Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems (IPVS)


An overview of publications of the Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems.

Publications VS: Bibliography 1994 BibTeX

@inproceedings {INPROC-1994-08,
   author = {Ern{\"o} Kovacs},
   title = {{Trading und Management verteilter Anwendungen: zentrale Aufgaben f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige verteilte System}},
   booktitle = {1. Aachener Arbeitstreffen ``Neue Konzepte f{\"u}rur die Offene Verteilte Verarbeitung''},
   publisher = {Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Germany},
   series = {Aachener Beitrt{\"a}ge zur Informatik},
   volume = {7},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {September},
   year = {1994},
   isbn = {3-86073-143-2},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {H Information Systems},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed High-Performance Systems, Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-1994-06,
   author = {Ern{\"o} Kovacs and Stefan Wirag},
   title = {{Trading and Distributed Application Managment:An Integrated Approach}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations \& Management (DSOM'94)},
   publisher = {not available},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Germany},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {January},
   year = {1994},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H Information Systems},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed High-Performance Systems, Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Trading and distributed application management are two research areas that are strongly related. Trading is a supporting service for distributed systems that utilizes configuration data and current state information to mediate services. Distributed application management collects this information and controls the operation of the system. An integrated approach has to focus on the collaboration of both sides. This paper explores some of the arising problems. The use of configuration information, the notification of events, and access to dynamic state information requires carefully designed interaction interfaces to minimize the effects of communication and distribution on the mediation process. In the other direction, application management can steer the operation and performance of the distributed system through influencing the trading process. We describe our implementation for both approaches and present some exemplary performance measures.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-1994-05,
   author = {Tobias Helbig and Kurt Rothermel},
   title = {{Programming Abstractions for Handling Multimedia Data in CINEMA}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd CaberNet Plenary Workshop},
   address = {Dublin, Ireland},
   publisher = {not available},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Germany},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {March},
   year = {1994},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H Information Systems},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed High-Performance Systems, Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {(not available)},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-1994-04,
   author = {Tobias Helbig},
   title = {{Development and Control of Distributed Multimedia Applications}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Open Workshop on High-Speed Networks},
   editor = {Paul K{\"u}hn},
   address = {Brest, France},
   publisher = {not available},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Germany},
   pages = {208--213},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {September},
   year = {1994},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H Information Systems},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed High-Performance Systems, Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Distributed multimedia applications make use of high-speed networks to transmit data units. Processing of multimedia data is done at end-systems. Appropriate support is required to provide for integrated processing and communicating of multimedia data streams and for efficient development of distributed multimedia applications. It is given by a middleware layer which uses services of operating systems and networks and enriches them by protocols and mechanisms to offer multimedia system services including multimedia communication, resource reservation, synchronization and configuration management. By that, the gap between system services of general purpose operating systems and the requirements of developing distributed multimedia applications is closed. The CINEMA (Configurable INtEgrated Multimedia Architecture) system is such a middleware layer which offers abstractions to develop arbitrarily structured multimedia applications and provides protocols and mechanisms to control them. Its multimedia system services are accessible via easy-to-use interfaces.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-1994-03,
   author = {Gabriel Dermler},
   title = {{Ein Konzept zur Integration von Netzwerk-Filtern in verteilte Multimedi-Systemen}},
   booktitle = {Tagungsband der GI-Fachtagung ``Innovationen bei Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen},
   address = {Hamburg, Germany},
   publisher = {not available},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Germany},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {January},
   year = {1994},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {H Information Systems},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed High-Performance Systems, Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Multicast-Uebertragungen mit heterogenen Empfaengern koennen mit Hilfe von Filtern im Netzwerk optimiert werden. Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Einbettung des Filter-Konzepts in eine Architektur, die die Realisierung verteilter Multimedia-Systeme erlaubt. Die Schichtung der Architektur entspricht einer Trennung in Anwendungs- und Systemsicht. Die Rolle des Systems bei der Konfiguration multimedialer Kommunikation sowie der Reservierung von Ressourcen wird beschrieben im Hinblick Teilstrom- und Filterbildung. Die Verzahnung der Ressourcenreservierung und der Propagierung der Filter durchs Netzwerk wird erlaeutert.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-1994-02,
   author = {Gabriel Dermler and Thomas Gutekunst and Edgar Ostrowski and Frank Ruge},
   title = {{Sharing Audio/Video Applications among Heterogeneous Platforms}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th IEEE COMSOC Workshop Multimedia `94},
   address = {Kyoto, Japan},
   publisher = {not available},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Germany},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {May},
   year = {1994},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H Information Systems},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed High-Performance Systems, Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {JVTOS (Joint Viewing and Tele-Operation Service), which is being implemented within CEC/RACE II project CIO (R2060), is a new teleservice for high-speed networks enabling distributed users to work in a collaborative fashion with multimedia. Core functionality of JVTOS is provided by an application sharing service that allows multimedia applications to be displayed and interacted with on multiple users' workstations simultaneously. The focus of this paper is on the audio/video elements of shared applications. We discuss the problems of sharing multimedia applications and describe our conception that supports interoperability between heterogeneous platforms.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-1994-01,
   author = {Gabriel Dermler and Thomas Gutekunst and Edgar Ostrowski and Nelson Pires and Thomas Schmidt and Michael Weber and Heiner Wolf},
   title = {{JVTOS - Multimedia Telecooperation Interconnecting Heterogeneous Platforms}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of Broadband Islands '94: Connecting with the End-User.},
   editor = {W. Bauerfeld and O. Spaniol and F. Williams},
   address = {Kyoto, Japan},
   publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Germany},
   pages = {463--478},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {January},
   year = {1994},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H Information Systems},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed High-Performance Systems, Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {JVTOS, the ``Joint Viewing and Tele-Operation Service'', is an advanced teleservice allowing distributed users to work in a collaborative fashion with multimedia. JVTOS offers services for multimedia collaboration across high-speed networks and is primarily aimed at running in heterogeneous workstation environments comprising different hardware platforms and also different operating and window systems. JVTOS comprises facilities for session management, floor control, multimedia application sharing, telepointing, and audio/video communication. This paper describes the desgin and implmentation of JVTOS on different platforms. ~},
   url = {}
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