Publikationen VS: Bibliographie 2001 BibTeX
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-50,
author = {Darko Klinec and Alexander Leonhardi},
title = {{Positioning and Location Services for Indoor Areas in Nexus}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Indoor Navigation (INDOORNAV 2001)},
address = {M{\"u}nchen},
publisher = {k.A.},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart : Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 627 (Nexus: Umgebungsmodelle f{\"u}r mobile kontextbezogene Systeme), Germany},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Januar},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H Information Systems},
ee = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Verteilte Systeme;
Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Photogrammetrie (ifp)},
abstract = {k.A.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-49,
author = {Xuejun Chen and Matthias St{\"u}mpfle},
title = {{Dynamic Configuration Management of a Telematics System for Vehicles}},
booktitle = {Proceeding of the 1st IFAC Conference on Telematics Applications in Automation and Robotics (TA 2001)},
address = {Oxford, UK},
publisher = {Elsevier Science Ltd},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
pages = {279--284},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Juli},
year = {2001},
keywords = {Configuration Management; Software Component; Dynamic Reconfiguration; Telematics System},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {D.2 Software Engineering},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {The Component System Information and Management Architecture is a component
architecture to build telematics systems which are used in modern vehicles. The
components are distributed in the architecture: the individual components are
mainly located in different computers in vehicles, while the rest runs on
computers in the infrastructure. The components can be dynamically loaded to
different places of a mobile component system, executed, removed and updated at
runtime. The dynamic reconfiguration requires an efficient and robust
configuration management. This article describes a configuration management
which supports a dynamic reconfiguration at runtime for a component system of
this kind. The dynamic reconfiguration can improve the performance of the
component system and reduce the communication costs between a vehicle and the
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-48,
author = {Kurt Rothermel and Alexander Leonhardi},
title = {{Maintaining Worls Models for Context-aware Applications}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control (COMCON-8)},
editor = {William R. Wells},
address = {New York, Los Angeles},
publisher = {Optimization Software Inc.},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart : Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 627 (Nexus: Umgebungsmodelle f{\"u}r mobile kontextbezogene Systeme), Germany},
pages = {235--245},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Juni},
year = {2001},
isbn = {0-911575-78-2},
keywords = {NEXUS; context-aware; location-aware; location service},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H.2 Database Management},
ee = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {In this paper we describe the architecture and world model of the neXus
platform for location- and context-aware applications. An important aspect of
the neXus world model is that it also describes highly mobile objects, such as
persons or vehicles. Therefore, we look in more detail at the management of
location information in the neXus platform and the neXus Location Service,
which provides for tracking the location of mobile objects with a high
accuracy. In particular, we present a comparison of and simulation results for
different protocols that are suitable for the frequent updating of highly
accurate location information.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-47,
author = {Ottokar Kulendik and Kurt Rothermel and Reiner Siebert},
title = {{Cross-organizational workflow management - General Approaches and their Suitability for Engineering Processes}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First IFIP-Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business, E-Government : I3E 2001 ; Zuerich, Switzerland, October 3-5, 2001},
editor = {Beat Schmid and Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva and Volker Tschammer},
address = {Zuerich, Switzerland},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
pages = {143--158},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Oktober},
year = {2001},
isbn = {0-7923-7529-7},
keywords = {cross-organizational workflow management; engineering},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H.5.3 Group and Organization Interfaces,
C.2.4 Distributed Systems,
H.4.1 Office Automation,
J.1 Administration Data Processing,
J.2 Physical Sciences and Engineering},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {Cross-organizational workflow management deals with the need for transparent
and controlled process automation across organizational boundaries. Cooperation
between manufacturers and suppliers in the field of engineering requires
coupling of parallel workflows of autonomous organization units. So far,
several approaches with different architectures exist but they address this
field of application differently. This paper presents some requirements of
cross-organizational workflow management in the engineering domain by using an
application scenario. Existing research approaches are classified
distinguishing used specification schemata and expressiveness concerning
cross-workflow dependencies. We describe a new approach in a class that matches
the presented requirements.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-46,
author = {Christian Becker and Gregor Schiele},
