Jahrgang 2012Jahrgang 2011- Farrell, Tobias; Rothermel, Kurt; Cheng, Reynold: Processing Continuous Range Queries with Spatiotemporal Tolerance. In: IEEE Journal Transactions on Mobile Computing (TCM). Vol. 10(3), IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
- Geiger, Lars; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Adaptive Routing in a Contextcast Overlay Network. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 7th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2011).
- Lange, Ralph; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Efficient real-time trajectory tracking. In: The VLDB Journal. Vol. 20(5), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
- Rizou, Stamatia; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Fulfilling End-to-End Latency Constraints in Large-scale Streaming Environments. In: Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference: IPCCC'11, 2011.
- Weinschrott, Harald; Weisser, Julian; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Participatory Sensing Algorithms for Mobile Object Discovery in Urban Areas. In: Proceedings of the 9th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2011.
Jahrgang 2010- Barisch, Marc; Berg, Sabrina; Brodt, Andreas; Geiger, Lars; Gerpott, Torsten; Gutscher, Andreas; Hubig, Christoph; Kühlewind, Mirja; Kühn, Paul J.; Siemoneit, Oliver: Aspekte der Abrechenbarkeit und Bepreisung kontextbezogener Systeme, Externe SFB 627 Bericht, , 2010.
- Becker, Susanne; Blessing, André; Dürr, Frank; Geiger, Lars; Großmann, Matthias; Gutscher, Andreas; Häussermann, Kai; Heesen, Jessica; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Lange, Ralph; Peter, Michael; Siemoneit, Oliver; Weinschrott, Harald; Zweigle, Oliver; Levi, Paul; Rothermel, Kurt: Reference Model for the Quality of Context Information, SFB 627 Bericht, 2010.
- Dürr, Frank; Weinschrott, Harald; Rothermel, Kurt: Geocast Routing of Symbolically Addressed Messages in Wireless Mesh Networks. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops '10), 2010.
- Dürr, Frank: Geographische Kommunikationsmechanismen auf Basis von feingranularen räumlichen Umgebungsmodellen, Dissertation, 2010.
- Geiger, Lars; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Aggregation of User Contexts in Context-based Communication. In: Proceedings of the 6th Euro-NF Conference on Next Generation Internet (NGI 2010).
- Geiger, Lars; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Aggregation of User Contexts in Context-based Communication, Externe SFB 627 Bericht, , 2010.
- Gerpott, Torsten J.; Berg, Sabrina; Geiger, Lars: Nutzung standortbezogener Mobilfunkdienste bei Privatkunden in Deutschland, Externe SFB 627 Bericht, , 2010.
- Lange, Ralph; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Efficient Tracking of Moving Objects using Generic Remote Trajectory Simplification (Demo Paper). In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops '10). Mannheim, Germany. March 2010.
- Lange, Ralph; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Indexing Source Descriptions based on Defined Classes. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS '10). Montreal, QC, Canada. August 2010.
- Lange, Ralph: Scalable Management of Trajectories and Context Model Descriptions, Dissertation, 2010.
- Rizou, Stamatia; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Solving the Multi-operator Placement Problem in Large-Scale Operator Networks. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer Communication Networks, 2010.
- Rizou, Stamatia; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Providing QoS Guarantees for Large-Scale Operator Networks. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 2010.
- Rizou, Stamatia; Häussermann, Kai; Dürr, Frank; Cipriani, Nazario; Rothermel, Kurt: A system for distributed context reasoning.. In: Proceedings of ICAS’10: International Conference on Autonomous and Autonomic Systems, 2010.
- Weinschrott, Harald; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Symbolic Routing for Location-based Services in Wireless Mesh Networks. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 24nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2010.
- Weinschrott, Harald; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: StreamShaper: Coordination Algorithms for Participatory Mobile Urban Sensing. In: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS'10), 2010.
- Weißer, Julian: Algorithmen zum effizienten Erfassen von Sensorwerten entlang von Straßenabschnitten, Studienarbeit Nr. 2237, 2010.
Jahrgang 2009- Dudkowski, Dominique: Fundamental Storage Mechanisms for Location-Based Services in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Dissertation, 2009.
- Gauger, Matthias; Marrón, Pedro José; Kauker, Daniel; Rothermel, Kurt: Low Overhead Assignment of Symbolic Coordinates in Sensor Networks. In: Telecommunication Systems. Vol. 40(3-4), Springer, 2009.
- Geiger, Lars; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: On Contextcast: A Context-aware Communication Mechanism. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2009. ICC '09.
- Geiger, Lars; Schertle, Ronald; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Temporal Addressing for Mobile Context-Aware Communication. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous '09), Toronto, ON, Canada, July 13-16, 2009.
- Grossmann, Matthias; Hönle, Nicola; Lübbe, Carlos; Weinschrott, Harald: An Abstract Processing Model for the Quality of Context Data. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Quality of Context, 2009.
- Lachenmann, Andreas; Herrmann, Klaus; Rothermel, Kurt; Marrón, Pedro José: On Meeting Lifetime Goals and Providing Constant Application Quality. In: Transactions on Sensor Networks. Vol. 5(4), ACM, 2009.
