Publikationen Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme: Masterarbeiten
- Abdelmalek, Michael: CNN-Based Volume Segmentation for Industrial Computed Tomography, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2019.
- Abdo, Majd: High-performance complex event processing to detect anomalies in streaming RDF data, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2017.
- Adeyemo, Peter: Web-based Application Deployment Specification Management, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2006.
- Ahmed, Silvia: Parallel hardware architecture for JPEG-LS based on domain decomposition using context sets, Masterarbeit Nr. 3216, 2011.
- Ahmed, Zaheer: Optimization of Neural Network Simulator on GPGPU, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2011.
- Alcalde Garcia, Daniel: Implementation of a communication layer using SLP and SCTP for Addressing High Availability service in a redundant network, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2006.
- Altaweel, Ala': Providing basic security mechanisms in a Publish/Subscribe system, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2009.
- Alturn, Arfan: Deep Learning Techniques for Predictive Maintenance in AGV-based Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 105, 2017.
- Anto Joys, Yesuadimai Michael: Effcient Context Modelling and Segmentation for Parallel Lossless Image Compression, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2011.
- Antoni, Martin: 3D Video Tracking and Localization of Underwater Swarm Robots, Masterarbeit Nr. 3310, 2012.
- Armbruster, Benedikt: Refinement of Partitioning for Multi-class Problems with Heterogeneous Groups, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2023.
- Ashraf, Umair: Securing Cloud Applications with Two-Factor Authentication, Masterarbeit Nr. 3452, 2013.
- Asjadulla, Mohammed: Deployment and empirical verification of real-time schedules, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2024.
- Attarzadeh, Afshin: Development of Advanced Power Management for Autonomous Micro-robots, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2006.
- Augustat, David: Design and implementation of a DDoS defense mechanism based on network QoS models, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2024.
- Bach, Ha Duy: Optimal routing for networked control systems using OpenFlow, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2015.
- Badr, Eid: Reliability Solutions for a Smart digital Factory using:(1)RFID based CEP (2)Image Processing based Error Detection (3)RFID based HCI, Masterarbeit Nr. 3153, 2011.
- Bäßler, Dominik: Migration des Datenmanagements einer datenintensiven Anwendung in ein Big-Data Framework, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2017.
- Bäumlisberger, Christian: Plattformunabhängige lokale SDN-Controller auf offener Weiterleitungshardware durch Anwendung von Containertechnologie, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2016.
- Bahnmüller, Carsten: Improving Google’s open-source machine learning system TensorFlow, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2018.
- Balachandra Midlagajni, Niteesh: Learning object affordances using human motion capture data, Masterarbeit Nr. 111, 2019.
- Balakrishnan, Soumya: Development of a PCI-Express Interface on a FPGA for an Application with Low-Latency Random Accesses and High-Throughput, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2013.
- Balihalli, Tushar Rajendra: Data-driven partitioning of training data for complex multiclass problems, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2022.
- Balla, Irdi: Visual question answering for intuitive human-robot collaborations using compositional neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 120, 2018.
- Balogh, Alexander: Addressing TCAM limitations in an SDN-based pub/sub system, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2017.
- Bannoura, Amir: Design and Implementation of an Efficient Message Dissemination Protocol for Public Sensing, Masterarbeit Nr. 3177, 2011.
- Bannur, Amitkumar: Parallelization of forward Projection with The Seperable Footprint Method on GPU, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2018.
- Bansal, Bharat: Divide-and-conquer scheduling for time-sensitive networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2018.
- Bantel, Linus: Simulation meets real-world: deep reinforcement learning on inverted pendulum system, Masterarbeit Nr. 114, 2023.
- Baroud, Yousef: A Hardware Architecture for Numerical Instability Detection Based on Discrete Stochastic Arithmetic, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2011.
- Basak, Chiranjeeb: Design and Development of an FPGA based OFDMA Architecture for Powerline Communication, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2013.
- Bauer, Ruben: Region proposal network for simple objects in grasping experiments, Masterarbeit Nr. 100, 2020.
- Beck, Sebastian: Nutzung von Provenance zur Optimierung von mit YesWorkflow annotierten Skripten, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2018.
- Bektas, Sabri: Application integration and team collaboration for process optimization in intralogistics, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2023.
- Benz, Jakob: Privacy for the MBP IoT platform, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2020.
- Berberich, Jan: Deep Learning Based Light-Field Image Super-Resolution, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2020.
- Bettadapura Raghavendra, Shreyas: Relevance of the two adjusting screws in data analytics: data quality and optimization of algorithms, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2017.
- Betz, Benjamin: Speicherung von irregulären Voxeldatensätzen und Nutzung dieser für die Rekonstruktion von Computertomographie-Daten, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2016.