title = {{New mechanisms for routing in ad hoc networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth CaberNet Plenary Workshop; Pisa, Italy, October 9-11, 2001.},
publisher = {not available},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Oktober},
year = {2001},
keywords = {mobile ad hoc routing; model based routing; user profiles},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2.2 Network Protocols},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {Routing in ad hoc networks is challenged by mobility and dynamics of mobile
devices. Hence, classic routing algorithms hardly cope with partitions and
constant topology changes in such networks. Existing routing algorithms are
based on flooding to explore a location or known node locations. In this paper
we present an approach based on additional information available in such
networks that will help to reduce the network load without relying on known
receiver locations.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-45,
author = {Christian Maih{\"o}fer and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{A Delay Analysis of Tree-based Reliable Multicast Protocols}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 01)},
editor = {IEEE},
address = {Scottsdale, Arizona, USA},
publisher = {IEEE Press},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
pages = {274--281},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Januar},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2 Computer-Communication Networks},
ee = {},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {We present a comparative delay analysis of tree-based reliable multicast
protocols and show the influence of varying sending rates, group sizes, packet
loss probabilities and branching factors of the control tree. Besides the
average delivery delay we consider the delay to reliably deliver all packets
and the round trip delay. The former two examines the delay between generation
of a packet at the sender and correct reception at a randomly chosen receiver
or all receivers, respectively. The latter is the delay between generation of a
packet at the sender and reception of all acknowledgement packets at the
sender. Our numerical results show that all tree-based protocols provide low
delays and good scalability. From the four considered protocol classes,
NAK-based protocols achieve the best scalability but ACK-based protocols
achieve the lowest delays.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-36,
author = {Martin Bauer and Christian Becker and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{Location Models from the Perspective of Context-Aware Applications and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks}},
booktitle = {Workshop on Location Modeling for Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2001},
address = {Atlanta},
publisher = {-},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart : Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 627 (Nexus: Umgebungsmodelle f{\"u}r mobile kontextbezogene Systeme), Germany},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {September},
year = {2001},
keywords = {location, location-aware, location model, modeling language, Nexus, Canu},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H.3.4 Information Storage and Retrieval Systems and Software},
ee = {},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {Location models are crucial to location-aware applications. In this paper we
present two approaches for modeling location information in an
infrastructure-based and an ad hoc network based application scenario. From
these approaches we deduce requirements for a general location modeling
language for ubiquitous computing.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-35,
author = {S. Papakosta and C. Burger},
title = {{Generating Interactive Protocol Simulations and Visualizations for Learning Environments}},
booktitle = {CaberNet: 4th Plenary Workshop. Vol. 2001},
publisher = {Not available},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Oktober},
year = {2001},
keywords = {SPIN; Promela; model checking; simulation; animation},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2.2 Network Protocols,
I.6 Simulation and Modeling,
K.3 Computers and Education,
H.5.1 Multimedia Information Systems},
ee = {,,},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {This position paper introduces the idea and concept of generating interactive
protocol simulations and visualizations for teaching environments in lectures
as well as for learning environments over the internet. Since the realisation
is based on the SPIN model checker, a short presentation of this verification
tool and its language Promela is shortly been given before sketching the
generation procedure itself. The architecture presented here is open to further
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-28,
author = {J{\"u}rgen Hauser and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{Specification and Implementation of an Extensible Multimedia System}},
booktitle = {Tagungsband Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) 2001},
publisher = {Springer},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
pages = {216--226},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Januar},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H Information Systems},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {The research project MAVA (Multimedia Document Versatile Architecture) focuses
on simplification of specification and dissemination of multimedia documents.
The problems discussed and solved by the MAVA approach are observed by using
existing authoring systems. Application specific multimedia systems provide
fixed concepts for only one application area. Generic systems allow the
specification of documents of arbitrary application areas. This leads to
complex specifications and the requirement of programming skills for authors.