- Lange, Ralph; Cipriani, Nazario; Geiger, Lars; Großmann, Matthias; Weinschrott, Harald; Brodt, Andreas; Wieland, Matthias; Rizou, Stamatia; Rothermel, Kurt: Making the World Wide Space Happen: New Challenges for the Nexus Context Platform. In: Proceedings of the 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom '09). Galveston, TX, USA. March 2009.
- Lange, Ralph; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Indexing Source Descriptions for Large-Scale Distributed Ontology-based Information Systems, Externe SFB 627 Bericht, , 2009.
- Lange, Ralph; Farrell, Tobias; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Remote Real-Time Trajectory Simplification. In: Proceedings of the 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom '09). Galveston, TX, USA. March 2009.
- Lange, Ralph; Weinschrott, Harald; Geiger, Lars; Blessing, Andre; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt; Schütze, Hinrich: On a Generic Uncertainty Model for Position Information. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Quality of Context, 2009.
- Rizou, Stamatia; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Solving the Multi-operator Placement Problem in Large-Scale Operator Networks, Externe SFB 627 Bericht, , 2009.
- Rothermel, Kurt (Hrsg); Fritsch, Dieter (Hrsg); Blochinger, Wolfgang (Hrsg); Dürr, Frank (Hrsg): Quality of Context -- Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Quality of Context (QuaCon 2009), Stuttgart, Germany: Springer, 2009.
- Weinschrott, Harald; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Efficient Capturing of Environmental Data with Mobile RFID Readers. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'09); Taipei, Taiwan, Mai 18-20, 2009.
- Wernke, Marius: Kontextbasierte Vermittlungsalgorithmen für mobile Benutzer, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2855, 2009.
- Zaragoza, Antonio Fernández: Development of a Framework for Mobile Data Stream Processing, Studienarbeit Nr. 2214, 2009.
Jahrgang 2008- Berleong, René: Anfrageverarbeitung auf Lokationsmodellen mit Topographieinformation in Mobilen Ad-hoc-Netzen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2682, 2008.
- Dudkowski, Dominique; Weinschrott, Harald; Marrón, Pedro José: Design and Implementation of a Reference Model for Context Management in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data Management for Wireless and Pervasive Communications (DMWPC2008); Gino-wan, Okinawa, Japan, March, 2008.
- Dürr, Frank; Palauro, Jonas; Geiger, Lars; Lange, Ralph; Rothermel, Kurt: Ein kontextbezogener Instant-Messaging-Dienst auf Basis des XMPP-Protokolls. In: 5. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste. Nürnberg. September 2008.
- Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: An Adaptive Overlay Network for World-wide Geographic Messaging. In: Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2008); Gino-wan, Okinawa, Japan, March 25-28, 2008.
- Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Kommunikationsprotokolle zur Vermittlung kontextbezogener Informationen auf Basis räumlicher Umgebungsmodelle. In: Proceedings of VDE-Kongress 2008 -- Zukunftstechnologien: Innovationen - Märkte - Nachwuchs.
- Gauger, Matthias; Marrón, Pedro José; Handte, Marcus; Saukh, Olga; Minder, Daniel; Lachenmann, Andreas; Rothermel, Kurt: Integrating Sensor Networks in Pervasive Computing Environments Using Symbolic Coordinates. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware (COMSWARE 2008).
- Götz, Markus: Distributed Management of Object Positions in an XMPP Server Network, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2788, 2008.
- Höfer, Stefan: Kostenoptimierte Anfrageergebnisse mit vorgegebener Qualität in mobilen Ad-hoc Netzen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2655, 2008.
- Lange, Ralph; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Online Trajectory Data Reduction using Connection-preserving Dead Reckoning. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services: MobiQuitous '08; Dublin, Ireland, July 21-25, 2008.
- Lange, Ralph; Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: Scalable Processing of Trajectory-Based Queries in Space-Partitioned Moving Objects Databases. In: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2008).
- Oettle, Dominik: Kontextqualitätsabhängige Adaption von Aktualisierungsprotokollen in mobilen Ad-Hoc Netzen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2782, 2008.
- Radtke Gaeta, Marcos: Integration of Spatial Query Support into the XMPP-Protocol and Server Infrastructure, Studienarbeit Nr. 2162, 2008.
- Rothermel, Kurt: Kontextbezogene Systeme – die Welt im Computer modelliert. In: Digitale Visionen, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
- Schertle, Ronald: Konzeption und Realisierung eines zeitbezogenen Contextcast, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2724, 2008.
- Stepanov, Illya: Using geographic models in the simulation of mobile communication - Verwendung von Geographischen Modellen in der Simulation von mobiler Kommunikation, Dissertation, 2008.
Jahrgang 2007- Bauer, Martin: Observing Physical World Events through a Distributed World Model, Externe Dissertation, , 2007.
- Berleong, Rene: Verteilte räumliche und typbasierte Indexstrukturen über Kontextanbietern, Studienarbeit Nr. 2080, 2007.
- Dudkowski, Dominique; Marrón, Pedro José; Rothermel, Kurt: Migration Policies for Location-Centric Data Storage in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN'07); Beijing, China, December, 2007.
- Farrell, Tobias; Cheng, Reynold; Rothermel, Kurt: Energy-Efficient Monitoring of Mobile Objects with Uncertainty-Aware Tolerances. In: Desai, Bipin C. (Hrsg); Barker, Ken (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 11th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2007); Banff, Canada, September 6-8, 2007.
