Master Thesis MSTR-3413

BibliographyMegally, Mirna: Information Extraction from Social Media for Route Planning.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Master Thesis No. 3413 (2012).
93 pages, english.
CR-SchemaI.2.7 (Natural Language Processing)

Micro-blogging is an emerging form of communication and became very popular in recent years. Micro-blogging services allow users to publish updates as short text messages that are broadcast to the followers of users in real-time. Twitter is currently the most popular micro-blogging service. It is a rich and real-time information source and a good way to discover interesting content or to follow recent developments. Additionally, the updates published on Twitter public timeline can be retrieved through their API. A significant amount of tra!cinformation exists on Twitter platform. Twitter users tweet when they are in tra!c about accidents, road closures or road construction. With this in mind, this paper presents a system that extracts tra!c information from Twitter to be used in route planning. Route planning is of increasing importance as societies try to reduce their energy consumption. Furthermore, route planning is concerned with two types of constraints: sta-ble, such as distance between two points and temporary such as weather conditions, tra!c jams or road construction. Our system attempt to extract these temporary constraints from Twitter. We train Naive bayes, Maxent and SVM classifiers to filter non relevant tra!c. We then apply NER on tra!ctweetsto extract locations, highwaysand directions. These extracted locations are then geocoded and used in route planning to avoid routes with tra!c jams.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Formal Methods in Computer Science, Theoretical Computer Science
Superviser(s)Schütze Hinrich; Kessler Wiltrud
Entry dateMarch 21, 2013
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