- Bhat, Megha: Parallel Architecture of High Throughput JPEG2000 Decoder, Masterarbeit Nr. 106, 2019.
- Bhawsinka, Nistha: Change tracking and observability for complex software development, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2023.
- Bhowmik, Sukanya: Distributed Control Algorithms for Adapting Publish/Subscribe in Software Defined Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 3498, 2013.
- Biester, Fabian: Automatisierte Ontologie-Generierung für maschinelles Lernen zur Fehlererkennung in IoT-Daten, Masterarbeit Nr. 98, 2023.
- Bitz, Roman: Framework für einen zusammengesetzten Datenspeicher, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2019.
- Bjelic, Ahmed: Learning Robotic Reactive Behavior from Human Demonstration via Dynamic Behavior Trees, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2019.
- Blazquez Jimenez, Francisco: Intelligent Model Caching for Data Mining, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2009.
- Blehm, Alexander: Einsatz von semantischen Verfahren zur Unterstützung der SOA Governance, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2017.
- Bloch, Marietta Inge: Natural language understanding and communication for human-robot collaboration, Masterarbeit Nr. 117, 2017.
- Boceck, Tobias: A software architecture for graph-based metadata management for CAE data, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2020.
- Böpple, Teresa: Machine Learning to Predict Optimization Results On-The-Fly, Masterarbeit Nr. 109, 2019.
- Bondar, Bogdan: Integrating augmented reality data into a mobile simulation framework, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2017.
- Boshmaf, Yazan: Development of an Advanced Configuration Algorithm for PCOM using Partial Application Configurations, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2008.
- Braun, Hendrik: Modellschätzung und Regelung flexibler Lasten, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2020.
- Breyer, Marcel: Distributed k-nearest neighbors using Locality Sensitive Hashing and SYCL, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2020.
- Brunn, Malte: Coupling of Particle Simulation and Lattice Boltzmann Background Flow on Adaptive Grids, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2017.
- Burla, Avinash: 3D Ball Detection in RoboCup, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2007.
- Caballero Grolimund, Carlos Javier: Development of a compass system for RoboCup, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2006.
- Canadas, Maria Belen: Cooperative EKF localization, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2004.
- Cecolin, Riccardo: Compositing Concepts for the Presentation of Graphical Application Windows on Embedded, Masterarbeit Nr. 3619, 2014.
- Chalapco, Andrei: Distributed task-based conjugated gradients: a comparison between HPX and MPI + X, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2024.
- Chanda, Debasish: Memory-ecient Lossless Video Compression Using Temporal Extended JPEG-LS and On-line Compression, Masterarbeit Nr. 3254, 2011.
- Chaudhry, Muhammad Bilal: Enhancing data flow models with computing requirements for IoT environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2018.
- Chawla, Gaurav: Optimizing the Resource utilization of Enterprise Content management workloads through measured performance baselines and dynamic topology adaptation, Masterarbeit Nr. 3663, 2014.
- Chellathurai Saroja, Shalini: Measurement of the quality of structured and unstructured data accumulating in the product life cycle in a data quality dashboard, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2017.
- Chen, Chi: Location-Based Data Aggregation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2003.
- Chen, Xuan: Optimization of communication in a swarm of micro-robots, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2003.
- Cheng, Qing: 3D pose estimation of vehicles from monocular videos using deep learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 117, 2018.
- Chi, Gang: Implementation of Tabled Asymmetric Numeral System Entropy Encoding in FPGA, Masterarbeit Nr. 124, 2018.
- Chien-Hua, Hung: Speculative reordering for a latency-optimized privacy protection in complex event processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2018.
- Chowdhury, Sujata Roy: Packet Scheduling Algorithms for a Software-Defined Manufacturing Environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2015.
- Coskuner, Mirac: Design and Analysis of Hybrid Cloud Concepts for OpenClams, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2020.
- Cozma, Adriana-Eliza: Understanding deep neural networks' behavior via local investigation along paths, Masterarbeit Nr. 126, 2018.
- Crespi, Veronica: Dynamic safe active learning with NARX Gaussian processes, Masterarbeit Nr. 113, 2019.
- Daiß, Gregor: Octo-Tiger: Binary star systems with HPX on Nvidia P100, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2018.
- Daoud, Marleine Mounir: Modeling Distributed Applications in a Smarter Home Infrastructure, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2011.
- Dapperheld, Moritz: Entwicklung analysebasierter Optimierungsmuster zur Verbesserung von Fertigungsprozessen, Masterarbeit Nr. 3417, 2013.
- Das, Darsana: Integrating Cloud Service Deployment Automation With Software Defined Environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 3567, 2014.
- Das, Somesh: Modeling recommendations for pattern-based mashup plans, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2018.
