Dokumente des Instituts
Masterarbeiten- Akouta, Maria: Applicability of low-code development platforms in large industries, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2022.
- Bhattacharya, Pratyusha: Concept Drift Detection and adaptation for machine learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2022.
- Chow, Yiu Wai: Bimodal taint analysis for detecting unusual parameter-sink flows, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2022.
- Haller, Tobias: Design, implementation and evaluation of an application for guiding architectural refactoring to microservices, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2022.
- He, Jiayu: Software engineering for quantum-based systems: a survey, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2022.
- Huber, Dominik: Neural models for automatic program repair vs. human developers, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2022.
- Kesim, Dominik: Annotation-based Modeling of Non-functional Requirements and Analysis Results in Domain-driven Design, Masterarbeit Nr. 127, 2022.
- Koch, Daniel: Migrating monolithic architectures to microservices: a study on software quality attributes, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2022.
- Meißner, Niklas: Interdisciplinary Composition of E-Learning Platforms based on Reusable Low-Code Adapters, Masterarbeit Nr. 113, 2022.
- Michelbach, Katrin: Empirically Driven Taxonomy of Project Failures in the Context of an Agile Web Application Development Project within a Conventional Software Development Organization, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2022.
- Munoz Baron, Marvin: Validating the threats to validity in program comprehension experiments, Masterarbeit Nr. 23, 2022.
- Ragavendran, Koushik: NullnessGraphSeq: Learning-based Java nullness inference, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2022.
- Reichel, Maximilian: Metamorphic testing of version control systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2022.
- Schäfer, Melanie: Factors that enhance female participation in german computer science curricula: An exploration, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2022.
- Schindler, Dominik: Der Einfluss motivationaler Faktoren auf die Messung von Codeverstehen, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2022.
- Siddappa, Prathima: Towards addressing MLOps pipeline challenges : practical guidelines based on a multivocal literature review, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2022.
- Spaney, Patrick: Implementing an enumerative semantic differencing operator for OPC UA, Masterarbeit Nr. 122, 2022.
- Specht, Magnus Matthäus: Ideas and committing to ideas in software engineering : an industrial case study, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2022.
- Steinert, Michael: Design and implementation of software tests for the ISS-experiment FARGO based on STPA-BDD, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2022.
- Stürner, David: Generating code for distributed deployments of cyber-physical systems using the MechatronicUML, Masterarbeit Nr. 128, 2022.
- Weller, Marcel: Transformation of technology-specific deployment models into technology-agnostic deployment models, Masterarbeit Nr. 123, 2022.
- Zahariev, Denis: Supporting and verifying transient behavior specifications in chaos engineering, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2022.
- Zilch, Markus: Evaluation of explainability in autoscaling frameworks, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2022.
- Zimmermann, Eva: System-Theoretic Process Analysis for AI-Based Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 95, 2022.
Bachelorarbeiten- Albaba, Maher: Automatische Ableitung von Regeln für statische Sicherheitsanalysen aus öffentlichen Sicherheitslücken-Datenbanken, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 35, 2022.
- Alsaeed, Ammar: Untersuchung der Anwendbarkeit von didaktischen Konzepten zur Vermittlung der Grundlagen zur Programmierung in Python, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 43, 2022.
- Ben Salha, Mohamed: Towards Automatically Detecting User Experience Smells in Web Stores, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 41, 2022.
- Berberich, Jens: Automatic Derivation of Rules for Static Security Analysis from Public Source Code Repositories, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 33, 2022.
- Carpio, Cedrick: Gamification of Software Engineering Education: An Exploration, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 4, 2022.
- Chen, Steven: Supporting the documentation of architectural decision records in IDEs : a VS code plugin for the ADR manager, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 46, 2022.
- Friedel, Christian: Integrating an emotion-based Teachable Machine into Moodle e-learning Platform, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 45, 2022.
- Grande, Evelin: From physiological signals to emotions : an integrative literature review, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 44, 2022.
- Grote, Marcel: Developing an autonomous trading system : a case study on AI engineering practices, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 70, 2022.
- Krawczyk, Lukas: An Approach for Identifiying False Positive Warnings in SAST Tooling, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 34, 2022.
- Manea, Radu: Text-to-CAD-Model-Part Synthesis: A Feasibility Study on Adapting Machine Learning Techniques from Image Synthesis, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 74, 2022.
- Rodestock, Tobias: Visualizing and explaining the scaling behavior of self-adaptive microservice systems in kubernetes, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 13, 2022.
- Schroth, Stephan: Integrating emotion recognition from real-time videos into Moodle e-learning platform, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 38, 2022.
- Senger, Tobias: A unified open- and closed-source software requirements dataset, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 9, 2022.
- Smponias, Philipp: A Systematic Categorization and Comparison of Approaches and Tools for the Quality Assurance of Jupyter Notebooks, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 19, 2022.
- Summerer, Tim: Graphical editors for defining scaling policies analysable using simulations, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 84, 2022.
- Verma, Ruben: Adoption of a new, efficient database architecture for the comet stream simulation tool IMEX, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 8, 2022.