What is the Model-Checking Kit?
The Model-Checking Kit is a collection of programs which allow to
model a finite-state system using a variety of modelling languages, and verify it using a variety of
checkers, including deadlock-checkers,
reachability-checkers, and model-checkers for the temporal logics
CTL and LTL.
The most interesting feature of the Kit is that
Independently of the description language chosen by the user,
(almost) all checkers can be applied to the same model.
The counterexamples produced by the checker are presented to
the user in terms of the description language used to model the system.
The Kit is an open system, and we expect that new description languages
and checkers will be added in future. The current version of the Kit allows the user to model with:
- Automata communicating through shared variables and/or through channels.
- (1-safe Place/Transition) Petri nets.
The checkers make use of state-of-the-art techniques to
palliate the state-explosion problem, including:
- Clever explicit construction of the state space.
- Construction of a compact representation of the state space.
- Binary Decision Diagrams.
- Unfoldings.
- Construction of a reduced state space.
The description languages and the checkers have been provided by research
groups at the Carnegie-Mellon University,
the University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Helsinki University of Technology,
Bell Labs,
the Brandenburg Technical University at Cottbus,
the Technical University of Munich,
the University of Stuttgart,
and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
The Kit works as follows. Once it has been
you can model a
system in one of the available modelling languages, and store it in a textfile system.txt .
To check deadlock-freedom, you type
check ml:dc system.txt
where ml is one of the available modelling languages, and dc is one of the available deadlock-checkers. The Kit returns a deadlocking execution sequence if there is any.
To check if there is a reachable state satisfying a simple property, formalise the property in the state description language (more precisely, in the dialect of the state description language matching the
modelling language of your choice) and store it in a textfile property.txt . Then type
check ml:rc system.txt property.txt
where rc is one of the available reachability-checkers. The Kit returns an execution sequence leading to a state satisfying the property if there is any.
To check a temporal property, formalise it in CTL or
LTL (more precisely, in the dialect of CTL or LTL
matching the modelling language of your choice) and store it in a textfile property.txt . Then type
check ml:mc system.txt property.txt
where mc is one of the available model-checkers. (The model-checker should correspond to your choice of temporal property.) The Kit returns an execution sequence violating the property if there is any.
That's it. If you want to see how this looks when applied to an example
(Dekker's mutual exclusion algorithm), visit A sample session.
Research on automatic verification has shown that no single model-checking
technique has the edge over all others in any application area.
Moreover, it is very difficult to determine a priori which technique is the
most suitable for a given model. It is thus sensible to apply
different techniques to the same model. However, this is a very tedious
and time-consuming task, since each algorithm uses its own
description language. The Kit has been designed to
provide a solution to this problem in an academic setting, with
potential applications to industrial settings.
The Model-Checking Kit has been
- primarily designed to be used
by students in lab courses on automatic verification. Instructors
cannot spend much time introducing the description languages of
different tools, and students are unwilling to spend much time learning
to use (often poorly documented) user interfaces.
- secondarily designed to help researchers to compare different model-checking techniques. Notice however that the verification times
cannot be taken at face value, since the different checkers have been
designed to work with different modelling languages. Still,
we think that a comparison using the Kit can provide interesting
The Kit has been designed to be:
- Easy-to-use and easy-to-install
Our experiments with beta-testers show that a moderately skilled
user can install the tool and verify the first property of
a small system within half an hour.
- Portable
All the programs of the Kit are written in plain C. The source code of the Glue, the program holding the parts of the Kit together,
can be found here.
The source code of some of the Kit's checkers is also available.
- Open
The Kit is an open library.
Special care has been taken to make it modular.
It is very easy to add new description languages
or checkers, and to replace old versions
by new ones. If you are interested in contributing to the Kit, see Making additions. We'll help
you to solve the technical problems.
In order to increase portability we do not offer any graphical interface: The
Kit communicates with the user only through textfiles.
The Kit doesn't offer much help for checking that the model was correctly
typed, and no help at all for many important steps of the
design cycle, like for instance version maintenance.
Many of the Kit's checkers have been optimised for a particular
modelling language, and translations can lead to losses
in performance. Therefore, performance comparisons must always
be taken with a grain of salt.
The current version of the Kit contains the following
modelling languages (the keywords used by the Kit are in boldface).
- apnn. (Abstract Petri Net Notation.)