- Dehghanipour, Marzieh: Design and implementation of TOSCA Service Templates for provisioning and executing bone simulation in cloud environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2015.
- Del Gaudio, Daniel: Execution of data flow models in distributed IoT environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2018.
- Deng, Peng: Analysis of On-Chip Compression for Improving CMP System Performance, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2009.
- Dessouky, Ghada: Design and Implementation of Adaptive On-Chip Memory Management for FPGA- based Image Processing Architectures, Masterarbeit Nr. 3525, 2014.
- Dey, Adipto: Cooperative Motion Planning for Automated High Density Parking, Masterarbeit Nr. 121, 2018.
- Dharanikota, Sai Srinivas: Management of Virtual Machines in Grid Computing, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2005.
- Diab, Mohamad Hadi: Examination of Outlier Detection for Ensuring Model Performance of Safety-relevant Machine Learning Methods, Masterarbeit Nr. 122, 2018.
- Diebold, Johannes Thomas: A Heuristic Approach for Joint Scheduling and Routing in Time-Sensitive Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 116, 2019.
- Diehm, Alexander: Lokales Alerting in Monitoringsystemen, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2019.
- Dietrich, Robin: Deep learning based mutual robot detection and relative position estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 127, 2018.
- Dittrich, Florian: Deep reinforcement learning for high-level behavior decision making, Masterarbeit Nr. 128, 2018.
- Dolado, Manuel Palao: Role of Data Mining in IBM's Basel II Risk Solution, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2005.
- Drieß, Danny: A machine learning approach to control musculoskeletal systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 107, 2019.
- Drodofsky, Jens: Glattheitsschätzung mittels Fouriertransformationen und hierarchischen Zerlegungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2020.
- Dudani, Nehal: 2D-3D registration of computed tomography data using neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 105, 2019.
- Dwiputera, Aries Fajar: A light-weight Context System for Pervasive Computing Infrastructures, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2006.
- Ebinger, Felix: Personenbezogene Daten im Data Lake, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2018.
- Egger, Simon: Adaptive robust scheduling in wireless Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN), Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2024.
- Eisfeld, Andrej: Entwurf und Analyse von Konzepten zur effizienten Datenübertragung von Grafikrendering-Befehlen auf eingebetteten Systemen, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2014.
- Eissa, Sherif Salah Eldeen Badawy: Investigation and Implementation of Sparsity for a CNN Accelerator on FPGA using HLS, Masterarbeit Nr. 100, 2019.
- El-Shamouty, Mohamed: Efficient Content-based Routing using OpenFlow, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2014.
- Elzayat, Kareem: Incremental Schema-agnostic Blocking for Entity Resolution of Web Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2020.
- Ernst, Johannes: Umsetzung eines Systems zur regelbasierten Analyse von Gesundheitsdaten, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2015.
- Estel, Marcel: Taxonomy Extension through Synonym Discovery in Integrated Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Fan, Shiqing: Anhanced Debussing of MPI-Parallel Applications and the Open MPI implementantion using Valgrid/Memchecker, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2007.
- Fernandez Pradier, Mauricio Julio: Collective classification in a swarm of microrobots, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2005.
- Fernandez, Francisco Mendiola: Macroscopic Simulation of Bio-inspired Self-Assembly Process, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2007.
- Fetzer, Matthias: Local Data Plane Event Handling in Software-defined Networking, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2016.
- Fill, Kerstin: Modellierung von Daten-Pipelines in Lakehouses, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2023.
- Firmansyah, Mochamad Dandy: An energy-aware mobile gateway for Bluetooth low energy-powered Internet of Things devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2018.
- Flaig, Albert: Window drop load shedding in complex event processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2018.
- Fouda, Abdelrahman: Hierarchical Scheduling of Inter-domain Traffic in Time-sensitive Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 105, 2018.
- Francato, Arturo: Energy-proportional Machines for Cloud Data Centers, Masterarbeit Nr. 3586, 2013.
- Franco da Silva, Ana Cristina: Situation Recognition Based on Complex Event Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2015.
- Franczak, Patrick: Design and proto-typical implementation of an analysis tool interface for a task-based PGAS runtime, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2019.
- Frank, Alex: Nutzung von Provenance-Daten zur Analyse personenbezogener Daten gemäß DSGVO-Richtlinien, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2020.
- Franquinet, Julian: Performance portability analysis of SYCL with a classical CG on CPU, GPU, and FPGA, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2023.
- Fu, Zheng: Swarm-based computation and spatial decision making, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2005.
- Fuchs, Philipp: Entwurf einer Systemlandschaft für das Datenmanagement im Data-Mesh-Ansatz, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2023.
- Fuchs, Steffen: Inferring Object Hypotheses Based on Feature Motion from Dierent Sources, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2015.
