- Abdelaal, Moataz: Multi-time scale dynamic graph visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2017.
- Abdelhady, Essam: Proxemic Interactions for Interactive Exhibitions, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2015.
- Abdelrahman, Yomna: Thermal Imaging for Interactive Surfaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 3478, 2013.
- Ableitner, Tobias: Barrierefreies Smarthome, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2016.
- Achberger, Alexander: Entwicklung eines interaktiven Visual Analytics Tools zur Analyse von Fahrtvideos, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2019.
- Ahmed, Mohamed: Leveraging large language models for latent intention recognition and next action prediction, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2024.
- Albrecht, Stephan: An extended analysis of difficulties and regularities in optical flow benchmarks, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2017.
- Alt, Marco: Occlusion-Aware Variational Optical Flow Refinement, Masterarbeit Nr. 84, 2021.
- Aly, Mahy: Development and Evaluation of an Assistive System using Hand Recognition and Motivating Elements, Masterarbeit Nr. 3465, 2013.
- Amann, Marco: Visualization of differences in perception caused by vision deficiency, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2021.
- An, Lihua: Test Automation and Evaluation of Graphical User Interfaces in a Continuous Integration Environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2010.
- Assenov, Ivan: Erweiterung und Evaluation einer lupenbasierten Technik zur Exploration von Textsammlungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2017.
- Auda, Jonas: Investigation of Delay Opportunities of Mobile Notifications, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2016.
- Aukschlat, Mark: Design und Vergleich von in Benachrichtigungen integrierten Visualisierungen für Smartwatches, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2019.
- Avci, Emre: Investigating Objective and Subjective Effects of Aggregating Forecasts from Multiple Sources, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Awad-Mohammed, Miriam: Eyetracking für das Zusammenspiel von Text und Visualisierung, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2024.
- Aydin, Onur: Content arrangement on large high-resolution displays: a PDF-reader, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2017.
- Bacher, Neal: Domain-Specific Optical Flow for Surgical Video Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 107, 2021.
- Balasubramanian, Sathish Aanand: Visual analysis of a machine learning approach applied to turbulence data, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2022.
- Banna, S.M. Hasanul: User-defined transfer functions to improve pointing performance in graphical user interfaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2017.
- Bannikov, Artem: Investigation of methods for reducing calibration effort in RSSI-based indoor locating systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Baricova, Katarina: User-centric approach of visual cues to enhance VR orientation for people with visual impairments, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2024.
- Bauer, Matthias: Curvature-minimizing interface reconstruction, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2019.
- Bauerfeld, Andreas: Heterogene kamerabasierte Personenidentifikation, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2017.
- Becher, Michael: Feature Based Volumetric Terrain Generation, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Berian, Gratian: Progressive sparse coding for in situ volume visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2017.
- Bihlmaier, Simon Tobias: Optical flow estimation with separable cost volume, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2022.
- Blumenröther, Julian: Enhancing Driving Experience with Geovisual Recommendations, Masterarbeit Nr. 118, 2022.
- Boldt, Robin: Vibrotactile motorcycle navigation, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2017.
- Bonasch, Hannes: Analysing Deep Learning Decoding Methods on Multiple ERP Paradigms, Masterarbeit Nr. 114, 2022.
- Bosch, Harald: Interaktive graphbasierte Filterung von Ergebnismengen, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2008.
- Brantner, Vinzenz: Streaming in web-based AR, Masterarbeit Nr. 128, 2023.
- Bruder, Valentin: Performance Quantification of Volume Visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Campos, Marco Loureiro: Variationsansatz zur gemeinsamen Bestimmung von Tiefe, Albedo, Beleuchtung und der Kameraantwortfunktion, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2017.
- Cetinkaya, Emine: Visuelle Unterstützung zur Analyse von Repertory Grids, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2018.
- Cho, YeonJoo: A 3D-aware conditional diffusion model for gaze redirection, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2024.
- Damala, Krishna: Visual Exploration of Workload Performance Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2017.
- Debnath, Munmun: Reproducing, extending and updating dimensionalty reductions, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2021.
- Dörr, Nina Pascale: Influence of distractors on visual attention techniques, Masterarbeit Nr. 45, 2022.
- Dumitrescu, Otilia-Camelia: Visual Debugging for Particle-based Simulations of Fluids, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Dzamashvili, Anastasia: Analyzing Music Instrument Playing History via an Interactive Visual Diary, Masterarbeit Nr. 70, 2020.
- Erdemann, Michael: Recreating False-Belief Tests as Visual Question Answering Tasks, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2023.
