Jahrgang 2010- Lübbe, Carlos; Brodt, Andreas; Cipriani, Nazario; Sanftmann, Harald: NexusVIS: A Distributed Visualization Toolkit for Mobile Applications (Demonstration). In: Proceedings of the 8th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom '10); Mannheim, Germany, March 2010.
- Möhrmann, Julia; Heidemann, Gunter; Siemoneit, Oliver; Hubig, Christoph; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Levi, Paul: Context Generation with Image Based Sensors: An Interdisciplinary Enquiry on Technical and Social Issues and their Implications for System Design. In: Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2010.
- Moehrmann, Julia; Heidemann, Gunther: Automatic trajectory clustering for generating ground truth data sets. In: Fofi, David (Hrsg); Niel, Kurt S. (Hrsg): Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications III, 2010.
- Moehrmann, Julia; Wang, Xin; Heidemann, Gunther: Motion based situation recognition in group meetings. In: Fofi, David (Hrsg); Niel, Kurt S. (Hrsg): Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications III, 2010.
- Schmitz, Bernhard; Ertl, Thomas: Making Digital Maps Accessible Using Vibrations. In: Computers Helping People with Special Needs. 12th International Conference, ICCHP 2010, Proceedings.
- Schmitz, Bernhard: The ViibraCane - A White Cane for Tactile Navigation Guidance. In: Proceedings of the California State University, Northridge Center on Disabilities' 25th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN 2010).
Jahrgang 2009- Chuang, J.; Weiskopf, D.; Möller, T.: Energy Aware Color Sets. In: Computer Graphics Forum. Vol. 28(2), Wiley, 2009.
- Eissele, M.; Sanftmann, H.; Ertl, T.: Interactively Refining Object-Recognition System. In: Journal of WSCG. Vol. 17(1), Online, 2009.
- Eissele, M.; Weiskopf, D.; Ertl, T.: {Interactive Context-Aware Visualization for Mobile Devices. In: SG '09: Proceedings of Smart Graphics, 2009.
- Hub, Andreas; Kizler, Joachim: Integration of Voice-Operated Route Planning and Route Guidance into a Portable Navigation and Object Recognition System for the Blind and Visually Impaired. In: Proceedings of the 2009 Biennial South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment Conference (SPEVI 2009); January 5-9, Adelaide, Australia.
- Hub, Andreas; Schmitz, Bernhard: Addition of RFID-Based Initialization and Object Recognition to the Navigation System TANIA. In: Proceedings of the California State University, Northridge Center on Disabilities' 24th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN 2009).
- Sanftmann, H.; Blessing, A.; Schütze, H.; Weiskopf, D.: Visual Exploration of Classifiers for Hybrid Textual and Geospatial Matching. In: Proceedings of Vision, Modeling, and Visualization VMV '09, 2009.
- Sanftmann, H.; Weiskopf, D.: Illuminated 3D Scatterplots. In: Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EuroVis 2009). Vol. 28(3), Wiley.
- Schmitz, Bernhard; Hub, Andreas: Combination of the Navigation System TANIA with RFID-Based Initialization and Object Recognition. In: Proceedings from 7th European Conference of ICEVI, 2009.
- Siemoneit, Oliver; Hubig, Christoph; Schmitz, Bernhard; Ertl, Thomas: Mobiquitous Devices and Perception of Reality. A Philosophical Enquiry into Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Devices that Alter Perception Using the Example of TANIA - A Tactile Acoustical Indoor and Outdoor Navigation and Information Assistant for the Blind, Deafblind, and Visually-impaired Users.. In: Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Computing and Philosophy Conference (APCAP 2009).
- Weiskopf, D.: Geo-spatial context-aware visualization. In: Eurographics 2009 Areas Papers Proceedings, -.
Jahrgang 2008- Eissele, Mike; Kreiser, Matthias; Ertl, Thomas: Context-Controlled Flow Visualization in Augmented Reality. In: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2008.
- Hub, Andreas: Taktil-Akustische Navigationsunterstützung für ältere blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen auf der Basis erweiterter Umgebungsmodelle. In: Maier, Edith (Hrsg); Roux, Pascale (Hrsg): UDay VI – Seniorengerechte Schnittstellen zur Technik, Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, 2008.