- Fuentes Caselles, Juan: Exploration of embodiment in real microrobotic swarm, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2005.
- Gattu, Suresh Kumar: Analysis, Design and Implementation of the Bus Functional Model for faster verification of Systems-on-Chip products, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2005.
- Genena, Lobna: Real Time Image Sequence Decoding and Rendering on Multicore Architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 3529, 2014.
- Geppert, Heiko: Massive hypergraph partitioning, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2019.
- Gerhards, Jan Patrick: Cooperative radio navigation on the Moon, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2024.
- Giebler, Corinna: LAKE - eine flexible Datenstromverarbeitungsarchitektur, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2017.
- Giesel, Benedikt: Smarter Cars - Situationserkennung im Fahrzeug basierend auf Complex Event Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2017.
- Glaub, Simon: Modeling interferences of CEP operators on limited resources, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2021.
- Göggel, Jonathan: Reinforcement Learning zur optimalen Konfiguration von Datenstrom-Anwendungen mit selektiver Verarbeitung, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2020.
- Göhring, Marius: Investigation of the complexity and energy-efficiency using pruning and neural architecture search in DNNs, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2024.
- Gönner, Katharina: Modellierung von Data Loops in Connected-Car-Umgebungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2021.
- Golda, Robert: Integration von Datenqualitätsmethoden in das Datenflusswerkzeug FlexMash, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2019.
- Gong, Xiaowei: Verwaltung des Volltext-Indexes in einem dynamischen, verteilten Content Management System, Masterarbeit Nr. 2914, 2009.
- Gong, Zhaowen: A Deep Learning Based Registration Method for 3D CT Volume, Masterarbeit Nr. 104, 2019.
- Gopalsamy, Mathankumar: A Novel Low-power Model for Accelerometry-based Real-time Respiration Monitoring System, Masterarbeit Nr. 2011.
- Gräber, Manuel: Supporting consumptions in parallel complex event processing operators on multicore architectures, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2017.
- Graser, Leon: Design and implementation of an evaluation testbed for fog computing infrastructure and applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2017.
- Grau, Yves: Protecting Private Information in Event Processing Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2016.
- Gregorian, Christopher: Secure Generic Data Synchronisation and Sharing, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2018.
- Grob, Thomas: Implementation of a FPGA-based Interface to a High Speed Image Sensor, Masterarbeit Nr. 2993, 2010.
- Gröger, Christoph: Konzeption und prototypische Umsetzung einer Referenzarchitektur für Manufacturing Analytics, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2011.
- Großkopf, Timo: Load shedding in complex event processing with probabilistic features, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2021.
- Gruber, Thomas: Enabling Mobile Navigation and Perception for a Curious Robot, Masterarbeit Nr. 113, 2017.
- Grunert, Jonas: Concurrent query analytics on distributed graph systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2017.
- Gu, Linsong: A Comparative Analysis of the Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Approaches on X-Ray Images, Masterarbeit Nr. 107, 2017.
- Güth, Jan: Design und Implementierung eines Konzepts zur eindeutigen Identifizierung von Softwarekomponenten auf Geräten im IIoT-Umfeld, Masterarbeit Nr. 114, 2019.
- Gunasekaran, Rajalingam: Simulation of Typical Corporate Networl Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2005.
- Gupta, Gunjan: Learning an arbitration agent through user interaction for shared control, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2021.
- Gutierrez, Timo Manuel: Handling interferences on a multi-operator CEP node with load shedding, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2021.
- Hagemann, Pascal: Evaluating dynamic load balancing of ECM workload pattern employed in cloud environments managed by a Kubernetes/Docker eco-system, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2021.
- Hagenmayer, Simon: Hierarchical adversarial imitation learning from motion capture data, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2020.
- Hashad, Nabila: Context-Based Load Shedding in Complex Event Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2020.
- Haug, Lucas: Roaming with deterministic real-time guarantees in wireless Time-Sensitive Networking, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2023.
- Hauser, Simon: Implementation of parallel support in OpenDiHu nested solvers using the preCICE adapter, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2024.
- Hegazy, Lobna: Evaluation and Analysis of Realizing Broker-based Content Routing Protocols in SDN, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Heinisch, Jonas: Energy Models for Wireless Communication on Mobile Devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Helmann, Maksim: GPPPy: leveraging HPX and BLAS to accelerate Gaussian processes in Python, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2024.
- Hengel, Katharina: Long-term motion prediction in traffic, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2020.
- Herb, Stephan: Development of a FEM Code for Fluid-Structure Coupling, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2015.
- Herkommer, Jan: Anonymisierung von Daten: von der Literatur zum Automobilbereich, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2023.
- Hermann, Matthias: Graph sparsification techniques for triangle counting, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2020.
