Publikationen VS: Jahrgang 2010
Dokumente der Abteilung
- Artikel in Tagungsbänden
- Artikel in Zeitschriften
- Dissertationen
- Diplomarbeiten (Archiv)
- Masterarbeiten
- Studienarbeiten (Archiv)
- Fachstudien Softwaretechnik
- Bibliographie 2010 BibTeX ( Download )
Artikel in Tagungsbänden
- Benzing, Andreas; Koldehofe, Boris; Rothermel, Kurt: Distributed Diagnostic Simulations for the Smart Grid. In: Accepted Poster at the 1st International Conference on Energy-Efficient Computing and Networking: E-Energy 2010.
- Benzing, Andreas; Koldehofe, Boris; Völz, Marco; Rothermel, Kurt: Multilevel Predictions for the Aggregation of Data in Global Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, 2010.
- Bucchiarone, A.; Marconi, A.; Pistore, M.; Föll, S.; Herrmann, K.; Hiesinger, C.; Marinovic, S.: An Overall Process for Self-Adaptive Pervasive Systems. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Adaptive and Self-adaptive Systems and Applications : ADAPTIVE 2010 ; Lisbon, Portugal, November 21-26, 2010.
- Dürr, Frank; Weinschrott, Harald; Rothermel, Kurt: Geocast Routing of Symbolically Addressed Messages in Wireless Mesh Networks. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops '10), 2010.
- Dürr, Frank; Wernke, Marius; Skvortsov, Pavel; Rothermel, Kurt: Towards a Position Sharing Approach for Location-based Services. In: Proceedings of the W3C Workshop on Privacy for Advanced Web APIs, 2010.
- Fischer, Daniel; Herrmann, Klaus; Rothermel, Kurt: GeSoMo - A General Social Mobility Model for Delay Tolerant Networks. In: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS '10), 2010.
- Föll, Stefan; Herrmann, Klaus; Hiesinger, Christian: Flow-Based Context Prediction. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS 2010), Berlin, Germany, July 13-15, 2010.
- Geiger, Lars; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Aggregation of User Contexts in Context-based Communication. In: Proceedings of the 6th Euro-NF Conference on Next Generation Internet (NGI 2010).
- Grau, Andreas; Herrmann, Klaus; Rothermel, Kurt: NETplace: Efficient Runtime Minimization of Network Emulation Experiments. In: Proceeding of the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'10) [Best Paper Award], 2010.
- Hameed, Bilal; Khan, Imran Ahmed; Dürr, Frank; Kurt Rothermel: An RFID Based Consistency Management Framework for Production Monitoring In a Smart Real-Time Factory. In: Proceedings of 2010 Internet of Things Conference (To Appear).
- Koch, Gerald G.; Tariq, M. Adnan; Koldehofe, Boris; Rothermel, Kurt: Event processing for large-scale distributed games. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'10), 2010.
- Koch, Gerald Georg; Koldehofe, Boris; Rothermel, Kurt: Cordies: Expressive event correlation in distributed systems. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'10), 2010.
- Lange, Ralph; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Efficient Tracking of Moving Objects using Generic Remote Trajectory Simplification (Demo Paper). In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops '10). Mannheim, Germany. March 2010.
- Lange, Ralph; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Indexing Source Descriptions based on Defined Classes. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS '10). Montreal, QC, Canada. August 2010.
- Memon, Faraz; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Index Recommendation Tool for Optimized Information Discovery Over Distributed Hash Tables. In: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN '10), 2010.
- Memon, Faraz; Tiebler, Daniel; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Optimized Information Discovery using Self-adapting Indices over Distributed Hash Tables. In: Proceedings of 29th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC'10), 2010.
- Rizou, Stamatia; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Solving the Multi-operator Placement Problem in Large-Scale Operator Networks. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer Communication Networks, 2010.
- Rizou, Stamatia; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Providing QoS Guarantees for Large-Scale Operator Networks. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 2010.
- Rizou, Stamatia; Häussermann, Kai; Dürr, Frank; Cipriani, Nazario; Rothermel, Kurt: A system for distributed context reasoning.. In: Proceedings of ICAS’10: International Conference on Autonomous and Autonomic Systems, 2010.
- Schilling, Björn; Koldehofe, Boris; Pletat, Udo; Rothermel, Kurt: Distributed Heterogeneous Event Processing: Enhancing Scalability and Interoperability of CEP in an Industrial Context. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS); Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 12-15, 2010.