- Farrell, Tobias; Lange, Ralph; Rothermel, Kurt: Energy-efficient Tracking of Mobile Objects with Early Distance-based Reporting. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2007); Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 6-10, 2007.
- Geiger, Lars; Dürr, Frank: Kontextbezogene Kommunikation. In: Roth, Jörg (Hrsg); Küpper, Axel (Hrsg); Linnhoff-Popien, Claudia (Hrsg): 4. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste, 2007.
- Hähner, Jörg; Becker, Christian; Marrón, Pedro José; Rothermel, Kurt: Drahtlose Sensornetze - Fenster zur Realwelt. In: Mattern, Friedemann (Hrsg): Die Informatisierung des Alltags, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007.
- Hähner, Jörg; Dudkowski, Dominique; Marrón, Pedro José; Rothermel, Kurt: Quantifying Network Partitioning in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2007), Mannheim, Germany, May 2007.
- Lachenmann, Andreas; Marrón, Pedro José; Minder, Daniel; Rothermel, Kurt: Meeting Lifetime Goals with Energy Levels. In: Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2007).
- Minder, Daniel; Grau, Andreas; Marrón, Pedro José: On Group Formation for Self-Adaptation in Pervasive Systems. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems, 2007.
- Mohr, Tobias: Verteilte räumlich-zeitliche Zugriffsstrukturen für Trajektorien, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2572, 2007.
- Saternus, Martin; Knoll, Mirko; Dürr, Frank; Weis, Torben: Symstry: Ein P2P-System für Ortsbezogene Anwendungen. In: Proceedings of 15. ITG/GI - Fachtagung (KiVS 2007).
- Saternus, Martin; Weis, Torben; Knoll, Mirko; Dürr, Frank: A Middleware for Context-Aware Applications and Services Based on Messenger Protocols. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerComW'07), 2007.
- Schertle, Ronald: Lastsensitive Modifikation von Peer-to-Peer Indexstrukturen, Studienarbeit Nr. 2106, 2007.
Jahrgang 2006- Arbter, Bruno; Bitzer, Florian; Bürklen, Susanne; Dudkowski, Dominique; Scharf, Michael: Approaches for Modelling Moblity in Nexus, SFB 627 Bericht, 2006.
- Becker, Christian; Dürr, Frank; Knoll, Mirko; Nicklas, Daniela; Weis, Torben: Entwicklung ortsbezogener Anwendungen. In: Kruse, Hans G. (Hrsg): Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK). Bd. 29(1), K. G. Saur Verlag, 2006.
- Bitzer, Florian; Dudkowski, Dominique; Haala, Norbert: Investigation of Empirical Pedestrian Traces for Calibrating Microscopic Mobility Models. In: Möhlenbrink, Wolfgang (Hrsg); Englmann, Frank (Hrsg); Friedrich, Markus (Hrsg); Martin, Ullrich (Hrsg); Hangleiter, Ulrich (Hrsg): Proceedings of the International Symposium Networks for Mobility 2006, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Bürklen, Susanne; Marrón, Pedro José; Rothermel, Kurt; Pfahl, Timo: Hoarding Location-Based Data Using Clustering. In: Proceedings of the 4-th ACM International Workshop on Mobility Management and Wireless Access Protocols (MobiWAC 2006); Torremolinos, Spain, Oct. 2, 2006.
- Bürklen, Susanne; Marrón, Pedro José; Rothermel, Kurt: Proactive Hoarding in Location-Based Systems. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS 2006).
- Bürklen, Susanne: Hoarding Structured Information in Context-Aware Systems, SFB 627 Bericht, 2006.
- Drosdol, Tobias; Dudkowski, Dominique; Becker, Christian; Rothermel, Kurt: Efficient Indexing of Symbolic Location Information. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS 2006).
- Drosdol, Tobias; Dürr, Frank; Hönle, Nicola; Volz, Steffen: Navigation Component Report, Externe SFB 627 Bericht, , 2006.
- Dudkowski, Dominique; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Nicklas, Daniela; Schwarz, Thomas; Siemoneit, Oliver; Volz, Steffen; Wiegerling, Klaus; Zweigle, Oliver: Konsistenz in Nexus, SFB 627 Bericht, 2006.
- Dudkowski, Dominique; Marrón, Pedro José; Rothermel, Kurt: Efficient Algorithms for Probabilistic Spatial Queries in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware (COMSWARE 2006); New Delhi, India, January 2006.
- Dudkowski, Dominique; Marrón, Pedro José; Rothermel, Kurt: An Efficient Resilience Mechanism for Data Centric Storage in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM '06); Nara, Japan, May 2006.
- Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: An Overlay Network for Forwarding Symbolically Addressed Geocast Messages. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN '06); Arlington, VA, October 9-11, 2006.
- Dürr, Frank: An Overlay Network for Forwarding Symbolically Addressed Geocast Messages, Externe SFB 627 Bericht, , 2006.
- Eissele, Mike; Hönle, Nicola; Schwarz, Thomas; Volz, Steffen; Kada, Martin; Jendoubi, Lamine; Bürklen, Susanne: 3D-Daten in GML 3.0, SFB 627 Bericht, 2006.
