@inproceedings {INPROC-2020-49,
   author = {Vladimir Yussupov and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Christoph Krieger and Frank Leymann and Jacopo Soldani and Michael Wurster},
   title = {{Pattern-based Modelling, Integration, and Deployment of Microservice Architectures}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 24th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2020)},
   publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {40--50},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {October},
   year = {2020},
   doi = {10.1109/EDOC49727.2020.00015},
   keywords = {Microservice Architecture; Service Composition; Enterprise Integration Pattern; Model-driven Engineering},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {D.2.2 Software Engineering Design Tools and Techniques,     D.2.11 Software Engineering Software Architectures},
   ee = {https://is.ieis.tue.nl/edoc20/},
   contact = {Vladimir Yussupov yussupov@iaas.uni-stuttgart.de},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {Microservice-based architectures (MSAs) gained momentum in industrial and research communities since finer-grained and more independent components foster reuse and reduce time to market. However, to come from the design of MSAs to running applications, substantial knowledge and technology-specific expertise in the deployment and integration of microservices is needed. In this paper, we propose a model-driven and pattern-based approach for composing microservices, which facilitates the transition from architectural models to running deployments. Using a unified modelling for MSAs, including both their integration based on Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs) and deployment aspects, our approach enables automatically generating the artefacts for deploying microservice compositions. This helps abstracting away the underlying infrastructure including container orchestration platforms and middleware layer for service integration. To validate the feasibility of our approach, we illustrate its prototypical implementation, with Kubernetes used as container orchestration system and OpenFaaS used for managing integration logic, and we present a case study.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2020-49&engl=1}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2020-34,
   author = {Christoph Krieger and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Michael Falkenthal and Frank Leymann and Vladimir Yussupov and Uwe Zdun},
   title = {{Monitoring Behavioral Compliance with Architectural Patterns Based on Complex Event Processing}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2020)},
   publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {125--140},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {March},
   year = {2020},
   doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-44769-4_10},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {D.2.11 Software Engineering Software Architectures},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {Architectural patterns assist in the process of architectural decision making as they capture architectural aspects of proven solutions. In many cases, the chosen patterns have system-wide implications on non-functional requirements such as availability, performance, and resilience. Ensuring compliance with the selected patterns is of vital importance to avoid architectural drift between the implementation and its desired architecture. Most of the patterns not only capture structural but also significant behavioral architectural aspects that need to be checked. In case all properties of the system are known before runtime, static compliance checks of application code and configuration files might be sufficient. However, in case aspects of the system dynamically evolve, e.g., due to manual reconfiguration, compliance with the architectural patterns also needs to be monitored during runtime. In this paper, we propose to link compliance rules to architectural patterns that specify behavioral aspects of the patterns based on runtime events using stream queries. These queries serve as input for a complex event processing component to automatically monitor architecture compliance of a running system. To validate the practical feasibility, we applied the approach to a set of architectural patterns in the domain of distributed systems and prototypically implemented a compliance monitor.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2020-34&engl=1}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2019-40,
   author = {Karoline Saatkamp and Christoph Krieger and Frank Leymann and Julian Sudendorf and Michael Wurster},
   title = {{Application Threat Modeling and Automated VNF Selection for Mitigation using TOSCA}},
   booktitle = {2019 International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys)},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {1--6},
   type = {Workshop Paper},
   month = {October},
   year = {2019},
   isbn = {10.1109/NetSys.2019.8854524},