Goal of the MAVA approach is to simplify authoring of multimedia documents in
different application areas by an extensible specification language. This
allows to add new language elements for particular application areas to
simplify authoring. While the extension with new media types is addressed by
several approaches the MAVA approach considers also the extension for new
particular application areas. Document dissemination plays also an important
role. For the presentation of a document basing on arbitrary language
extensions also the presentation system itself has to be dynamically extended
over the Internet.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-20,
author = {Rolf Mecklenburg and Cora Burger and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{Visualized Interactive Protocols: A Way to Teach and Test Rules of Computer Communication}},
booktitle = {Fourth World Conference on Integrated Design \& Process Technology},
publisher = {(not available)},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Januar},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H Information Systems},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {By understanding protocols in computer communication, different cognition
levels are involved. After a mere observation phase of predefined scenarios,
interactively modifying parameters and rules to test the resulting behavior are
best suited to become acquainted with a protocol. Because of the complexity of
protocols, only a few consequences of such modifications can be seen directly.
Therefore, support is needed to be able to estimate changes in protocol
behavior caused by such modifications. We describe ``HISAP'' (Highly Interactive
Simulation of Algorithms and Protocols), whose features enable such a way of
training in computer protocols.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-18,
author = {Uwe Kubach and Mario Hegele and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{A Simulation Framework for Mobile, Location-Dependent Information Access}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2001)},
address = {Hammamet, Tunesia},
publisher = {not available},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart : Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 627 (Nexus: Umgebungsmodelle f{\"u}r mobile kontextbezogene Systeme), Germany},
pages = {506--511},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Juli},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H Information Systems},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {With the increasing pervasiveness of mobile computing devices, the need to
access information in mobile environments has grown rapidly. Consequently, many
mechanisms, e.g. broadcast dissemination, hoarding, or specialized caching
mechanisms have been developed to overcome the disadvantages of wireless
communication systems, which are usually used to access the information. To
evaluate such mechanisms a simulation tool is needed that simulates both the
users' mobility and their information access patterns. Since most existing user
models either model only the mobility or the information access, we developed a
new model that covers both aspects. Based on this model, we realized a flexible
framework that allows to simulate all aspects of a mobile information access.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-16,
author = {Peter Coschurba},
title = {{Ein {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber GeoCast}},
booktitle = {Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung (PIK)},
address = {M{\"u}nchen},
publisher = {K.G. Saur Verlag},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart : Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 627 (Nexus: Umgebungsmodelle f{\"u}r mobile kontextbezogene Systeme), Germany},
volume = {24},
number = {2001},
pages = {63--66},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {April},
year = {2001},
isbn = {3-598-01236-5},
keywords = {GeoCast},
language = {Deutsch},
cr-category = {C.2.0 Computer-Communication Networks, General,
C.2.2 Network Protocols},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {Die vorhandenen Internetprotokolle erlauben das effiziente Versenden von
Nachrichten an mehrere Empfaenger. Allerdings muessen die Empfaenger den
Empfangswunsch explizit erkl{\"a}ren. F{\"u}r viele Anwendungen ist es w{\"u}nschenswert,
eine Nachricht an alle Empf{\"a}nger in einem bestimmten geographischen Gebiet zu
senden. Dieses wird durch GeoCast realisiert. Bei GeoCast spezifiziert der
Sender ein Gebiet und alle potentiellen Empfaenger in diesem Gebiet erhalten
diese Nachricht.
