Publikationen VS: Masterarbeiten
- Abdo, Majd: High-performance complex event processing to detect anomalies in streaming RDF data, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2017.
- Ahmed, Silvia: Parallel hardware architecture for JPEG-LS based on domain decomposition using context sets, Masterarbeit Nr. 3216, 2011.
- Altaweel, Ala': Providing basic security mechanisms in a Publish/Subscribe system, Masterarbeit Nr. 11, 2009.
- Asjadulla, Mohammed: Deployment and empirical verification of real-time schedules, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2024.
- Augustat, David: Design and implementation of a DDoS defense mechanism based on network QoS models, Masterarbeit Nr. 78, 2024.
- Bach, Ha Duy: Optimal routing for networked control systems using OpenFlow, Masterarbeit Nr. 20, 2015.
- Badr, Eid: Reliability Solutions for a Smart digital Factory using:(1)RFID based CEP (2)Image Processing based Error Detection (3)RFID based HCI, Masterarbeit Nr. 3153, 2011.
- Bäumlisberger, Christian: Plattformunabhängige lokale SDN-Controller auf offener Weiterleitungshardware durch Anwendung von Containertechnologie, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2016.
- Bahnmüller, Carsten: Improving Google’s open-source machine learning system TensorFlow, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2018.
- Balogh, Alexander: Addressing TCAM limitations in an SDN-based pub/sub system, Masterarbeit Nr. 9, 2017.
- Bannoura, Amir: Design and Implementation of an Efficient Message Dissemination Protocol for Public Sensing, Masterarbeit Nr. 3177, 2011.
- Bansal, Bharat: Divide-and-conquer scheduling for time-sensitive networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 12, 2018.
- Bhowmik, Sukanya: Distributed Control Algorithms for Adapting Publish/Subscribe in Software Defined Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 3498, 2013.
- Bondar, Bogdan: Integrating augmented reality data into a mobile simulation framework, Masterarbeit Nr. 16, 2017.
- Boshmaf, Yazan: Development of an Advanced Configuration Algorithm for PCOM using Partial Application Configurations, Masterarbeit Nr. 4, 2008.
- Chen, Chi: Location-Based Data Aggregation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2003.
- Chien-Hua, Hung: Speculative reordering for a latency-optimized privacy protection in complex event processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2018.
- Chowdhury, Sujata Roy: Packet Scheduling Algorithms for a Software-Defined Manufacturing Environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2015.
- Coskuner, Mirac: Design and Analysis of Hybrid Cloud Concepts for OpenClams, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2020.
- Daoud, Marleine Mounir: Modeling Distributed Applications in a Smarter Home Infrastructure, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2011.
- Diebold, Johannes Thomas: A Heuristic Approach for Joint Scheduling and Routing in Time-Sensitive Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 116, 2019.
- Dwiputera, Aries Fajar: A light-weight Context System for Pervasive Computing Infrastructures, Masterarbeit Nr. 5, 2006.
- Egger, Simon: Adaptive robust scheduling in wireless Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN), Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2024.
- Eisfeld, Andrej: Entwurf und Analyse von Konzepten zur effizienten Datenübertragung von Grafikrendering-Befehlen auf eingebetteten Systemen, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2014.
- El-Shamouty, Mohamed: Efficient Content-based Routing using OpenFlow, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2014.
- Fetzer, Matthias: Local Data Plane Event Handling in Software-defined Networking, Masterarbeit Nr. 14, 2016.
- Firmansyah, Mochamad Dandy: An energy-aware mobile gateway for Bluetooth low energy-powered Internet of Things devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 29, 2018.
- Flaig, Albert: Window drop load shedding in complex event processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 30, 2018.
- Fouda, Abdelrahman: Hierarchical Scheduling of Inter-domain Traffic in Time-sensitive Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 105, 2018.
- Geppert, Heiko: Massive hypergraph partitioning, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2019.
- Gerhards, Jan Patrick: Cooperative radio navigation on the Moon, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2024.
- Glaub, Simon: Modeling interferences of CEP operators on limited resources, Masterarbeit Nr. 21, 2021.
- Göggel, Jonathan: Reinforcement Learning zur optimalen Konfiguration von Datenstrom-Anwendungen mit selektiver Verarbeitung, Masterarbeit Nr. 18, 2020.
