Here we give an overview of the Kit's use. For that purpose the
comments are structured into the following parts:
The main program of the Kit is called
check .
Calling the program without arguments will display the usage
(reproduced below).
check -- main program of The Model Checking Kit
Usage: check [options] <input>:<checker> <modelfile> <formulafile>
or: check -r <name> [options] <checker> <formulafile>
-s <name> save intermediate results under <name>
-r <name> resume from intermediate results saved under <name>
-t <dir> place temporary files in <dir> (default is '.')
-o <opt> specify options to pass to checker
-v run in verbose mode
Available input formats:
cfa concurrent finite automata
bpn2 B(PN)^2 language
if IF language
pep PEP low level net format
senil SENIL net format
apnn APNN net format
Available algorithms:
CTL : prod-ctl, smv-ctl, dssz-ctl, lola-ctl
LTL : prod-ltl, pep-ltl, spin-ltl, dssz-ltl
Deadlock : prod-dl, smv-dl, pep-dl, mcs-dl, clp-dl, lola-dl
Reachability: prod-reach, pep-reach, mcs-reach, spin-reach, lola-reach
Version 1.3.0 (17.03.2004)
- Usage:
For a correct program call one has to type:
check [options] <input>:<checker> <modelfile>
- The options are explained here.
is a place holder for one
of the available modelling languages and should be replaced by one of
bpn2 , cfa , if ,
pep ,
senil , or apnn .
Note: <input> may be omitted; in this case check
guesses the input language by looking at the <modelfile> 's
extension (which should be .bpn2 , .cfa ,
.if ,
.ll_net , .senil , or .apnn ,
in the order of the languages mentioned above).
You are free to use arbitrary extensions, but then you'll have to specify
the language explicitly.
<checker> should be replaced by one of the
available algorithms, e.g. prod-dl ,
pep-reach ,
smv-ctl , or
dssz-ltl (see above for the full list).
<modelfile> is the name of the file containing the
system specification.
<formulafile> is the name of the file containing the
formula that is to be checked.
- Options:
-s <name>
Temporary files representing intermediate results will be saved in a
tar archive mckit_save_<name>.tar. There are some algorithms
which profit from the reuse of intermediate results. For example, if one uses
a method based on the unfolding technique for verifying many properties on the
same system, it is sensible to calculate the unfolding only once and not
for every property over and over again.
So the unfolding can be saved with this option for reuse
(see option -r ).
See here for an example.
-r <name>
With this option one can reuse intermediate results saved before with option
-s <name> . This is sensible
if one wants to check many properties on the same
system. Then the translation from the modelling language into the correct
input format for the checker should be done only once and not for every
property over and over again. When using this option one should omit the
modelling language and the modelfile. Then the correct program call is:
check -r <name> [options] <checker>
One can choose all those checkers taking advantage from the files saved in
See here for an example.
-o <opt>
Many model checkers allow to influence their behaviour
with a variety of options. The Kit uses every tool
with a general-purpose set of options recommended by the authors,
which is usually fine for educational purposes. Expert users of the Kit,
however, may want to use the full power of the tools.
The Kit passes the value of <opt> on in the call to
the chosen model-checker, and its meaning depends on that tool.
-t <dir>
Temporary files will be placed in the directory <dir> .
The program outputs additional information.
- Modelling languages:
- APNN (Abstract Petri Net Notation)
A language for the description of different classes of Petri nets. Keywords
are similar to LaTeX commands.
- B(PN)2 (Basic Petri Net Programming Notation)
A structured parallel programming language, offering among others loops,
blocks and procedures.
- CFA (Communicating Finite Automata)
A language for the description of finite automata communicating through shared
variables or channels of finite length. CFA offers very flexible communication
mechanisms. It is one of the modelling languages of the PEP tool.
- IF (Interchange Format)
A language proposed in order to model asynchronous communicating real-time
- PEP (Low level PEP notation)
A low level language, to be used by machines. It is included in this list only
because some tools can export models in this language.
- SENIL (Simple Extensible Net Input Language)
Another language for the description of 1-safe Place/Transition Petri
nets. Suitable for small nets having at most some dozens of nodes, but not for
larger projects. Designed to be used by students.
- Algorithms:
The available algorithms are structured in four classes:
(A short introduction to each method is given
- Checking deadlock-freeness:
- mcs-dl
(Unfolding techniques) |
- pep-dl
(Unfolding techniques) |
- prod-dl
(Stubborn set techniques) |
- smv-dl
(Symbolic techniques) |
- clp-dl
(Unfolding techniques) |
- Checking reachability properties (state formulae):
- mcs-reach
(Unfolding techniques) |
- pep-reach
(Unfolding techniques) |
- prod-reach
(Stubborn set techniques) |
- Checking CTL-formulae:
- prod-ctl
(Explicit construction of the state space) |
- smv-ctl
(Symbolic techniques) |
- dssz-ctl
(Symbolic techniques) |
- Checking LTL-formulae:
- pep-ltl
(Unfolding techniques) |
- prod-ltl
(Stubborn set techniques) |
- spin-ltl
(Explicit construction of the state space) |
- dssz-ltl
(Symbolic techniques) |
The Kit offers several algorithms for checking deadlock-freeness of a system.