In desem Artikel wird betrachtet, was m{\"o}gliche Anwendungen fuer diese Technik
sind. Zudem wird der derzeitige Stand der Technik im Bereich GeoCast
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-13,
author = {U. Kubach and K. Rothermel},
title = {{A Map-Based Hoarding Mechanism for Location-Dependent Information}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2001)},
address = {Hong Kong, China},
publisher = {not available},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart : Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 627 (Nexus: Umgebungsmodelle f{\"u}r mobile kontextbezogene Systeme), Germany},
pages = {145--157},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Januar},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H Information Systems},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {In mobile environments, information systems are often accessed through wireless
WANs. Thus the users often have to cope with difficulties such as low
bandwidth, high delay, and frequent disconnections. Hoarding is an efficient
method to overcome these difficulties. The idea is to transfer information,
which is probably needed by the user in the near future, in advance, so that it
is already stored on the user's mobile device when it is actually accessed. In
this paper, we present a location-aware hoarding mechanism that is based on the
use of wireless LANs, so-called info-stations. Due to its flexibility, we claim
that our mechanism can be applied in any location-dependent information system.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-12,
author = {U. Kubach and K. Rothermel},
title = {{Exploiting Location Information for Infostation-Based Hoarding}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGMOBILE Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2001)},
address = {Rome, Italy},
publisher = {not available},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart : Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 627 (Nexus: Umgebungsmodelle f{\"u}r mobile kontextbezogene Systeme), Germany},
pages = {15--27},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Juli},
year = {2001},
keywords = {Mobile data management, mobile information access, infostations, hoarding, location-awareness},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2.0 Computer-Communication Networks, General,
C.2.1 Network Architecture and Design,
C.2.4 Distributed Systems},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {With the increasing popularity of mobile computing devices, the need to access
information in mobile environments has grown rapidly. Since the information has
to be accessed over wireless networks, mobile information systems often have to
deal with problems like low bandwidth, high delay, and frequent disconnections.
Information hoarding is a method that tries to overcome these problems by
transferring information, which the user will probably need, in advance. The
hoarding mechanism that we describe in this paper exploits the location
dependence of the information access, which is often found in mobile
information systems. Our simulation results show that it is beneficial to do so
and that we achieve higher hit ratios than with a caching mechanism.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-11,
author = {J.-U. Kloecking and C. Maih{\"o}fer and K. Rothermel},
title = {{Reducing Multicast Inter-Receiver Delay Jitter - A Server Based Approach}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networking (ICN 2001)},
address = {Colmar, France},
publisher = {IEEE Press},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Juli},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2 Computer-Communication Networks},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {(not available)},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-10,
author = {J{\"u}rgen Klarmann},
title = {{Using Conceptual Graphs for Organization Modelling in Workflow Management Systems}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference Professionelles Wissensmanagement (WM 2001)},
address = {Baden-Baden, Germany},
publisher = {Shaker-Verlag},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
pages = {19--23},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {M{\"a}rz},
year = {2001},
isbn = {3-8265-8611-5},
keywords = {Workflow Management, Conceptual Graphs, Organization Modeling, Flexibility},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {Workflow management systems reflect business structures in a separate
organizational model and a process model because these models describe
different aspects of business structures. The organizational model comprises
members of an organization and organizational relationships (organizational
structure) whereas the process model contains information about the tasks and
their dependencies (process structure). Linking both of these models becomes
more and more problematic because organizational models change much more
nowadays than they have before and so lead to orphaned references in the
process model. Moreover, organizational models should be unknown during process
modeling, and equivalent process models should run with different
organizational structures. For this, we introduce conceptual graphs for
specifying organizational structures in the organizational model and for
specifying potential task holders in the process model. We cover organizational
knowledge and retrieve it at runtime exploiting the benefits of these knowledge
representation technique. With this, it is possible to renounce name
referencing and gain more degrees of freedom for the linking process},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-09,
author = {J{\"u}rgen Klarmann},
title = {{A Comprehensive Support for Changes in Organizational Models of Workflow Management Systems}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems Modeling (ISM '01)},
address = {Hradec nad Moravici, Czech Republic},
publisher = {not available},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
pages = {165--172},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Mai},
year = {2001},
keywords = {workflow, organization modeling},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {In today's rapidly changing markets, organizations repeatedly change their
structures. Existing workflow management systems reflect these structures in a
separate organizational model and a process model (workflow model). However,
these systems cannot cope with repetitive and frequent structural change of
organizational and process structure and thus hamper continuous operation and
quick reactions to turbulent markets. Change in the structure of the
organizational model can cause orphaned references in the process model which