- Herrmann, Jona: Entwurf und Implementierung eines Stream-basierten, dynamischen und fairen Scheduling-Verfahrens für WiFi-Netzwerkverkehr, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2023.
- Hesse, Sebastian: Mandantenfähige Cloud Architektur für die Synchronisation von Projektmanagement Softwareanwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2017.
- Hirschmann, Steffen: Lastbalancierungsverfahren für dynamische und heterogene Linked-Cell Molekülsimulation, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2015.
- Hoffmann, Jan: Spatial predictive models of object manipulation, Masterarbeit Nr. 118, 2018.
- Holtwerth, Nico: Dynamic vertex colored conflict graphs for time-sensitive networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2022.
- Holzmüller, David: Convergence Analysis of Neural Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2019.
- Hou, Jie: Network Performance Improvement of open MPI on Windows HPC Cluster, Masterarbeit Nr. 3072, 2011.
- Hou, Yanbo: GPU Acceleration of Multi-frame Super-resolution Algorithm, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2020.
- Hummel, Markus: Die Bedeutung von Open-Source-Software für Cloud Computing in KMU, Masterarbeit Nr. 3240, 2011.
- Hurler, Marcel: Learning free-surface flow with physics-informed neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2021.
- Hussain, Muzahid: Conditional random fields based knowledge retrieval in mobile environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2015.
- Idrees, Kamran: Data Structures and Algorithms in Unified Parallel C for Molecular Dynamics, Masterarbeit Nr. 3355, 2012.
- Imeri, Amil: Prediction of failures of IoT devices by using machine learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2021.
- Imhoff, Nils: Optimization of intra-node communication in HPC systems: development and implementation of a zero-copy API, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2024.
- Ismaiel, Muhammad: Enabling multi-tenant scalable IoT platforms, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2020.
- Jadhav, Priyanka: Workload based provenance capture reduction, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2017.
- Jeerghi, Praveen: Embedded High-Performance Data Acquisition System Based on FPGAs, Masterarbeit Nr. 3626, 2014.
- Joseph Victor Raj, Jane Shirley: Design and implementation of highly-efficient data structures for parallel complex event processing framework on multicore shared memory architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2018.
- Kabir, Mashud: Region-Based Adaptation of Diffucaion Protocols in MANETs, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2003.
- Kaklotar, Anita: Scalable sub-graph centric distributed influence maximization, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2022.
- Karadeniz, Mustafa: Design and implementation of a QoS-aware communication protocol for named data networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2019.
- Karagkiozoglou, Konstantinos: Dynamic Evaluation and Storage of Chip Measured Data for Online Yield Analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2006.
- Karim, Muhammad Ali Mehdi: Emulation of an algorithm for Data Replication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2004.
- Kashif, Moin Uddin: Speech interface for human and robot collaboration, Masterarbeit Nr. 116, 2018.
- Keller, Robin: Predicting the GPU Execution Time of 3D Rendering Commands using Machine Learning Concepts, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Kenzler, Martin: Verteilte Datenpipelines in Software-Defined-Car-Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2021.
- Keppler, Nicole: Zugriffskontrollmodel für Data Lakes, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2018.
- Keskin, Bedirhan: A simulator for connected car scenarios, Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2022.
- Khalid, Muhammad Saqib: Hybrid Application Layer and In-Network Content-Based Filtering in SDN, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Kharatyan, Gurgen: Evaluation of Design Level Parallelism in Embedded Image Processing Architectures for Window-Based Image Processing Algorithms, Masterarbeit Nr. 3550, 2013.
- Khosla, Karaj: Preference Learning Based Black Box Optimization in Audio Application, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2024.
- Kim, Hangbeom: Neural network user intent prediction for robot teleoperation, Masterarbeit Nr. 114, 2018.
- Kleine, Christoph: Backward and Forward Compatibility for TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.0: Concept and Modelling Tooling Support, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2017.
- Kleinhans, Niklas: Simulation of muscle movements with GNNs, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2022.
- Koch, Maurice: A FPGA-Based Recurrent Neural Network for Video Super-Resolution, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2020.
- König, Valentin Simon Nepomuk: Ordering Transactions on Distributed Persistent Objects, Masterarbeit Nr. 102, 2023.
- Koleci, Anisa: Privacy-aware Machine Learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2020.
- Kollmeier, Magnus: Advanced Scheduling Heuristics for Time-triggered Realtime Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2023.
- Koole, Niels Floyd: Efficient validation of time series data using reasoning, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2022.
- Korb, Tobias: Entwicklung eines Frameworks zur Erstellung von AR Anwendungen für Industrie 4.0, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2016.
- Kostron, Paula: Design of a Simulation-based Game for Students to Operate a Positive Energy District, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2024.