- Geiger, Jan: Efficient Broadcast Dissemination in Mobile Context-Aware Systems, SFB 627 Bericht, 2006.
- Hähner, Jörg; Marrón, Pedro José; Rothermel, Kurt: Maintaining Update-Linearizability for Replicated Information in MANETs. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware (COMSWARE 2006); New Delhi, India, January 2006.
- Herrscher, Daniel: Emulation von Rechnernetzen zur Leistungsanalyse von verteilten Anwendungen und Netzprotokollen, Dissertation, 2006.
- Khelil, Abdelmajid; Marrón, Pedro José; Becker, Christian; Rothermel, Kurt: Hypergossiping: A Generalized Broadcast Strategy for MANETs. In: Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, 2006.
- Khelil, Abdelmajid: Mobility-Aware Buffering for Delay-Tolerant Broadcasting in MANETs. In: to appear in Proceedings of The International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'06), Calgary, Canada, July, 2006.
- Rothermel, Kurt; Ertl, Thomas; Dieter, Fritsch; Kühn, Paul J.; Mitschang, Bernhard; Westkämper, Engelbert; Becker, Christian; Dudkowski, Dominique; Gutscher, Andreas; Hauser, Christian; Jendoubi, Lamine; Nicklas, Daniela; Volz, Steffen; Wieland, Matthias: SFB 627 – Umgebungsmodelle für mobile kontextbezogene Systeme. In: Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung. Vol. 21(1-2), 2006, Springer-Verlag.
- Scharf, Michael; Arbter, Bruno; Dürr, Frank; Schwarz, Thomas; Simoneit, Oliver: Performance Aspects of Large-scale Location- based Services, Externe SFB 627 Bericht, , 2006.
- Wieland, Matthias; Leymann, Frank; Jendoubi, Lamine; Nicklas, Daniela; Dürr, Frank: Task-orientierte Anwendungen in einer Smart Factory. In: Kirste, Thomas (Hrsg); König-Ries, Birgitta (Hrsg); Pousttchi, Key (Hrsg); Turowski, Klaus (Hrsg): Mobile Informationssysteme - Potentiale, Hindernisse, Einsatz. Proceedings MMS´06, 2006.
Jahrgang 2005- Arbter, Bruno; Drosdol, Tobias; Dürr, Frank; Großmann, Matthias; Hönle, Nicola; Volz, Steffen: Das Nexus Relationen- und Topologiekonzept, SFB 627 Bericht, 2005.
- Bauer, Martin; Rothermel, Kurt: An Architecture for Observing PhysicalWorld Events. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems: ICPADS 2005; Fukuoka, Japan, July 20-22, 2005.
- Becker, Christian; Dürr, Frank: On Location Models for Ubiquitous Computing. In: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Vol. 9(1), Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- Bürklen, Susanne; Marrón, Pedro José; Fritsch, Serena; Rothermel, Kurt: User Centric Walk: An Integrated Approach for Modeling the Browsing Behavior of Users on the Web. In: IEEE Computer Society Press (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS'05), San Diego, CA, USA, 2005.
- Dudkowski, Dominique; Drosdol, Tobias; Marrón, Pedro José: Towards Scalable and Efficient Processing of Probabilistic Spatial Queries in Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. In: König-Ries, Birgitta (Hrsg); Klein, Michael (Hrsg): Mobile Datenbanken: heute, morgen und in 20 Jahren. 8. Workshop des GI-Arbeitskreises "Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme", 2005.
- Dürr, Frank; Becker, Christian; Rothermel, Kurt: Efficient Forwarding of Symbolically Addressed Geocast Messages. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Communications an Networks (ICCCN 2005); San Diego, CA, October 2005.
- Grossmann, Matthias; Bauer, Martin; Hönle, Nicola; Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Nicklas, Daniela; Schwarz, Thomas: Efficiently Managing Context Information for Large-scale Scenarios. In: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications: PerCom2005; Kauai Island, Hawaii, March 8-12, 2005.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Drosdol, Tobias; Schwarz, Thomas; Scharf, Michael: SensorContextServer und SensorClient in der Nexus-Plattform, SFB 627 Bericht, 2005.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Dudkowski, Dominique; Kindermann, Georg; Klinec, Darko: Modellierung von Sensoren und Sensordaten in der Nexus-Plattform, SFB 627 Bericht, 2005.
- Käppeler, Uwe-Philipp; Kindermann, Georg; Nicklas, Daniela; Hönle, Nicola; Dudkowski, Dominique: Shared Dynamic Context Models: Benefits for Advanced Sensor Data Fusion for Autonomous Robots. In: Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2005; Innsbruck, Austria, February, 14-16, 2005.
- Khelil, Abdelmajid; Marrón, José Pedro; Becker, Christian; Rothermel, Kurt: Hypergossiping: A Generalized Broadcast Strategy for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: Proceedings of Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2005 (KiVS'05); Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2005.
- Khelil, Abdelmajid; Marrón, José Pedro; Dietrich, Rüdiger; Rothermel, Kurt: Evaluation of Partition-Aware MANET Protocols and Applications with ns-2. In: Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS ’05), Philadelphia, PA, July 24–28, 2005.
- Khelil, Abdelmajid; Marrón, José Pedro; Rothermel, Kurt: Contact-Based Mobility Metrics for Delay-Tolerant Ad Hoc Networking. In: Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems: MASCOTS'05; Atlanta, Georgia, September, 2005. Vol. Vol. P2458.