leads to inconsistent workflow specifications. We describe the problem domain
of structural change and classify it by eight categories. A powerful
organizational meta model is introduced that allows to describe meta
information about organizational structures. With this and with an underlying
ontology, it enables workflow management systems to efficiently adapt to
change. Finally, we show exemplarily how our approach is able to deal with the
identified categories of structural change.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-08,
author = {Christian Maih{\"o}fer and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{Optimal Branching Factor for Tree-Based Reliable Multicast Protocols}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2001 International International Symposium on Performance Evaluation on computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS)},
editor = {SCS},
address = {Orlando, USA},
publisher = {SCS},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
pages = {10--21},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Juli},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2 Computer-Communication Networks},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {In recent years, a number of reliable multicast protocols on transport layer
have been proposed. Previous analysis and simulation studies gave evidence for
the superiority of tree-based approaches in terms of throughput and bandwidth
In many tree-based protocols, the nodes of the tree are formed of multicast
group members. In this case, the branching factor, i.e.$\backslash$ the maximum number of
child nodes is adjustable. In this paper we analyze the influence of the
branching factor on a protocol's throughput and bandwidth consumption. This
knowledge is important to configure protocols for best performance and to
optimize the tree creation process.
Our results show that the optimal branching factor depends mainly on the
probability for receiving messages from other local groups. If local groups are
assigned to a separate multicast address, the optimal branching factor is 2. On
the other hand, if TTL scoping is used and therefore the probability for
receiving messages from other local groups is greater than zero, larger local
groups provide better performance.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-07,
author = {Christian Maih{\"o}fer and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{A Delay Analysis of Generic Multicast Transport Protocols}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2001)},
editor = {IEEE},
address = {Tokyo, Japan},
publisher = {IEEE Press},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Juli},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2 Computer-Communication Networks},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {We present a delay analysis of three generic classes of multicast transport
protocols. The first class considered is an unreliable scheme that works
without retransmission of messages. This class also includes forward error
correction approaches. The second class uses a positive acknowledgment and
retransmission scheme to guarantee reliability. Finally, the third class is a
hierarchical approach to avoid the well-known ACK implosion problem for large
receiver groups. Our results show that only the unreliable and the hierarchical
protocol class provide scalability for large receiver groups. For delay
sensitive applications we can conclude from the results that in case of low
packet loss probabilities, reliable multicast protocols provide low average
delays, which are only slightly increased compared to unreliable protocols.
However, if we take the maximum delay, the delay is significantly increased.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-06,
author = {Christian Maih{\"o}fer and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{A Bandwidth Analysis of Tree-based Reliable Multicast Protocols}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on the Convergence of IT and Communications (ITCOM)},
editor = {Spie},
address = {Denver, USA},
publisher = {not available},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
pages = {354--368},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {August},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2 Computer-Communication Networks},
ee = {},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {In this paper, an analytical bandwidth evaluation of generic tree-based
reliable multicast protocols is presented. Our analysis is based on a realistic
system model, including data packet and control packet loss, asynchronous local
clocks and imperfect scope-limited local groups. Two of the four considered
protocol classes use aggregated acknowledgments (AAKs). With AAKs they are able
to provide reliability even in case of node failures. All tree-based protocols
provide good scalability for large receiver groups. Relating to protocols with
aggregated acknowledgments, the analysis shows only little additional bandwidth
overhead and therefore high throughput rates. Finally, we have analyzed the
influence of the branching factor on a protocol's performance. Our results show
that the optimal branching factor depends mainly on the probability for
receiving messages from other local groups. If local groups are assigned to a
separate multicast address, the optimal branching factor is 2. On the other
hand, if TTL scoping is used as in RMTP or TMTP and therefore the probability
for receiving messages from other local groups is greater than zero, larger
local groups provide better performance.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-05,
author = {Christian Maih{\"o}fer and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{A Delay Analysis of Reliable Multicast Protocols}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS)},
editor = {SCS},
address = {Orlando, USA},
publisher = {SCS},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
pages = {1--9},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Juli},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2 Computer-Communication Networks},
ee = {},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {We present a delay analysis of one sender- and two receiver-initiated classes
of reliable multicast protocols. Besides the average delivery delay we consider
the delay to reliably deliver all packets and the round trip delay. The former
two examines the delay between generation of a packet at the sender and correct
reception at a randomly chosen receiver or all receivers, respectively. The
latter is the delay between generation of a packet at the sender and reception
of all acknowledgement packets at the sender.