- Kottam, Kashi Vishwanath Reddy: Logging Strategies in Clustered J2EE Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2005.
- Kovacic, Marko: Deployment und Ausführung verteilter Datenpipelines in Software-Defined-Car-Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2022.
- Kratzer, Philipp: Robot assistance for collaborative task execution, Masterarbeit Nr. 112, 2017.
- Krauss, David: Generierung und Optimierung von Testzeitplänen im Rahmen des SOA Change Managements, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2016.
- Krishnan, SreedharMahadevan: Design and Implementation of a Hardware Architecture for Multiple-Object Tracking, Masterarbeit Nr. 3539, 2013.
- Krishnappa, Mahesh: Parallel architectural design space exploration for real-time image compression, Masterarbeit Nr. 3195, 2011.
- Kschidock, Helena: Development of an Euler-Lagrangian framework for point-particle tracking to enable efficient multiscale simulations of complex flows, Masterarbeit Nr. 70, 2023.
- Künzel, Sebastian: Design and implementation of a GPU-based simulation- and analysis-environment for dynamical systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2022.
- Kuhn, Julian: Kooperative Vorhersage der minimalen Anwendungsausführungszeit, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2016.
- Kukhtichev, Sergey: Design and implementation of a Domain Specific Language for defining ECM workloads in elastic cloud environments using TOSCA, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Kumar, Abhishek: An Analytics Framework for the IoT Platform MBP, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2020.
- Kumar, Deepak: Vulnerability of Semantic Location Protection Schemes under long-term Location Exposure, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2016.
- Kunze, Ulf: Partitioning training data for complex multi-class problems using constraint-based clustering, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2022.
- Kurz, Benjamin: Analyse gemischter Genauigkeit und der Nutzung von spezialisierten GPU-Matrixeinheiten anhand der PLSSVM Anwendung, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2022.
- Kutger, Isabella: Konzept und Umsetzung eines Data Lakes für Connected-Car-Umgebungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2021.
- Labes, Leon: Analysis and evaluation of data preprocessing methods for clustering analyses, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2024.
- Lässig, Nico: Entwicklung von fairen und personalisierten Machine Learning Modellen, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2020.
- Laidig, Robin: Design, Implementierung und Analyse eines flexiblen Dienstgütemodells für zeitsensitive Kommunikationsdienste, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2021.
- Lange, Christoph: Dynamic Scaling of Enterprise Cloud-Applications Based on Measured Performance Baselines, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2014.
- Le, An T.: Learning task-parameterized Riemannian motion policies, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2021.
- Lefarov, Maksym: Model-based policy search for learning mulitvariate PID gain scheduling control, Masterarbeit Nr. 125, 2018.
- Lehmann, Simon: Policy4TDLIoT - Policys für die Topic Description Language, Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2018.
- Lendl, Anne: Erfassen und Aufbereiten von Simulationsmetadaten zur Veröffentlichung, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2020.
- Li, Changping: Notification Service based on the SOAP Technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2001.
- Li, Chen: Distributed Data Analytics Using Graph Processing Frameworks, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2015.
- Li, Xu: Business Process Integration, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2004.
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- Link, Marco: Automatische Ressourcenselektion in Datenanalysepipelines, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2019.
- Linn, Tobias: Design of a Rule-based Formalism to Predict VM Placements in Cloud Infrastructures, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2020.
- Liu, Huixin: Determining the center of rotation for computed tomography data using neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 101, 2019.
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- Loutfi, Kinda: Evaluation of prediction mechanisms of parameters for data mining algorithms, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2018.
- Lu, Qing: Data parallelization in complex event processing without a dedicated splitter, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2016.
- Luo, Zhang: Photodiode Signal Processing Algorithms and Architectures for Feature Extraction with Gbit/s Sampling Rates, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2012.
- Ma, Hua: Concepts and Metrics for Measurement and Prediction of the Execution Time of GPU Rendering Commands, Masterarbeit Nr. 3635, 2014.
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- Maaß, Marius: In-network complex event processing using advanced data-plane programming, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2018.
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- Madasu, Venkata Subba Rao: Intelligent Decoding of a Location Reference in Digital Road Maps, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2005.
- Maddineni, Sharat Babu: Concept and Implementation of a GUI-extension to select and parameterize handling and assembly systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2004.
- Mahajan, Sumeet: Device Selection Algorithm for Mobile Traffic Offloading, Masterarbeit Nr. 3407, 2013.
- Mahmoodi, Saeed: A canonical language for complex event processing systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2018.
- Mahrous, Khaled: A framework for service-based data processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2017.
- Malya, Prasad P: Economic Feasibility Analysis of Vehicle-to-Grid Service from an EV Owner's Perspective in the German Electricity Market, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2020.