- Erol, Cihan: Visual Analysis of Experimental Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media Ensemble Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2020.
- Farley, Andreas: LiftVR : VR-based motion guidance system teaching back-friendly lifting, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2023.
- Fasihi, Arash: Rule Based Inference and Action Selection Based on Monitoring Data in IoT, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Fatehi Ebrahimzadeh, Hamed: Visual prediction of quantitative information using social media data, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2017.
- Fauser, Elias: Generating field data with GANs for evaluations of visualization performance, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2018.
- Fierro, Rodrigo Ventura: Notification Mechanisms for Smart TVs, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2019.
- Fontanarosa, Roberto: Visuelle interaktive Exploration relationaler Daten mit geographischem Bezug, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2018.
- Franco Salazar, Carlos Alberto: Target Selection on Hand Held Tablets, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Franke, Max: Visualization and analysis of text documents with geographic references, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2018.
- Frieß, Florian: Mapping molecular surfaces of arbitrary genus to a sphere, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2015.
- Gabriel, Osaro: Visual exploration of topics in multimedia news corpora, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2018.
- Gadirov, Hamid: Autoencoder-based feature extraction for ensemble visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2020.
- Gänßlen, Florian: Notification Strategies in Smart Environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2016.
- Gairing, Patrick: Taxonomy of first and second order regularizers for variational motion estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2017.
- Galuschka, Marcel: Exploration Support for Performance Maps, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2023.
- Gao, Yuan: Optimization of Service Following in Automotive Radio by Applying Service Landscape Memory, Masterarbeit Nr. 3479, 2013.
- Garcia Bescos, Sandra: Variationelle Verfeinerung zur Schätzung von Szenenfluss, Masterarbeit Nr. 111, 2022.
- Garzon Lorenzo, Antonio: Bandwidth extension of throat microphone signals with feature mapping techniques, Masterarbeit Nr. 10, 2008.
- Gebhardt, Patrick: Evaluating different combinations of haptic feedback devices in Virtual Reality, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2023.
- Georoceanu, Radu: Extending Parking Assistance for Automative User Interfaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 3522, 2014.
- Geringer, Sergej: Spatial CPU-GPU data structures for interactive rendering of large particle data, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2017.
- Ghani, Sajawal: User Performence with Frequency Plots, Masterarbeit Nr. 107, 2018.
- Göttlich, Philipp: Sensorbasierte Kompensierung von Eingabelatenzen auf Touchscreens, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2017.
- Goroll, Oliver: Multi-View Stereo with Inverse Depth Parameterization, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2016.
- Gralka, Patrick: Reconstruction of thermodynamically consistent Particle Data from a reduced Representation using Pair-Correlation Functions, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2015.
- Groß, Anja: Immersive Analyse von dynamischen Netzwerken mit multivariaten Daten, Masterarbeit Nr. 107, 2023.
- Grüner, Matti: Example-based Parameter Retrieval for Procedural Materials through Abstraction of Visual Features, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Grund, Sebastian: Visual parameters space analysis for architectural design space exploration, Masterarbeit Nr. 106, 2023.
- Hägele, David: Visualizing Optimization Trajectories, Masterarbeit Nr. 95, 2019.
- Hager, Janik: An analysis of difficulties and regularities in optical flow benchmarks, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2017.
- Hallwa, Ahmed: Cerebellar-based Learning Model for Humanoid Robot, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2014.
- Hasenbalg, Marcel: A global adversarial attack on scene flow, Masterarbeit Nr. 109, 2023.
- Hassan, Ahmed: Visualization of neural networks for diagnostic hydrological modeling, Masterarbeit Nr. 109, 2022.
- Heinemann, Moritz: ML-based visual analysis of droplet behaviour in multiphase flow simulations, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2018.
- Heyen, Frank: Visual Parameter Space Analysis for Classification Models, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2019.
- von Hochmeister, Manuel: Attention-based Reasoning over Multimodal Embeddings in Video-grounded Dialogue, Masterarbeit Nr. 116, 2022.
- Hofmann, Michael: Advanced Variational Methods for Dense Monocular SLAM, Masterarbeit Nr. 22, 2016.
- Hoppe, Matthias: Adjusting virtual worlds to real world feedback limitations while using quadcopters, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2017.
- Hsu, Hui-Ni: Paper-based Tangible User Interface as interaction in mixed reality, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2022.
- Hung, Ngo Phu: Tool for Non-Experts in the Context of Personal Health and Fitness, Masterarbeit Nr. 25, 2015.