Our numerical results show that receiver-initiated protocols provide
significantly better scalability for large receiver groups and transmission
rates compared to the sender-initiated protocol. However, the delays of the
sender-initiated protocol within its scalability range is substantially lower
compared to the receiver-initiated protocols.
To assess the quality of our analytical model we have compared the analytical
results with a SRM-like protocol simulation. We show that the analytical and
simulation results are strongly correlated, which demonstrates the
appropriateness of our analytical model.},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-04,
author = {J{\"u}rgen Hauser},
title = {{A Component-based Extensible Multimedia System}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '2001)},
editor = {H. R. Arabnia},
address = {Las Vegas, NV, USA},
publisher = {CSREA Press},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
pages = {1243--1249},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Juni},
year = {2001},
isbn = {1-892512-69-6},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H Information Systems},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {(not available)},
url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2001-03,
author = {J{\"u}rgen Hauser and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{Document Specification and Dissemination with an Extensible Multimedia System}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS)},
editor = {Ulrich Killat and Winfried Lamersdorf},
address = {Hamburg, Germany},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Germany},
pages = {215--226},
type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
month = {Februar},
year = {2001},
isbn = {3-540-41645-5},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H Information Systems},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {(not available)},
url = {}
@article {ART-2001-14,
author = {Tobias Drosdol and Christoph Ruffner},
title = {{Infobox: Virtual Information Towers}},
journal = {GIS Geo-Informations-Systeme},
address = {Heidelberg},
publisher = {Herbert Wichmann Verlag},
volume = {6},
pages = {18--19},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {September},
year = {2001},
keywords = {Nexus, VIT, ViLiS},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2.4 Distributed Systems,
H.3.3 Information Search and Retrieval},
contact = {Tobias Drosdol},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {The VIT System is an early prototype developed within the context of the NEXUS
project for demonstrating location-based information access. One important
issue when designing an application is to find a suitable concept for user
interaction. Information has to be shown in an intuitive way so that everyone
can handle the system and understands what is going on. Therefore an easily
understandable metaphor for visualizing the information is needed.},
url = {}
@article {ART-2001-12,
author = {Alexander Leonhardi and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{A Comparison of Protocols for Updating Location Information}},
journal = {Baltzer Cluster Computing Journal},
publisher = {Baltzer Science Publishers},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
pages = {355--367},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {Januar},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H Information Systems},
ee = {,,},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {k.A.},
url = {}
@article {ART-2001-10,
author = {Peter Coschurba and Martin Bauer},
title = {{Infobox: GeoCast}},
journal = {GIS Geo-Informations-Systeme},
address = {Heidelberg},
publisher = {Herbert Wichmann Verlag},
volume = {6},
pages = {34--34},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {September},
year = {2001},
keywords = {Nexus, geographic communication, geographic addressing, GeoCast},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2.0 Computer-Communication Networks, General,
C.2.2 Network Protocols},
ee = {},
contact = {Martin Bauer},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {If we look at the means of communication that human beings use, we find that
there are different categories of how we determine the receiver of a message.