   keywords = {Threat Modeling; VNF; STRIDE; TOSCA},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {D.2.2 Software Engineering Design Tools and Techniques},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {In the era of Internet of Things (IoT) the interconnectedness of devices, and thus the need to protect them against threats increased. The widely used threat modeling method STRIDE can be used to identify the system's vulnerabilities and to determine appropriate mitigation solutions. In connected environments, especially the network layer plays a critical role in achieving security. Based on the Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) concept, network functions can be virtualized and provisioned on standard IT hardware. Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) increase the flexibility of the provisioning, and thus security network functions, such as firewalls, can be easily deployed. However, in a complex distributed system it is time-consuming, error-prone, and for application architects even not possible to identify and provision the required security functions. For the orchestration and management of applications the TOSCA modeling language can be used to describe the application's components and their relations in a deployment model. The standard was mainly developed for cloud applications but was extended to the network layer. In this paper, we present a TOSCA-based approach for threat modeling based on STRIDE that facilitates the automated VNF selection and injection into TOSCA deployment models. The feasibility of our approach is validated by an extension of the TOSCA modeling tool Winery.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2019-40&engl=1}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2019-30,
   author = {Amirali Amiri and Christoph Krieger and Uwe Zdun and Frank Leymann},
   title = {{Dynamic Data Routing Decisions for Compliant Data Handling in Service- and Cloud-Based Architectures: A Performance Analysis}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC)},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {215--219},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {July},
   year = {2019},
   doi = {10.1109/SCC.2019.00044},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {C.2.4 Distributed Systems,     D.2.11 Software Engineering Software Architectures},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {In many service-based applications, decisions about data routing need to be made at runtime, for instance to ensure compliant data handling. Different service-and cloud-based architectures to make dynamic data routing decisions exist including central entities, multiple dedicated dynamic router services, or using a sidecar for each involved service. These archi-tectures differ in various quality attributes including complexity, understandability, and changeability of the decision logic. Choosing the wrong architecture for decision-making at runtime may severely impact the performance of the software system. In this paper, we have evaluated the performance of three representative approaches for processing compliance rules concerned with data routing in service-and cloud-based architectures. The results show that distributed approaches for dynamic data routing have a better performance compared to centralized solutions. On the other hand, centralized solutions are easier to understand and change, but this strongly depends on the domain problem.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2019-30&engl=1}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2018-49,
   author = {Lukas Harzenetter and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Michael Falkenthal and Jasmin Guth and Christoph Krieger and Frank Leymann},
   title = {{Pattern-based Deployment Models and Their Automatic Execution}},
   booktitle = {11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2018)},
   publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {41--52},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {December},
   year = {2018},
   doi = {10.1109/UCC.2018.00013},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {D.2.9 Software Engineering Management},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {The automated deployment of cloud applications is of vital importance. Therefore, several deployment automation technologies have been developed that enable automatically deploying applications by processing so-called deployment models, which describe the components and relationships an application consists of. However, the creation of such deployment models requires considerable expertise about the technologies and cloud providers used—especially for the technical realization of conceptual architectural decisions. Moreover, deployment models have to be adapted manually if architectural decisions change or technologies need to be replaced, which is time-consuming, error-prone, and requires even more expertise. In this paper, we tackle this issue. We introduce a meta-model for Pattern-based Deployment Models, which enables using cloud patterns as generic, vendor-, and technology-agnostic modeling elements directly in deployment models. Thus, instead of specifying concrete technologies, providers, and their configurations, our approach enables modeling only the abstract concepts represented by patterns that must be adhered to during the deployment. Moreover, we present how these models can be automatically refined to executable deployment models. To validate the practical feasibility of our approach, we present a prototype based on the TOSCA standard and a case study.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2018-49&engl=1}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2018-42,
   author = {Christoph Krieger and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and K{\'a}lm{\'a}n K{\'e}pes and Frank Leymann},
   title = {{An Approach to Automatically Check the Compliance of Declarative Deployment Models}},
   booktitle = {Papers from the 12th Advanced Summer School on Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSoC 2018)},
   publisher = {IBM Research Division},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {76--89},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {October},
   year = {2018},
   keywords = {Cloud Computing; Compliance; Deployment Modeling},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {D.2.2 Software Engineering Design Tools and Techniques,     D.2.3 Software Engineering Coding Tools and Techniques},