- Ivanov, Nikolay: Visual analytics of city dynamics using social media data, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2017.
- Jahedi, Azin: Improved descriptor Learning for correspondence problems, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2018.
- Jarosch, Rafael: Visuelle Analyse multidimensionaler Daten und Attribute per Ordnungsstatistik, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2019.
- Jiang, Lan: Interaktive, visuelle Fehleranalyse für die Chip- und Schaltkreisüberprüfung, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2017.
- Joseph, Abin: Feature Engineering for Road Condition Service, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2019.
- Kaiser, Armin: Immersive Kartendarstellungen für AR-Brillen, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2020.
- Kaminski, Lukas: Online study on reading behavior of texts with integrated word-sized visualizations, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2022.
- Kannan, Vinoth: Visualizing the interactions and relationships from sales data and data-driven automatic product bundling to increase cross-selling, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2023.
- Keck, Michael: Distributed Bundle Adjustment, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2022.
- Kelly, Kevin: A morphological visualization analysis of porous structures in phase inversion processes, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2019.
- Khoshdani, Pedram: From Lab to the Wild - Conducting Psychological Experiments in the Large, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2016.
- Kleiner, Marius: Developing and evaluating input methods for uncertain data, Masterarbeit Nr. 34, 2015.
- Klimashevska, Olga: Object Detection based on Augmented Point Clouds, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2023.
- Knabben, Moritz: Interaktive visuelle Analyse historischer Zeitungsnachrichten, Masterarbeit Nr. 47, 2018.
- Knittel, Johannes: Nutzung von Untertitel zur automatisierten Inhaltsgenerierung für Second-Screen Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2015.
- Kong, Delong: Visual analysis of experimental micro-CT data of evaporation in porous media, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2021.
- Kosch, Thomas: Real-Time Brain Mapping for Treating Substance Abuse using Neurofeedback, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2015.
- Krauter, Christian: Designing the next smart chair based on a posture recognition and feedback literature review, Masterarbeit Nr. 106, 2022.
- Krauthausen, Fabian Raphael: Robotic surgery training in AR : multimodal record and replay, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2021.
- Kuang, Fangjun: PatchMatch algorithms for motion estimation and stereo reconstruction, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2017.
- Kumar, Vijay: Unsupervised approach to estimate the optical flow using RAFT's architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 87, 2021.
- Kutzleb, André: Visual analytics of big data from distributed systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2017.
- Landwehr, Matthias: ML-based adaptive encoding for high-resolution interactive remote visualisation, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2018.
- Lanksweirt, Adrian Rudi: Gestaltung von grafischen Bedienelementen für neue Dimensionen der Touch-Eingabe, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2017.
- Le, Huy Viet: Development and Evaluation of Automatic Video Recaps from Lifelog Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Lehrer, Sabrina: Leseplaner - Bewältigen des Lesevolumens mithilfe von proaktiven Leseempfehlungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 31, 2016.
- Lekar, Dominik: Einfluss von Bildausschnittgröße und Hyperparametern auf Computer Vision Modelle, Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2023.
- Leusmann, Jan: A literature review on distant object selection methods, Masterarbeit Nr. 103, 2021.
- Lingamaneni, Ragavendra: Exploration of programming by demonstration approaches for smart environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 53, 2016.
- Lips, Luis: Statistically evaluating mixed-effects models for EEG analysis using large-scale simulations, Masterarbeit Nr. 119, 2022.
- Lis, Alexander: Attacking a defended optical flow network, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2022.
- Louka, Christine: Implementation of an Interactive Visualization Tool for Analyzing Dynamic Hierarchies, Masterarbeit Nr. 3340, 2012.
- Luo, Zheren: Master Annotator: enhancing distant supervision through visual interfaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2018.
- Ma, Yingpeng: Analysing human vs. neural attention in VQA, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2024.
- Maalouly, Jad: Deep learning for scatterplot similarity, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2021.
- Mahmoud, Ahmed: Machine Learning in Physical Cryptography, Masterarbeit Nr. 3048, 2010.
- Maier, Sven: Variational perspective shape from shading with minimal surface regularisation, Masterarbeit Nr. 57, 2016.
- Márquez, María Guinea: First Sight Visual Interest Detection on BCI captured Signals during Museum Visit, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2015.
- Martin, Juan Jose Sanz: Recognition of motion patterns based on mobile device sensor data, Masterarbeit Nr. 3010, 2010.
- Maurer, Daniel: Depth-Driven Variational Methods for Stereo Reconstruction, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2014.
- Maurer, Steffen: Augmenting movement with navigational aids from a projector drone, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2016.