If we speak, everyone who is at the same location will get the message. If we
write a letter, we address someone specific and only that person will get the
message. Finally, if we publish something, then everyone who is interested in
it can get that information. These ways of communication are also reflected in
the Internet. We can send messages to a specific receiver using unicast. If we
use multicast, everyone who is interested in the information can tune into the
group and receive the messages. Finally, as an equivalent to speech, which is a
location-specific way of communication, we find GeoCast.},
url = {}
@article {ART-2001-09,
author = {Martin Bauer},
title = {{Infobox: Spatial Events}},
journal = {GIS Geo-Informations-Systeme},
address = {Heidelberg},
publisher = {Herbert Wichmann Verlag},
volume = {6},
pages = {29--29},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {September},
year = {2001},
keywords = {Nexus, Event, Spatial Event, Event Service, Location, Location Service},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2.4 Distributed Systems,
H.3.3 Information Search and Retrieval,
H.3.4 Information Storage and Retrieval Systems and Software},
ee = {},
contact = {Martin Bauer},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {When looking at typical Nexus scenarios, we observe that they are very
different from those we find in traditional desktop computing scenarios. The
focus of the user is often on other tasks, e.g. walking around, talking to
other people, trying to find something etc. In order to optimally support the
user in these situations, the application has to be more proactive, which can
be achieved with the support of spatial events.},
url = {}
@article {ART-2001-08,
author = {Alexander Leonhardi and Martin Bauer},
title = {{Managing Highly Dynamic Location Data}},
journal = {GIS Geo-Informations-Systeme},
address = {Heidelberg},
publisher = {Herbert Wichmann Verlag},
volume = {6},
pages = {26--28},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {September},
year = {2001},
keywords = {Nexus, Location, Location Service},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2.4 Distributed Systems,
H.3.3 Information Search and Retrieval,
H.3.4 Information Storage and Retrieval Systems and Software},
ee = {},
contact = {Martin Bauer},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {Managing the location information of mobile objects is an important aspect of
location-aware applications. Because of their highly dynamic nature, there is a
special component inside the Nexus platform that is designed especially for
this task. The functionality and architecture of the Nexus Location Service are
described in this article.},
url = {}
@article {ART-2001-06,
author = {Matthias Gro{\ss}mann and Alexander Leonhardi and Bernhard Mitschang and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{A World Model for Location-Aware Systems}},
journal = {Informatik},
publisher = {Schweizerischer Verband der Informatikorganisationen SVI/FSI},
volume = {8},
number = {5},
pages = {22--25},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {Oktober},
year = {2001},
keywords = {Mobile Computing; Location-Aware Applications; Augmented World Model},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {H.2.3 Database Management Languages,
H.3.4 Information Storage and Retrieval Systems and Software},
ee = {},
contact = {,},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme;
Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Anwendersoftware},
abstract = {Advanced location-aware applications require a detailed model of the real
world. The goal of the Nexus platform is to provide such a model together with
generic functionality to a wide variety of location-aware applications. In this
paper, we describe the characteristics of this Augmented World Model and the
architecture of the Nexus platform. We look in more detail at the two main
components responsible for the main aspects of the world model, namely the
spatial data and the position information of mobile objects.},
url = {}
@article {ART-2001-05,
author = {Cora Burger and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{A framework to support teaching in the area of distributed systems}},
journal = {acm Journal on Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC)},
publisher = {acm digital library},
volume = {1},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {M{\"a}rz},
year = {2001},
isbn = {1531-4278},
keywords = {Teachware; simulation; animation applet},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2.2 Network Protocols,
H.5.1 Multimedia Information Systems,
I.6.8 Types of Simulation,
K.3.1 Computer Uses in Education},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {Computer networks and distributed systems are characterized by highly dynamic,
concurrent and complex processes. Thus, training in this area requires great
