Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems (IPVS)


An overview of publications of the Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems.

Publications SGS: Bibliography 2008 BibTeX

@inproceedings {INPROC-2008-153,
   author = {Christoph Zenger and Michael Bader and Miriam Mehl},
   title = {{Cache oblivious Memory Management for PDE-solvers}},
   booktitle = {Schnelle L{\"o}ser f{\"u}r partielle Differentialgleichungen},
   editor = {Randolph E. Banks},
   publisher = {Sonstige},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {Oberwolfach Reports},
   volume = {23},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {January},
   year = {2008},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {I.6 Simulation and Modeling},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Simulation of Large Systems},
   abstract = {leer},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2008-152,
   author = {Miriam Mehl and Markus Brenk and Ioan Lucian Muntean and Tobias Neckel and Tobias Weinzierl},
   title = {{A Modular and Efficient Simulation Environment for Fluid-Structure Interactions with Large Domain Deformation}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Athens, September 2008},
   editor = {M. Papadrakakis and B. H. V. Topping},
   address = {Kippen, Strirlingshire, United Kingdom},
   publisher = {Civil-Comp Press},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {September},
   year = {2008},
   isbn = {9781905088263},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {I.6 Simulation and Modeling},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Simulation of Large Systems},
   abstract = {leer},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2008-151,
   author = {Tobias Neckel and Miriam Mehl and Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Takayuki Aoki},
   title = {{CFD simulations using an AMR-like approach in the PDE framework Peano}},
   booktitle = {CFD2008},
   address = {Tokyo},
   publisher = {Sonstige},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {December},
   year = {2008},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {I.6 Simulation and Modeling},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Simulation of Large Systems},
   abstract = {leer},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2008-148,
   author = {Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Dirk Pfl{\"u}ger and Stefan Zimmer},
   title = {{Adaptive Sparse Grid Techniques for Data Mining}},
   booktitle = {Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes 2006},
   editor = {H.G. Bock and E. Kostina and X.P. Hoang and R. Rannacher},
   address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
   publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {121--130},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {July},
   year = {2008},
   isbn = {978-3540794080},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {G.1.2 Numerical Analysis Approximation,     H.2.8 Database Applications},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Simulation of Large Systems},
   abstract = {It was shown in [GaGT01] that the task of classification in data mining can be tackled by employing ansatz functions associated to grid points in the (often high dimensional) feature-space rather than using data-centered ansatz functions. To cope with the curse of dimensionality, sparse grids have been used. Based on this approach we propose an efficient finite-element-like discretization technique for classification instead of the combination technique used in [GaGT01]. The main goal of our method is to make use of adaptivity to further reduce the number of grid points needed. Employing adaptivity in classification is reasonable as the target function contains smooth regions as well as rough ones. Regarding implementational issues we present an algorithm for the fast multiplication of the vector of unknowns with the coefficient matrix. We give an example for the adaptive selection of grid points and show that special care has to be taken regarding the boundary values, as adaptive techniques commonly used for solving PDEs are not optimal here. Results for some typical classification tasks, including a problem from the UCI repository, are presented. [GaGT01] J. Garcke, M. Griebel and M. Thess. Data Mining with Sparse Grids. Computing 67(3), 2001, p. 225 - 253.},
   url = {}
@article {ART-2008-29,
   author = {Markus Brenk and Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Miriam Mehl and Ioan Lucian Muntean and Tobias Neckel and Klaus Daubner},
   title = {{An Eulerian Approach for Partitioned Fluid-structure Simulations on Cartesian Grids}},
   journal = {Computational Mechanics},
   address = {Berlin, Heidelberg,},
   publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   volume = {43},
   number = {1},
   pages = {115--124},
   type = {Article in Journal},
   month = {January},
   year = {2008},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {I.6 Simulation and Modeling},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Simulation of Large Systems},
   abstract = {leer},
   url = {}
@article {ART-2008-28,
   author = {Markus Brenk and Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Miriam Mehl and Ioan Lucian Muntean and Tobias Neckel and Tobias Weinzierl},
   title = {{Numerical Simulation of Particle Transport in a Drift Ratchet}},
   journal = {SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing},
   editor = {Chris Johnson and David Keyes and Ulrich R{\"u}de},
   publisher = {SIAM},
   volume = {30},
   number = {6},
   pages = {2777--2798},
   type = {Article in Journal},
   month = {October},
   year = {2008},
   issn = {1064-8275},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {I.6 Simulation and Modeling},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Simulation of Large Systems},
   abstract = {leer},
   url = {}
@inbook {INBOOK-2008-18,
   author = {Miriam Mehl and Tobias Neckel and Tobias Weinzierl},
   title = {{Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVII}},
   series = {Concepts for the Efficient Implementation of Domain Decomposition Approaches for Fluid-Structure Interactions},
   address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York},
   publisher = {Springer},
   series = {Lecture Notes in Science an Enginnering},
   volume = {60},
   pages = {591--598},
   type = {Article in Book},
   month = {January},
   year = {2008},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {I.6 Simulation and Modeling},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Simulation of Large Systems},
   abstract = {leer},
   url = {}
@inbook {INBOOK-2008-17,
   author = {Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Miriam Mehl and Tobias Weinzierl and Wolfgang Eckhardt},
   title = {{ICCS 2008: Advancing Science through Computation, Part III}},
   series = {DaStGen - A Data Structure Generator for Parallel C++ HPC Software},
   address = {Berlin, Heidelberg,},
   publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
   volume = {5103},
   pages = {213--222},
   type = {Article in Book},
   month = {June},
   year = {2008},
   issn = {0302-9743},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {I.6 Simulation and Modeling},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Simulation of Large Systems},
   abstract = {leer},
   url = {}
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