- Mechraoui, Abdelrahman Lamine: Photorealistic Eye Image Generation through Image-to-Image Translation, Masterarbeit Nr. 120, 2022.
- Mehl, Lukas Francesco: Anisotropic selection schemes for order-adaptive variational optical flow methods, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2020.
- Messner, Johannes: Interaktive Kennzeichnung großer multimedialer Nachrichten-Korpora, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2018.
- Metias, Mina: Combing Multiple gesture Sensing Technologies to Interact with Public Displays, Masterarbeit Nr. 3560, 2014.
- Metin, Caglar Mehmet: Evaluation of 2D combination of eye-tracking metrics for task distinction, Masterarbeit Nr. 79, 2019.
- Mobasher, Anas: A novel NeRF-based approach for extracting single objects and generating synthetic training data for grasp prediction models, Masterarbeit Nr. 112, 2023.
- Muck, Michael: User-Defined Visual Shaping of Document Collections, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2019.
- Müller, Ann-Sophia: Investigating multi-modal human-like attention integration into VQA models, Masterarbeit Nr. 117, 2022.
- Müller, Manuel: Design, Implementierung und Evaluation einer Anwendungssoftware für einen intelligenten Wandkalender, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2017.
- Nalivayko, Yaroslava: A Dataset Generation Framework for motion estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 110, 2023.
- Nandyala, Rajesh Reddy: Development of a decision support system for dynamic evacuation route planning, Masterarbeit Nr. 2011.
- Naumann, Oliver: Automatische Startnummernerkennung für Automobilrennen, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2015.
- Nazir, Iqbal: Visual correlation analytics of event-based error reports for advanced manufacturing, Masterarbeit Nr. 62, 2017.
- Neubauer, Felix: Data model creation with MetaConfigurator, Masterarbeit Nr. 44, 2024.
- Nguyen, Hai Dang: Visual exploration for deep learning models and trainings for microstructure data, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2022.
- Nie, Shangrui: Video Based Crossmodal Representation Learner for Emotion Recognition, Masterarbeit Nr. 19, 2023.
- Nigorra Pascual, Pablo: Analysis and Implementation of a Ray Tracer Optimized for the Cell Processor, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2005.
- Nüßle, Jochen: Architekturentwurf zur Mehrklassen-Fahrzeugerkennung mit kleinen, vollständigen Faltungsnetzen, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2019.
- Nüssle, Steffen: Berechnung des Szenenflusses mit Variationsansätzen, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2017.
- Öney, Seyda Zarife: Virtual and real-world AOI in AR, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2022.
- Ogando, Sophie: Exploring User-Centered Attack Scenarios in the Wild, Masterarbeit Nr. 65, 2017.
- Olp, Dominik: Exploring cloud-based sharing of community recipes for smart environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2016.
- Ott, Etienne: Mesh-based boundary handling using pressure forces : a new method for rigid body SPH boundary objects, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2018.
- Pathmanathan, Nelusa: Space-time gaze visualization in AR, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2022.
- Pintilie, Ana Cristina: Statistical Analysis and Comparative Visualization of Cellular Particle-based Simulations, Masterarbeit Nr. 3422, 2013.
- Prager, Florian: Immersive Spatio-Temporale Suche und Exploration zur Entscheidungsunterstützung, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2018.
- Rajamani, Jayaprashanthini: Filter (Dials | ...), Masterarbeit Nr. 38, 2015.
- Ramasamy Sundararaj, Jayakumar: Evaluation of different image representations for reinforcement learning agents, Masterarbeit Nr. 26, 2024.
- Rau, Benjamin: Ein volumetrischer Imposter zur Level-of-Detail-Darstellung von Partikeldatensätzen, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2017.
- Rau, Dominique: Untersuchung von benutzeroberflächen für unterstützte Texteingabe im Kontext sozialer Kommunikation, Masterarbeit Nr. 27, 2015.
- Rau, Simeon: Visualization for human-AI collaborative music composition, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2021.
- Ravi Sulochana, Ruthra Kumar: Halo Detection to Improve the Reaction Time of Automatic Headlamp Steering System, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2018.
- Ravi, Niranjan: Point cloud and particle data compression techniques, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2023.
- Reh, C. Fabian: Interaktive, visuelle Auswertung von Daten tragbarer Sensoren zur Sturzdetektion und -Prophylaxe bei älteren Personen, Masterarbeit Nr. 70, 2016.
- Reinhardt, Jan: Tauglichkeit von Augmented-Reality-Brillen für die visuelle Analyse in Produktion und Fertigung, Masterarbeit Nr. 71, 2017.
