@inproceedings {INPROC-2014-38,
   author = {Johannes Wettinger and Katharina G{\"o}rlach and Frank Leymann},
   title = {{Deployment Aggregates - A Generic Deployment Automation Approach for Applications Operated in the Cloud}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops and Demonstrations (International Workshop on Engineering Cloud Applications \& Services, EnCASE 2014)},
   publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
   institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Germany},
   pages = {173--180},
   type = {Workshop-Beitrag},
   month = {September},
   year = {2014},
   doi = {10.1109/EDOCW.2014.34},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {D.2.11 Software Engineering Software Architectures,     C.2.4 Distributed Systems},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {One of the most essential requirements to make use of the benefits of Cloud computing is fully automated provisioning and deployment of applications including all related resources. This leads to crucial cost reductions when deploying and operating applications in the Cloud because manual processes are slow, error-prone, and thus costly. Both Cloud providers and the open-source community provide a huge variety of tools, APIs, domain-specific languages, and reusable artifacts to implement deployment automation. However, the meta-models behind these approaches are diverse. This diversity makes it challenging to combine different approaches, avoiding vendor lock-in and tooling lock-in. In this work we propose deployment aggregates as a generic means to use and orchestrate different kinds of deployment approaches. We define a generic meta-model and show its relation to existing meta-models in the domain of deployment automation. Moreover, we discuss how existing artifacts can be used as deployment aggregates as a result of transformation and enrichment.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2014-38&engl=0}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2013-60,
   author = {Katharina G{\"o}rlach and Frank Leymann and Volker Claus},
   title = {{Unified Execution of Service Compositions}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing \& Applications (SOCA 2013)},
   publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services},
   institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Germany},
   pages = {162--167},
   type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
   month = {Dezember},
   year = {2013},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {D.2.11 Software Engineering Software Architectures,     D.3.1 Programming Languages Formal Definitions and Theory,     D.3.2 Programming Language Classifications,     F.4.2 Grammars and Other Rewriting Systems,     F.4.3 Formal Languages,     H.4.1 Office Automation},
   ee = {ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/library/ncstrl.ustuttgart_fi/INPROC-2013-60/INPROC-2013-60.pdf},
   contact = {goerlach@iaas.uni-stuttgart.de},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {This paper discusses the unification of service composition based on formal specifications. The approach aims for a unified execution of service compositions that can be modeled by various specification languages covering different modeling paradigms. The unification of service composition models is realized based on formal grammars whereas the unification of service composition execution is realized based on formal queued automata. The approach introduces a classification of context-sensitive grammars for determining an optimized automaton class for the execution of service compositions. Finally, a prototype providing transformations of various modeling languages to formal grammars as well as the grammar-based execution of service compositions is presented.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2013-60&engl=0}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2012-32,
   author = {Katharina G{\"o}rlach and Frank Leymann},
   title = {{Dynamic Service Provisioning for the Cloud}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC) 2012},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Germany},
   pages = {555--561},
   type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
   month = {Juni},
   year = {2012},
   doi = {10.1109/SCC.2012.30},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {D.2.11 Software Engineering Software Architectures},
   contact = {goerlach@iaas.uni-stuttgart.de},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {This paper introduces a method realizing dynamic provisioning of services in a distributed environment. Depending on a particular state of infrastructure the call of a service can lead to a new instance in the infrastructure or to using an existing instance. Hence, the dynamic deployment allows optimized distribution of service instances within a certain infrastructure. The paper introduces a context model for services that are registered in a distributed runtime environment. Furthermore, algorithms are introduced determining the need for instantiation as well as the best location for deployment. Hence, the best location is determined by correlating the context model, the certain state of infrastructure as well as data transfer costs.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2012-32&engl=0}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2011-48,