- Gräber, Manuel: Supporting consumptions in parallel complex event processing operators on multicore architectures, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2017.
- Graser, Leon: Design and implementation of an evaluation testbed for fog computing infrastructure and applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2017.
- Grau, Yves: Protecting Private Information in Event Processing Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 17, 2016.
- Großkopf, Timo: Load shedding in complex event processing with probabilistic features, Masterarbeit Nr. 54, 2021.
- Grunert, Jonas: Concurrent query analytics on distributed graph systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2017.
- Güth, Jan: Design und Implementierung eines Konzepts zur eindeutigen Identifizierung von Softwarekomponenten auf Geräten im IIoT-Umfeld, Masterarbeit Nr. 114, 2019.
- Gutierrez, Timo Manuel: Handling interferences on a multi-operator CEP node with load shedding, Masterarbeit Nr. 76, 2021.
- Hashad, Nabila: Context-Based Load Shedding in Complex Event Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2020.
- Haug, Lucas: Roaming with deterministic real-time guarantees in wireless Time-Sensitive Networking, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2023.
- Hegazy, Lobna: Evaluation and Analysis of Realizing Broker-based Content Routing Protocols in SDN, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Heinisch, Jonas: Energy Models for Wireless Communication on Mobile Devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Hermann, Matthias: Graph sparsification techniques for triangle counting, Masterarbeit Nr. 35, 2020.
- Herrmann, Jona: Entwurf und Implementierung eines Stream-basierten, dynamischen und fairen Scheduling-Verfahrens für WiFi-Netzwerkverkehr, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2023.
- Holtwerth, Nico: Dynamic vertex colored conflict graphs for time-sensitive networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 36, 2022.
- Hussain, Muzahid: Conditional random fields based knowledge retrieval in mobile environments, Masterarbeit Nr. 33, 2015.
- Joseph Victor Raj, Jane Shirley: Design and implementation of highly-efficient data structures for parallel complex event processing framework on multicore shared memory architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 43, 2018.
- Kabir, Mashud: Region-Based Adaptation of Diffucaion Protocols in MANETs, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2003.
- Kaklotar, Anita: Scalable sub-graph centric distributed influence maximization, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2022.
- Karadeniz, Mustafa: Design and implementation of a QoS-aware communication protocol for named data networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 24, 2019.
- Karim, Muhammad Ali Mehdi: Emulation of an algorithm for Data Replication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 7, 2004.
- Keller, Robin: Predicting the GPU Execution Time of 3D Rendering Commands using Machine Learning Concepts, Masterarbeit Nr. 2016.
- Khalid, Muhammad Saqib: Hybrid Application Layer and In-Network Content-Based Filtering in SDN, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Kleinhans, Niklas: Simulation of muscle movements with GNNs, Masterarbeit Nr. 50, 2022.
- König, Valentin Simon Nepomuk: Ordering Transactions on Distributed Persistent Objects, Masterarbeit Nr. 102, 2023.
- Kollmeier, Magnus: Advanced Scheduling Heuristics for Time-triggered Realtime Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 64, 2023.
- Korb, Tobias: Entwicklung eines Frameworks zur Erstellung von AR Anwendungen für Industrie 4.0, Masterarbeit Nr. 28, 2016.
- Kostron, Paula: Design of a Simulation-based Game for Students to Operate a Positive Energy District, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2024.
- Krishnappa, Mahesh: Parallel architectural design space exploration for real-time image compression, Masterarbeit Nr. 3195, 2011.
- Kuhn, Julian: Kooperative Vorhersage der minimalen Anwendungsausführungszeit, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2016.
- Kumar, Deepak: Vulnerability of Semantic Location Protection Schemes under long-term Location Exposure, Masterarbeit Nr. 48, 2016.
- Laidig, Robin: Design, Implementierung und Analyse eines flexiblen Dienstgütemodells für zeitsensitive Kommunikationsdienste, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2021.
- Li, Changping: Notification Service based on the SOAP Technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 3, 2001.
- Li, Chen: Distributed Data Analytics Using Graph Processing Frameworks, Masterarbeit Nr. 49, 2015.
