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unilogo Universität Stuttgart

Institute of Software Technology : Publications

Year 2008

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Documents of the Institute


Articles in Proceedings

  • Raza, Aoun; Vogel, Gunther: RCanalyser: A Flexible Framework for the Detection of Data Races in Parallel Programs. In: Kordon, Fabrice (ed.); Vardanega, Tullio (ed.): Proceedings: Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2008 13th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Venice, Italy, June 16-20, 2008.
  • Wiebe, Eduard; Keul, Steffen; Staiger, Stefan; Vogel, Gunther; Haufler, Andreas; Scherer, Wolfgang: Entwurfsmuster-Erkennung mit Bauhaus. In: Gimnich, Rainer (ed.); Kaiser, Uwe (ed.); Quante, Jochen (ed.); Winter, Andreas (ed.): Proceedings of the 10th Workshop Software Reengineering (WSR 2008), 5. - 7. May 2008, Bad Honnef.


Seminar Papers


Diploma Theses (archive)

Student Reports Software Engineering

  • Kottmann, Pierre; Megerlin, Markus; Titze, Robert: Bauhaus - First Contact, Student Report Software Engineering No. 79, 2008.