

Evolutionary Computation

This bibliography is part of the EC Repository and is maintained by Karsten Weicker and Nicole Weicker. Currently more than 4000 entries on evolutionary computation and related areas (e.g. biology, artificial life, soft computing) are contained. This bibliography is also a part of externer LinkThe Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies.

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The complete bibliography can be downloaded: publicea.bib [approx. 1.4M]. As far as we know it is the most extensive downloadable bibliography on evolutionary computation.

Submit references

If you are convinced that one of your very important publications is missing, feel free to send a copy of your work along with full reference information to us - preferably as hardcopy (Karsten Weicker, Institute of Computer Science, University of Stuttgart, Breitwiesenstr. 20-22, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany), otherwise as electronic copy (


If you discover an error in one of the references (misspelling, missing page numbers, etc.) please inform us at

Other bibliographies

Other useful bibliographies on evolutionary computation are:

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Last modified: Wed May 7 11:42:09 CEST 2003