen: Hierarchische Transformationen und der Q-Zyklus, Bachelor Thesis No. 4, 2013.
- Neugebauer, Nikolai: Mechanismen zur Optimierung der Effizienz von Public-Sensing-Systemen, Bachelor Thesis No. 59, 2013.
- Niethammer, Philipp: Motion Designer: ein interaktives Tool zum Entwerfen von Bewegungen, Bachelor Thesis No. 74, 2013.
- Olp, Dominik: Adaption Algorithms for Mobile Traffic Offloading, Bachelor Thesis No. 31, 2013.
- Scheufele, Klaudius: Robuste Multilevel-Lösung elliptischer partieller Differentialgleichngen mit springenden Koeffizienten, Bachelor Thesis No. 27, 2013.
- Schneider, Arno: Kontextbezogene Informationsbereitstellung in der Fabrik, Bachelor Thesis No. 73, 2013.
- Schwarz, René: Interaktive Visualisierung von hochdimensionalen Funktionen, Bachelor Thesis No. 81, 2013.
- Suhm, Patrick: Vision and SLAM on a highly dynamic mobile two-wheeled robot, Bachelor Thesis No. 98, 2013.