- Lange, Ralph: Energieschonung im Lokationsmanagement, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2316, 2005.
- Lück, Stephan; Bürklen, Susanne; Dürr, Frank; Großmann, Matthias; Scharf, Michael: Ein Schema zur Beschreibung von Zugangsnetzen für das Nexus-Umgebungsmodell, Externe SFB 627 Bericht, , 2005.
- Marrón, Pedro José; Lachenmann, Andreas; Minder, Daniel; Hähner, Jörg; Sauter, Robert; Rothermel, Kurt: TinyCubus: A Flexible and Adaptive Framework for Sensor Networks. In: Cayirci, Erdal (Hrsg); Baydere, Sebnem (Hrsg); Havinga, Paul (Hrsg): Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2005).
- Nicklas, Daniela; Bürklen, Susanne; Drosdol, Tobias; Hönle, Nicola: Benefits of Context Models in Smart Environments. In: Roth, Jörg (Hrsg): 2. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste, 2005.
- Pfahl, Timo: Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Cluster-Bildung in einem Informationsgraphen für die Vorabübertragung von Webseiten., Diplomarbeit Nr. 2359, 2005.
- Wallwitz, Fabian: Entwurf von geographischen Multicast-Protokollen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2366, 2005.
Jahrgang 2004- Arbter, Bruno; Drosdol, Tobias; Dürr, Frank; Großmann, Matthias; Hönle, Nicola; Volz, Steffen: Das Nexus Relationen- und Topologiekonzept, Technischer Bericht Nr. 2004/07.
- Bauer, Martin; Dürr, Frank; Geiger, Jan; Grossmann, Matthias; Hönle, Nicola; Joswig, Jean; Nicklas, Daniela; Schwarz, Thomas: Information Management and Exchange in the Nexus Platform, Technischer Bericht Nr. 2004/04.
- Bauer, Martin; Jendoubi, Lamine; Siemoneit, Oliver: Smart Factory – Mobile Computing in Production Environments. In: Proceedings of the MobiSys 2004 Workshop on Applications of Mobile Embedded Systems (WAMES 2004).
- Bauer, Martin; Rothermel, Kurt: How to Observe Real-World Events through a Distributed World Model. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2004 (ICPADS 2004);Newport Beach, California, July 7-9, 2004.
- Bauer, Martin: Event Management for Mobile Users, Technischer Bericht Nr. 2004/02.
- Becker, Christian Robert: System Support for Context-Aware Computing, Stuttgart: Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Universität Stuttgart, 2004.
- Becker, Christian; Nicklas, Daniela: Where do spatial context-models end and where do ontologies start? A proposal of a combined approach. In: Indulska, Jadwiga (Hrsg); De Roure, David (Hrsg): Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Advanced Context Modelling, Reasoning and Management in conjunction with UbiComp 2004.
- Becker, Christian: System Support for Context-aware Computing, Habilitation, 2004.
- Bürklen, Susanne; Marrón, Pedro José; Rothermel, Kurt: An Enhanced Hoarding Approach Based on Graph Analysis. In: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2004); Berkeley, California, USA; January 19-22, 2004.
- Drosdol, Tobias; Schwarz, Thomas; Bauer, Martin; Großmann, Matthias; Hönle, Nicola; Nicklas, Daniela: Keeping Track of "Flying Elephants": Challenges in Large-Scale Management of Complex Mobile Objects. In: Dadam, Peter (Hrsg); Reichert, Manfred (Hrsg): Proceedings of INFORMATIK 2004 - the Thirty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.(GI); Ulm, Germany, September 20-24, 2004. Vol. 1.
- Dürr, Frank; Hönle, Nicola; Nicklas, Daniela; Becker, Christian; Rothermel, Kurt: Nexus--A Platform for Context-Aware Applications. In: Jörg Roth (Hrsg): 1. GI/ITG Fachgespräch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste., 2004.
- Hähner, Jörg; Becker, Christian; Marrón, Pedro José: Consistent Context Management in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: Dadam, Peter (Hrsg); Reichert, Manfred (Hrsg): Informatik 2004 - Informatik verbindet, Vol. 1.
- Hähner, Jörg; Dudkowski, Dominique; Marrón, Pedro José; Becker, Christian: Partitioning in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: 2. GI/ITG KuVS-Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetzwerke", 2004.
- Hähner, Jörg; Dudkowski, Dominique; Marrón, Pedro José: A Quantitative Analysis of Partitioning in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: Accepted for Poster at the Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems : Sigmetrics - Performance 2004.
- Hähner, Jörg; Rothermel, Kurt; Becker, Christian: Update-Linearizability: A Consistency Concept for the Chronological Ordering of Events in MANETs. In: Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems, 2004.
- Herrscher, Daniel; Maier, Steffen; Tian, Jing; Rothermel, Kurt: A Novel Approach to Evaluating Implementations of Location-Based Software. In: Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2004), San Jose, CA, USA, July 26-29, 2004.
- Höschle, Frank: Programmierung eines Mikrocontrollers und Kommunikationsschnittstellen zum Tool "Data Management System", Diplomarbeit Nr. 2177, 2004.
- Knoll, Mirko: Entwurf und Bewertung von Lokationsmodellen, Studienarbeit Nr. 1930, 2004.