- Hub, Andreas: Auf dem Weg zur Barrierefreiheit. In: Wechselwirkungen, Jahrbuch der Universität Stuttgart, 2008, Referat für Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Universität Stuttgart.
- Hub, Andreas: Guiding Grids in Augmented Maps for Precise Installation-Free Worldwide Blind Navigation. In: Conference Proceedings of the California State University, Northridge Center on Disabilities' 23rd Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN 2008); March 19-24; Los Angeles, CA, USA.
- Hub, Andreas: Integration of Active Tactile Control Braille Technology into Portable Navigation and Object Recognition Systems for the Blind and Deafblind. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Low Vision (Vision 2008); July 7-11, Montreal, Canada, 2008.
- Hub, Andreas: Map Requirements and Attainable Public Policy for an Installationfree Worldwide Navigation and Information System for the Blind. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Low Vision (Vision 2008); July 7-11, Montreal, Canada, 2008.
- Hub, Andreas: Precise Indoor and Outdoor Navigation for the Blind and Visually Impaired Using Augmented Maps and the TANIA System. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Low Vision (Vision 2008); July 7-11, Montreal, Canada, 2008.
- Moser, M.; Weiskopf, D.: Interactive Volume Rendering on Mobile Devices. In: Vision, Modeling, and Visualization VMV '08 Conference Proceedings, 2008.
Jahrgang 2007- Eissele, Mike; Ertl, Thomas: Mobile Navigation and Augmentation utilizing Real-World Text. In: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2007, Workshop on Nomadic and Wearable Computing 2007.
- Hub, Andreas; Hartter, Tim; Kombrink, Stefan; Ertl, Thomas: Real and virtual explorations of the environment and interactive tracking of movable objects for the blind on the basis of tactile-acoustical maps and 3D environment models. In: Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. Vol. 3(1), London: Informa Healthcare, 2007.
- Hub, Andreas; Kombrink, Stefan; Bosse, Klaus; Ertl, Thomas: TANIA – A Tactile-Acoustical Navigation and Information Assistant for the 2007 CSUN Conference. In: Proceedings of the California State University, Northridge Center on Disabilities' 22nd Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN 2007); March 19-24; Los Angeles,CA, USA.
- Hub, Andreas; Kombrink, Stefan; Bosse, Klaus; Ertl, Thomas: Conference Navigation and Communication Assistant for the Deafblind based on Tactile and Acoustically Amplified Augmented Map Informationfor the 14th Deafblind International World Conference. In: Proceedings of the 14th Deafblind International World Conference (DbI 2007); Perth, Australia, September 25-30, 2007.
- Kraus, M.; Eissele, M.; Strengert, M.: GPU-Based Edge Directed Image Interpolation. In: Image Analysis (Proceedings of SCIA 2007).
- Krauß, Martin; Eissele, Mike; Strengert, Magnus: GPU-Based Edge-Directed Image Interpolation. In: In Image Analysis (Proceedings of SCIA 2007).
- Rotard, Martin; Mike, Eissele; van Putten, Raoul; Ertl, Thomas: ZOOMABLE USER INTERFACES IN SCALABLE VECTOR GRAPHICS. In: Proceedings of Open SVG 2007.
Jahrgang 2006- Hub, Andreas; Hartter, Tim; Ertl, Thomas: Interactive Tracking of Movable Objects for the Blind on the Basis of Environment Models and Perception-Oriented Object Recognition Methods. In: Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility: ASSETS 2006; Portland, OR, USA, October 23-25, 2006.
- Hub, Andreas; Kombrink, Stefan; Ertl, Thomas: Tactile-Acoustical Navigation Assistant for Real and Virtual Explorations of the Environment.. In: Linda Merill (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 1st Multi-disciplinary Vision Rehabilitation & Research Conference: ENVISION 06, 2006 September 21-24, Kansas City, MO, USA.
- Rothermel, Kurt; Ertl, Thomas; Dieter, Fritsch; Kühn, Paul J.; Mitschang, Bernhard; Westkämper, Engelbert; Becker, Christian; Dudkowski, Dominique; Gutscher, Andreas; Hauser, Christian; Jendoubi, Lamine; Nicklas, Daniela; Volz, Steffen; Wieland, Matthias: SFB 627 – Umgebungsmodelle für mobile kontextbezogene Systeme. In: Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung. Vol. 21(1-2), 2006, Springer-Verlag.