   author = {Mirko Sonntag and Katharina G{\"o}rlach and Dimka Karastoyanova and Frank Leymann and Polina Malets and David Schumm},
   title = {{Views on Scientific Workflows}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR 2011), 2011},
   publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Germany},
   series = {Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing},
   volume = {90},
   pages = {321--335},
   type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
   month = {Oktober},
   year = {2011},
   doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-24511-4_25},
   keywords = {Process Views, BPEL, Web Services, SOA, Simulation Workflows, Scientific Workflows.},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation},
   contact = {sonntag@iaas.uni-stuttgart.de},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {Workflows are becoming more and more important in e-Science due to the support they provide to scientists in computer simulations, experiments and calculations. Our experiences with workflows in this field and the literature show that scientific workflows consist of a large number of related information. This information is difficult to deal with in a single perspective and has changing importance to scientists in the different workflow lifecycle phases. In this paper we apply viewing techniques known from business process management to (service-based) scientific workflows to address these issues. We describe seven of the most relevant views and point out realization challenges. We argue that the selected views facilitate the handling of workflows to scientists and add further value to scientific workflow systems. An implementation of a subset of the views based on Web services and BPEL shows the feasibility of the approach. The presented work has the goal to increase additionally the acceptance of the workflow technology in e-Science.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2011-48&engl=0}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2010-48,
   author = {Sema Zor and Katharina G{\"o}rlach and Frank Leymann},
   title = {{Using BPMN for Modeling Manufacturing Processes}},
   booktitle = {Sustainable Production and Logistics in Global Networks - Proceedings of 43rd CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems},
   editor = {Wilfried Sihn and Peter Kuhlang},
   address = {Wien, Graz},
   publisher = {Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag},
   institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Germany},
   pages = {515--522},
   type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
   month = {Mai},
   year = {2010},
   isbn = {978-3-7083-0686-5},
   keywords = {BPMN; Manufacturing},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation,     H.4.2 Information Systems Applications Types of Systems},
   ee = {http://icms2010.fraunhofer.at/Seiten/default.aspx},
   contact = {sema.zor@gsame.uni-stuttgart.de},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is an established tech-nique to model, analyze and optimize material and information flows in a manufacturing company. VSM does supply a graphical notation, however, it does not provide an automatic execution model. As a result, the flows modeled in VSM need to be mapped to executable IT-Systems manually. This paper proposes an approach to enable automatic execution of VSM flows which is achieved by mapping the VSM language to an established business process modeling language such as the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). Processes modeled in BPMN can be automatically translated into executable processes. This enables executing both, the manufacturing processes and the business processes of a company in the same IT environment. Thus, interoperability is enabled between shop floor and office area.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2010-48&engl=0}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2010-26,
   author = {Mirko Sonntag and Natalia Currle-Linde and Katharina G{\"o}rlach and Dimka Karastoyanova},
   title = {{Towards Simulation Workflows With BPEL: Deriving Missing Features From GriCoL}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS 2010), 2010.},
   editor = {R.S. Alhajj and V.C.M. Leung and M. Saif and R. Thring},
   publisher = {ACTA Press},
   institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Germany},
   type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
   month = {Juli},
   year = {2010},
   keywords = {Simulation tools and languages; Workflow management; BPEL; GriCoL},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation,     H.3.4 Information Storage and Retrieval Systems and Software},
   contact = {mirko.sonntag@iaas.uni-stuttgart.de},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {In this paper, we investigate the suitability of the generalpurpose workflow language BPEL to create executable simulation workflows. We therefore compare BPEL to GriCoL, a graphical language with proven applicability for simulation workflows in Grid environments. We discover a number of incomparable concepts in the two languages. On the one hand, BPEL’s unique features in comparison to GriCoL reveal the rationale behind the approach of using BPEL as basis for a simulation workflow language. On the other hand, based on the features of GriCoL, we are able to discuss how to extend BPEL in order to increase its expressiveness for simulation workflows.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2010-26&engl=0}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2010-104,