- Reinhardt, Thomas: Visualisierung kontinuierlich veränderlicher Graphen, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2015.
- Reutter, Robin: Correlating facial expressions and contextual data for mood prediction using mobile devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2017.
- Root, Dennis: Exploration of Smartphone-based Ad-hoc Interaction Methods with Smart Devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 40, 2016.
- Roth, Stephan: Investigation of volume rendering performance through active learning and visual analysis, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2017.
- Rühle, Simon: Strategien zur adaptiven Gewichtung von Daten- und Glattheitstermen in Variationsansätzen zur Bewegungsschätzung, Masterarbeit Nr. 73, 2018.
- Ruf, Boitumelo: Ein echtzeitnaher Ansatz für Structure-from-Motion, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2015.
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- Rzayev, Rufat: A tool for episodic memory reflection based on implicit diary entries, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2016.
- Salian, Shashank: Deep visualization for MR-based biological age estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 67, 2020.
- Sanchez, Carlos Moreno: Visual Correlation of Network Flows and Host-Based Data, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2020.
- Satkunarajan, Jena: Visual analysis of news stories using neural language models, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2021.
- Schäfer, Noel Philipp: Visual Analytics für Visual-Reasoning-Aufgaben, Masterarbeit Nr. 63, 2022.
- Schäufele, Johannes: Improved RAFT architectures for optical flow estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 113, 2021.
- Schatz, Karsten: Identifikation und Visualisierung von Halos in kosmologischen Simulationen, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2015.
- Scheller, Stefan: Analysis of spatiotemporal ensemble data using machine learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2018.
- Scheurenbrand, Patrick: Immersive Miniaturkarten auf der HoloLens 2, Masterarbeit Nr. 66, 2021.
- Schiele, Nathan: Evaluating the Bipartite Graph Layout for Network Visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 98, 2020.
- Schierle, Christian: Visual MIDI Data Comparison, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2020.
- Schinkel, Florian: Simulation and rendering of light field data in the Mitsuba renderer, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2016.
- Schnell, Miriam: Constrained Optimisation of Time Curves, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2023.
- Schütz, David: Textured surfels visualization of multi-frame point cloud data, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2021.
- Schulz, Britta: Exploring the extension of AR-visualization and interaction for large physical spaces, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2023.
- Sharma, Raman: Evaluating adjacency matrix for network visualization, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2021.
- Shimpi, Saylee: Vis2Go: exploring the effect of immersive analytics for on-the-Go decision making, Masterarbeit Nr. 105, 2022.
- Siddiqui, Hafiz Ammar: Code execution reports: visually augmented summaries of executed source code fragments, Masterarbeit Nr. 81, 2016.
- Steuelein, Benedict: An investigation into the simulation of capacitive fiducial markers using deep learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 104, 2021.
- Straub, Alexander: Visualization of interface instabilities in two-phase flow, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2016.
- Stumber, Jonathan P.: CNN-based 6D pose estimation of vehicles for automated driving based on mono camera images, Masterarbeit Nr. 111, 2021.
- Sultana, Shaista: Real-time analytics and monitoring of ML-applications using visual analytics, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2018.
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- Tinsel, Erik-Felix: Untersuchung von Automatisierungsstufen beim dynamisierten Überlagern physischer und digitaler Entitäten, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2019.
- Tkachev, Gleb: Investigation and prediction of distributed volume rendering performance, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2017.
- Tobien, Patrick: Multi-frame approaches for learning optical flow predictions, Masterarbeit Nr. 61, 2020.
- Trefft, Rene: Gestensteuerung von Visualisierungen im Museumskontext, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2017.
- Tremel, Tina: Visuelle Analyse von Netzwerkverkehr in Unternehmensnetzen, Masterarbeit Nr. 80, 2018.
- Triebl, Andreas: Variational perspective photometric stereo, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2017.
- Tso, Leslie: Visual tracking and analysis of web content dissemination, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2019.
- Ullah, Kazi Riaz: Online visualization of German power plants and their production, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2017.
- Vogelsang, Jonas: Increasing trust in human-robot interaction through data visualization in augmented reality, Masterarbeit Nr. 108, 2023.
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- Waghmare, Sharvari: Handwritten vs. Typed Annotations, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2023.
- Walter, Peter: Filter dictionaries for optical flow prediction with RAFT, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2023.
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- Wickenhäuser, Patrick: Advanced Error Model for Target Based Registration of 3D Point Clouds, Masterarbeit Nr. 99, 2017.
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