- Lehmann, Othmar; Bauer, Martin; Becker, Christian; Nicklas, Daniela: From Home to World - Supporting Context-aware Applications through World Models. In: Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2004.
- Luo, Xiaoxi: Entwurf von Protokollen für die geographische Kommunikation basierend auf symbolischen Koordinaten, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2147, 2004.
- Marrón, Pedro; Lachenmann, Andreas; Minder, Daniel; Hähner, Jörg; Rothermel, Kurt; Becker, Christian: Adaptation and Cross-Layer Issues in Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 2004 Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing Conference : ISSNIP '04 ; Melbourne, December 14-17, 2004.
- Rothermel, Kurt; Dürr, Frank: Location-based Services: Auf dem Weg zu kontextbezogenen Informations- und Kommunikationssystemen. In: VDE (Hrsg): Zukunft durch Informationstechnik - Schnell-Mobil-Intelligent -- Jubiläumsfachtagung 50 Jahre ITG, 2004.
Jahrgang 2003- Bauer, Martin; Becker, Christian; Hähner, Jörg; Schiele, Gregor: ContextCube - Providing Context Information Ubiquitously. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCS 2003).
- Bauer, Martin; Jendoubi, Lamine; Rothermel, Kurt; Westkämper, Engelbert: Grundlagen ubiquitärer Systeme und deren Anwendung in der "Smart Factory". In: Gronau, Norbert (Hrsg); Krallmann, Hermann; Scholz-Reiter, Bernd (Hrsg): Industrie Management - Zeitschrift für industrielle Geschäftsprozesse. Bd. 19(6), 2003.
- Boronas, Andreas: Ein Framework für verteilte Ereignisbeobachtung, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2045, 2003.
- Csallner, Christoph: Verteilte Beobachtung von Ereignissen im Nexus-Lokationsdienst, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2064, 2003.
- Dieterle, Ralf: Notifikationsdienst auf Basis von Microsoft .NET, Studienarbeit Nr. 1885, 2003.
- Drosdol, Tobias: Unterstützung symbolischer Koordinaten im Lokationsmanagement, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2062, 2003.
- Dürr, Frank; Rothermel, Kurt: On a Location Model for Fine-Grained Geocast. In: Dey, Anind K. (Hrsg); Schmidt, Albrecht (Hrsg); McCarthy, Joseph F. (Hrsg): UbiComp 2003: Ubiquitous Computing (Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing 2003); Seattle, WA, October 2003.
- Eickhoff, Felix; Fenchel, Julia; Scheck, Dennis: Bewertung von Positionierungssystemen für den Innenbereich für den Einsatz innerhalb des NEXUS-Projekts, Fachstudie Softwaretechnik Nr. 25, 2003.
- Hähner, Jörg; Becker, Christian; Rothermel, Kurt: A Protocol for Data Dissemination in Frequently Partitioned Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: Tantawy, Ahmed (Hrsg); Inan, Kemal (Hrsg): Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2003). Vol. I.
- König, Tim; Kaiser, Fabian; Höschle, Frank: Konzeption eines Fertigungshilfsmittel-Identifikationssystems, Fachstudie Softwaretechnik Nr. 26, 2003.
- Lehmann, Othmar: A Spatial Modelling Infrastructure for Ubicomp Applications in Home Environments, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2075, 2003.
- Leonhardi, Alexander: Architektur eines verteilten skalierbaren Lokationsdienstes, Dissertation, 2003.
- Minder, Daniel: Generische Integration der Beobachtung von Ereignissen in Ereignisquellen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2080, 2003.
- Motzer, Steffen: Query-basierte Abfrage des Lokationsdienstes in Nexus, Studienarbeit Nr. 1884, 2003.
- Rothermel, Kurt; Bauer, Martin; Becker, Christian: SFB 627 - "Nexus" Umgebungsmodelle für mobile kontextbezogene Systeme. In: Molitor, Paul (Hrsg); Küspert, Klaus (Hrsg); Rothermel, Kurt (Hrsg): it - Information Technology. Bd. 45(5), München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH, 2003.
- Rothermel, Kurt; Bauer, Martin; Becker, Christian: Digitale Weltmodelle - Grundlage kontextbezogener Systeme. In: Friedemann Mattern (Hrsg): Total vernetzt - Szenarien einer informatisierten Welt, 2003.
- Rothermel, Kurt; Dudkowski, Dominique; Dürr, Frank; Bauer, Martin; Becker, Christian: Ubiquitous Computing - More than Computing Anytime Anyplace?. In: Proceedings of the 49. Photogrammetrische Woche, 2003.
- Rothermel, Kurt; Fritsch, Dieter; Mitschang, Bernhard; Kühn, Paul J.; Bauer, Martin; Becker, Christian; Hauser, Christian; Nicklas, Daniela; Volz, Steffen: SFB 627: Umgebungsmodelle für mobile kontextbezogene Systeme. In: Proceedings Informatik 2003.
- Stepanov, Illya; Hähner, Jörg; Becker, Christian; Tian, Jing; Rothermel, Kurt: A Meta-Model and Framework for User Mobility in Mobile Networks. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networking 2003 (ICON 2003), Sydney, Australia, September 28 - October 1, 2003.