   author = {Oliver Kopp and Katharina G{\"o}rlach and Frank Leymann},
   title = {{Extending Choreography Spheres to Improve Simulations}},
   booktitle = {International Organization for Information Integration and Web-based Application and Services 2010 (iiWAS 2010)},
   publisher = {ACM},
   institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Fakult{\"a}t Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Germany},
   pages = {694--697},
   type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
   month = {November},
   year = {2010},
   doi = {10.1145/1967486.1967598},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation},
   ee = {http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/iiwas2010/},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {In simulations scientific workflows are used to coordinate complex implementations incorporating different kinds of simulations. Typically, the amount of data to be analyzed is huge and it is impossible to store all intermediate or alternative results. Thus, the access to data services has to be coordinated such that applications read the right data and do not overwrite one another. In this paper, we present a possibility to coordinate different scientific simulations accessing and updating the same data using existing Web service technologies: We extend the concept of choreography spheres by allowing control-links between them and the property ``permeability'' stating whether a cross-boundary link may be traversed before the start or completion of a choreography sphere. This paper is the first presenting a state model for choreography spheres.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2010-104&engl=0}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2009-52,
   author = {Matthias Wieland and Katharina G{\"o}rlach and David Schumm and Frank Leymann},
   title = {{Towards Reference Passing in Web Service and Workflow-based Applications}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Conference (EDOC 2009)},
   address = {Auckland, New Zealand},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart : Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 627 (Nexus: Umgebungsmodelle f{\"u}r mobile kontextbezogene Systeme), Germany},
   pages = {109--118},
   type = {Konferenz-Beitrag},
   month = {September},
   year = {2009},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {D.2.11 Software Engineering Software Architectures,     H.4.1 Office Automation},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {In a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) based on Web Service technology the services typically communicate with each other by passing data values directly from one service to another. In the case the services are orchestrated by workflows the services receive their input values from the workflow engine and return their calculated results back to the engine by value. In this paper we show several use cases where such value passing behavior has drawbacks. To address this challenge we introduce the concept of pointers in SOA. Pointers allow services to pass their data by reference which is a fundamental advantage for Web Service communication. Furthermore we show an extension of BPEL that introduces reference variables as new type of data containers in workflows. In addition, for the management of pointers we present the Reference Resolution System which can be used in very flexible setups either as central or distributed system.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2009-52&engl=0}
@article {ART-2014-05,
   author = {Katharina G{\"o}rlach and Frank Leymann},
   title = {{Orthogonal Meta-Modeling}},
   journal = {Journal of Systems Integration},
   publisher = {Online},
   volume = {5},
   number = {2},
   pages = {3--17},
   type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
   month = {Mai},
   year = {2014},
   issn = {1804-2724},
   keywords = {Model-Driven Architecture; Meta-Modeling; Model Transformation; Views; Semantics},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {C.0 Computer Systems Organization, General,     H.1.0 Information Systems Models and Principles General},
   ee = {ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/library/ncstrl.ustuttgart_fi/ART-2014-05/ART-2014-05.pdf},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {This article introduces meta-modeling hierarchies additional to the conventional meta-modeling hierarchy in a model-driven architecture. Additional hierarchies are introduced orthogonal to the conventional meta-modeling hierarchy for an appropriate correlation of information on combined hierarchies. In particular, orthogonal meta-modeling enables the grouping of models on the same conventional meta-modeling layer based on additional semantic dependencies. For the enhancement of conventional meta-modeling this paper discusses the creation of orthogonal meta-modeling hierarchies, the specification of semantic dependencies in meta-modeling hierarchies, semantic instances as well as the inheritance of semantic dependencies in meta-modeling hierarchies in general. Furthermore, the paper outlines the impact of orthogonal semantic meta-modeling on automated model transformation.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=ART-2014-05&engl=0}
