G. Mathematics of Computing
- G.1.0 General
- Computer arithmetic
- Conditioning (and ill-conditioning) (revised 1998)
- Error analysis
- Interval arithmetic (new)
- Multiple precision arithmetic (new)
- Numerical algorithms
- Parallel algorithms
- Stability (and instability)
- G.1.1 Interpolation
(see also I.3.5,
- Difference formulas (retired since 1998)
- Extrapolation
- Interpolation formulas
- Smoothing
- Spline and piecewise polynomial interpolation
- G.1.2 Approximation
- Approximation of surfaces and contours (new)
- Chebyshev approximation and theory
- Elementary function approximation
- Fast Fourier transforms (FFT) (new)
- Least squares approximation
- Linear approximation
- Minimax approximation and algorithms
- Nonlinear approximation
- Rational approximation
- Special function approximations (new)
- Spline and piecewise polynomial approximation
- Wavelets and fractals (new)
- G.1.3 Numerical Linear Algebra
- Conditioning
- Determinants (retired since 1998)
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (direct and iterative methods) (revised 1998)
- Error analysis
- Linear systems (direct and iterative methods)
- Matrix inversion
- Pseudoinverses (retired since 1998)
- Singular value decomposition (new)
- Sparse, structured, and very large systems (direct and iterative methods) (revised 1998)
- G.1.4 Quadrature and Numerical Differentiation
(see also F.2.1)
- Adaptive and iterative quadrature (revised 1998)
- Automatic differentiation (new)
- Equal interval integration (retired since 1998)
- Error analysis
- Finite difference methods
- Gaussian quadrature
- Iterative methods
- Multidimensional (multiple) quadrature (revised 1998)
- G.1.5 Roots of Nonlinear Equations
- Continuation (homotopy) methods (new)
- Convergence
- Error analysis
- Iterative methods
- Polynomials, methods for
- Systems of equations
- G.1.6 Optimization
- Constrained optimization
- Convex programming (new)
- Global optimization (new)
- Gradient methods
- Integer programming
- Least squares methods
- Linear programming
- Nonlinear programming
- Quadratic programming methods (new)
- Simulated annealing (new)
- Stochastic programming (new)
- Unconstrained optimization (new)
- G.1.7 Ordinary Differential Equations
- Boundary value problems
- Chaotic systems (new)
- Convergence and stability
- Differential-algebraic equations (new)
- Error analysis
- Finite difference methods (new)
- Initial value problems
- Multistep and multivalue methods (revised 1998)
- One-step (single step) methods (revised 1998)
- Stiff equations
- G.1.8 Partial Differential Equations
- Domain decomposition methods (new)
- Elliptic equations
- Finite difference methods (revised 1998)
- Finite element methods
- Finite volume methods (new)
- Hyperbolic equations
- Inverse problems (new)
- Iterative solution techniques (new)
- Method of lines
- Multigrid and multilevel methods (new)
- Parabolic equations
- Spectral methods (new)
- G.1.9 Integral Equations
- Delay equations (new)
- Fredholm equations
- Integro-differential equations
- Volterra equations
- G.1.10 Applications (new)
- G.1.m Miscellaneous
- G.2.0 General
- G.2.1 Combinatorics
(see also F.2.2)
- Combinatorial algorithms
- Counting problems
- Generating functions
- Permutations and combinations
- Recurrences and difference equations
- G.2.2 Graph Theory
(see also F.2.2)
- Graph algorithms
- Graph labeling (new)
- Hypergraphs (new)
- Network problems
- Path and circuit problems
- Trees
- G.2.3 Applications (new)
- G.2.m Miscellaneous
- Contingency table analysis (new)
- Correlation and regression analysis (new)
- Distribution functions (new)
- Experimental design (new)
- Markov processes (new)
- Multivariate statistics (new)
- Nonparametric statistics (new)
- Probabilistic algorithms (including Monte Carlo)
- Queueing theory (new)
- Random number generation
- Reliability and life testing (new)
- Renewal theory (new)
- Robust regression (new)
- Statistical computing
- Statistical software
- Stochastic processes (new)
- Survival analysis (new)
- Time series analysis (new)
- Algorithm design and analysis (revised 1998)
- Certification and testing
- Documentation (new)
- Efficiency
- Parallel and vector implementations (new)
- Portability (retired since 1998)
- Reliability and robustness
- User interfaces (new)
- Verification (retired since 1998)
- Queueing theory (retired since 1998)