A language for
the description of different classes of Petri nets. Keywords
are similar to LaTeX commands. An introduction to this language (postcript-file)
can be found here.
- bpn2. (B(PN)2 - Basic Petri Net Notation)
A structured parallel programming language, offering among others loops,
blocks and procedures.
- cfa. (Communicating Finite Automata).
A language for the description of finite automata
communicating through shared variables or through channels of
finite length. cfa offers very flexible communication mechanisms. It is one of the modelling languages of the PEP tool.
- if. (Interchange Format).
A language proposed in order to model asynchronous communicating real-time
- pep. (Low level PEP notation.)
A low level language, to be used by machines. It is included in this list
only because some tools can export models in this language.
- senil. (Simple Extensible Net Input Language.)
Another language for the description of 1-safe Place/Transition
Petri nets. Suitable for small nets having at most
some dozens of nodes, but not for larger projects. Designed to be used by students.
WARNING: The current version of the Kit can only work with 1-safe Petri nets (nets in which every reachable marking puts at most one token in a place).
The net languages apnn, pep, and
senil have to be used with care: if the input is a
syntactically correct but not 1-safe net,
the Kit doesn't protest, and may return nonsensical results. It is the user's
responsibility to check that the input is indeed 1-safe.
The following languages may be added to the Kit in the future:
The current version of the Kit contains the following checkers
(the keywords used by the Kit are in boldface):
CLP is a linear programming model checker. It uses a finite complete prefix of
a Petri net and can check deadlock freeness, reachability or coverability of a
marking, or performs an extended reachability analysis, i.e. checks if there
exists a marking satisfying the given predicate. CLP is distributed by the
School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
CLP contributes to the Kit:
- A deadlock-checker: clp-dl.
DSSZ is distributed by the Data Structures and Software Dependability Group of
the Brandenburg Technical University at Cottbus. The package contains
symbolic model checkers for safe (1-bounded) Petri nets using ZBDDs
(Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams).
DSSZ contributes to the Kit:
- A CTL-checker: dssz-ctl.
- A model-checker for LTL: dssz-ltl.
These checkers were integrated by
Alexey Tovchigrechko.
LoLA: LoLA is an explicit state space verification tool featuring partial
order reduction (stubborn sets), the symmetry method, the sweep-line method,
and several other reduction techniques. It has specialised versions of partial
order reduction for many small classes of properties. LoLA is distributed by
the Theory of Programming group at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
LoLA contributes to the Kit:
- A CTL checker: lola-ctl.
- A deadlock checker: lola-dl.
- A reachability checker: lola-reach.
In fact, the deadlock and reachability checkers come in five different
flavours. See the file doc/lola/loladoku.txt in your
downloaded package to learn more. These checkers were integrated by
Karsten Schmidt.
- Mcsmodels. The tool mcsmodels is a model checker for finite complete prefixes (i.e. net unfoldings). It currently uses the PEP tool to generate the prefixes. These prefixes are then translated into logic programs with stable model semantics, and the integrated smodels solver is used to solve the generated problems. Mcsmodels is distributed by the Formal Methods and Logic Groups
of the Laboratory for Theoretical Computer Science at the
Helsinki University of Technology.
Mcsmodels contributes to the Kit:
- A deadlock-checker: mcs-dl.
- A reachability-checker: mcs-reach.
- PEP. The PEP tool (Programming Environment based on Petri nets)
is a programming and verification environment for parallel programs written in B(PN)2 (Basic Petri Net Programming Notation), a powerful parallel, imperative programming language. B(PN)2 has a
formal Petri net semantics. Programs can be formally
analysed using verification techniques based on the unfolding
technique. PEP is distributed by the Theory group
(subgroup Parallel Systems) of the University of Oldenburg.
PEP contributes to the Kit:
- A deadlock-checker: pep-dl.
- A reachability-checker: pep-reach.
- A model-checker for the next-free fragment of LTL: pep-ltl.
Remark: Currently the reachability-checker and the LTL-model-checker are not
integrated in the PEP tool, but they are based on the same techniques
like the algorithms integrated in PEP.
PROD is an advanced tool for efficient reachability analysis.
It implements different advanced reachability techniques for
palliating the state explosion problem, including partial-order
techniques like stubborn sets and
sleep sets, and techniques exploiting symmetries. PROD is distributed by the Formal Methods Group
of the Laboratory for Theoretical Computer Science at the
Helsinki University of Technology.