effort from both teachers and learners. Teachers are unsatisfied with available
methods for presentation, explanation and exercises. They are looking for more
adequate ones to better support learners. We have developed an architecture
called HiSAP (Highly interactive Simulation of Algorithms and Protocols). It
consists of a framework to build simulations and generate applets from formally
specified algorithms or protocols. By modifying this specification and
observing the resulting behavior, teaching and learning in a constructive
manner is enabled. The framework is open to plug-in tools to show different
aspects of this behavior. We present results of some experiments concerning the
usage of HiSAP during three different lectures about distributed systems and
computer networks for graduate students.},
url = {}
@article {ART-2001-03,
author = {Uwe Kubach and Kurt Rothermel},
title = {{Ein Hoarding-Verfahren f{\"u}r ortsbezogene Informationen}},
journal = {Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung},
publisher = {Springer, to appear},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {Januar},
year = {2001},
language = {Deutsch},
cr-category = {H Information Systems},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {Mit der zunehmenden Verbreitung mobiler Endger{\"a}te w{\"a}chst auch der Bedarf in
mobilen Umgebungen auf entfernt gespeicherte Informationen zuzugreifen. Da
dieser Informationszugriff meist {\"u}ber drahtlose Netzwerke erfolgt, treten in
mobilen Informationssystemen h{\"a}ufig Probleme, wie geringe Bandbreite, gro{\ss}e
Verz{\"o}gerungen oder Verbindungsausf{\"a}lle auf. Hoarding-Verfahren versuchen diese
Probleme zu l{\"o}sen, indem sie Informationen, auf die der Benutzer
voraussichtlich zugreifen wird, im voraus {\"u}bertragen. Dazu m{\"u}ssen sie jedoch
vorhersagen, welche Informationen der Benutzer ben{\"o}tigen wird. In diesem
Beitrag stellen wir ein Hoarding-Verfahren vor, das f{\"u}r diese Vorhersage die
Ortsabh{\"a}ngigkeit von Informationszugriffen ausnutzt. Wie wir durch Simulationen
zeigen, wird der Speicherplatz auf dem Endger{\"a}t dadurch sehr effizient genutzt.},
url = {}
@article {ART-2001-02,
author = {Peter Coschurba and Joachim Baumann and Uwe Kubach and Alexander Leonhardi},
title = {{Metaphors for Context-Aware Information Access}},
journal = {Springer Personal Technologies Journal},
publisher = {Springer},
volume = {5},
number = {1},
pages = {16--19},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {Januar},
year = {2001},
language = {Deutsch},
cr-category = {H Information Systems},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {(not available)},
url = {}
@article {ART-2001-01,
author = {Juergen Hauser and Frank Scholze},
title = {{Integration und Verarbeitung Multimedialer Dokumente in Digitalen Bibliotheken - Der MAVA-Ansatz}},
journal = {In B.I.T. online Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Bibliothek, Information und Technologie},
address = {Karlsruhe},
publisher = {Dinges \& Frick GmbH - B.I.T. online},
volume = {4},
number = {1},
pages = {35--41},
type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
month = {M{\"a}rz},
year = {2001},
isbn = {1435-7607},
keywords = {digital libraries; multimedia documents; presentation systems},
language = {Deutsch},
cr-category = {H Information Systems},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {Ohne Inhalt},
url = {}
@inbook {INBOOK-2001-02,
author = {Christian Maih{\"o}fer},
title = {{The Token Repository Service: A Universal and Scalable Mechanism for Constructing Multicast Acknowledgement Trees}},
series = {Multimedia Internet Broadcasting: Quality, Technology, and Interface},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
pages = {201--227},
type = {Beitrag in Buch},
month = {Januar},
year = {2001},
language = {Englisch},
cr-category = {C.2 Computer-Communication Networks},
ee = {},
contact = {},
department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Parallele und Verteilte H{\"o}chstleistungsrechner, Verteilte Systeme},
abstract = {Many new applications like groupware systems, news and file distribution or
audio and video systems are based on multicast as a prerequisite for
scalability. Many of these applications need a reliable multicast support,
which is realized in a scalable way by tree based multicast transport
protocols, where the receivers are organized in a so-called ACK tree. Tree
based approaches raise the problem of setting up and maintaining the ACK tree,
which is usually done by variations of the expanding ring search (ERS)
approach. In this paper we present an alternative approach for building up ACK
trees that is based on the concept of a distributed token repository service.
Our analysis and simulations show that our approach leads to a significantly
lower message overhead compared to ERS and results in better shaped ACK trees,
which has a positive effect on reliability and delay.},
url = {}