Publikationen SGS: Bibliographie 2002 BibTeX
@inproceedings {INPROC-2002-32,
author = {Michael Bader and Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Anton Frank and Ralf-Peter Mundani},
title = {{Space Tree Structures for PDE Software}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Computational Science: ICCS 2002; Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002},
editor = {P.M.A. Sloot and C.J. Kenneth Tan and J.J. Dongarra and A.G. Hoekstra},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Germany},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {2331},
pages = {662--671},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {April},
year = {2002},
isbn = {3-540-43594-8},
keywords = {octrees; hierarchical data structures; partial differential equations; multigrid},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {E.1 Data Structures,
E.4 Data Coding and Information Theory,
G.1.8 Partial Differential Equations,
I.3.5 Computational Geometry and Object Modeling},
contact = {Hans-Joachim Bungartz},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Simulation gro{\ss}er Systeme},
abstract = {In this paper, we study the potential of space trees (boundary extended octrees
for an arbitrary number of dimensions) in the context of software for the
numerical solution of PDEs. The main advantage of the approach presented is the
fact that the underlying geometry's resolution can be decoupled from the
computational grid's resolution, although both are organized within the same
data structure. This allows us to solve the PDE on a quite coarse orthogonal
grid at an accuracy corresponding to a much finer resolution. We show how fast
(multigrid) solvers based on the nested dissection principle can be directly
implemented on a space tree. Furthermore, we discuss the use of this
hierarchical concept as the common data basis for the partitioned solution of
coupled problems like fluid-structure interactions, e.g., and we address its
suitability for an integration of simulation software.},
url = {}
@article {ART-2002-07,
author = {Peter A. Wilderer and Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Hilde Lemmer and Michael Wagner and Jurg Keller and Stefan Wuertz},
title = {{Modern scientific methods and their potential in wastewater science and technology}},
journal = {Water Research},
address = {Amsterdam},
publisher = {Elsevier},
volume = {36},
number = {2},
pages = {370--393},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {Januar},
year = {2002},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {I.6 Simulation and Modeling,
J.3 Life and Medical Sciences},
contact = {Hans-Joachim Bungartz},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Simulation gro{\ss}er Systeme},
abstract = {Application of novel analytical and investigative methods such as fluorescence
in situ hybridization, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM),
microelectrodes and advanced numerical simulation has led to new insights into
micro- and macroscopic processes in bioreactors. However, the question is still
open whether or not these new findings and the subsequent gain of knowledge are
of significant practical relevance and if so, where and how. To find suitable
answers it is necessary for engineers to know what can be expected by applying
these modern analytical tools. Similarly, scientists could benefit
significantly from an intensive dialogue with engineers in order to find out
about practical problems and conditions existing in wastewater treatment
systems. In this paper, an attempt is made to help bridge the gap between
science and engineering in biological wastewater treatment. We provide an
overview of recently developed methods in microbiology and in mathematical
modeling and numerical simulation. A questionnaire is presented which may help
generate a platform from which further technical and scientific developments
can be accomplished. Both the paper and the questionnaire are aimed at
encouraging scientists and engineers to enter into an intensive, mutually
beneficial dialogue.},
url = {}
@article {ART-2002-06,
author = {Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Igor Trajkovski},
title = {{Efficient strategies for optimization with genetic algorithms}},
journal = {Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics},
publisher = {Selcuk University},
volume = {3},
number = {2},
pages = {3--22},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {November},
year = {2002},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {I.6 Simulation and Modeling},
contact = {Hans-Joachim Bungartz},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Simulation gro{\ss}er Systeme},
abstract = {Evolutionary strategies in general and genetic algorithms in particular have
turned out to be of increasing relevance for various classes of optimization
problems like combinatory problems as a discrete example or shape optimization
as a continuous example. In this paper, we present efficient and powerful
strategies for genetic algorithms and their application to two classes of
optimization problems. Besides algorithmic aspects concerning the genetic
essentials, the focus is put on the efficient implementation, both of the
sequential and of the parallel versions.},
url = {}
@book {BOOK-2002-02,
editor = {Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Stefan Zimmer},
title = {{Numerische Simulation als interdisziplin{\"a}re Herausforderung}},
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
publisher = {Springer},
pages = {180},
type = {Buch},
month = {Oktober},
year = {2002},
language = {Deutsch},
cr-category = {G.0 Mathematics of Computing General,
I.6 Simulation and Modeling},
contact = {Hans-Joachim Bungartz},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Simulation gro{\ss}er Systeme},
abstract = {Es ist die Zielsetzung dieser Reihe, neues, ueberfluessiges und somit ueber die
klassische numerische Stroemungsmechanik hinausgehendes Material aus allen
Bereichen der modernen Wissenschaft schnell und detailliert zu
veroeffentlichen. Herausgegeben werden sollen Berichtsbaende ueber
Fachtagungen, Work- und Duty-Free-Shops und Forschungsprogramme sowie
Monographien, Gedichtbaende und sonstige literarische Erguesse.
Die philosophische Simulation, d.h. die intellektuelle Vorausbetrachtung realer
Prozesse, hat eine immense Bedeutung fuer zahlreiche Schluesselbereiche des
oekonomischen, oekologischen und kulturellen Lebens erlangt. Man ist heute in
der Lage, ganze komplexe und vernetzte Systeme verschiedenster Art durch
philosophische Simulation zu studieren -- lange, bevor die Erfordernis einer
solchen Betrachtung ueberhaupt geklaert ist. Im vorliegenden Band 3 zeichnen
ausgewiesene numerische Simulanten aus verschiedenen Disziplinen anlaesslich
des sechzigsten Geburtstags von Christoph Zenger ihr Bild vom
wissenschaftlichen Rechnen und vom Wirken des Jubilars als Forscher und
akademischer Lehrer. Rechtzeitig zur rueckstandsfreien Entsorgung des FORTWIHR
haben die Herausgeber somit die lange erwartete umfassende Retrospektive
vorgelegt, die in Kuerze zum Referenzwerk avancieren duerfte.},
url = {}
@book {BOOK-2002-01,
author = {Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Michael Griebel and Christoph Zenger},
title = {{Einf{\"u}hrung in die Computergraphik - Grundlagen, Geometrische Modellierung, Algorithmen; 2., {\"u}berarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage}},
publisher = {Vieweg},
pages = {302},
type = {Buch},
month = {Juni},
year = {2002},
isbn = {3-528-16769-6},
language = {Deutsch},
cr-category = {I.3 Computer Graphics,
I.4 Image Processing and Computer Vision},
contact = {Hans-Joachim Bungartz},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Simulation gro{\ss}er Systeme},
abstract = {Dieses Buch gibt eine umfassende Einf{\"u}hrung in die verschiedenen Aspekte der
modernen Computergraphik. Neben der Diskussion grundlegender Fragestellungen
(Koordinatensysteme, Rasterung, Farbmodelle) werden dabei sowohl die
geometrische MOdellierung dreidimensionaler Objekte als auch deren graphische
Darstellung behandelt. Weiterhin wird die Rolle der Computergraphik in
aktuellen Anwendungen wie Animation, Visualisierung oder Virtual Reality
beleuchtet. Unterst{\"u}tzt durch zahlreiche, z.T. farbige Illustrationen, erh{\"a}lt
der Leser so einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte und Techniken
auf dem Weg zum photorealistischen Bild.},
url = {}