- Mangasandra, Sreenivas: Evaluation and Assessment of Performance Constraints of Workflow Systems imposed by varying underlying Infrastructures, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2005.
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- Marei, Ahmed Mohamed: Development of a Mass Memory Unit for a small University Satellite, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2010.
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- Matejetz, Simon: Extending modeling concepts of OpenClams to support performance analysis with layered queuing, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2021.
- Mathew, Lijo: Benchmarking the Co-Processing Capabilities of FPGA´s under High Level Language Conditions for Computing Intensive Applications in Image Processing and Matrix Algebra, Masterarbeit Nr. 3553, 2013.
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- Mehlbeer, Florentin: Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Applied to Temporal Planning of Concurrent Actions, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2014.
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- Mohamed, Hassan: Enabling Intra- and Inter-layer Processing in Multi-core Deep Learning Accelerators, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2020.
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- Müller, Björn: Advanced Analytics for Improving the Quality of Sensors, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2023.
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- Müller, Michael: Design and Evaluation of Availability Models for the RabbitMQ Messaging Middleware, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2017.
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- Mukunthan, Sujatha: Embedded Runtime Security, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2002.
- Nagarathinam, Agalya: Development of a Software Framework for Jasmine Robots using ZigBee Communication Protocol, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2007.
- Nasir, Umair: Color Balance in LASER Scanner Point Clouds, Masterarbeit Nr. 3477, 2013.
- Nataraj, Geethanjali: Integration of heterogeneous data in the data vault model, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2019.
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- Nerriec, Morgan: Development of a Web Portal based solution to control an embedded Linux appliance, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2002.
- Neugebauer, Nikolai: Dynamische Teilausführung von Mashup Plans zur Modellierungszeit, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2017.
- Nguyen, Son Tung: Representation learning of scene images for task and motion planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2020.
- Nguyen, Thi Xuan Dung: Parallel Architecture for Asymmetric Numeral System Entropy Coding Algorithm, Masterarbeit Nr. 123, 2018.
- Niebling, Florian: Entwicklung einer Methode zur datengetriebenen Vorhersage der Ausgaben einer Kaltmassivumformsimulation, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2023.
- Niedermann, Florian: Development of a method for the integrated handling of process variables and operational data sources, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2008.
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- Nijagunaiah, Shanmukha: Design and Development of Compression Algorithms for Scientific Simulation Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 103, 2017.
- Noori, Hoda: Adding value to object storage: integrating analytics with cloud storage back ends, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2016.
- Obralija, Admir: Framework zur Entscheidungsfusion für die Kombination von Fehlerdiagnosemethoden, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2021.
- Ochoa, Jeimy Catherine Millán: Design and development of a localization system for a sensor network in collective symbiotic organisms, Masterarbeit Nr. 3137, 2011.
- Oppold, Sarah: Datenherkunft für Dublettenerkennung, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2017.
- Ortiz, Maria Mera: Correlation Measures for Text Analysis Results, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2008.
- Ortiz, Michel Angeles: Evaluation of new CNN Models for Training on Small Datasets, Masterarbeit Nr. 109, 2017.
- Otlinghaus, Fritz: Coupling of macro and micro scale in a continuum-biomechanical model of the human liver using preCICE, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2022.
- Panday, Narottam: Disambiguation on Write, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2019.
- Pang, Xin: On-Demand Spatiotemporal Data Analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 121, 2023.
- Parameshwaran, Pradeep: Analysis and design of document centric workflows for automating tasks in a multi-tenant cloud archive solution, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2014.
- Pareja Veredas, Ramiro: Development of a accelerometer system for RoboCup, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2006.
- Pauls, Jan-Hendrik: State machine replication for highly available service networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2015.
- Pauly, Vincenz: Situationserkennung mithilfe von Smart Contracts, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2020.
- Perez, David E. Gil: Analysis of tempo estimation algorithms and implementation of a perceived tempo estimator, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2005.
- Pichika, Naga Trinadh Kiran: Zentrales Konfigurations-Management in geclusterten Systemen, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2005.
- Piller, Lukas: Computation of 3D audio using ambisonics for an immersive audio-visual 3D experience, Masterarbeit Nr. 101, 2023.
- Pilz, Daniel: Automated quality enhancer for fast neural networks on mobile devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 97, 2022.
- Popp, Matthias: Comprehensive Support of the Lifecycle of Machine Learning Models in Model Management Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2019.
- Prabha Sekar, Suriya: Automatic indoor modelling using crowd-sensed point clouds, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2018.
- Prabhakaran, Vishnu Suganth: Indoor human tracking using environment-aware motion models from convolutional neural networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 131, 2018.
- Pradhan, Subhasis: Person recognition and automated following using a low cost EGB-D sensor, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2013.