- Linn, Tobias: Design of a Rule-based Formalism to Predict VM Placements in Cloud Infrastructures, Masterarbeit Nr. 41, 2020.
- Lu, Qing: Data parallelization in complex event processing without a dedicated splitter, Masterarbeit Nr. 55, 2016.
- Ma, Hua: Concepts and Metrics for Measurement and Prediction of the Execution Time of GPU Rendering Commands, Masterarbeit Nr. 3635, 2014.
- Maaß, Marius: In-network complex event processing using advanced data-plane programming, Masterarbeit Nr. 56, 2018.
- Maaß, Steffen: Distributed Graph Processing and Partitioning for Spatiotemporal Queries in the Context of Camera Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 2015.
- Mahajan, Sumeet: Device Selection Algorithm for Mobile Traffic Offloading, Masterarbeit Nr. 3407, 2013.
- Marcusiu, Valentin: Generating and Capturing of Continuous Data on Environmental Phenomena in Public Sensing Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2013.
- Mari, Hariharan: Simulation models for the performance analysis of bluetooth low energy in multi-device environment, Masterarbeit Nr. 58, 2017.
- Matejetz, Simon: Extending modeling concepts of OpenClams to support performance analysis with layered queuing, Masterarbeit Nr. 32, 2021.
- Mehler, Benedikt: Robust distributed pervasive simulations in the presence of delays, jitter and losses, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2022.
- Mishra, Gagan Bihari: Providing in-network content-based routing using OpenFlow, Masterarbeit Nr. 3450, 2013.
- Mohammed, Mohammed Qaid Abdul-Razzaq: Design and implementation of an occupancy monitoring method for indoor public sensing applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 60, 2016.
- Müller, Michael: Design and Evaluation of Availability Models for the RabbitMQ Messaging Middleware, Masterarbeit Nr. 83, 2017.
- Mukunthan, Sujatha: Embedded Runtime Security, Masterarbeit Nr. 1, 2002.
- Nerriec, Morgan: Development of a Web Portal based solution to control an embedded Linux appliance, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2002.
- Nieß, Adriaan: Algorithms for calculating robust schedules for time sensitive networking (TSN), Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2023.
- Pauls, Jan-Hendrik: State machine replication for highly available service networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 37, 2015.
- Pilz, Daniel: Automated quality enhancer for fast neural networks on mobile devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 97, 2022.
- Prabha Sekar, Suriya: Automatic indoor modelling using crowd-sensed point clouds, Masterarbeit Nr. 85, 2018.
- Rahman, Kazi Atiqur: Strategies for Range Queries in Mobile Ad hoc Networks Based on a Geometric Location Model, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2004.
- Rahman, Muhammad Arifur: Conception and implementation of a secure engineering and key exchange mechanism for the open source PLC Beremiz using a test driven approach, Masterarbeit Nr. 68, 2016.
- Rashid, Farhan: Efficient Calibration of Probabilities of RFID Devices used in Real-time Production Monitoring, Masterarbeit Nr. 2, 2010.
- Reddy, Marthala Vishnu Vardhan: Design and Implementation of Privacy-aware Cloud-based Search Algorithms for Tracking Mobile Devices, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2016.
- Riaz, Zohaib: Optimized Position Update Protocols for Secure and Efficient Position Sharing, Masterarbeit Nr. 3458, 2013.
- Richter, Marcel: Machine-learning based Mobility Prediction for Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing, Masterarbeit Nr. 96, 2023.
- Rohloff, Tom: Flow control for event-based cyber-physical systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 72, 2018.
- Saez, Pablo Toledano: Real Time Robot Controller Framework Based on Cell/B.E. Architecture, Masterarbeit Nr. 2777, 2008.
- Sakkal, Fadi: Combining application layer and network layer filtering in Pub/Sub systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2018.
- Sanwald, Tim: Automatic splitting in data-parallel complex event processing systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2016.
- Sardar, Muhammad Usman: In-memory check pointing in speculative parallel complex event processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2018.
- Sarmah, Himanshu: Workload-enabled content-based routing in software-defined networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 75, 2016.
- Schäfer, Patrik: Finding Relevant Videos in Big Data Environments - How to Utilize Graph Processing Systems for Video Retrieval, Masterarbeit Nr. 123, 2017.