Jahrgang 2002- Bauer, Martin; Becker, Christian; Rothermel, Kurt: Location Models from the Perspective of Context-Aware Applications Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Vol. 6(5-6), London: Springer-Verlag, 2002.
- Bauer, Martin; Rothermel, Kurt: Towards the Observation of Spatial Events in Distributed Location-Aware Systems. In: Wagner, Roland (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2002.
- Becker, Christian; Bauer, Martin; Hähner, Jörg: Usenet-on-the-fly - Supporting Locality of Information in Spontaneous Networking Entironments. In: Liscano, Ramiro (Hrsg); Kortuem, Gerd (Hrsg): Workshop on Ad Hoc Communications and Collaboration in Ubiquitous Computing Envirnments, 2002.
- Coschurba, Peter; Rothermel, Kurt; Dürr, Frank: A fine grained addressing concept for GeoCast. In: Schmeck, Hartmut (Hrsg); Unger, Theo (Hrsg); Wolf, Lars (Hrsg): Trends in Network and Pervasive Computing -- ARCS 2002 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems 2002).
- Dudkowski, Dominique: Ereignisse im Nexus-Lokationsdienst, Studienarbeit Nr. 1825, 2002.
- Hauser, Christian; Leonhardi, Alexander; Kühn, Paul J.: Sicherheitsaspekte in Nexus - einer Plattform für ortsbezogene Anwendungen. In: it+ti, Zeitschrift für Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik. Bd. 5, 2002, München: Oldenbourg.
- Hörr, Nikolaus: Entwicklung eines Gerätes zur Erfassung des Umgebungskontextes ContextCube, Studienarbeit Nr. 1849, 2002.
- Khelil, Abdelmajid; Becker, Christian; Tian, Jing; Rothermel, Kurt: An Epidemic Model for Information Diffusion in MANETs. In: Dahlberg, Teresa (Hrsg); Meo, Michela (Hrsg); Zomaya, Albert (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM'02) at MobiCom 2002.
- Kubach, Uwe; Rothermel, Kurt: Estimating the Benefit of Location-Awareness for Mobile Data Management Mechanisms. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Computing 2002.
- Kubach, Uwe: Vorabübertragung ortsbezogener Informationen zur Unterstützung mobiler Systeme, Dissertation, 2002.
- Leonhardi, Alexander; Nicu, Christian; Rothermel, Kurt: A Map-based Dead-reckoning Protocol for Updating Location Information. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Issues in Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing (IPDPSWPIM 2002).
- Leonhardi, Alexander; Rothermel, Kurt: Architecture of a Large-scale Location Service. In: Short Paper in Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Distributed Computing Systems : ICDCS 2002; Vienna, Austria, July 2002.
- Rothermel, Kurt; Becker, Christian; Hähner, Jörg: Consistent Update Diffusion in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Technischer Bericht Nr. 2002/04.
- Till, Alexander: Erweiterter Notifikationsdienst für Nexus, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2020, 2002.
Jahrgang 2001- Bauer, Martin; Becker, Christian; Rothermel, Kurt: Location Models from the Perspective of Context-Aware Applications and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: Workshop on Location Modeling for Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2001.
- Bauer, Martin: Infobox: Spatial Events. In: GIS Geo-Informations-Systeme. Vol. 6, Heidelberg: Herbert Wichmann Verlag, 2001.
- Coschurba, Peter; Bauer, Martin: Infobox: GeoCast. In: GIS Geo-Informations-Systeme. Vol. 6, Heidelberg: Herbert Wichmann Verlag, 2001.
- Coschurba, Peter; Baumann, Joachim; Kubach, Uwe; Leonhardi, Alexander: Metaphors for Context-Aware Information Access. In: Springer Personal Technologies Journal. Bd. 5(1), Springer, 2001.
- Coschurba, Peter; Baumann, Joachim; Kubach, Uwe; Leonhardi, Alexander: Context-aware, Classification, Metaphor, Taxonomy, Präsentation, 2001.
- Coschurba, Peter; Rothermel, Kurt: A Fine-Grained Addressing Concept for GeoCast, Technischer Bericht Nr. 2001/05.
- Coschurba, Peter: Ein Überblick über GeoCast. In: Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung (PIK). Bd. 24 (2001) 2.
- Coschurba, Peter: Adressierung und Semantik von geographischen Nachrichten, Technischer Bericht Nr. 2001/04.
- Drosdol, Tobias; Ruffner, Christoph: Infobox: Virtual Information Towers. In: GIS Geo-Informations-Systeme. Vol. 6, Heidelberg: Herbert Wichmann Verlag, 2001.
- Großmann, Matthias; Leonhardi, Alexander; Mitschang, Bernhard; Rothermel, Kurt: A World Model for Location-Aware Systems. In: Informatik. Vol. 8(5), Schweizerischer Verband der Informatikorganisationen SVI/FSI, 2001.
- Häßler, Achim: Untersuchung von Datenbanktechnologien für hochdynamische Positionsinformationen mobiler Objekte, Diplomarbeit Nr. 1889, 2001.
- Hegele, Mario: Entwurf und Implementierung einer Architektur zur Vorabuebertragung ortsabhaengiger Informationen in einer mobilen Umgebung, Diplomarbeit Nr. 1890, 2001.