It returns YES if the system is deadlock-free. Otherwise the Kit returns a
deadlocking execution sequence interpreted in the dialect of the
corresponding modelling language.
When checking a system for deadlock-freeness, no formula file is needed
and so one must omit it.
- Usage:
check [options] <input>:<dl-checker> <modelfile>
- The options are explained here.
is a place holder for one
of the available modelling languages and should be replaced by
bpn2 ,
cfa , if ,
pep , senil ,
or apnn .
<dl-checker> should be replaced by one of the
available algorithms for checking deadlock-freeness,
namely prod-dl ,
smv-dl , pep-dl ,
mcs-dl , or clp-dl .
<modelfile> is the name of the file that contains the
system specification.
- Example:
check senil:pep-dl
The following output should be printed on your screen:
Time needed: 0.020000 seconds
Result: YES.
For more details see here.
The Kit offers several algorithms for checking reachability properties
specified as state formulae. State formulae are
propositional logic formulae consisting of atomic propositions and logical
Generally speaking, one is interested in the question if there exists an
execution sequence leading to a global system state which satisfies a given
property. In this case the Kit returns YES and displays an execution sequence
leading to such a global state in terms of the modelling language.
Otherwise the Kit outputs NO.
- Usage:
check [options] <input>:<rc-checker> <modelfile>
- The options are explained here.
is a place holder for one
of the available modelling languages and should be replaced by
bpn2 ,
cfa ,
if , pep , senil ,
or apnn .
<rc-checker> should be replaced by one of the
available algorithms for checking reachability properties, namely
prod-reach ,
pep-reach , or mcs-reach .
<modelfile> is the name of the file containing the
system specification.
<formulafile> is the name of the file containing the
state formula to be checked.
- Example:
check senil:pep-reach
The following output should be printed on your screen:
Time needed: 0.110000 seconds
Result: YES.
Witness: "flag1:=1", "flag2=0", "flag2:=1", "flag1:=0"
In this example the specification of Dekker's mutex algorithm is changed in
such a way that the mutex property is violated.
The processes can enter their critical regions at the same time,
and therefore the algorithm returns YES and delivers an execution sequence
leading to a global state that is in violation of the mutex property.
For more details see here.
Safety and liveness properties are expressed in terms of temporal logics like
CTL and LTL.
We support these
because they are the most popular temporal logics, and together
they can express all common safety and liveness properties.
The Kit offers several algorithms for proving properties formulated as CTL or
LTL formulae. It return YES if the property holds. Otherwise the Kit returns
NO and (possibly) outputs a counterexample.
- Usage:
check [options] <input>:<md-checker> <modelfile>
- The options are explained here.
is a place holder for one
of the available modelling languages and should be replaced by
bpn2 ,
cfa ,
if , pep , senil ,
or apnn .
<md-checker> should be replaced by one of the
available model-checkers, that is
prod-ctl ,
smv-ctl ,
dssz-ctl ,
prod-ltl , spin-ltl ,
pep-ltl , or dssz-ltl .
<modelfile> is the name of the file containing the
system specification.
<formulafile> is the name of the file containing the
formula that should be checked.
- Example:
For Dekker's mutex algorithm we have checked whether
process 1 can enter its critical region over and over again. We have
specified this property as a CTL formula.
For more details see here.
Some algorithms can profit from the reuse of intermediate results:
pep-dl , mcs-reach ,
mcs-dl , clp-dl
(using the same intermediate results)
For example, the algorithms pep-dl , mcs-reach
and mcs-dl are all based on the
technique. If someone wants to verify many properties on the same
system with these algorithms, it is reasonable to calculate the unfolding of the
system only once and not for every property or algorithm again.
So the unfolding of the system can be saved, and later it can be reused
for further verification tasks.
Therefore, if someone is interested in verifying many properties on the same
system using one of the methods mentioned above, it is sensible to save the
intermediate results with the -s <name> option.
Then a tar archive named mckit_save_<name>.tar will be
created. For checking more properties on the same system
one can proceed with the intermediate
results using the option -r <name> . This step should
speed up the verification procedure.
Now we show the correct use of both options by an example:
check -s example senil:prod-ctl
The following output should be printed on your screen:
Time needed: 1.200000 seconds
Result: YES.
The intermediate results are saved in the tar file
mckit_save_example.tar. Now we repeat the verification procedure using
these results:
check -r example prod-ctl
The following output should be printed on your screen:
Time needed: 0.010000 seconds
Result: YES.
The verification process has worked much faster, and so one should use the
intermediate results for verifying further formulae with this algorithm.
For example:
When using the option -r one can choose
those algorithms applying the same intermediate results.
Next chapter: Extending the Kit