- Schnack, Stefan: Analysis of Parallel Processing Processes by Task Graph Reduction, Masterarbeit Nr. 84, 2019.
- Schneefuss, Patrick: Desychronization algorithms for fast ILP solutions of TDMA schedules in IEEE Time-Sensitive Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 39, 2021.
- Schramm, Michael: Approximating distributed graph algorithms, Masterarbeit Nr. 15, 2019.
- Schubert, Marc: Evaluation and Optimizations of Best Effort Streams in Time-Sensitive Networking, Masterarbeit Nr. 115, 2019.
- Schürmann, Leon: Design and evaluation of system concepts and protocols for lossless hardware-assisted streaming of real-time measurement data over IP networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 52, 2022.
- Sharma, Shashank: Design and development of software agents for location privacy-risk estimation, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2018.
- Shrivastav, Varun Sanjay: Secure Position Sharing for Consecutive Position Updates, Masterarbeit Nr. 8, 2012.
- Siddam, Nagarjuna: Consistent Splitting of Event Streams in Parallel Complex Event Processing, Masterarbeit Nr. 02020004, 2015.
- Singh, Subarna: Routing algorithms for time sensitive networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 74, 2017.
- Srinivasan, Deepak: Ensuring data plane consistency in SDN-based publish/subscribe systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 91, 2017.
- Stachowiak, Jaroslaw: Optimized Acquisition of Spatially Distributed Phenomena in Public Sensing Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 3188, 2011.
- Stegmaier, Christian: How to combine augmentations for graph contrastive learning, Masterarbeit Nr. 110, 2022.
- Steinacker, Daniel: Entwurf und Evaluierung von netzwerkbasierten Bloom-Filtern für Anwendungen zur Kontaktverfolgung, Masterarbeit Nr. 42, 2022.
- Strauß, Jan: Design and implementation of patterns for distributing virtual network functions, Masterarbeit Nr. 89, 2018.
- Strljic, Matthias: Definition eines Datenhaltungskonzepts für Industrie 4.0 Anwendungen, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2016.
- Stutz, Benjamin: Lösungen für elastische Complex-Event-Processing-Systeme, Masterarbeit Nr. 90, 2018.
- Sujanthan, Vithiya: Calculation of Event Correlation Quality, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2010.
- Tepic, Milan: Host-based Intrusion Detection to enhance Cybersecurity of Real-time Automotive Systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 86, 2019.
- Ünal, Murat: Design of autonomous algorithms for location privacy, Masterarbeit Nr. 77, 2017.
- Ul Haq, Hafiz Irfan: Configuration Management Platform for the Automation of the Bosch IoT Cloud, Masterarbeit Nr. 94, 2018.
- Wang, Pinglei: Concepts for an Intuitive User Interface for DLNA Using NFC Technology, Masterarbeit Nr. 3176, 2011.
- Wei, Junxiang: Geocast Routing Protocols Supporting Hybrid Geographic Addressing in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 6, 2011.
- Weißer, Max: Design und Implementierung eines OPC-UA/TSN-Systems mit Echtzeit-Publish/Subscribe-Funktionalität, Masterarbeit Nr. 117, 2019.
- Weitbrecht, Michel: ILP-based schedule planning for dynamic IEEE time-sensitive networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 51, 2022.
- Wenzel, Nathanael: MetaEdge : an interoperable framework for the integration of edge computing platforms, Masterarbeit Nr. 69, 2023.
- Werner, Peter: Federated reinforcement learning for the edge, Masterarbeit Nr. 13, 2024.
- Wonner, Steffen: Efficient and complete conflict graph generation schemes for railroad scheduling, Masterarbeit Nr. 92, 2021.
- Wunschik, Marc-Sven: The Influence of Load Shedding on the Stream Quality in CEP Applications, Masterarbeit Nr. 82, 2019.
- Zhang, Qi: Location-history partitioning algorithms for privacy in non-trusted geo-social networks, Masterarbeit Nr. 100, 2017.
- Zhao, Han: Development and analysis of a window manager concept for consolidated 3D rendering on an embedded platform, Masterarbeit Nr. 46, 2015.
- Zinkler, Stephan: In-network packet priority adaptation for networked control systems, Masterarbeit Nr. 93, 2016.