@inproceedings {INPROC-2003-68, author = {Gunther Vogel}, title = {{Extraktion statischer Objekt-Prozess-Graphen}}, booktitle = {5. Workshop Software Reengineering, Universit{\"a}t Koblenz-Landau}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Koblenz-Landau}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Germany}, pages = {25--26}, type = {Workshop-Beitrag}, month = {Mai}, year = {2003}, keywords = {Software Reengineering; Graphen}, language = {Deutsch}, cr-category = {G.2.2 Discrete Mathematics Graph Theory,
I.2.8 Problem Solving, Control Methods, and Search}, department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Softwaretechnologie, Programmiersprachen und {\"U}bersetzerbau}, abstract = {Kein Abstract verf{\"u}gbar.}, url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2003-68&engl=0} }
@inproceedings {INPROC-2003-67, author = {Stefan Bellon and Daniel Simon}, title = {{Vergleich von Klonerkennungstechniken}}, booktitle = {Softwaretechnik-Trends, Band 23, Heft 2}, publisher = {GI}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Germany}, pages = {10--11}, type = {Workshop-Beitrag}, month = {Mai}, year = {2003}, keywords = {Software Reengineering; Klonerkennung}, language = {Deutsch}, cr-category = {D.2.13 Software Engineering Reusable Software,
K.6.3 Software Management}, department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Softwaretechnologie, Programmiersprachen und {\"U}bersetzerbau}, abstract = {Kein Abstract verf{\"u}gbar.}, url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2003-67&engl=0} }
@inproceedings {INPROC-2003-66, author = {Rainer Koschke and Daniel Simon}, title = {{Hierarchical Reflexion Models}}, booktitle = {proceedings of the 10th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Nov. 13.-16., 2003.1}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Germany}, pages = {36--45}, type = {Konferenz-Beitrag}, month = {November}, year = {2003}, keywords = {Reengineering; Reflexion Model; Hierarchical Architecture Model}, language = {Englisch}, cr-category = {D.2.11 Software Engineering Software Architectures,
I.6.4 Model Validation and Analysis,
K.6.3 Software Management}, department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Softwaretechnologie, Programmiersprachen und {\"U}bersetzerbau}, abstract = {The reflexion model originally proposed by Murphy and Notkin allows one to
structurally validate a descriptive or prescriptive architecture model against
a source model. First, the entities in the source model are mapped onto the
architectural model, then discrepancies between the architecture model and
source model are computed automatically. The original reflexion model allows an
analyst to specify only non-hierarchical architecture models, which is
insufficient for larger systems that are decomposed into hierarchical
subsystems. This paper extends the original reflexion model to hierarchical
architecture models, describes a method to apply this technique, and reports on
case studies conducted on two large-scale and complex applications (namely, the
C compiler sdcc for 8-bit microprocessors and the GNU C compiler gcc).}, url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2003-66&engl=0} }
@article {ART-2003-22, author = {Thomas Eisenbarth and Rainer Koschke and Daniel Simon}, title = {{Locating Features in Source Code}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions in Software Engineering}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, pages = {195--209}, type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift}, month = {M{\"a}rz}, year = {2003}, keywords = {Reengineering; Dynamische Analysen; Statische Analysen}, language = {Englisch}, cr-category = {F.3.2 Semantics of Programming Languages}, department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Softwaretechnologie, Programmiersprachen und {\"U}bersetzerbau}, abstract = {Understanding the implementation of a certain feature of a system requires
identification of the computational units of the system that contribute to this
feature. In many cases, the mapping of features to the source code is poorly
documented. In this paper, we present a semiautomatic technique that
reconstructs the mapping for features that are triggered by the user and
exhibit an observable behavior. The mapping is in general not injective; that
is, a computational unit may contribute to several features. Our technique
allows for the distinction between general and specific computational units
with respect to a given set of features. For a set of features, it also
identifies jointly and distinctly required computational units. The presented
technique combines dynamic and static analyses to rapidly focus on the system's
parts that relate to a specific set of features. Dynamic information is
gathered based on a set of scenarios invoking the features. Rather than
assuming a one-to-one correspondence between features and scenarios as in
earlier work, we can now handle scenarios that invoke many features.
Furthermore, we show how our method allows incremental exploration of features
while preserving the {\^a}€œmental map{\^a}€ the analyst has gained through the
analysis.}, url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=ART-2003-22&engl=0} }
@article {ART-2003-21, author = {Rainer Koschke}, title = {{Software Visualization in Software Maintenance, Reverse Engineering, and Reengineering: A Research Survey}}, journal = {Journal on Software Maintenance and Evolution}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.}, pages = {87--109}, type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift}, month = {M{\"a}rz}, year = {2003}, keywords = {Reverse Engineering; Software Maintenance; Software Visualization}, language = {Englisch}, cr-category = {K.6.3 Software Management}, department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Softwaretechnologie, Programmiersprachen und {\"U}bersetzerbau}, abstract = {Kein Abstract verf{\"u}gbar.}, url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=ART-2003-21&engl=0} }