   contact = {Christoph Krieger christoph.krieger@iaas.uni-stuttgart.de},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {The automation of application deployment has evolved into one of the most important issues in modern enterprise IT. Therefore, many deployment systems have been developed that process deployment models for automating the installation of systems. Creating such deployment models becomes more and more complex as compliance plays an increasingly important role. Not only external laws and regulations must be considered, but also a company’s internal requirements must be fulfilled. However, this is a very complex challenge for the modelers as they require a firm knowledge of all the compliance rules that must be observed. As a result, this often leads to deployment models that violate compliance rules due to manual modeling mistakes or because of unawareness. In this paper, we introduce an approach that enables modeling of reusable Deployment Compliance Rules that can be executed automatically to check such regulations in declarative deployment models at design time. We validate our approach with a prototype based on the TOSCA standard and the OpenTOSCA ecosystem.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2018-42&engl=1}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2018-32,
   author = {Michael Zimmermann and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Christoph Krieger and Frank Leymann},
   title = {{Deployment Enforcement Rules for TOSCA-based Applications}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of The Twelfth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE 2018)},
   editor = {Georg Yee and Stefan Rass and Stefan Schauer and Martin Latzenhofer},
   publisher = {Xpert Publishing Services},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {114--121},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {September},
   year = {2018},
   isbn = {9781612086613},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {D.2.11 Software Engineering Software Architectures,     D.4.6 Operating Systems Security and Protection},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {In the context of Industry 4.0, gathering sensor dataand using data analysis software can lead to actionable insights,for example, enabling predictive maintenance. Since developingthese data analysis software requires some special expert knowl-edge, often external data scientist are charged for that. However,often the data to be analyzed is of vital importance and thus,must not leave the company. Therefore, applications developedand modeled as deployment models by third-parties have tobe enforced to be executed in the local company’s network.However, manually adapting a lot of these deployment modelsin order to meet the company’s requirements is cumbersome,time consuming and error-prone. Furthermore, some kind ofenforcement mechanism is required to really ensure that thesedata security and privacy requirements are fulfilled. Thus, in thispaper, we present an approach considering these issues duringthe deployment time of the application. The presented approachis based on the Topology and Orchestration Specification forCloud Applications (TOSCA), an OASIS standard enabling thedescription of cloud applications as well as their deployment. Theapproach enables the specification as well as the enforcement ofreoccurring and generic requirements and restrictions of TOSCA-based declarative deployment models, without the need to adaptor modify these deployment models. The practical feasibilityof the presented approach is validated by extending our open-source prototype OpenTOSCA, which provides a modeling tool,a TOSCA Runtime, as well as a self-service portal for TOSCA.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=INPROC-2018-32&engl=1}
@article {ART-2019-17,
   author = {Michael Wurster and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Michael Falkenthal and Christoph Krieger and Frank Leymann and Karoline Saatkamp and Jacopo Soldani},
   title = {{The Essential Deployment Metamodel: A Systematic Review of Deployment Automation Technologies}},
   journal = {SICS Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems},
   publisher = {Springer},
   type = {Article in Journal},
   month = {August},
   year = {2019},
   doi = {10.1007/s00450-019-00412-x},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {C.0 Computer Systems Organization, General,     C.2.4 Distributed Systems,     D.1 Programming Techniques,     D.2 Software Engineering},
   contact = {Michael Wurster wurster@iaas.uni-stuttgart.de},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {In recent years, a plethora of deployment technologies evolved, many following a declarative approach to automate the delivery of software components. Even if such technologies share the same purpose, they differ in features and supported mechanisms. Thus, it is difficult to compare and select deployment automation technologies as well as to migrate from one technology to another. Hence, we present a systematic review of declarative deployment technologies and introduce the essential deployment metamodel (EDMM) by extracting the essential parts that are supported by all these technologies. Thereby, the EDMM enables a common understanding of declarative deployment models by facilitating the comparison, selection, and migration of technologies. Moreover, it provides a technology-independent baseline for further deployment automation research.},
   url = {http://www2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/cgi-bin/NCSTRL/NCSTRL_view.pl?id=ART-2019-17&engl=1}