- Prakash, Rohit: Hierarchical inverse reinforcement learning from motion capture data, Masterarbeit Nr. 110, 2019.
- Prieto Martinez, Victor: Development of cooperative behavioral patterns for swarm robotic scenarios, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2006.
- Prieto, Laura Fernández: Theoretical analysis of different algorithm for autonomous situation recognition using machine teaching technologies, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2007.
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- Pulido de los Reyes, Ruben: Dynamic Hierarchical Clustering to Enhance OLAP Analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2008.
- Qureshi, Kashif Wajid: A Scalable FFT Processor Architecture Based on Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2017.
- Ragab, Mahmoud: 3D CT Reconstruction Architecture for FPGA, Masterarbeit Nr. 109, 2018.
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- Rahman, Muhammad Arifur: Conception and implementation of a secure engineering and key exchange mechanism for the open source PLC Beremiz using a test driven approach, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2016.
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- Ranjan, Sunny: Large-scale Data Mining Analytics Based on MapReduce, Masterarbeit Nr. 3699, 2014.
- Rapp, Jannis: Einbindung von Domänenexperten in die interaktive Verfeinerung von Clustering-Resultaten, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2022.
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- Raskin, Vadim: Automatic interpretation of a declarative cloud service description, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2015.
- Ravindran, Dinesh: Evaluation of a Novel General Purpose Coprocessor Architecture based on Programmable Finite State Machine Technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 3051, 2010.
- Reddy, Marthala Vishnu Vardhan: Design and Implementation of Privacy-aware Cloud-based Search Algorithms for Tracking Mobile Devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2016.
- Reiser, Axel: Data Augmentation Techniques for Neural Networks in Static Hand Gesture Recognition, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2017.
- Repanovici, Roland-Cristian: Concepts for Virtual Knowledge Graphs on Lakehouses, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2023.
- Riaz, Zohaib: Optimized Position Update Protocols for Secure and Efficient Position Sharing, Masterarbeit Nr. 3458, 2013.
- Richter, Marcel: Machine-learning based Mobility Prediction for Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2023.
- Rohloff, Tom: Flow control for event-based cyber-physical systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2018.
- Root, Martin: Vergleich und Implementierung mehrerer Handerkennungsalgorithmen mit maschinellem Lernen auf Basis von 2D- und 3D-Bilddaten, Masterarbeit Nr. 115, 2018.
- Ruparelia, Sameer: Implementation of Watershed Based Image Segmentation Algorithm in FPGA, Masterarbeit Nr. 3256, 2012.
- Sadhasivan, Hema: Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning for Decision Support on Fault Correction in Manufacturing, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2020.
- Saez, Pablo Toledano: Real Time Robot Controller Framework Based on Cell/B.E. Architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 2777, 2008.
- Saha, Shaiori: Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning with Semantic Web Technologies for Decision Support in Manufacturing, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2021.
- Sakkal, Fadi: Combining application layer and network layer filtering in Pub/Sub systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2018.
- Salaheddine, Ali: Context-aware machine-learning-based error detection, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2023.
- Saleem, Muhammad Usman: Cost optimization for data placement strategies in an analytical cloud service, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2016.
- Salsa, Diana: Ein sicherer Object Store für Android, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2017.
- Sanchez-Rico, Victor: Generic Framework for prototyping of high-speed Digital Signal Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2008.
- Sangolli, Suhas Devendrakeerti: Deep learning in stream entity resolution, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2022.
- Sanwald, Tim: Automatic splitting in data-parallel complex event processing systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2016.
- Sarangi, Sunayana: Optimizing the efficiency of data-intensive Data Mashups using Map-Reduce, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2017.
- Sardar, Muhammad Usman: In-memory check pointing in speculative parallel complex event processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2018.
- Sardina, Daniel García: Framework for Distributed Data Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2008.
- Sarker, Konica: A Posteriori Rate Allocation for Digital Hologram based on the EBCOT encoder, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2012.
- Sarmah, Himanshu: Workload-enabled content-based routing in software-defined networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2016.
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- Schiffmann, Tobias: Processor frequency sweet spot prediction based on dynamic code analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2022.
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- Schnack, Stefan: Analysis of Parallel Processing Processes by Task Graph Reduction, Masterarbeit Nr. 84, 2019.
- Schneefuss, Patrick: Desychronization algorithms for fast ILP solutions of TDMA schedules in IEEE Time-Sensitive Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2021.
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- Schubert, Marc: Evaluation and Optimizations of Best Effort Streams in Time-Sensitive Networking, Masterarbeit Nr. 115, 2019.
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- Shah, Shishir: A Resource Efficient and Adaptive IP-Core for Display Technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 3593, 2013.
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