@article {ART-2011-18,
   author = {Oliver Kopp and Katharina G{\"o}rlach and Dimka Karastoyanova and Frank Leymann and Michael Reiter and David Schumm and Mirko Sonntag and Steve Strauch and Tobias Unger and Matthias Wieland and Rania Khalaf},
   title = {{A Classification of BPEL Extensions}},
   journal = {Journal of Systems Integration},
   publisher = {Online},
   volume = {2},
   number = {4},
   pages = {2--28},
   type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
   month = {November},
   year = {2011},
   issn = {1804-2724},
   keywords = {BPEL Extension; Classification of Extensions; Extension Guidelines},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation},
   ee = {ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/library/ncstrl.ustuttgart_fi/ART-2011-18/ART-2011-18.pdf,     http://www.si-journal.org/index.php/JSI/article/view/103},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) has emerged as de-facto standard for business processes implementation. This language is designed to be extensible for including additional valuable features in a standardized manner. There are a number of BPEL extensions available. They are, however, neither classified nor evaluated with respect to their compliance to the BPEL standard. This article fills this gap by providing a framework for classifying BPEL extensions, a classification of existing extensions, and a guideline for designing BPEL extensions.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=ART-2011-18&engl=0}
@article {ART-2010-02,
   author = {Mirko Sonntag and Katharina G{\"o}rlach and Dimka Karastoyanova and Frank Leymann and Michael Reiter},
   title = {{Process Space-based Scientific Workflow Enactment}},
   journal = {International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM) Special Issue on Scientific Workflows, Vol 5, No. 1, pp. 32-44},
   publisher = {Inderscience Publishers},
   pages = {32--44},
   type = {Artikel in Zeitschrift},
   month = {April},
   year = {2010},
   doi = {10.1504/IJBPIM.2010.033173},
   keywords = {BPEL; Process Space; Scientific Workflow; Data References; Distributed System},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation,     H.3.4 Information Storage and Retrieval Systems and Software},
   contact = {Mirko.Sonntag@iaas.uni-stuttgart.de},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {In the scientific field, the workflow technology is often employed to conduct computer simulations or computer supported experiments. The underlying IT infrastructure typically comprises resources distributed among different institutes and organizations all over the world. Traditionally, workflows are executed on a single machine while the invoked software is accessed remotely. This approach imposes many drawbacks which are outlined in this paper. To address these weaknesses we investigate the application of decentralized workflow enactment in the scientific domain. In this context, we explore the employment of process spaces, a middleware for the decentralized execution of workflows. Furthermore, we propose the combination of process spaces with the concept of data references to increase the overall performance of distributed simulations based on workflows. The considerations are discussed with the help of a scenario that calculates and visualizes the ink diffusion in water over a period of time.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=ART-2010-02&engl=0}
@inbook {INBOOK-2011-01,
   author = {Katharina G{\"o}rlach and Mirko Sonntag and Dimka Karastoyanova and Frank Leymann and Michael Reiter},
   title = {{Conventional Workflow Technology for Scientific Simulation}},
   series = {Guide to e-Science},
   publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   pages = {323--352},
   type = {Beitrag in Buch},
   month = {M{\"a}rz},
   year = {2011},
   isbn = {978-0-85729-438-8},
   doi = {10.1007/978-0-85729-439-5_12},
   keywords = {Business workflows; BPEL; Scientific workflows; Simulation; Workflow Management Systems},
   language = {Englisch},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation},
   ee = {http://www.springer.com/computer/information+systems+and+applications/book/978-0-85729-438-8},
   contact = {Katharina G{\"o}rlach: goerlach@iaas.uni-stuttgart.de},
   department = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Architektur von Anwendungssystemen},
   abstract = {Workflow technology is established in the business domain for several years. This fact suggests the need for detailed investigations in the qualification of conven-tional workflow technology for the evolving application domain of e-Science. This chapter discusses the requirements on scientific workflows, the state of the art of scientific workflow management systems as well as the ability of conven-tional workflow technology to fulfill requirements of scientists and scientific ap-plications. It becomes clear that the features of conventional workflows can be advantageous for scientists but also that thorough enhancements are needed. We therefore propose a conceptual architecture for scientific workflow management systems based on the business workflow technology as well as extensions of exist-ing workflow concepts in order to improve the ability of established workflow technology to an application in the scientific domain with focus on scientific simulations.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INBOOK-2011-01&engl=0}