- Schuhmann, Stephan; Herrmann, Klaus; Rothermel, Kurt: Efficient Resource-Aware Hybrid Configuration of Distributed Pervasive Applications. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2010); Helsinki, Finland, May 17-20, 2010.
- Tariq, Muhammad Adnan; Koch, Gerald Georg; Koldehofe, Boris; Khan, Imran; Rothermel, Kurt: Dynamic publish/subscribe to meet subscriber-defined delay and bandwidth constraints. In: The Sixteenth International Conference on Parallel Computing (Euro-Par 2010).
- Tariq, Muhammad Adnan; Koldehofe, Boris; Altaweel, Ala; Rothermel, Kurt: Providing basic security mechanisms in broker-less publish/subscribe systems. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'10), 2010.
- Weinschrott, Harald; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Symbolic Routing for Location-based Services in Wireless Mesh Networks. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 24nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2010.
- Weinschrott, Harald; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: StreamShaper: Coordination Algorithms for Participatory Mobile Urban Sensing. In: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS'10), 2010.
- Wolf, Hannes; Herrmann, Klaus; Rothermel, Kurt: Robustness in Context-Aware Mobile Computing. In: IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob'2010).
Artikel in Zeitschriften
- Schulz, Sven; Blochinger, Wolfgang; Poths, Mathias: Orbweb - A Network Substrate for Peer-to-Peer Grid Computing Platforms based on Open Standards. In: Journal of Grid Computing. Vol. 8(1), Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2010.
- Dürr, Frank: Geographische Kommunikationsmechanismen auf Basis von feingranularen räumlichen Umgebungsmodellen, Dissertation, 2010.
- Lange, Ralph: Scalable Management of Trajectories and Context Model Descriptions, Dissertation, 2010.
Diplomarbeiten (Archiv)
- Baier, Patrick: Effiziente automatisierte Erstellung von Straßenkarten, Diplomarbeit Nr. 3013, 2010.
- Hanussek, Robert: A Multi-Level Application Isolation Framework for Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grid Platforms, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2957, 2010.
- Lang, Julian: Entwurf und Implementierung eines Testsystems zur Analyse des dynamischen Verhaltens von kabellosen Sensoren in Kombination mit einem PC-Server, Diplomarbeit Nr. 12, 2010.
- Palauro, Jonas: Navigation in prozess-basierten kontextbezogenen Anwendungen unter Verwendung von unscharfen Zuständen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 3064, 2010.
- Rühle, Fabian: Adaptive Rekonfiguration von Korrelationsnetzen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2969, 2010.
- Schnitzer, Stephan: Geographical distribution schemes to support Publish/Subscribe in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2950, 2010.
- Zhang, Yong: Anfragenverwaltung für ein System zur verteilten Windfeldberechnung, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2994, 2010.
- Rashid, Farhan: Efficient Calibration of Probabilities of RFID Devices used in Real-time Production Monitoring, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2010.
- Sujanthan, Vithiya: Calculation of Event Correlation Quality, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2010.
Studienarbeiten (Archiv)
- Biliniewicz, Daniel: Support for QoS in Publish/Subscribe systems by partitioning the event space Unterstützung von Dienstgüte in Publish/Subscribe Systemen durch Partitionierung des Ereignisraums, Studienarbeit Nr. 2240, 2010.
- Schembera, Björn: Implementierung und Evaluation mehrdimensionaler Bereichsanfragen mittels raumfüllender Kurven, Studienarbeit Nr. 2264, 2010.
- Schirmer, Markus: Distributed Emulation of Mobile Applications in TVEE, Studienarbeit Nr. 2273, 2010.
- Schmidt, Robert: Implementierung eines Inertialnavigationssystems für mobile Geräte, Studienarbeit Nr. 2252, 2010.
- Weißer, Julian: Algorithmen zum effizienten Erfassen von Sensorwerten entlang von Straßenabschnitten, Studienarbeit Nr. 2237, 2010.
- Zwirn, Felix: Muster basierte Generierung von realistischen Workflow-Modellen, Studienarbeit Nr. 2248, 2010.
Fachstudien Softwaretechnik
- Grohe, Stefan; Schlameuß, Christoph; Sommer, Ralf: Performancevergleich von CEP-Engines, Fachstudie Softwaretechnik Nr. 115, 2010.