Technical Report TR-2013-07

BibliographyKufleitner, Manfred; Lauser, Alexander: Nesting Negations in FO^2 over Finite Words.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Technical Report Computer Science No. 2013/07.
19 pages, english.
CR-SchemaF.4.1 (Mathematical Logic)
F.4.3 (Formal Languages)
Keywordsregular language; finite monoid; positive variety; first-order logic

We consider the fragment Sigma^2_m of two-variable first-order logic FO^2[<] over finite words which is defined by restricting the nesting depth of negations to at most m. Our first result is a combinatorial characterization of Sigma^2_m in terms of so-called rankers. This generalizes a result by Weis and Immerman which we recover as an immediate consequence.

Our second result is an effective algebraic characterization of Sigma^2_m, i.e., for every integer m one can decide whether a given regular language is definable by a two-variable first-order formula with negation nesting depth at most m. More precisely, for every m we give omega-terms U_m and V_m such that an FO^2-definable language is in Sigma^2_m if and only if its ordered syntactic monoid satisfies the identity U_m \leq V_m.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Formal Methods in Computer Science, Theoretical Computer Science
Entry dateSeptember 19, 2013
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