PROD contributes to the Kit:
- A deadlock-checker: prod-dl.
- A reachability-checker: prod-reach.
- A model-checker for the next-free fragment of LTL: prod-ltl.
- A CTL model-checker: prod-ctl.
- SMV. The SMV system is a tool for checking finite
state systems against specifications in the temporal logic CTL. The
input language of SMV is designed to allow the description
of finite state systems that range from completely synchronous to
completely asynchronous, and from the detailed to the abstract.
SMV contributes to the Kit:
- A CTL model-checker: smv-ctl.
- A deadlock-checker: smv-dl.
Spin is a widely distributed software package that supports the formal
verification of distributed systems.
Spin can be used as a full LTL model checking system, supporting all
correctness requirements expressible in linear time temporal logic, but it can
also be used as an efficient on-the-fly verifier for more basic safety and
liveness properties. Many of the latter properties can be expressed,
and verified, without the use of LTL.
SPIN contributes to the Kit:
- A model-checker for the next-free fragment of LTL:
This checker was integrated by Ming Juan Qin.
- A reachability checker:
- Deadlock-checkers.
- prod-dl, smv-dl, mcs-dl, pep-dl, clp-dl, lola-dl.
- Reachability-checkers.
- mcs-reach, pep-reach,
lola-reach, spin-reach.
- Model-checkers.
- CTL model-checkers: lola-ctl, prod-ctl, smv-ctl, dssz-ctl.
- LTL model-checkers: prod-ltl, pep-ltl,
spin-ltl, dssz-ltl.
- Explicit construction of the state space.
This is the classical technique, and still the most adequate in
many cases when the state explosion problem is not very acute.
The Kit's checkers based on this technique are:
- prod-ctl, spin-ltl,
- Stubborn set techniques.
The stubborn set technique exploits information about the
concurrency of actions to avoid constructing part of the state space.
The states that are removed depend on the property to be checked.
Stubborn sets were introduced by Antti Valmari in a number
of papers.
The Kit's checkers based on the stubborn set technique are:
- prod-dl, prod-reach,
- lola-dl, lola-reach,
- Symbolic techniques
Symbolic techniques are used to succintly represent large
(even infinite) set of states. Many different mathematical
devices can be used. The most popular are
Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), a data structure for boolean
functions. BDDs can reach spectacular compactification
ratios when the state space has a very regular structure.
The Kit's checkers based on BDDs are:
- smv-dl, smv-ctl,
dssz-ctl, dssz-ltl.
- Unfolding techniques.
The unfolding technique has been called ``the only truly partial-order technique''. A partial-order semantics
of the system (an unfolding) is explicitely constructed and stored. The unfolding contains information not only on the reachability relation, but
also on causality and concurrency. However, the checkers of the Kit
do not use this extra information; they just exploit the fact that the
reachability relation of concurrent systems is represented
by the unfolding in a very compact way. The technique is thus adequate for systems exhibiting a high degree of concurrency.
The unfolding technique was first described by Ken McMillan
in his Ph.D. Thesis. An introduction to the technique can be found
including a complete bibliography.
The Kit's checkers based on the unfolding technique are:
- mcs-dl, pep-dl, clp-dl, mcs-reach, pep-reach, pep-ltl.
The pep and mcsmodels checkers differ in the methods
used to extract information once the unfolding has been constructed.
PEP's checkers use graph-theoretic algorithms and linear programming,
while mcsmodels-checkers use logic programming with stable model semantics.
The Kit is held together by a program
called the Glue. Given a system and a property modelled in one of the
description languages supported by the Kit, the Glue
- Translates them into a 1-safe Petri net and a property of the net, described both in a common internal representation language.
- Translates the net and the property into input for the
target model checker.
- Collects the output of the checker and translates it back into the original
description language.
Why 1-safe Petri nets as internal representation?
1-safe Petri nets have been chosen for the following reasons:
- They are a very simple model with nearly no variants.
- They are a low level, unstructured model, which can simulate different communication disciplines, both synchronous and asynchronous.
- They have a very simple notion of ``independent actions'',
and are so a very adequate model for partial-order
model-checking techniques.
- They have a very simple notion of state (a vector of booleans),
which makes them also very adequate for symbolic methods.
These properties make 1-safe Petri nets a good ``assembler language'' for concurrent systems.
If you have any problems, questions or comments with regard to the Kit, please
send an email to
Next chapter: News