- Klinec, Darko; Leonhardi, Alexander: Positioning and Location Services for Indoor Areas in Nexus. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Indoor Navigation (INDOORNAV 2001).
- Kubach, U.; Rothermel, K.: Exploiting Location Information for Infostation-Based Hoarding. In: Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGMOBILE Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2001).
- Kubach, U.; Rothermel, K.: A Map-Based Hoarding Mechanism for Location-Dependent Information. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2001).
- Kubach, Uwe; Hegele, Mario; Rothermel, Kurt: A Simulation Framework for Mobile, Location-Dependent Information Access. In: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2001).
- Kubach, Uwe; Rothermel, Kurt: Ein Hoarding-Verfahren für ortsbezogene Informationen. In: Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung, Springer, to appear, 2001.
- Leonhardi, Alexander; Bauer, Martin: Managing Highly Dynamic Location Data. In: GIS Geo-Informations-Systeme. Vol. 6, Heidelberg: Herbert Wichmann Verlag, 2001.
- Leonhardi, Alexander; Nicu, Christian; Rothermel, Kurt: A Map-based Dead-reckoning Protocol for Updating Location Information, Technischer Bericht Nr. 2001/09.
- Leonhardi, Alexander; Rothermel, Kurt: A Comparison of Protocols for Updating Location Information. In: Baltzer Cluster Computing Journal. Vol. 4(4), Baltzer Science Publishers, 2001.
- Leonhardi, Alexander; Rothermel, Kurt: Architecture of a Large-scale Location Service, Technischer Bericht Nr. 2001/01.
- Nicu, Christian: Untersuchung von Koppelnavigations-Protokollen für die Übertragung von Positionsinformationen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 1919, 2001.
- Rothermel, Kurt; Leonhardi, Alexander: Maintaining Worls Models for Context-aware Applications. In: William R. Wells (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control (COMCON-8), 2001.
- Till, Alexander: Design und Entwicklung einer Anwendung für GeoMail und GeoMessages, Studienarbeit Nr. 1800, 2001.
Jahrgang 2000- Coschurba, P.; Kubach, U.; Leonhardi, A.: Research Issues in Developing a Platform for Spatial-Aware Applications. In: Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, 2000.
- Häßler, Achim: Entwicklung einer GPS-Bibliothek in Java, Studienarbeit Nr. 1774, 2000.
- Hegele, Mario: Entwicklung einer Simulationsumgebung für kontextbezogenen Informationszugriff in einer mobilen Umgebung, Studienarbeit Nr. 1790, 2000.
- Kubach, U.; Rothermel, K.: An Adaptive Location-Aware Hoarding Mechanism. In: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2000).
- Kubach, Uwe; Rothermel, Kurt: A Context-Aware Hoarding Mechanism for Location-Dependent Information Systems, Technischer Bericht Nr. 2000/06.
- Leonhardi, Alexander; Bauer, Martin: The VIT-System: Experiences with Developing a Location-Aware System for the Internet. In: Workshop on Infrastructure for Smart Devices, How to Make Ubiquity an Actuality, at the HUC2k, Bristol, Great Britain, 2000.
- Leonhardi, Alexander; Rothermel, Kurt: A Comparison of Protocols for Updating Location Information, Technischer Bericht Nr. 2000/05.
- Volz, Steffen; Sester, Monika; Fritsch, Dieter; Leonhardi, Alexander: Multi-Scale Data Sets in Distributed Environments. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Temote Sensing. Vol. 33 (Part B4), 2000, Amsterdam: k.A.
Jahrgang 1999- Fritz, Andreas: Positionsabhängiger Zugriff auf WWW-Inhalte, Diplomarbeit Nr. 1709, 1999.
- Hohl, F.; Kubach, U.; Leonhardi, A.; Rothermel, K.; Schwehm, M.: Next Century Challenges: Nexus - An Open Global Infrastructure for Spatial-Aware Applications. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom '99), 1999.
- Hohl, Fritz; Kubach, Uwe; Leonhardi, Alexander; Rothermel, Kurt; Schwehm, Markus: Nexus - An Open Global Infrastructure for Spatial-Aware Applications, Technischer Bericht Nr. 1999/02.
- Kubach, Uwe; Leonhardi, Alexander; Rothermel, Kurt; Schwehm, Markus: Analysis of Distribution Schemes for the Management of Location Information, Technischer Bericht Nr. 1999/01.
- Kubach, Uwe; Rothermel, Kurt: A Universal, Location-Aware Hoarding Mechanism. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing (HUC '99), 1999.
- Leonhardi, A.; Kubach, U.; Rothermel, K.; Fritz, A.: Virtual Information Towers - A Metaphor for Intuitive, Location-Aware Information Access in a Mobile Environment. In: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISCW '99), 1999.
- Leonhardi, A.; Kubach, U.: An Architecture for a Distributed Universal Location Service. In: Proceedings of the European Wireless '99 Conference, 1999.
- Schiele, Gregor: Positionierung von Benutzern innerhalb eines Gebäudes, Studienarbeit Nr. 1739, 1999.
- Volz, Steffen; Fritsch, Dieter; Klinec, Darko; Leonhardi, Alexander; Schützner, Johannes: Nexus: Spatial Model Servers for location aware applications on the basis of ArcView. In: Proceedings of hte 14th ESRI European User Conference, 1999.